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Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari] Empty Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari]

Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:51 pm
Mission Link

Akemi's face would be creased with nervousness as he received the mission slip from the counter. His nervousness was not for no reason, no way. It was due to the fact that he hadn't done a mission in weeks. His last mission ending with him wimping out, thank the lords that no one would EVER hear about it. Or maybe they would, some people had the insane ability to read minds. What an OP ability to possess, oh the things someone could do with it. Predict someone's next move? Done. Get the entire backstory to anyone? East. More than ever, Akemi now wanted to specialize in Medical next. 

He walked to the mission location, apparently, he was to do it with another person. He gulped nervously, hopefully, it would be Damon to do it with him. If it was someone he didn't know, he probably wouldn't handle it very well. If it was a member of the opposite gender, he gulped even harder this time. Mentally steeling himself for the embarrassment which was surely going to happen. It always happened, the universe just had a habit of making his life an extremely difficult and just a series of embarrassing events, one after the other. But hey, at least his life wasn't ever boring!

He soon arrived at the intended mission location, the city square. Everyone looked like they had a purpose, all caught up in their own little obsolete lives. Still, Akemi did not think himself above these people. He instead thought himself their equal, everyone had their strengths and weaknesses. In their own eyes, they were a 'Main Character' of sorts, but in everyone else's, they were mere 'npcs' doomed to be faceless and devoid of any personality until the hand of God wished it.

Akemi blinked, obviously startled at his sudden deep chain of thought and sat down on a bench, he was positive that his partner had received some kind of basic description of Akemi, so he wasn't that worried about the person finding him. Not to forget about his higher-than-normal civilian Chakra levels. They were nowhere near a skilled Shinobi's, yet it was just large enough to be identifiable among a crowd. Now all he had to do was wait, wait for the embarrassment which was surely going to appear in a few moments.

(Total Word Count: 390)
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Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari]

Fri Jun 02, 2017 4:27 am
‘mmmmm…… Cookies……’

These were the thoughts going through the new Chunin’s mind as she made her way through the city while carrying a book that said ‘Akihana’s recipe book.’ That being said… that wasn’t what the book actually was, but a fake cover. The young Hikari had already memorized the entirety of the recipe, and this was more an excuse to be looking down in the book while she was on the mission. Speaking of the mission…
This seemed like a horrible use of resources, she was a chunin… so why was she doing a basic grocery run, something that any civilian could do?

Well, it wasn’t really her place to say… if the royal queen needed Hikari to run these errands, then the new chunin was going to run these errands to the best of her ability. And hey, Hikari now had the recipe that she asked from the queen a while back ago, so she wasn’t going to complain.

Perhaps this had something to do with the sudden increase in desire to preform the chunin exams? Pretty much the moment Hikari wrapped up her exam and progressed to the Journeyman level of shinobi, every Genin seemed like they wanted to try to rank up themselves now. It kind of bothered the young girl, She had spent a while asking to do the exam…. And now that it was done, the opportunities were pouring in. Well, it was whatever, while she might of personaly felt like she had lost out, she was still glad that her fellow genin were getting the oppritunity she knew they all deserved.

That being said, since this was basically a civilian chore…. Hikari was wearing basic civilian clothing. Just a simple white sun dress and flipflops. As usual, when she was wearing this, she had a Kunai knife strapped to her upper thy, so that she wasn’t completely undefended if she needed to defend herself.

It was around noon when Hikari walked through the village hidden in the stars, as usual, when she was in her civilian clothing…. The Chestnut-haired girl was surprising her chakra, just in case that some civilian had learned how to sense chakra, and had gotten some funny ideas.

Either way, her job right now was to meet up with a genin in the city square in order to buy said ingredents. As she made her way to the meet up location, she would be reading the ‘ingredent book,’ some how managing to avoid running into people… just like how a teen driver magically doesn’t run into people when they were texting…. No… we don’t have that in this universe…. Just like how a… dumb journeyman level Kunochi doesn’t run into someone while reading and walking.

Any ways, the book read as such.

The Five Elements seal is a powerful technique that is uused to block or disturb the target’s chakra flow. It is an A rank Fuinjutsu, and is made by using one’s chakra in order to make a seal on each of ones fingers. Each seal is a kanji of a certain element, fire, earth, water, lightning, and wind. Each corresponding seal removes the targets ability to use that jutsu. Along with that, when the user places the seal on a person, that person will feel a great shock, and will immediately pass out for an extended period of time unless said target has a great ability to take damage. Along with that, if the user looses his or her ability to use chakra, then said user has to break the seal in order to use chakra again.

As the girl wrapped up reading said passage she was able to feel the presence of another chakra source, while it wasn’t that high, it was much higher than that of the average person, so Hikari figured this must have been the person she was meeting up with.

Aproaching the boy, Hikari saw that the boy was about her age, perhaps a little bit older, had dark hair, and a scarf wrapped around his neck. Hikari would approach him from behind and tap on his shoulder.

“Akemi Hiyu?” The chestnut haired girl would ask, “My name is Hikari,
I’m the one that will be collecting her Grace’s indgredents with you, is that ok? So… Lady Akihana needs 4 ingredents in order to complete cookies, (Going to use X hear, because I don’t know how much she is ordering) X amount of Flour from Flower’s Flour shop. X amount of Eggs from Old McDonalds farm on the outside of Hoshi, X amount of Chocolate chips from Candy’s Grocery store, milk from Domino’s Dairy to the north of here… now… would you want to split up to go collect said items? Or would you rather just go together and collect said food. If we split up, then we could have this mission done in no time flat, but if we stay together, it might be easier if some civilians get the idea to attack us.”

If Akemi said he would prefer to split up, Hikari would ask the genin, “Ok, I understand, which two would you like to go to? and once she heard, she would pull out enough money form the mission funds for him to pay for the food and hand it over to him, saying, “Ah…. Ok, I will take the other two, this should be enough money to cover the cost. Now, meet back up here in a about half an hour and we will be done.” Before turning and heading off in her own direction to collect the food items she needed to grab.

On the other hand, if the boy wanted to stick together, The new Hoshi Chunin would respond with, “Ok, safety in numbers, I got it, but I will be hanging on to the mission funding, just to be safe. So, which one would you like to go to first?” Once hearing where he wanted to go, Hikari would go with him off to that location first.

WC: 1022
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Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari]

Fri Jun 02, 2017 12:42 pm
As Akemi waited for his partner, Akemi would be nervously jittering slightly. What if his partner was mean? What if he did something to insult his partner accidentally? What if he was too embarrassed and ended up making a fool of himself? All these questions ran through his mind as he sat on the wooden bench, his short legs just barely touching the floor while sitting. It was fun being short, it allowed him to easily weave in and out of the enemy's attacks, while simultaneously giving him a smaller surface area to be hit by people. It also meant people had a tendency to underestimate the strength of his attacks, which was perfectly acceptable. What kind of normal person would think that someone as short and scrawny as Akemi could unleash attacks capable of destroying buildings? 

He was interrupted from his random tangent when he felt a light tap on the back of his shoulder. His whole body recoiled in shock and seized up in fear, just for a split second. Though he quickly relaxed, it was probably just his mission partner. He stood up and turned around, facing his partner. He saw that it was a girl, roughly his age, much taller than him and she incredibly long hair. Oh god, it was a female, and a pretty one at that. How the heck was he supposed to talk to a woman? Apparently, he didn't need to even say anything, as the girl immediately launched into a short speech about what the mission was about, he listened in earnest thankfulness, he didn't need to speak after all.

He listened in awe as she spoke, how could one person speak so much? Especially to someone she had only just met. Akemi really needed to step-up his poor social skills. This girl was leaving him heavily in the dust, probably in terms of skill and social ability. If memory served, this girl was a chuunin. That was pretty impressive, he was in absolute awe once again. He needed to meet up with Hikari later and ask her how she did it, how she was so confident. What trials did she have to go through to reach the rank of chuunin? How strong was she? Hopefully, he could ask her later when he wasn't a quivering wreck of nerves. 

When she offered the opportunity to split up, he breathed a small sigh of relief. Thank god he wouldn't make a bigger fool of himself than he already had, maybe splitting up would allow him to rekindle his nerves? "Ermm, y-" He paused, nervousness getting to him. He took a gulp of air and coughed nervously before continuing "Y-yeah, sp-plitting up-p sounds g-good," He bit his lip nervously and looked at the girl in front of him, "I g-guess I'll go to Flower's f-flour shop and C-candy's Grocery s-store then." At this point, Akemi's face was practically glowing a deep-seated shade of red. Why could he not converse with people properly? The girl probably thought he was incredibly strange. First impressions were important. had he completely messed it all up?

He raised a shaking hand to accept the Ryo from Hikari as she told him that she was going to go to the other two shops and that they were to meet back here in 30 minutes. He bowed down as thanks while muttering something about Thanks, before straightening himself up and timidly striding towards the nearest shop, the Flour one. He mentally scolded himself multiple times as he walked, he was such a bumbling idiot. What was it with him, and socializing?

After a minute of walking, he ended up at the entrance of 'Flower's Flour Shop'. Which - in all honesty - was a rather silly name, a name which sounded like it was made by someone who didn't have the patience to write anything realistic. Akemi wasn't judging though, he just needed to get this pathetic mission out of the way. He took a deep breath and stepped inside. The smell inside was overpoweringly delicious, it was taking the entirety of his self-control not to just dive into the food and devour it. He walked among the wooden shelves, enjoying watching the people behind the counters and eventually found what he was looking for. Baking powder, lots of it. He gleefully picked it up and paid the correct amount of ryo. He smiled, he had never, ever, had this much money on his person before. It was quite a weird feeling. He shoved the bags o' flour into a paper bag and nodded his thanks to the man behind the counter.

He walked out of the shop with the paper bag held tightly to his chest with both of his arms. Now, what did he need to purchase now? He mulled over the question, his mind proving to be too foggy to recall it properly. Eughh, what was it again? Choc.. Chocolate Chips! That was it! He sighed at his own incompetence, how could he forget something so basic? Now he just had to go to Candy's Grocery store, once again he found himself being slightly weirded out by the strange name. But he didn't let it get to him. He instead started heading off in the general direction, still clutching onto the bag along the way.

He arrived at the grocery store, walked in, bought the chocolate chips, put them in the paper bag with the flour, and walked out. An incredibly vague description of buying something, but Akemi didn't want to bore any of his reader's further by describing the journey through a shop, so that's what he did.

Very soon later, Akemi arrived back in the city square. The whole trip taking all of about 15 minutes in total, so he would've probably arrived slightly earlier than Hikari. He then sat down on the same bench where he had been previously, mentally preparing himself so he wouldn't be anymore of an embarressment.

(Total Word Count: 1384)

(Just a quick question, can we also do another mission in this thread? I.E: The C-Ranked fire one? Or would we need to make another thread to do that?)
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari]

Fri Jun 02, 2017 12:44 pm
(Good question, asking skype now)

Edit: We can, but we need to tie it into this one, I can do that easily. but are you ok if I invite Azure and maybe one other person? If we do that, then we only need 1k more words.
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Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari]

Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:05 pm
Yup, go ahead
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Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari]

Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:45 pm
(I'm just gonna go ahead and claim the mission rewards cause I'm broke and I need mah money)
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari]

Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:33 pm
(Nah, that is fine, I was actualy about to messege you and ask if we could do the C rank another time, As I have alot of otherthings I need to do today.)

Hikari would split up, grab said items, and return back to meet up with Akemi, and go to return the items to Akihana.


TWC: 1044

1k Ryo
Five Elemental Seal [1044/3000]
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:03 am
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Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari] Empty Re: Mmmm, Cookies [Private/Hikari]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:24 am
Thank you!
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