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Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Pain in the Ass [IO] Empty Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 1:15 am
Damon lazily opened his eyes as he pushed himself out of bed. Slinging his legs over the side of his bunk, he hopped down and threw on his clothes. For maybe the first time in a long time, he was not in a rush. It felt kind of nice, although he could not help but feel as though he was either forgetting something, or merely inadvertently putting some task off. Maybe he just was not quite ready for it at this very second, and needed to increase his chakra levels. His training session with Yurei had gone well, up until the boy had decided to set the world on fire with his genjutsu. This only reminded him of how he needed to begin to master the fire element even further. Great fireball had only been a step in the right direction. Now, he needed to step up his techniques, from a C rank jutsu to a B rank. Fire was rather a sore spot for the Uchiha, despite his natural prowess with it. Although it was not the direct cause for the death of his adoptive father, it would forever be associated in his mind as a symbol of death and destruction. He needed to control it, so that he would never have a panic attack the way that he had with Yurei. Damon decided to take it slow today. His chakra would seem to convert to that of a fire nature, as he kneaded it within his body in order to prepare himself for a strong technique. Descending the stairs and slipping out the door undetected, Damon would head for the marketplace.

WC: 273
Sumairu Goka
Sumairu Goka
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Pain in the Ass [IO] Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 1:16 am
Akio had been a gennin for about a week now, but no official assignment’s had come through for him. Right now he was laying with his face towards the ceiling tossing a ball up and down, the methodical movement helping to calm his nerves. He’d been doing it for several minutes to distract himself from the mind numbing boredom, but as time went on the action became almost as boring as the rest of it all. Letting a sigh out his head would shift away from the ceiling and parallel to the cushion on the couch, only to be greeted by the brown eyes of esu mere inches from his face.
“You too huh?” He’d say letting out a slight laugh and propping himself off of the couch and onto his feet. “Come on, let’s go get some air” he’d mutter without looking back, knowing the dog would follow him regardless. As he made his way to the front door of his house he’d let out a shout towards the direction of his mother’s room. “MOOOOOOOOOOOM! I’ll be back later!”
His hand would slip to the coat rack and swipe a dark leather jacket before sliding it onto his shoulders. And walking out of the door with his canine friend scurrying out in front of him, Esu was impatient, and akio’s slow walk often annoyed him. So the shepherd was almost always in the lead to set the pace.

WC: 239
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Pain in the Ass [IO] Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 1:20 am
The sunlight on the horizon beckoned Yurei’s eyes. The piercing light shined through his bamboo blinds, illuminating his face and bed. The small Uchiha boy yawned as the sunlight warmed his face. Yurei rose, sitting up in his bed and rubbing his white eyes. He pinched the bridge of his nose where it met his brow and yawned once more, now stretching his arms out as far as he could. Yurei reached over to his blinds, raising them from the bottom of the window and releasing the sun’s comforting light throughout his room.

Yurei’s room was filled with lanterns and bamboo screens that complimented his wooden walls and floor. The warm orange light emitting from the lanterns gave off a feeling of comfort.


The albino shinobi took his feet from underneath his blankets and touched the cold, wooden floor. The sting from the cold ran up his legs and he jerked his foot back up. Yurei popped his neck as he leapt off of his bed and grabbed his silvery kimono with the blue, ocean embroidery.


Yurei slipped on his clothing and ran outside his room, greeted by the sight of his mother drinking tea and his father reading from a scroll.

“Yurei!” his mom said, taking a sip of her tea. “I was just about to start cooking, where are you off to?”


“I have to go to the market and help out with a few things,” Yurei yelled, reaching the door.


“You don’t want to eat anything?”


“Nope! I gotta be there early and I’m already late! I’ll see you guys later,” Yurei yelled rushing outside. The shinobi shut the door behind him and exhaled deeply. I can’t keep this up much longer. All this lying. I need to tell them. They should know. Yurei turned around and reached for the door handle but paused. No… Not yet. Yurei looked down at his feet for a moment and lowered his hand. He nodded softly and turned, making his way for the marketplace.


As Yurei walked along the sidewalk, he thought about his next jutsu. The Bringer of Darkness. From what he knew, it made everything pitch black, and that would be helpful with escapes or even assassinations, but he hoped that would never have to happen. The only problem was that he needed a person to use it on, and Damon wasn’t his first choice. Not after last time.

Yurei still felt terrible about the incident. He’d never made anyone cry before, or hurt someone so deeply, despite the facade Damon tried to put on. It was awful, really. The young albino was so used to helping people, not hurting them. For a moment, just a moment, he understood the villagers’ anti-shinobi sentiment. But it was fleeting. They were scared, justifiably so, but they were too bitter. Too apathetic about anyone with a headband.

Yurei felt around his bag for the jutsu scroll and nodded upon feeling the rough, tanned parchment. It felt much like thick paper with weaker structural spots littered throughout, as if something a spilled on the scroll. But the information it held was vital to Yurei’s advancement, and, despite his distaste for it, he had to find and ask Damon to undergo another genjutsu.

WC: 540
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Pain in the Ass [IO] Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 1:26 am
He had not really ever taken a good look around, usually only passing through on his way to the mission center. There were shops scattered about the place, all displaying their wares and shouting, sometimes incoherently, at potential customers. Damon was walking past some vendor stalls when a particular one caught his eye. Food. The hungry Uchiha heard his own stomach rumble as he headed towards the shop. “Hello there! What would you like today, son?” The vendor seemed nice enough and all, even considering that Damon was wearing his shinobi headband around his arm. So either the man did not notice his status, or just did not care. After all, money is money. Anyways, Damon then proceeded to but several dumplings or whatever, like those ones that have three in a row that are like shish kabob treats and stuff. Yeah these things. Damon bought five, and as he was holding two in each hand, decided to place one in his back right pocket… for safekeeping you know? After Damon handed the man the correct amount of ryo, he then unfortunately dropped a few coins! He bent over to pick up the currency, sadly setting himself up to be the literal butt of a joke.
WC: 479
Sumairu Goka
Sumairu Goka
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Pain in the Ass [IO] Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 1:44 am
As Esu carved his way through the streets of Hoshigakure, Akio would follow the eager canine. He really had no clue where the two were going at all and was really at the mercy of the dog’s judgement. As time began to pass he’d see the village houses begin to fade into shops, and vending stations, and he would quickly begin to realize that they were heading into the city square, home of the market place of hoshigakure. “Good choice” He’d mutter in the direction of esu before taking a whiff of the air.
His inuzuka nose was a little bit more sensitive than most and the hundreds of varying smells of food would flood his nostrils at once, making his mouth salivate as it happened. Realizing that he was more than a little hungry he’d look back towards where esu had been and was alarmed to see he had vanished. He was usually really good at keeping track of his friend, and this was out of the norm to say the least.
Akio’s head would swerve to the left and then the right, before locking onto the dog bolting down the street towards some poor child. “Oh son of a” He’d say as he took off after him just in time to see the dog go airborne towards the food in the back of boys pocket, and his fangs clamping onto the dudes butt.
He’d continue running in the direction of the poor soul.

WC: 484

Pain in the Ass [IO] Z

Last edited by Akio Inuzuka <3 on Sat May 27, 2017 2:00 am; edited 1 time in total
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Pain in the Ass [IO] Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 1:59 am
The rows of villager houses slowly faded into luscious fruits, vegetables, and other assorted foods. The marketplace of Hoshigakure was rife with life and teeming with all sorts of colors and types of people. There were even shinobi present, or what looked to be. The market was diverse with people of all shapes and sizes, and filled with equally diverse products.

Yurei passed by dolls, all with different hair colors, clothes, and sizes. The dolls transitioned into clothes, kimonos, mostly, and other gear like pouches and fabrics. The clothes, too, faded, and were replaced by a sweet aroma. Food. And all kinds of it. Sweet dongos, ramen, dog… Dog?

Yurei’s eyebrows lowered once he caught sight of Damon and… his company. A dog had sank his teeth into the young boy’s bum, and it looked to be quite painful. “He’s not going to be able to sit for a week,” Yurei said aloud, with a look of utter disappointment. A small crowd of on-lookers had formed around the boy, all doing nothing but laughing.

WC: 714
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Pain in the Ass [IO] Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 2:27 am
“AYE!” Damon turned his head around to glance in the direction of this buttmuncher. The hardened shinobi instinctively went to smack the dog but hesitated because it was a doggo. Instead, Damon bore the fangs in his butt. Oh dear God would body flickering make my butt be ripped off? Or would the dog come with me? Oh God. This would not have happened if Damon’s butt was not so juicy, since he was a gorgeous Uchiha and all. “Uhhh, down boy. Down. Please. For the love of God down.” He would then notice the douchenozzle running behind the dog, presumably the owner. He had dark hair like Damon himself did except for some ungodly reason he was wearing leather in the desert of Hoshigakure. “PLEASE HELP ME AND MY BUTT.” Damon literally had no idea what to do, since he had never been bitten in the ass before. He was not that kinky. Like what the hell man. It is a doggo. You do not wanna hurt a doggo. Doggo just wanted food not butt. But butt is what the doggo got. Delicious Uchiha butt. Ox → Rabbit → Monkey or Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey, the handseals for Chidori echoed in his mind. Damon heavily, and I mean, heavily, considered using his most powerful technique on the doggo. But instead he would wait on the idiot owner to do something.

WC: 723
[OoC: Conor and I are incapable of making a serious thread together <3]
Sumairu Goka
Sumairu Goka
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Pain in the Ass [IO] Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 2:39 am
As Akio ran down the street the dark haired child in front of him would yell something in his direction. It went along the lines of “please save my butt” finally within range of the boy akio would pull on esu’s collar who didn’t seem to want to let go. At first akio wondered why the dog was being so aggressive but then he caught a whiff of the boys back pocket… Dumplings… Esu’s favorite food. “Oh boy” He’d think aloud before giving one last pull on the resisting dog.
A loud ripping sound could be heard at this moment, and esu and akio would fall down onto the cobblestone path with the back area of Damon’s pants still remaining in Esu’s mouth. “WHO THE HELL KEEPS DUMPLINGS IN THEIR BACK POCKET” Akio would yell as he popped back onto his feet and pointed a finger aggressively in Damon's face. “YOU'RE JUST GOING TO SQUASH THEM WHEN YOU SIT YOU IDIOT!”

Esu however would now be perfectly content laying on his stomach with his two paws pinning the dumplings to the ground and his snout gobbling away at the free food.

WC: 675
[ooc: alex is right]
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Pain in the Ass [IO] Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 2:59 am
Yurei stared at situation in absolute horror. He was in complete amazement and bewilderment. Never before had he seen a dog rip off a shinobi’s pants for sweet dumplings, and perhaps a bit of his butt. The albino scratched his head in wonderment, but he could not alter his gawked expression.

Yurei had arrived at this wonderful marketplace to once again apologize to Damon and ask for his participating in another Genjutsu; however, he had come across a dog taking a chunk out of the poor boy’s butt. Between fire genjutsu and this, it was a wonder Damon hadn’t been given a title commemorating his bad luck. Horrible luck.

Yurei began to walk over to Damon to help him when another boy ran towards him, perhaps the owner. The two bickered, and Yurei could have sworn that Damon had said he put dumplings in his back pocket. Odd, given that they would have been squashed if he sat down.

Yurei awkwardly walked up to the two as they argued, and gave a fake cough to try and get their attention.

WC: 894
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Pain in the Ass [IO] Empty Re: Pain in the Ass [IO]

Sat May 27, 2017 3:35 am
Damon ‘the damned’ Uchiha then began to defend himself, “It was just for a moment! I was holding too many!” He would have probably yelled at around the same octave as the boy himself if his polite nature did not kick in. I mean, obviously it was going to be delayed because of the ass-ault. Get it. Assault Ass-ault. Okay, I’m stopping. Maybe he would have to drop that aspect of his personality later on in his life. Like within five minutes from now. But not quite yet. He looked towards the dog happily chewing on the food that the boy had paid for. “I take it this is your dog?” He rubbed his wound, where there may or may not have been a missing chunk of his gluteus maximus. The two would have barely had a chance to speak before Damon was blinded by the pale boy that is Yurei. Upon the clearing of the genin’s throat, Damon would turn and look over to the friend that had given him post traumatic stress disorder flashbacks. “Oh, hey Yurei.” Damon flashed a pained smile, still holding his butt all the while.

WC: 914
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