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Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma) Empty Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma)

Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:40 am
What the hell were they thinking?! Nano had woken up due to some sort of loud banging noise coming from nearby and decided to investigate. Sending out waves of Chakra to sense people every so often, Nano headed towards the commotion. Said commotion led him all the way out to a small isolated area in the training grounds at the water gardens. What he found was completely unexpected, three kids around 15 years old had brought with them a large donkey and were attempting to mount it yelling stuff about jousting something. Nano was at a complete loss for words at this point and was tempted to leave but he knew it was his duty to stand up for donkey rights. He simply couldn't stand for it!

Walking up to the boys with an aura of authority, Nano called out, "What the hell are you doing? Where did you even get that?" To which one of the boys responded, "Mind your own business kid! It's my dad's!" Nano had forgotten that he looked quite a bit younger than them, physically that is, the kids probably had the minds of a potato. This would cause a bit of an issue. Another problem was that Nano could tell that the boy was lying about it being his dad's. He had always been pretty good at determining that sort of thing. He didn't know how exactly but he decided it was just instinct or something.

"It's pretty obvious that your lying. You know it's against the law to touch someone else's ass without their permission." This made the other two boys start laughing but the one he was speaking to stared at him in anger. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing you idiotic piece of crap!" The boy would then start running at Nano, looking to scare him off. Deciding it was his duty to save their ass, Nano would dodge the kid and begin formulating a plan of action. This would be annoying to deal with alone. Hopefully someone else would hear the commotion and come help.

Wc 348
(OOC: Bit of a weird start I know but I was hoping to have a strange meeting lead into me offering to train.)
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma) Empty Re: Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma)

Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:54 am
Aparrently Tenma had a nack for being Invisible today which was cool, for he was at the training grounds that very day, had left the kids alone to play their foolishness, but then he saw a familiar face. Nano the kid he had a very brief interaction with before, was ruining the kids fun, but then someone took it to far.

Before the kid could even make it over to Nano, Tenma had cleared the distance between them, and caught the kid with a knee to the stomach and launched him back towards his friends and the donkey.
"Now now children, go return the ass to where it belongs, and make this a lesson learned of not touching someone elses Ass"

Tenma stood there waiting to see what the next move would be. Being like a dark knight in cloth armor!
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma) Empty Re: Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma)

Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:17 pm
Being rescued by someone vaguely familiar, Tonto or something like that, Nano would look to him in appreciation. While he could have handled the situation quite easily, he was glad that he didn't have to be the mean one to end the conflict with a punch. Either way, it was done and the boy yin question had ran for the hills with his buddies as soon as the punch was thrown. Apparently they had realised they were outmatched. Whether this was due to them being punched or the appearance of an adult figure, Nano would never know.

Once the boys were out of sight, Nano would turn to the man which he had unfortunately forgotten the name of and silently nod his head in appreciation to him. Deciding he should start up a conversation, Nano began to speak, "Thanks for scaring them off, would have been frustrating to deal with otherwise. Apart from being some powerful vigilante saving people's asses, what brings you to this area? Training, a mission, taking in the views or something else? Personally I just came here to see what was causing the noise but now that I'm here I might as well get in some training. Oh, and I'm Nano Gōka if you don't already know."

Wc 211

559 total wc

(Sorry for the wait. Hope you didn't think I was bailing again or something)
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma) Empty Re: Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma)

Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:10 am
Tenma would nod to the kid after he remembered that he was still there, and the introduction being made he would greet himself to the familiar kid, although the placement was vauge as to when or where he met the kid. "Tenma" he would say in response while placing a palm against his chest to indicate he spoke his name.

Ketsueki felt like being of few words, but had to answer the question as not to make Nano feel ignored. "I have been training for something special, but a partner always seems to make it go faster, if you wish to join me" Ketsueki offered out of kindness, also he would not mind the company himself even.

He walked back over to the area of the training grounds he was at, waiting to see if the kid would follow him or not before starting back up his training regiment.
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma) Empty Re: Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma)

Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:21 am
"That'd be great!" Nano would reply to Tenma's offer. He also always seemed to learn quite a lot faster when with another individual so he may as well join him. Following an adult stranger he barely knew into a clearing surrounded by trees with nobody in sight. Not creepy at all. Nano however did not think about that as he thought of any Hoshigakure shinobi to be at least fairly trustworthy. Once he had arrived in the clearing Nano would lean against a conveniently placed tree on the outside of the small area.

Deciding to kick off their training session, Nano would begin to speak, facing towards wherever Tenma happens to be, "If we're going to be training together, it's probably best we knew each other's specialties and elements as well as anything we are aiming to learn on this training session, ya know, in case we can help each other in that area. I specialise in Ninjutsu and use the wind and fire elements."

Nano would then await a response from Tenma before beginning to learn and potentially teach techniques.

Wc 181

Total wc 740

(OOC: take a look at my stats for anything you'd like me to teach you :D)
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma) Empty Re: Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma)

Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:30 am
So the boy followed him after all, that was good, now training would not be so dull for Tenma. Tenma was just about to begin the training regiment when Nano started barking out about knowing each others Specialties and Elements. So he would give a sigh while facing away from the boy, and being silent enough not to be heard by him, and then he would spin around and listen to the boys elements and speciality.

Once the boy had finished Tenma nodded and stated plainly "I am a Ninjutsu Specialist as well, not uncommon due to it being one of the main three specialities of a ninja that are crutial. My elements are Water naturally, and Wind was mostly natural with a bit of training behind it." After a moment of Silence between them, Tenma would then ask.

"So is there anything you may be able to help teach me about wind, as the way you seem to put it , you seem like you know a bit more about it then I do, as I only just learned it." He asked Humbly , he needed any training he could get at this point for his chuunin exams. Knowing little about what it entails or even the possiblity of who it will entail. He just wanted to be ready for a fight, so that he could give it his all.
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma) Empty Re: Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma)

Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:21 am
Hearing that he and Tenma shared at least one element as well as specialty made Nano grin. It would have been boring had they not shared the same skill sets. From the way he put it, Nano figured that wind was Tenma's second element and he was not very well versed in using it. This was a plus in Nano's opinion as it let him teach quite a lot considering Wind was his first element he was born with. Unfortunately he did not have the water element (nor will he ever get it) so he could not show him some tricks for his primary element.

Deciding to start off with the basics, Nano would look towards Tenma before speaking, "If it's okay with you, we'll start off with two basic jutsu which work hand in hand with each other. The wind arrow and the Wind Recurve bow, the former being E ranked and the latter being D ranked. First off, to make the arrow all you need to do is channel your wind Chakra into the air before condensing it into a solid form with your will. Fortunately there's no handseals to make the arrows." Nano would then demonstrate, creating a perfect white arrow on the palm of his hand.

"Once you get that down you can start on the bow. To make the bow, you do the same as the arrow except now you need to do the Boar and Ram handseals to concentrate your Chakra. Oh, and of course you need to imagine it being a bow, not an arrow." Nano would then wait for either a reply from Tenma or for him to start silently practicing the technique. Once Tenma finishes learning the techniques, Nano will give him a thumbs up before waiting for some sort of dialogue.

Wc 301
Total wc 1041
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma) Empty Re: Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma)

Sun Jun 11, 2017 10:02 am
The moment that Tenma heard Wind Arrow, he would immediatly form it in his hands, and then presented it to Nano. "Already learned that one". Like he said he did not know much, but he did know a little bit, and he understood about starting at the basics, but he wondered if Nano knew a great deal or not at this point. Not truly knowing or not about the kid fully yet.

Now as for the bow it seemed to be the same concept execpt a couple of hand seals to make the bow. Easy peasy. He would pop off the hand seals as Nano said the seals, and then holding his arm out a bow formed in his hand made of wind, it looked like the arrow, just as a bow, the concentrated wind actually being visable instead of its normal invisible, due to the chakra infused into the air.

So that when he was done, he thumbs up Nano at the same time Nano did it to him. "Whats Next?" He Inquired at this point and then waited.
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma) Empty Re: Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma)

Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:25 pm
As Tenma learnt the new jutsu with ease, Nano had to quickly think of another wind jutsu he could teach. He had one other E rank which was fairly useful as well as a B rank which he might be able to teach depending on the potency of Tenma's Chakra. First he would teach the E rank, Quiet Footsteps, to get it out of the way then he would move on to the B rank, Flower Scattering Dance, before finally moving on to an A rank, Beast Tearing Palm. Hopefully this would be enough to satisfy Tenma.

Quickly clearing his throat, Nano would begin speaking, "Seeing as you've seemed to get this down faster than I expected, I'll now be teaching you some more advanced techniques. Before that however, I will be teaching you a low ranked but highly useful wind jutsu. While it is only an E ranked jutsu due to its small battle capability, it can be considered extremely useful in times where stealth is necessary.  This jutsu is called the Quiet Footsteps technique and it is used to muffle the sounds of your feet hitting the terrain. To use this jutsu one must do the ram, horse and ox hand seals before channelling wind Chakra to the feet, similar to the tree climbing and water walking exercise. One would then have to manipulate the wind Chakra to create small plates of wind under the feet. This is used to step on instead of the ground, thus silencing any motion." Nano would then demonstrate by doing the 3 handseals before walking around with a slightly glowing white aura underneath his feet.

Once finished explaining, Nano would then decide to get in some training of his own whilst Tenma was off learning the technique. The night before, Nano had been lying in his 'bed' pondering what he could learn next before the upcoming Chunin exams. He had recently done a mission with the other participant and knew of his great speed. This caused worry on Nano's part so he knew what he had to do. There were many ways to physically increase speed but he did not have the time to do it that way. The only way for him to quickly increase his movement speed was to learn a high ranking booster jutsu. Seeing as he was a Ninjutsu specialist he would be much better suited to doing this rather than other things.

Racking his mind for ways to achieve this, Nano remembered a book he had read in the past about wind jutsu. He had found an incredibly useful A ranking jutsu name Wind Rejuvenation which would greatly increase both his speed and Chakra potency. At the time he was at a much lower level of skill and thus knew it was impossible to learn A ranking jutsu so he dismissed it but now that he was capable of learning such a technique, Nano was glad he had a good memory. From what he remembered, all that was required to do the technique was to clap and breath deeply, letting the air oxygenise his blood past what he would normally think was the limit of his lung capacity. Sounds simple enough.

With a loud clap, Nano would take a deep breath and slowly allow air to flow through his body. Eventually feeling a pull from his chest, Nano tried to fight the instinct to stop but was unable to do so, deactivating the technique. A small bit annoyed at his failure, Nano would slap his leg in frustration but would then realise this was an A ranked jutsu. He would have to be an absolute genius to get something like that first try. As he was about to try again, Tenma would (if all goes to plan) be finished with his E ranked jutsu, ready to move on to the B ranked one.

"Now that that's done, we can move up to the stronger jutsu. I'll now teach you a B ranked offensive wind jutsu named Flower Scattering Dance. It basically creates a tornado which you can launch at someone and direct with your hand. First you must do the tiger, hare and dragon handseals before pushing a large amount of wind Chakra to the palm of your hand while slightly heating one half and slightly cooling the other. You must then release the two halves against each other to fight for dominance while also launching the two opposing air heats towards an enemy. This will result in a great horizontal pillar of air being launched wherever you wish. You can even change the trajectory mid-use." Nano would once again give a demonstration, looking towards a tree approximately 35 metres back from them. He would do the three handseals then shoot the tornado out, completely demolishing the tree.

Satisfied, Nano would then leave Tenma to his learning. After all, he needed some time for training himself. Going back to the Wind Rejuvenation technique, Nano would think about it, deciding it was a better idea to go in informed and ready instead of wasting Chakra trying it hundreds of times. The way he saw it, his only problem was reigning in on his reflex to let out the great amount of air during the initial breath. If he could get that down, he should be able to easily finish the jutsu. 

Ready to go at it once again, Nano would clap once more then take a deep breath, completely ignoring the strain on his lungs. After a good 15 seconds of breathing in, Nano could feel the technique take effect. The strain began to dissipate and his skin began to take on a light red hue. Finally letting out the breath, Nano would flex his calf muscles as a test of sorts. He could feel more power in his legs, his wind Chakra empowering them. Running about 10 metres then back, Nano was extremely happy with his achievement. There was no doubt in his mind that this jutsu would prove incredibly useful. Another sensation overwhelming his senses was an ever so slightly pulsing feeling coming from his stomach. He could feel a strong and powerful Chakra flowing in his veins. So as to not waste his energy after already getting the technique battle ready, Nano would abruptly end the use of the new booster before patiently waiting for Tenma to finish, watching for any faults.

Wc 1068
Total wc 2109

(OOC: sorry for going over the two day limit thing, hope I didn't cause any inconveniences. Enjoy :))
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
Tamotsu Kyuketsuki
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Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma) Empty Re: Some fine ass (NK IO Tenma)

Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:25 pm
It would not take long for Tenma to get a hang of this new Jutsu that Nano was showing him, And he was walking around on air disks, this did give him some ideas for jutsu later down the line, but for now, this was pretty cool for him. He would then look up to see Nano going off to do his own thing, so he would play around on the disks, even doing tricks on them and what now, Almost like he could fly at his own control.

Tenma continued to practice this , as well as some of his other techniques, such as the ones hikari had taught him previously including the one Nano taught him earlier with the bow, combining it all, letting his imagination make him a kid again. Shooting arrows at trees via his bow while flipping in the air sideways and backwards and forewards even.

Once Nano seemed to be done, Tenma would get off of the air disks and let them disappear and then he would take a seat, sweating a bit between the physical exertion he just put himself through as well as the chakra he just expended doing all of that, he needed a break, he looked up at Nano and said to him "Give me a bit to recouporate I kinda went overboard a tad with all the fun I was having" he would chuckle slightly as he waited to recharge his batteries as it were.
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