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Azura's Genin Exam! Empty Azura's Genin Exam!

Thu May 25, 2017 9:30 pm
Azura Goka woke up anxious for once every since he started the ninja academy. Today was the day of Azura's Genin Exam, today will be deciding his future career as a successful Konoha Ninja. Walking to the Academy Azura practised all the jutsu he knew, which he only knew 2-3 if you counted the 3rd one a jutsu. Once he arrived at the academy he walked in and went to the examination room, sat down and was ready to be called up for his turn at the Genin Exam by his proctor.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Azura's Genin Exam! Empty Re: Azura's Genin Exam!

Fri May 26, 2017 10:47 am
Kaito was having a less than perfect day. It all started with waking up early and being unable to fall back asleep. So, for an hour he lay in bed imaging how nice it would be to have that extra hour of sleep and just as he finally started to drift away his alarm exploded with noise until he nearly broke the snooze button. He then got dressed, took a cold shower as neighbors had used all the hot water, and went to the academy. Now, you'd think it would be smooth sailing from there, right?

Well, you'd be wrong.

No, Kaito, as luck would have it, managed to spill an entire mug of coffee down the front of his shirt. Alas, with no time to run back home, he soldiered on to the task at hand, proctoring the genin exams. And it is in these genin exams that we now find poor Kaito with a large brown stain down the front of his blue shirt.

"Azura Goka," Kaito read from the class list before glancing up at the students gathered. "You're next. Come to the front of the room and perform the clone and transformation techniques. Also, tell me what the will of fire means to you."

Kaito then fell silent and waited for the genin hopeful to step up. Truthfully? He secretly hoped he might be able to fail someone so they could share in his misery.

[Please create an 800-word post performing what was asked of you by the proctor and you'll be a genin. Also, as a sidenote, it would be very helpful if you could link your stat page in your signature so as to make it easily accessible.]
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Azura's Genin Exam! Empty Re: Azura's Genin Exam!

Fri May 26, 2017 11:43 am
Azura noticed a man walk in with a large brown stain on his shirt, he wondered how it got there, but he couldn't wonder for long as he was called up to do his Genin Exam. The ninja also looked like he did not even want to be here. He seemed miserable. Now even more nervous than before, he got up and walked down to the man, to start performing the jutsus, explaining them and what The Will Of Fire means.
          First, he thought he should do the transformation jutsu, he then could combine it with the clone jutsu, to show that he has great chakra control and a large chakra pool. Azura even decided not to use that other thing since he now knows it isn't needed.
          Turning around to the miserable looking ninja, hand shaking, Azura started to speak nervously, "F-firstly I'll do t-the transformation j-jutsu". I started to the hand signs with my hands shaking, which didn't help me at all, "The signs are Dog → Boar → Ram" I said trying to be build up courage, "This E-rank jutsu uses constant emission of chakra, it also need a user who has a great mental to use since people could detect if it was you by putting a burden on your mental state. It is also one of the hardest E-rank jutsu to use because of the fact that use you constantly use chakra and you need a great imagination." Azura started to do the jutsu after he explained it, he started to question himself why but didn't since he has a limited amount of time for the exam. Azura transformed into an older version of himself, with long hair that reaches his hips and covers his eyes.
          Now Azura was ready to do the next jutsu, but this time his hands weren't shaking, and he had a little bit more courage than last time. "Next, I'll perform the Clone jutsu," Azura said this time remembering to do the jutsu then explain what it does. "The hand signs are Ram → Snake → Tiger." After saying that Azura focused on chakra control since using transformation is hard but using transformation and clone jutsu at the same is hard all by itself. Focusing Azura did the hand signs, Ram → Snake → Tiger, and only one clone appeared. Azura instantly got scared but tried to hide it. "Uh just a minor setback: Azura said trying to laugh it off. Maybe Azura will need to use that but he thought to himself not to use it yet, maybe he can just try the hand signs again and hope that another one comes, if not then maybe, just maybe he will use that other jutsu. He looked at the Proctor who looked like he wishes he wasn't here or just bored, watching as a student is a half way failing this exam, it also looked like he wanted Azura to fail but he knew that couldn't be right. Hew hoped at least.
          "Ok, ill try that jutsu again sir," Azura said doing the hand signs, Ram → Snake → Tiger, the other didn't appear. Azura didn't freak out, he just started focusing so he could access that bit of reserved chakra he always had.  Azura chakra started to change color from cyan to orange. Azura felt better and had more courage than ever before. This chakra always seemed to increase all of his emotions, but he can't stay on that for now, he has to do the jutsu. "Ok final time," I said doing the hand signs. Ram, to Snake, then to finally finish it off with Tiger! The other clone appeared and he did not even feel tired at the slightest bit. "This E-rank jutsu isn't used for attacking since the clones do not have a physical body, but depending on the user's smarts this jutsu can be used can be used effectively, and it is usually combined with other jutsu." Azura said releasing both jutsu, it felt like the world was off his shoulders once he did it. Now Azura had to remember what the third part of the test was. 
          It was the Will Of Fire part. "Honestly speaking, I never really thought about this topic," Azura said, "But I think I do have a great picture on it. What I think it means is Konoha is an entire family, everyone in the village has to take care of each other as if they were their own close family members. Or something like that."
          After finishing all parts of the exam, even if it was kinda horrible, I said, "Thank you sir, for taking part in my exam" I said, "And I hope you have a better day." Once I said that I waited to see if I passed or fail.
[WC - 810]
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Azura's Genin Exam! Empty Re: Azura's Genin Exam!

Fri May 26, 2017 1:59 pm
Alas, Kaito's hopes had been dashed. He had gotten a bit excited when the boy struggled through a few of the jutsu, but in the end the genin hopeful did what was asked of him. And Kaito, while grumpy, was not unfair. The boy had passed by the skin of his teeth but passed nonetheless.

"Yes, yes, very good," Kaito had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. "You pass."

The older man reached into the open desk drawer to his left and pulled out a brand new headband with the emblem of Konohagakure etched into it.

"Here is your headband," He tossed the piece of metal and cloth to the boy, hopefully, his reflexes were good. "Please see yourself out."

Unfortunately, even Azura's well-meaning words could not lighten Kaito's mood, somedays life just sucked.

[Good job! Make your exit post and you'll get all the rewards for your rank including a free specialty, +15 stats, and the free jutsu alloted to your rank, which can be found on the all rules page. Oh, and do request a rank change here.. I hope you enjoy your time rping in Konoha, if you need anything feel free to drop me a line, cheers.]
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Azura's Genin Exam! Empty Re: Azura's Genin Exam!

Fri May 26, 2017 2:06 pm
Azura waited nervously as he waited for his proctor, he started to think about how everything up from now and how it happened. There was his mistake at the transformation and clone jutsu, but he didn't think it was that bad. After thinking about everything his proctor said that he passed.

He was so excited to start his ninja journey! He got his headband, tied it around his head and yelled "Thank you" to the man as he walked out of the room

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