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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK] Empty The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK]

Wed May 03, 2017 6:02 pm
Miyamoto, now living in the earth martial arts school dormitories as a student even now at his current rank, sent word to his mother that he needed to be away for some time. He knew the news would devastate his mother, especially after his grandfathers passing, but he hoped that she would understand. It still hurt him, but he needed this, his heart still hurt from not being strong enough, and rather than letting his anger take hold...he was allowing his training to consume him. Miyamoto was both free and in charge of his own direction as the voices in his head seemed to have all was different, he no longer felt at war with himself. His routine was easily established as he would wake up each morning now right at first light, trained for three hours with Master Ryu, afterwards eating his morning meal. The mission of the artifacts allowed him to learn greatly from his time spent gathering information, he felt bad about lying to them for the sake of the mission, thus he showed the school what he was really made of. While it did open those who trained at the school’s eyes as to what a trained shinobi could also earned him much scrutiny and many turned their backs to Miyamoto. It did not matter though, he was there to get stronger to protect the village and so that he could one day achieve his life goal. After the morning workout he spent his days alternating time spent at the school training his body and at the village library training his mind. The library now knowing that Miyamoto was a Chuunin allowed him a greater access of various learning materials that were available to him. Finally his days would end with a meditation session with Master Ryu so that he could clear his head and commit everything down through repetitive explanation.

Miyamoto’s current state of mind was preoccupied in making himself strong enough to protect himself from any threat that may come his way as well as the possibility of protecting his comrades. Currently his head was buried in books, looking to learn two medical techniques that would open many doors for him.

He was welcomed and encouraged to keep getting stronger by Master Ryu, this was evident as everyone that trained with Miyamoto also stopped holding back, causing Miyamoto to often be nursing bruises and wounds from training. He left his normal gear behind now, as a Chuunin now he had to show that he was a valuable and productive member of the shinobi forces in the village. He did so by altering a Hoshi military forces uniform he was able to pick up from a tailor. The flak jacket became integral in the design as the uniform underneath was dyed black and the coat was extended to cover part of his thighs if it was untucked. His pants seemed made of a stretchy yet durable fabric that extended down to a pair of combat boots. He looked more like a soldier straight out of basic training rather than a young teenager. As he studied the books, the stack he had procured consisted of only a few tomes of medical texts and instructions of two specific techniques.Today he was going to strengthen his mind through the texts of high ranked medical techniques; The Mind Eye of the Kagura, and Yun Healing Wound Destruction. These techniques once learned would allow him to take more damage without tiring out, and be able to track those he has connected with on a whole new level.

“The Kagura Mind Eye...short range capabilities...ability to track individuals within one hundred and fifty meters...that is incredible, with this tracking that thief would have been easier to catch...more so the added ability to know if a person is lying due to negative chakra from dishonest actions...even the hidden ability to reduce the power or find out if I am trapped in some genjutsu. This technique really is next level.” He started reading further as he became astounded at how unbelievably high ranking techniques really were.

As he continued to read he made note of how to engage the technique, continuing on his eyes grew wide as he found the long range specifications of the technique.

“The ability to know where anyone whose chakra I have memorized is located within the country...this is truly amazing, this has so many applications for search and rescue missions or stealth missions.” He grinned from ear to ear as he finished the text, putting it down so that he could begin reading Yin Healing Wound Destruction.

As he began to read he would pull out a medical book so that way he could have a greater representation of what he could do with such a powerful technique.

“The ability to force chakra to a wounded area to reinforce and heal the wound quickly all the while acting as a natural barrier between the attacker and the user. It could take a minute if I was to be hit particularly hard, but I think I can take a hit or two.” He said smiling as he studied over the medical diagrams, learning chakra points, pressure points, different areas where it would be easier to harm an opponent, or easier to reinforce for a big hit.

He kept to his studying for a few hours before moving onto another subject inside the medical book. He began to study the heart, as he did so the librarian would constantly come up and strike up conversation, often bringing him another book that dealt with reinforcement of the body or chakra. Sometimes she would even bring some water and a cookie, even offering him a comprehensive book on the experiments done on human tissue and organs. The book was grizzly and detailed quite vividly the futility of the human body, someone with enough strength could turn someone into a pulverized meat sack...or with enough time and careful training there are reports of doctors reinforcing bones or fusing old bones with heavy amounts of chakra to strengthen a limb like never before.

A few more hours passed as the mid afternoon sun began to peek through the windows. With a yawn Miyamoto stood up as he brought the books to the librarian. With a polite bow he thanked her for letting him use the books for study. She smiled but handed him his bag as she put the books in his bag before handing it back to Miyamoto.

“Thank you for coming here day after day and studying, it brightens my day to see young minds hard at work...I know I have probably said that before here you go Mr. Moto please use the books for as long as you need. Have a good day.” She said with a smile that made Miyamoto smile as well before slinging his bag over his shoulder as he left for the day.

Miyamoto made quick work of walking back to the school just as students were leaving for the day. Miyamoto arrived and took his shoes off before retiring to the mostly empty dormitory to change into his training gear. His Gi was now embroidered with the school’s symbol and he felt strong as he tightened the belt around his waist. Walking out to the training area Master Ryu was already waiting for him as he smiled when Miyamoto stepped foot on the bare earth.

“It has been a long day indeed Miyamoto...are you ready to earn your keep?” He asked as he turned to fully face his student.

Miyamoto simply bowed before his master as he took in a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds as Master Ryu still with a grin on his face appeared right in front of Miyamoto, and Miyamoto had just enough time to block the same attack combination that Master Ryu started off with each session; first a right handed jab, next high left kick, after earth jutsu rock fist activation with a double punch. Miyamoto blocked each attack just as the attacks were happening just within his reaction time, never able to deflect or redirect, but always block and just start out on the defensive as he counted in his head; “1...2...3...4…” and on five he snapped into his own rock fist technique as the two forces clashed with matched punches causing pebbles to fly from their fists as they chipped away. It became a steady cadence as the two sparred each day, at first it was real choppy and the transitions from defending to being offensive were mediocre at best. Now Miyamoto was breathing smoothly as he moved like water. Master Ryu matched Miyamoto’s punch with a new parry however as he backhanded his hand from striking distance before jumping back.

“You are improving fast, but not enough to stop me yet pupil…” Master Ryu said as he performed the added weight technique.

Miyamoto had become aware of the technique and how it was used in the days he had spent there. He allowed the weight to ground him with ease as his breathing grew slower as he stopped himself from panicking. Instead he began to focus on his body, bringing up his chakra as he waited for Master Ryu to strike the final blow. Miyamoto was trying to muster up enough chakra to push to where he might get hit, he focused hard as he waited for Master Ryu. He felt the pressure change as Ryu body flickered behind Miyamoto instead of his usual frontal attack. Miyamoto felt the push as Master Ryu pushed Miyamoto with ease causing Miyamoto to curse as he was not hit, and the body flicker behind him broke his concentration.

“Damn close too…” Miyamoto said with a heavy sigh as the weight was lifted from him as Master Ryu helped him back to his feet.

“You are progressing well my pupil, I guess you can eat tonight.” He said with a grin as the rock fist technique fell from his hands.
“Time for supper, come on.” He beckoned to Miyamoto as he walked back inside.

Miyamoto followed as he walked into the same dining area as he always did, sitting down near the end of the table where the full time students usually sat. He ate his dinner, a bowl of fried rice and a fillet of salmon caught just outside the village. The table was alive as usual, the talk was of how the other schools were doing, and of how the students were progressing, Miyamoto was deep in thought as he ate, the techniques he learned about during the day were still fresh in his brain. There was some strain in his body, mostly due to the constant sparring, a little bit due to reading as his eyes were having difficulty staying open. He finished his food though and gathered everyone’s dishes who were finished as he cleaned the dishes in silence as the activity died down as another of his peers showed up and began to clean alongside of him, little by little pushing Miyamoto out of the way so that he could take over the dishes, causing Miyamoto to dry the dishes before another of his peers stacked the dishes in a cupboard for use the next day. Miyamoto retired back to the bare earth as he began to meditate on everything he had learned that day and this time Master Ryu did not join him, he was alone for once as he concentrated on his breathing before starting the exercise of reciting the day’s activities so he could commit them to memory.

Miyamoto finally drew a final breath as he exhaled, opening his eyes he saw that the world had become dark and as his eyes adjusted he saw that the moon was high in the sky as a cool breeze blew through the compound. Miyamoto stood up as he retired to the dormitory, picking up the book on the Yin technique. He began to read again, this time focusing chakra into his body as he cut his finger on a corner of a page, the blood began to slowly well up as Miyamoto pushed his chakra to the cut and began to focus on mending the wound, visualizing it in his mind. Miyamoto paid close attention to the cut on his finger as it seemed to start to stop bleeding as Miyamoto wiped the blood away he noticed that the cut had begun to already heal, and quickly became flesh as if he had never been cut within minutes. It made him smile as he marked it as a stepping stone toward achieving the full strength of the technique. Soon he fell asleep with the book laying across his chest as he was able to finally rest.

His dreams that night were very vivid…He was running from the monks of the main monastery of Hoshigakure. The sky was ablaze with fire, and it seemed like everyone was locked in combat. Miyamoto was cornered at his mother's house...his home here in Hoshi as he had a group of about thirty monks all wielding various weapons and asking for Miyamoto to stand down and take his punishment for going against the wishes of their god. Miyamoto had a large cut on his cheek, but he did not appear to be backing away from the fight that the monks had brought him. He called out for his mother, if she was in the house to vacate it and hide, and after what seemed like a lifetime of silence he took it as a sign that she was not home currently. With a sigh of relief the monks all looked upon Miyamoto angrily and shouted that they had given him enough time to stand down and that they would have to take him down with force as they came at him with malicious intent. Miyamoto could only grin as he summoned up his bloodline to activate the temple of hephaestus and quickly perform the hand seals necessary to launch Flying Thrown Stones at his enemy. Just as he felt something pierce his skin, looking down he saw the face of his old mentor and monk leader...Isshin. It jerked him awake as the book fell from his chest and into his lap. His breathing was labored as he took a few seconds to calm himself and clear his head as best he could. His heart was beating rapidly as he clutched his chest, there was no pain, but the rapid pace soon slowed back to normal as he got dressed for the day. He was back into his training Gi before heading outside, his attention seemed to be drawn elsewhere as he went through the morning routine with minimal effort. During the first break of the day, Miyamoto excused himself to train alone as the sounds of the wind became apparently violent as a storm began to blow through, the sounds of booming thunder acting like a warning trumpet to anyone outside. Miyamoto sat in an empty training room surrounded by dusty tomes and dummies splayed about as he sat down to meditate on his dream, the face of Isshin was clearly there, as if it was planned from the beginning. It made Miyamoto angry, the anger inside of him causing his skin to heat up as he let steam pour off of him as the sounds of rain on the wood roof soon became the backing track to his meditation.

He replayed the scene from his dream over and over as he began to dissect it, trying to find meaning to the madness that it was. The monks could be his past, chasing him day in and day out as Miyamoto seemed to have suppressed whatever the past was trying to tell him. Isshin however, was this premonition...he remembered when Isshin attempted to train was like feeding a pack of wolves. Except they had no idea what Miyamoto was capable of. He seemed to show more and more that he could fight any number of foes, but his stamina had been lacking...or it was. In his dream he was trying to remember details, he was wearing a different outfit than even what he wore now. It was not his Gi or his new Chuunin uniform, but something more along the lines of special forces without the mask. He had a scar along his left hand, but he also had no weapons on him which was odd. Isshin seemed different as well, in the dream he now sported somewhat of a new style himself...almost as if he was wearing armor. His hair was tied into a bun on the back of his head and his face sported a beard of considerable size. The thought then came to Miyamoto...the stabbing of his chest was where his heart was located, but the wound was not deep enough to touch the heart...was the blade broken or did something else stop Isshin...he could not tell. It caused him to lose focus as he took in a few deep breaths only to find himself panicking once more.

The rain outside became more of a deluge as the sounds of training could still be heard. The students of the school had to be insane to train in this. It caught Miyamoto’s interest though as he stood up and looked outside. There they were, the senior students and the masters all training under the intense rainstorm. Their movements all in sync as Master Ryu was leading them all. Each student was already using the rock fist technique and some even looked to have been in a great deal of stress...could they possibly be training while using that technique of added weight. How was that possible. Miyamoto had to figure it out, so he walked out into the rain.

The piercing cold of the rain made him wake up from his stupor of the dream as he sucked in a breath, coming to his senses. He then got in line with the others and began to follow the steps as he activated his rock fists as well. He followed each demonstration as it came for the next two hours. He was soaked to the bone now as Master Ryu finished the stances and looked to his students.

“You all are the future masters of this school, the future of the village. You are the very rock that the village will grow on. Now who here will show me they have what it takes to be worthy of that future title.” He asked out as the students all looked among themselves, and Miyamoto looked in shock as no one wanted to challenge the master.

Miyamoto swallowed the saliva in his mouth as he raised his hand at the same time as one of his peers. Master Ryu looked to them both with intrigue and joy as he told the others to move to the side of the field to watch the sparring matches about to commence. Master Ryu, Miyamoto and the senior student who was presented as Shin Jong another refugee that has been a student for twenty years.

“ two believe you are ready...very well whoever wins in a match between the two of you will be given the right to take the master’s challenge.” Master Ryu said with a smile as he walked back to the other students and stood there to watch.

There they were, Miyamoto and Shin. The oldest and most successful student nicknamed the earth serpent versus Miyamoto...the Chuunin refugee with a weight on his shoulders.

The two began to circle each other as they locked eyes, both activated their rock fists as Master Ryu brought his staff down into the earth causing a shockwave around the ring.


Learned: Yin Healing Wound Destruction
Learning: Mastery Flying Thrown Stones-131/1,600
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK] Empty Re: The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK]

Wed May 03, 2017 6:05 pm
Approved Yo, really good read please write more

Edit: in the future note others may wish you to link the tech being learned at the end as well, also they may ask you to mention you're using your 25% max stat discount

Linkey to techie

Last edited by Kobayashi Senshi <3 on Wed May 03, 2017 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK] Empty Re: The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK]

Wed May 03, 2017 6:09 pm
I planned on it when I do the master claim list at the bad I always link it lol
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK] Empty Re: The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK]

Wed May 03, 2017 6:11 pm
Is no worries I don't mind, others might is only reason I mention it
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK] Empty Re: The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK]

Wed May 03, 2017 6:14 pm
Thank you though
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK] Empty Re: The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK]

Wed May 03, 2017 7:54 pm
Miyamoto played out the scenario in his head in seconds, he could take the hits this Shin could dish the others that he was the strongest there, worthy to learn stronger and more powerful techniques. Shin would attack, he would use his natural instinct talent to force Miyamoto to the edge of the ring and trap just like Master Ryu would. However, Miyamoto had the ability to take hits now. If he could get close enough to Shin he could easily put him into the ground, close quarters was his specialty after all. The rain still pelted the earth and their faces as Miyamoto drowned out the sound of the rain as he leaped at Shin.

Shin was playing out the scene in his head as well. He had to put this new twerp in his place...there was no way that this kid was the disciple of Master Ryu...none of the other teachers wanted him there even. All he needed to do was keep him at a distance, or trick him into coming up close and then use the added weight technique to nail him to the mud before shoving his face in it. Close Quarters was Shin’s specialty as well, and as the rain pelted their faces Shin launched his offensive as he yelled out in rage as lightning flashed overhead.

There they were now, both reaching for a prize that in reality would be much farther of a reach than a single sparring match. Miyamoto reached for a punch, and at the last moment he turned and attempted a high kick with his left leg as his rock fists landed in the mud to use the momentum to launch himself upward for a surprise attack. Shin saw through the feint as he dropped under the kick at the last second before Miyamoto launched up. Shin activated the Rock Cane technique and threw it as hard as he could at Miyamoto in the air. Unfortunately for Miyamoto, he was too far into the air as he was hit by the rock cane causing him to fly off course.

“Shit!” Miyamoto exclaimed as he landed on the roof and used the body flicker technique to appear in front of Shin as he started to fight him.

Blow for blow Miyamoto and Shin were matching each other. Miyamoto took a right hook to the stomach before having his legs swept out from under him as Miyamoto spun on his back causing Shin to jump up to dodge as Miyamoto quickly performed the hand seals for Thrown Stones before slamming his hands into the mud causing an outward explosion as rocks flew towards Shin at a breakneck pace.

“Gotcha!” Miyamoto yelled out as he looked up to see a puff of smoke.

“Too slow!” Shin said calmy from behind Miyamoto as he kicked Miyamoto across the back causing Miyamoto to yell in pain as the blow connected.

Miyamoto’s back had been severely damaged, he instantly felt as if he could not move his legs as he moved chakra to the injury as he winced in pain. As he landed Miyamoto looked up at Shin as Shin started walking towards him.

“Give up…” Shin told Miyamoto said as he got closer, lightning flashed overhead.
Miyamoto performed the hand seals slow as his legs began to feel better as he breathed deeply. Shin came within a meter of him as Miyamoto launched the same Thrown Stones technique as the earth exploded out in front of him and in Shin’s face. The blow connected sending Shin flying across the range as Miyamoto stood up still wincing. He did not walk towards his opponent, but he did know that the match was soon to be over. He did not look to Master Ryu, nor did he ask if it was over but the pain in his back soon subsided as he saw Shin move to stand up. Miyamoto smirked before getting back into a combative stance. Shin stood up and wiped the blood from his face as he took his own fighting stance

“That is impressive for a runt like you Moto...but I have had it with allowing you to have a run on me.” He would say as he would perform the same maneuver as earlier using body flicker to appear behind him to kick the exact spot.

The problem with the plan was the technique that Miyamoto used earlier, and as Shin connected his kick was repelled and he fell backwards as if he were hit by a invisible force. The crowd gasped as Miyamoto turned to face Shin, just to see him gone...a sloppily made hole where he used to be. Before Miyamoto could react he felt a grasping of his ankles before he felt the sensation of his body suddenly becoming heavy. Miyamoto sank down into the mud with a defeated cry. Shin popping out moments later behind him, Master Ryu walked back out to the pair declaring Shin the winner. Miyamoto watched as Shin was congratulated by the younger students as Miyamoto let the rain splash the mud over his face. Master Ryu looked down to Miyamoto and kneeled down to help him out but was stopped as the crowd grew quiet. Shin pulled Miyamoto out of the mud and gave him a hug there as the rain washed the mud from his clothes. Miyamoto was still in shock, but he was bested...there was no denying that. Miyamoto sighed but hugged Shin awkwardly anyway before Master Ryu announced to those in the training area that Shin will be moving to another section of the school to train to become a master, taking the test that all masters must face. The crowd continued to cheer for Shin as they all retired to their respective areas in the dorms. Miyamoto stood there in the rain as Master Ryu looked to Miyamoto.

“You showed much progress today too are ready for higher training, however you need to be more refined. When you can use the added weight technique accurately, then you can challenge me for higher training. Good work out there today...go wash up and get ready for supp…” He began as Miyamoto looked to his master.

“I am not hungry...I am still too weak…” Miyamoto began as Master Ryu glared back at Miyamoto.

“You are NOT weak...go wash up for supper...or leave the not be a brat.” He told Miyamoto as he walked towards the Master’s quarters of the school.

Miyamoto stood there in shock...he let his feelings rule over him once again and he could now see that he was a brat...he had been spoiled all through his training. He learned under a Queensman, Queensguard, and masters of the earth chakra and martial arts. He was ashamed of himself, and even though he did not deserve to stay he really wanted to. He walked to the dorms, showered himself and dressed in a clean Gi for dinner as he showed up as teachers and students celebrated together. Miyamoto sat at the end of the table and ate in silence as the crowd praised Shin, but as the night grew on Miyamoto still ate slowly until it was just him, Shin, and the Masters. They all looked to Miyamoto as he continued to eat until completely finished. At which point Master Ryu looked to Miyamoto.

“ well as Shin are my successors...the masters and even regent Shin is in agreement. You show much progress and you are not even at your absolute peak. We want you to continue your training with us. You and Shin will be training the same training routine from here on. Though you are not in the testing for the master’s challenge or are ready for the learning of stronger are going to grow stronger and stronger till your might eclipses even mine.” Master Ryu said with a soft voice as they all stood to bow before Miyamoto.

Miyamoto was stunned...he did not know what to say, all he wanted to do was cry...he did not deserve the praise or honor they were bestowing upon him. He did know that Shin was strong and to be considered an equal to him was something that meant the world to him. This meant he really was becoming stronger. He stood before them all and bowed.

“Thank you...You honor me...I will try my best to live up to such a title.” Miyamoto said before the master’s rose again and smiled to Miyamoto before looking to him and Shin in turn.

“Now...clean the dishes and smooth over the training grounds for training before sunrise. Goodnight.” Master Ryu said before they all retired.

There they were left...Miyamoto and Shin both stunned that they were left with such a task.

Just another day in the life of a shinobi.


WC: 1500/4831
Claiming: Mastery of Flying Thrown Stones1600/1600
Yin Healing Wound Destruction 3200/3200
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK] Empty Re: The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK]

Wed May 03, 2017 7:56 pm
Approved yo
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK] Empty Re: The Master & The Student [IO,p,NK]

Wed May 03, 2017 7:59 pm
Thanks, hope you enjoyed it!
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