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Sumairu Goka
Sumairu Goka
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Pain in the Ass [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 3:49 am
The boy seemed to be very defensive about his choice of dumpling placement, a decision which had quite literally bit him in the ass. Even still akio guessed that it was understandable, after all Esu had some sharp teeth, and the man had just lost his dumplings that he had obviously payed for to the coolest dog in the village, and if that wasn’t enough he had also lost what seemed to be a fresh pair of pants.
Akio would let out a slight laugh, as he realized how funny the entire situation must be to the bystanders before he heard the boy question as to whether or not Esu was his dog. The question wasn’t as easy for the boy as it might seem to the average pet owner. Esu was more of a friend then a piece of property but not wanting to seem like a downer he’d give a simple yes.
In response the black german shepherd would tilt its head in annoyance before letting out a loud bark. As if to give a verbal middle finger to the gennin for degrading him. “Esu don’t you think you’ve caused enough trouble for one day” He’d say before his palm would head towards his face. “Anyways sorry about the whole situation… My Names Akio, and You’ve clearly already met Esu… I’ll pay you back for the dumplings and a new pair of pants.”
Then before he could go any further he’d hear a grunt coming from the side of him and Damon, to which his head would swerve to in response. “Uuuuh? What do you want kid?” He’d say to the stranger.

WC: 949
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Pain in the Ass [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 3:16 pm
Yurei looked awkwardly at Damon’s missing back pocket. How embarrassing. Yurei chuckled, almost snorting, before he covered his mouth. But he couldn’t help but laugh. Yurei let out a bellowing cackle. Trying to force himself to stop in order to ease the pain his diaphragm and sides had generated, Yurei bent over and struggled to breath, finally coming to a stop and clearing his throat.

Yurei smiled have gave a thumbs up to the both of them. “My name’s Yurei! I’m Damon’s friend. No need to tell me you or your dog’s name. I heard them both, Akio. And Esu,” he said smiling. The albino genin extended his hand to allow the dog to smell him before maneuvering to stroke his head, should the dog allow it. “Please to meet the both of you,” Yurei said closing both eyes and smiling.

WC: 1035
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Pain in the Ass [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Wed May 31, 2017 12:30 pm
Damon stopped rubbing his butt, instead deciding to use his hands to his advantage. Signing the Bird → Snake → Dragon → Horse → Ox handseals at 75 speed, the genin would then shock Akio as he was laughing at the question from Yurei. Zap. Esu was too busy barking at the albino to really notice, thankfully. Then, Akio would offer to buy the boy new clothing AND AT LEAST ONE DUMPLING, which was rather nice of him. With introductions out of the way, now it had been Yurei’s turn, who introduced himself as ‘Damon’s friend.’ Huh. It was not long ago that Damon had been attending the academy and hidden away from everyone in order to train. Now he had really grown into his own person and was finally learning to branch out. Assuming that Akio decided to pay Damon back at that moment, Damon would then turn back to the vendor and purchase more food in order to replace the portion that he had lost.


WC: 1081
Sumairu Goka
Sumairu Goka
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Pain in the Ass [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Fri Jun 02, 2017 12:46 am
Esu would take a visible liking to Yurei as the pale uchiha would pet him, it was not often that people came up to pet the dog given its menacing look, so it took almost always took delight in those that did, always one to love attention that dog was.
Akio was temporarily distracted by Yurei’s introduction, but luckily Akio had 2 sets of eyes. Albeit the second set was colorblind, and belonged to a German shepherd, however they were more than sufficient enough to see Damon’s hands begin to move in a rather Rude attempt to aim a jutsu at his friend, and the dog would out a menacing growl that would be impossible to understand of course, but could probably be guessed as something along the lines of “do it and lose your last remaining ass cheek”
The hand signs would stop then and there and no electrocution would take place. As it was quite clear Damon was fond of his own rear end. With the group calmed down Akio would give a slight nod towards Yurei and say “nice to meet you too” while reaching into his own pocket and extending a few ryo in Damon’s direction with his palm open.
“Uh here you can use this to go buy some more dumplings since this jerk felt the need to take yours” he’d say as he looked back to Esu who's head would tilt in response as if he had been offended if only for a moment before returning to eating the dumplings on the floor in front of him.

“Anyways I gotta get going see you guys around” with that the black haired man would turn and the dog would instinctively follow leaving behind a half eating dumpling and a small patch of Damon’s pants.

WC: 1248
Claiming: nothing because I'm a loser who did no training.
Scratch that. Claiming a torn hole in damons pants and permanent dog teeth marks on Damon's butt.
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Pain in the Ass [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:15 pm
Yurei smiled, watching their little conflict draw out. If they kept this up, it’d be a rather humorous relationship, and with a funny tale to think back on. Yurei scratched his head, looking at the damage Esu caused. “Tell you what, Damon,” he said, trying to hold his laughter. “I’ll ask you to help me train some other time. When you’re… uh… complete.”

Yurei winked and walked off as soon as Akio did. “It was a pleasure,” he said to the new boy. Yurei looked back to Damon. “I’ll be seeing you. Get well, soon,” he said with a smirk.


WC: 1135
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Pain in the Ass [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:46 am
What with everyone else deciding to leave and whatnot, Damon decided to as well. Taking the money from Akio, he would purchase the dumplings to make up for what he had lost before immediately heading to a clothing shop. Thankfully, the sign only read No shirt, no shoes, no service, so presumably, anyone missing a butt cheek and a section of their pants must have been allowed, based on a technicality. After a brief, hah get it because it is a type of underwear, moment searching, Damon grabbed a pair, purchased them, and immediately headed home to the cathedral where he was taking refuge. On the way home, Damon would simply contemplate the events of the day. What had started as a normal morning had quickly turned into a painful yet humorous introduction to yet another Hoshigakure genin. You know, for a village that hates shinobi, it sure seems to be the most shinobi heavy village of the five majors. Oh well.


WC: 1243
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Pain in the Ass [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:45 am
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