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Learning Clone Technique  Empty Learning Clone Technique

Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:03 am
It was a rather peaceful day today, aside from the constant alarms of the orphanage echoing inside Naru's head, Naru would cover his face with the pillows attempting to block off the noise but it was no use of doing so, he would then get up as he had class today at the Academy, things seemed to be looking quite in his favour as he was attempting to start practicing to do the genin exams soon so that he could continue on his journey on becoming a prodigy medical ninja, as he got ready for the day he bolted out the orphanage and right to the pathway to class. As he headed through the entrance and towards the classroom as all the others kids were seated he came nearly late, the teacher gazed upon his presence at the door and smiled," Welcome Naru have a seat, were discussing matters of the Genin exams" he'd say while looking back at the class. Naru would then head towards his seat and clenched his palms together awaiting for instructions, he needed to actually attentively listen towards this to succeed in the exams. As he would then speak his voice was deep and settled," Alrighty soon to be shinobis today we shall speak on the matters of the Genin exams, which is a test to see that you are actually a ninja, all your work comes down to this exam so work hard, you must learn the Clone Technique along with the Transformation Technique as well so do your very best, everyone head outside and start practicing as the Genin exams isn't that far, today shall be more of a breather so take it or leave it". Naru Hyuga would nod and head out the doors and outside as he would be quite thrilled to practice the jutsus as he stepped outside he would begin with the hand signals, he remembered the hand signals to activate it which were Ram --> Snake --> Tiger, as he done so he would focus his chakra to form an exact replica of himself, he then would start to stress as he continued focusing his chakra in which then a poof of smoke erupted and what he say wasn't an exact replica, it seemed more deformed and misshapen as he must've done something wrong when he was channeling his chakra. Naru sighed and looked down," I must be unbalancing my chakra, maybe if it's stable then.. Of Course!" he'd say with enthusiasm, Naru would then form the hand signals Ram --> Snake --> Tiger in which then a pulse of chakra would surge his body in which then he would start to balance it forming a poof of smoke he finally would see an exact replica of himself right beside him however even as it worked he still chuckled on how he didn't have a shadow nor he even didn't he have the capability of fighting with him which was a bummer, nonetheless this skill would be quite useful when Naru is confusing his opponent. Naru was intrigued so as the Clone poofed into smoke he would then proceed to doing the technique once more, as he commenced the Ram, Snake and Tiger hand signs he would then focus on balancing his chakra summoning his clone again perfectly. As Naru’s insides boiled with happiness he felt he was a few steps done from achieving his goal even though he wasn't. Naru bolted over towards the Academy door and jumped for joy as the Clone poofed into smoke he would then tell his teacher of his accomplishment in which then he received a pat on the shoulder a few encouraging words to continue to practice, Now all he had to do is practice the Transformation Technique. 

WC: 623

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Learning Clone Technique  Empty Re: Learning Clone Technique

Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:05 am

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