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Implications [Private, Akihana] Empty Implications [Private, Akihana]

Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:16 am
A small frown would be on the face of Kenshin as he made his ways towards the palace of Hoshigakure, why was this frown in place, well it had to do with the young child that he had murdered out at the country borders...he still didn’t regret what he had done, but now that the blood-lust that had been clouding his mind had cleared he found himself wondering something. Just what had this young and powerful child been doing out here in Haven Country, from what he had seen of the area he had been practicing some strange jutsu, one that he had been using to skin the large bears that roamed through the area alive, he had not seen it in action, but he knew that the effects of the jutsu were unlike any that he had seen before, and that in itself intrigued him. But the safety of the village came before his own curiosity, and for all he knew this youngster had just been a scout for a potential invasion force, so he felt that it would be best if he took the body itself to the village’s higher ups, and as far as he knew most of them resided within the royal palace, or at least, that is where Tehniyat had resided when she had deliberated over the situation in the Water Gardens.

As per usual the scar faced young man was clad in a pair of dark grey dress pants along with a pure white dress shirt, worn with a black tie around his neck, over this rather fanciful clothing he wore a long, black trench coat, on his hands were a pair of fingerless black leather gloves, and on his feet were a pair of black dress shoes. As per usual his silver mane flowed down to his lower back, a single braid hanging from the right side of his face and hanging down to his mid chest, his hair was no longer hiding his unique eyes from the world, but that did not bother him as much as it once did, his time in the village doing wonders for both his self esteem and his sense of worth. Underneath his trench coat, within one of his pant pockets, was the scroll that contained the corpse of the youngster whose flame he had snuffed earlier, both of his weapon pouches stored safely away in the room of the inn he was renting, and within said weapon pouches were the items that he had looted from the young boy's corpse, stored there mainly because he did not believe that they were important enough to bring with him. He had brought a majority of the Ryo that he had taken from the boy's corpse though, seeing as he in no way needed all of the money that the young man was carrying, he had taken a total of 15000 from the boys total for himself, bringing his total ryo to a nice, even 20000, which he was keeping stored away safely with the storage displacement technique.

He figured that the remaining 39000 ryo would be better off in the possession of the village than in his pocket, besides, such a large donation to the villages total reserves would definitely increase his standing with the higher ups of the village, who knows, they may even decide to reward him for such a large contribution. As Kenshin approached the palace gates he would be stopped by the two guards that stood watch outside “You there, halt, what business do you have within the palace?” one of the guards would ask, a stern glare on his face as he stared at the young silver haired Chunin. “I have an urgent matter that must be brought to the attention of the villages higher ups” he would say in a calm and even tone, his cold eyes staring back at the guard that stood in his path “Urgent you say...very well, follow me” the guard would respond as he motioned for Kenshin to follow him. As the armour clad man began to walk toward the Palace Kenshin would follow silently, and before long the albino would recognise the path that they were taking, it was the same path that Atem had led him down when he had brought Ser Florent before Princess Tehniyat in the royal library, hmm, did that mean he was going to meet the young princess once more?

But it was when he got close to the library that he would feel a familiar chakra signature, one that filled his cold soul with warmth and caused a true smile to spread across his usually stoic face

WC: 780
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Implications [Private, Akihana] Empty Re: Implications [Private, Akihana]

Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:35 am
Her pen hesitated over the heavy parchment. unsure of how to progress. No stranger to formal letter writing, Akihana was nonetheless unsure what tone this particular message should embody. On one hand writing to Kenshin Uzumaki was more personal than a nameless shinobi of the country. On the other, the letter would serve as a formal invitation to come and see her at the palace.

And the most pressing matter, how would she sign the note? The royal seal sufficed for most things but Kenshin hadn't known her as the Queen. When he had arrived at Hoshi, he had known her as a doctor and a shinobi. Addressing herself as royalty felt too much like lying.

Akihana put down the pen, perhaps a message delivered by word of mouth would do? However as she blonde was pondering this, the very object of her thoughts was escorted into her office. The fact that someone was approaching was alerted first by the stiffening of Ser Kyousuke's frame as he stood by the door. A minute later, said door was opened to usher in Kenshin - but not the boy she remembered. The EGF user had certainly grown.

"Kenshin," the kunoichi smiled, standing up to greet the boy warmly. Clad in a long gown of periwinkle blue dotted with silver embroidery at the hem, Akihana was dressed only minimally in the royal fashion. A simple gold circlet rested on her head, with small sapphires winking in the sunlight from amidst her golden hair. Walking out from behind her desk, the kunoichi reached out to the hug the boy she hadn't seen in almost a year.

"You're taller than me now," she mused affectionately, ushering him to take a seat. Ser Kyousuke remained in his place though Akihana was given to understand he also knew the white haired youth on a personal level. The knight was on duty after all. "Would you believe me if I said I was just thinking of writing to you?"

With that, the guards who had escorted him into the office took their leave, understanding that the rest of the conversation should be private. Only Akihana, her Queensguard and Kenshin remained in the room with Akihana giving the floor to the young male.

Last edited by Akihana Akari on Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Implications [Private, Akihana] Empty Re: Implications [Private, Akihana]

Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:17 am
So focused was he on the chakra signature of the woman whom he had not seen in what almost seemed like years that he completely missed the also familiar chakra signature of Kyousuke Snow, but then again, with how vast the difference in size between Akihana’s and Kyousuke’s total reserves one could excuse Kenshin for not feeling the latter, as it was completely overshadowed by the much larger reserves of the blonde. That was another thing that he had managed to notice, his own reserves must have grown a lot since the time that he had first gotten to meet the golden haired woman, as his own reserves seemed to have grown by leaps and bounds, so much so that they were almost comparable to the reserves of the golden eyed woman, almost, but he was not quite at her level just yet. So lost in thoughts was he that he did not even notice when the guard that been escorting him had opened the doors to usher him into the palace’s libraries, at least until he saw the blonde woman that he had been thinking of...strange, she seemed a little shorter than he remembered...or was he taller, probably the latter, he didn’t really pay much attention to his own height.

The beauty of the woman within put most to shame, even the regal beauty of her grace Princess Tehniyat was nothing when compared to Akihana, or at least that’s how it was when seen through the eyes of Kenshin. She looked almost identical to how he remembered her, the vibrant golden locks that seemed to be filled with life, the golden eyes filled with an almost palpable sense of joy. She was clad in a light blue gown, the hem of which was dotted with silver embroidery, and resting upon her head was a golden circlet emblazoned with some rather beautiful sapphires, her chosen attire only accentuating her true beauty. “Kenshin” he would hear her say in a melodious voice, a small smile upon her face as she stood up from her seat behind the desk and made her way towards him. He had to admit, he was a little shocked when she embraced him in a hug, but that shock was quickly overcome by a sense of joy at finally being able to see her again. He would return the gesture with a true smile upon his face, wrapping his strong arms around her lithe form. The gesture itself was over after but a few moments, but that had been enough for him, as her actions showed that she had indeed missed him “You’re taller than me now” she would say in an affectionate tone as she ushered him towards one of the various seats, her words causing a light chuckle to escape from between the young man's lips as he took the offered seat.

“It really has been too long Akihana” Kenshin would say in the same smooth tone that she would remember from their first meeting, but this time the voice itself would be a little deeper due to his growth since the last time that they had met. “Would you believe me if I said I was just thinking of writing to you?” the blonde would ask as the guards excused themselves, leaving only Kyousuke, Kenshin and Akihana within the library, not that Kenshin had really paid much attention to the large queensguard since he had entered the room. “Of course I would believe you, I have not forgotten that offer of cookies you made during our first meeting” he would say in a lightly jesting tone. Oh how he wished that this little meeting of their could stay as it was now, the two of them simply catching up on lost time, but alas, he had come here for a reason. “I wish we had more time to truly catch up Akihana, but unfortunately that was not the reason I came here” the albino would say as he reached into his pant pocket and retrieved the scroll that held the body of young Shanks. With a light sigh Kenshin would stand and make his way over to the right hand side of Akihana’s desk, where he would kneel to the ground and unroll the scroll that he clutched rather tightly within his hand.

With a minor application of Chakra the contents of the scroll would be released, and in this case, the contents of the scroll was the body of the deceased Shanks, his eyes closed and his face peaceful due to the way in which he had been killed, it had been completely painless, and was over before he even knew what was happening. Once the corpse of the young child was revealed, Kenshin would lift his head to look at Aki “I found this boy on the borders of Haven and Forest...and based on all of the bodies I found in the area he had been on a bit of a killing spree. When I found him he had been practicing a rather strange jutsu on the bears in the forest...I could not really see what the jutsu did, but he was using it to skin the bears alive.” the silver haired young man would explain with a contemplative frown on his face. “His chakra signature was far too strong for him to be an average Genin, in fact, he possessed reserves equal to Ser Snow. If I had to guess, I would place him at either Chunin or Jounin level” Kenshin would say simply as he looked down at the corpse of the youngster. “He left me no choice...” Kenshin would say as a rather deep frown settled on his face.

Now, in his mind none of what he had said had been a lie, he had told the truth, he had just not mentioned certain key details, like the fact that Shanks had in fact been killing the bandits that roamed the countryside. “Now...I had not questioned this at first...but as I returned to Hoshi I found myself asking just why this boy was here” Kenshin would say as he reached towards the boys corpse. “Based on this he is no rogue ninja...but I do not recognize this village symbol” he would say as he pulled the headband from the young boys body and revealed it to Akihana, the headband itself baring the symbol of Funkagakure

WC: 1072
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Implications [Private, Akihana] Empty Re: Implications [Private, Akihana]

Thu Apr 27, 2017 6:17 am
At the mention of cookies, the blonde found herself laughing softly for the first time since she'd arrived in Hoshi. It was good to see that not everything had changed while she was gone. Though Kenshin was certainly more grown up and had made a lot of progress as a shinobi, he was still the same Epson who had accepted kindness and warmth in his heart despite his past experiences.

Perhaps... He would be the right shinobi for the job after all. Kenshin had seen darkness closely, what was more, he had fought it and won. Who better to show the way to a similarly lost young man? "Here," she offered cone she and the boy were seated again, motioning to the cookie jar that was now a permanent fixture of her office. "Have one, i made them last night. I hope you like white chocolate." The fresh batch of cookies was ofered tot eh young shinobi with a warm smile. However the smile disappeared as the conversation moved to a more serious note.

Akihana listened as he described his encounter with a boy, her face turning pale at the mention of a body. As Kenshin laid out the corpse on the floor, Akihana joined him, kneeling beside the still form of the child, a golden barrier already enveloping the body even as Kenshin spoke.

"How long?" she managed to ask even as nature energy surrounded her and the corpse, the golden barrier attempting to find and rekindle the boy's life flame. The effort was exhausting, causing small beads of sweat to roll down the kunoichi's forehead as she focused on the body with all her might, trying to find any one vein or chakra point to rejuvenate. She listened to Kenshin the whole time she worked but towards the end of five minutes, her hands clenched in defeat.

The child was gone.

"I couldn't bring him back..." the blonde confessed, sadness intermittent in her voice as she gently laid a palm over the young child's eyes, closing them forever. Finally focusing on the evidence provided by the chunin, Akihana nodded. "I know that symbol." She did indeed. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she had met Lucian Nazar, the monk of Funkagakure who had shown her his head band and explained that volcano was not a village pleasant for the visiting. Perhaps this boy was looking for Ser Lucian?

If so, he was late in more ways than one. Ser Lucian had left with Princess Tehniyat weeks ago. "I shall bring this matter up with the Hogokage... Was there anything else found on him?" Her golden eyes remained calm, her tone still tinged with sadness but the words were clear enough. They invited Kenshin to reveal all the details without probing him for them.
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Implications [Private, Akihana] Empty Re: Implications [Private, Akihana]

Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:43 am
The small smile on his face would widen just a smidgen as he heard the soft laughter that escaped Akihana’s lips, he was glad that he could make the seemingly always joyful woman laughing. “Here” she would say as she motioned to a small jar that sat upon her desk “Have one, I made them last night. I hope you like white chocolate” she would offer with a warm smile upon her face, something that only made the small smile upon Kenshin’s face widen that little bit further. How strange it was that Akihana managed to make him feel joy with such ease, usually he felt nothing for people, but he could not help but care about this truly kind woman, perhaps it was due to her actions on their first meeting, perhaps it was not, the reason didn’t matter, what mattered was that either way she made him feel things that most others could not hope to. How similar to Genevieve she was in that regard, the two of them somehow managing to get through his carefully crafted defenses and worm their way into his cold heart.

With a grateful smile on his face Kenshin would accept the offer, reaching toward the jar and taking a cookie from within, the sweet aroma of the still fresh treat filling his nose as he went to take a small bite. The sweetness was indeed a change compared to what Kenshin was used to eating, something that only served to enhance the flavour of the already delicious treat, and as such Kenshin could not help but take another bite, and another, until the cookie itself was gone. By the time he managed to realise just how quickly he had devoured the treat his snow white cheeks would turn a rather vibrant crimson due to his embarrassment. With as much composure as he could muster he would wipe what crumbs remained on his face away with his right hand, disguising the motion by giving a slight cough. “It was delicious” Kenshin would admit a light chuckle as he once more looked at the blonde, oh how he wished that he didn’t have to ruin the good time that they were having right now, but he knew that this was something that needed to be brought to the villages higher ups, and it was relatively obvious that Akihana was one of the villages leaders. So it was that after this little incident that Kenshin would continue on with his main reason for coming here, revealing the body of the young child to the kind blonde.

His hearts sank a little as he saw the blood leave her face as he revealed the body of the young boy, and it only sank more as he saw the golden haired woman kneel down on the other side of the corpse, a golden barrier filled with a strange chakra flaring to life around the now cold corpse of the child. “How long?” She would ask as she focused on her golden barrier...was she attempting to bring him back to life? As a medic he knew that such a thing was impossible...or was it, she was definitely a lot more experienced than he in that perhaps she did have a way to breathe life back into the dead. “Four hours at most” Kenshin would answer before explaining the situation that had made it necessary for him to snuff out the young flame of the child. He finished his explanation long before Akihana had given up hope of rekindling the young flame of the child, and he spent the rest of his time studying both the blonde herself and her barrier, it seemed to put a great deal of strain on her if the sweat that had begun to drip from her face was any indication. The barrier...that was something far beyond him, it contained at least one type of chakra that he was completely unable to identify...and the sheer power behind it was humbling to say the least, he had a long way to go before he was anywhere near the level of the kind-hearted woman who was trying so desperately to return the life to the glassy eyed child.

The sadness on her face was almost palpable as her golden barrier died out “I couldn’t bring him back…” she would say in obvious sadness, something that actually managed to make Kenshin hurt a little on the inside, as he knew that he was the sole cause of her feeling this sadness. It was only now though that she would take a good look at the headband in his grasp “I know that symbol” she would admit as she seemed to recall an event from her past “I shall bring this matter up with the Hogokage...was there anything else found on him?” she would ask as her golden eyes peered over at him, sadness still present in her tone even as she asked the question, the tone once more causing Kenshin to feel a little pain in his was strange, he had never felt such a pain before…‘could it be guilt’ he found himself wondering with a small frown on his face. “He did not have much” the stitched and scarred albino would admit as he met Akihana’s golden eyes with his silver ones “There was a strange red scarf, and what looked to be a pair of gauntlets. I left both items in my residence so that I could conduct some tests on them in the future” Kenshin would say as he reached his left hand back into his left pant pocket, pulling its contents out and handing it to Akihana, revealing it to be a rather large pouch that was filled to the brim with ryo.

“But I found that to be the most interesting thing that he was carrying...he certainly did possess a lot of money” Kenshin would say with a light shake of his head, that child would have been a very juicy target to any rogue ninja. “I have no need for it, so I felt it was best to just give it to the village, it would certainly go to much better use than if I were to keep it” Kenshin would say with a light shrug of his shoulders, it was definitely true, which was why he only taken 15000 for himself, less than a third of the total sum, the other 39000 was in the pouch that he had given Akihana. 

WC: 1091
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Implications [Private, Akihana] Empty Re: Implications [Private, Akihana]

Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:14 pm
Akihana couldn't make much of the items Kenshin had found, they seemed more like standard personalized shinobi gear. The ryo amount was troubling. Not only was Kenshin fair in his assumption that the child would have been ripe pickings for a missing ninja but it also called to mind the white haired male's earlier statement about the funka nin's chakra reserves. If this late child was so powerful, could he have been the collector of a recent bounty? Was this black market money she was being presented with? If so, there was only one person to ask. And even though Akihana truly didn't want to do it, she would have to make the visit nonetheless.

"Very well," she resigned softly. "You can keep the items and see if they can either be repurposed or used to find out more about the boy. Our labs and hospitals are always open to you as you know. I will however have to keep the body to show the Hogokage. Once he's examined the child, we might be able to know more of his purpose in Haven." She would also pen a letter to Lucian Nazar who was probably in Bird Country now, asking him if he knew the lifeless boy on the floor. Taking the pouch full of ryo from Kenshin, the blonde handed it to Ser kyousuke.

"This is for the University, Ser. All thirty nine thousand. Please take it to Denkiteki-Sama immediately." Ser Kyousuke, to his credit, didn't raise a single eyebrow at the request, understanding the hidden meaning of her words. Now she needed to be completely alone with Kenshin.

Once the Queensguard was gone and the body sealed in its scroll again, Akihana began her own tale. Moving behind the desk, she pulled out the three anonymous parcels that had reached her by unidentifiable messenger birds. "These letters claim their author has Prince Arata hostage. I'm not sure if you know this but Arata left Haven over a month ago after... after an attack on an innocent young lady. She has recovered now but he remains a fugitive. These letters claim that because we failed to pay a ransom to Konohagakure no sato, he is dead. What do you make of it?"

With that, the young woman would fall silent, waiting for Kenshin to read through the notes and form his own conclusions first in case he presented a prospective she may have missed in her own grief earlier.
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Implications [Private, Akihana] Empty Re: Implications [Private, Akihana]

Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:57 pm
“Very well. You can keep the items and see if they can either be repurposed or used to find out more about the boy. Our labs and hospitals are always open to you as you know. I will however have to keep the body to show the Hogokage. Once he’s examined the child, we might be able to know more of his purpose in Haven.” Akihana would explain softly, the information that he would be unable to keep the corpse left a sour taste in his mouth, but he understood why it was being done, it did make sense for this information to be presented to the Hogokage and this was one of the many possibilities that he had seen coming from this missions. It was not like the corpse was a truly important acquisition, it was a nice curiosity yes and he would have enjoyed examining and dissecting it to see just what made it tick, but that was all it was to him in the end, a nice curiosity, besides, there was always the chance that he could regain the corpse after it was examined by the Hogokage.

As Akihana moved to give the Ryo pouch to Kyousuke the silver haired youth would reseal the corpse of the boy in the scroll, there was no need to keep it out and it seemed that Akihana herself was a bit distressed by the sight of it, not that he could really blame her for such a thing. “This is for the university, Ser. All thirty nine thousand. Please take it to Denkiteki-sama immediately” he would hear her say as he placed the scroll containing the corpse of Shanks on her desk, he also understood just what she was doing, she wished to speak to him in private, his only thought on the matter was what was so sensitive that even one of the villages queensguards could not be privy to the information. When the giant of a man departed Akihana would once more move behind her desk, this time pulling out three parcels and placing them down in front of him, something that caused a silver brow to cock slightly as he looked down at the contents. “These letter claim their author had Prince Arata hostage. I’m not sure if you know but Arata left Haven over a month ago...after an attack on an innocent young lady. She has recovered now but he remains a fugitive. These letter claim that because we failed to pay a ransom to Konohagakure no Sato, he is dead. What do you make of it?” she would say, explaining the entirety of the situation to him as he read through the letters himself, carefully examining every piece of evidence that was presented to him.

With a deep frown on his face Kenshin would once more meet her golden eyed gaze “There is only one thing I can say with certainty, and that is that Konohagakure is not involved, if it were truly my old village there is no way they would be so up front about it. That first letter is naught but a bad attempt to stir up trouble between our villages, but that in itself raises the question of who stands to gain from such conflict” Kenshin would explain with the same contemplative frown on his face, his mind racing as he tried to connect all of the many dots, but there was simply not enough information for him to piece everything together. But that did not mean he could not come to certain conclusions using that evidence “Based on everything in those letters I would come to the assumption that this is either an independent party just trying to stir up trouble...or one of the other villages trying to weaken both Hoshigakure and Konohagakure, but I am personally leaning more towards it being one of the other villages. It would make sense for one of the other villages to want to weaken both Hoshi and Konoha, since we are essentially the competition. It’s definitely not Suna, their relationship with Konoha is far too strong for them to try and pull a stunt like this, and since there was sand in the message, along with the scent of the sea, I would say that it is one of the island villages.” He would say, explaining his rather detailed thought process to Akihana.

“As for the safety of the prince...well, I think I can safely say that he still resides in the land of the living, the person that sent this message gains nothing from killing the rogue royal. If they had truly killed him then they would have sent actual proof of his death, pictures, body parts, anything that would get their point across, not a shirt and piece of scarf.” Kenshin would say with a hard look on his scarred face. That was was where the sender of the letters had truly messed up, claims without proof were just that, claims, and as someone who had spent the majority of his young life growing up in the Black Markets he knew that if this person had truly done what they had claimed there would have been hard proof attached to the letters.

WC: 876
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Implications [Private, Akihana] Empty Re: Implications [Private, Akihana]

Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:08 am
Listening to all the young shinobi had to say, Akihana was somewhat relieved to see their thought patterns were not too far apart. Konohagakure and Sunagakure could certainly never be involved in this, certainly not on an official level. However if there were underground factions within both governments... the blonde didn't want to think that. Her faith had never fallen short before and it wouldn't fall short now despite what a rogue actor or nation wanted her to think.

"I also know for a fact that the first two letters are lies," she added quietly once he was done. "The Hogokage... he has a unique way to tracking people through his space time jutsu. After I received the second letter, I requested his help and indeed, the prince is not a captive. He was seen travelling along the coastal area of what looked like Tea Country." The image of Arata's bold scalp and heavily scarred face come to find, causing an involuntary shudder to run through the medic's narrow frame. How much her son had changed.

"What troubles me is that the blood samples are genuine," she finished, steadying herself. Now was not the time to give into grief. That was for when she was alone, where no one could watch her fall to pieces. "The author of the letter has or at some point had access to the prince's blood. I've run tests and the blood is..." Is mine, no, while that was true, it would not help anyone to say that. "It's real," she managed instead.

At his suggestion of an island based nation responsible the blood shook her head slightly. "It is possible but not a deduction to be made just by the sand and sea residue on the letters. Those could be just as good a framing device as the blood claiming the prince is dead. I'm more inclined to think this is either an undercover or an independent organization pulling the strings. They might be watching the prince, obtaining his blood samples for more false communication - this puts his life in grave danger."

Taking a deep breathe, Akihana finally said the words she had been working up the courage to utter up until now. "Someone has to go find him, he's both in danger and a danger to others out there."
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Implications [Private, Akihana] Empty Re: Implications [Private, Akihana]

Sat Apr 29, 2017 1:39 am
When Kenshin had finished looking over the evidence he would resist the urge to sigh, everything that he had just thought of was pure conjecture, there was no possible way to prove anything due to the sheer lack of evidence in this situation. He knew that it was a stretch to assume most of what he had, but at the same time the conclusions that he had come to made sense if one were to look at all of the evidence that had been presented to him by the blonde Akari. But then again, he also knew that it was indeed possible that someone was trying to implicate the island nations, and if so then they had done a damned good job in doing what they had...ugh, this whole situation was bad, they had next to nothing concrete to go on, but that would not stop him from giving the blonde his opinion on the matter like she had asked. . “I know for a fact that the first two letters are lies” Akihana would say quietly when he had finished saying that he did not believe that Konoha was actually involved in this matter “The Hogokage...he has a unique way to track people through his space time jutsu. After I received the second letter, I requested his help and indeed, the prince was not a captive. He was seen travelling along the coastal area of what looked to be Tea Country” she would then say, something that made Kenshin resist the urge to curse, that could also be where the scent of the sea and the sand in the letter came from, and due to that they had even less to go on than they did before.

He would not notice the small shudder that went through the frame of the golden eyed medic, but would have no idea what had caused her to react that way, ‘Perhaps she saw something when she checked on the prince in the Hogokage’s strange space time technique’ the silver haired young man would think to himself with a small, contemplative frown on his scarred face. “What troubles me is that the blood samples are genuine” she would say when she finally managed to steady herself enough to keep speaking “The author of the lesser has or at some point had access to the prince’s blood. I’ve run tests and the blood’s real” she would then say, hesitating before saying the last two words. That new piece of information still did not change the fact that Kenshin believed the young prince still resided in the land of the living, he knew through personal experience just how easy it was to come across blood when you’re trailing someone. So, despite the new evidence that he had just gotten he would still say the very same thing that he had described in his previous post, about both the possibility of the island nations being behind this and the belief that the prince was still alive despite what the letter may claim.

But not too long after the young man had given his opinion he would see Akihana lightly shake her head “It is possible but not a deduction to be made just by the sand and sea residue on the letters. Those could be just as good a framing device as the blood claiming the prince is dead. I’m more inclined to think this is either an undercover or an independent organisation pulling the strings. They might be watching the prince, obtaining his blood samples for more false communication - this puts his life in grave danger.” Akihana would then suggest, and she was right of course, her thoughts on the matter making a great deal more sense than his own did. It was like he had been musing before, everything that he was saying here was nothing more than conjecture, all of it based upon the evidence that had been presented to him, and there was a very good chance that some of it had been placed solely to throw them off the real trail. “Someone has to go find him, he’s both in danger and a danger to others out there” the golden eyed woman would say after taking a rather deep breath, and as soon as the words had left her lips Kenshin understood just why she had been thinking of writing to him.

“And that’s where I come in” the scar faced young man would say as a small smirk formed on his face, despite him not knowing that Arata was her son it was rather obvious to Kenshin that she cared a great deal for the young prince. “You don’t even need to ask Akihana, I would be more than happy to help you out in any way that I can.” he would say as he flashed the woman a genuine smile, he owed her more than any words could ever hope to convey, and this was the least that he could do to pay back that debt

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Akihana Akari
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Implications [Private, Akihana] Empty Re: Implications [Private, Akihana]

Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:18 am
As the Chunin readily offered his help, Akihana couldn't help the grateful smile that flashed across her face for an instant before it was once again replaced with a serious expression. "While I appreciate your offer more than you can ever know," she began slowly, choosing her words with care. "This will not be an easy mission. The prince has proven hostile before... He may not want to return to Hoshi. There is also the possibility that he's being watched, and I can't confirm by how many or how powerful an adversary."

Reaching into her desk drawer, the kunoichi pulled out a rough sketch of how Arata looked now, bold and with the spiraling tattoo across his face. Gently, she laid the mage down beside the wanted poster from the third parcel, showing Kenshin the drastic change between both images. The guilt still heavy heavy in her heart at not being completely forthcoming in the bingo book submission. She had first soothed herself with knowing that the entry was drafted before she had seen the boy's new appearance but there were no excuses after save the maternal instinct in her that still wanted to look out for her little boy.

"I'm also not entirely sure of his exact whereabouts since the technique we used did not give specifics. All I know is that he's in a coastal area of Tea Country. He was getting aboard a boat but I couldn't tell if it was just for a fishing trip or if he planned to travel further via the ocean. Finding him will be no easy feat."

A pause, before she spoke once more, confirming the worst possible outcome.

"Against all our suspicions, it could also be possible that he really is dead... If that's the case, your task will be tor return his body to Hoshi for burial."
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