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Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Akihana helper Empty Akihana helper

Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:54 pm
Akihana helpers

Youta woke up like he did most mornings and got dressed for the day. He wanted to wear something comfortable because he was going out on a solo mission so he needed to make sure that he was comfortable. He was not sure what his mission would be but was excited to be I trusted with whatever it was that he was going to intrusted with. He put on his normal black attire and made sure to put on his headband nice and tight. He definitely did not want to lose his head band today. He wanted to make sure that no matter what the mission was that he would be able to come back home and still have his headband on his head. He had heard from other ninjas that it is a pain in the ass to get a new one if you lose this one. He definitely wanted to avoid that hassle. So after he got dressed and went downstairs he sat in his usual spot for breakfast. He talked to his adoptive parents about his mission for the day and how he was so excited to find out what he would be doing for the village. His father took him and told him “No matter what the mission is today make sure that you do the best. There is no honor in taking it easy on a mission even if it is not necessarily the one you wanted. There is never any small task in the village, all missions are important to the village in some way even if you do not necessarily see it yet.” Youta looks back at him and says “Of course father, do you need help to get to your forge today, I have some time.” His father gives a short response “No I got it. You should definitely not be late to this. I would feel especially bad if you got in trouble for helping your old man out. Go and be safe out there.”

He walked to find the commander who was giving him his mission today. He looked at Youta and said “You are doing some community service today. In honor of our second Hogokage the kitchen is making a bunch of Dorayaki and Dango dumplings for the community children. You are to help the chef go to and purchase what he needs for this day. Report to the kitchen and see what he needs for the momentous occasion.” Youta just responds with “Yes sir”. You could obviously tell that Youta was a little disappointed about his mission. He was just babysitting some cook and doing some shopping for the kitchen. He felt like he was being passed up on purpose. He was not sure if it was because of his family or because of what he has inside of him. He felt like he might have been segregated against. But as these thoughts crept into his mind he remembered what his father told him and how every mission is important in some way and not always the way that you think. He knew that even though this is not necessarily the mission that he wanted it was the one that he was assigned to do. So he must do the best job that is possible for him to do. He then continues to bow respectfully to the person who gave him the mission and then turns around to walk away to find the chef.

Youta is trying to move as quickly and safely as possible through all the hallways to find the chef that he is supposed to escort to the marketplace to find these ingredients. He goes left and right but then realizes that he does not really know where the kitchen is. He looks around the halls asking people where the kitchen is when he finally gets an answer. It seems like he has been searching for too long. When he finally made it to the kitchen he came in yelling out the chef's name. Who quickly responds with “Why are you late? Can the ninjas send someone who would not be late? We need to get to the market quickly before they open to the public to make sure that we get all the ingredients that we need in order to make all the treats for the children of the village. Come quickly and get in the cart so we can get started” On the way to the market we started talking and in the middle of the conversation he looked at me and said “I am sorry I was shouting and yelling earlier. Please forgive me! The leaders are breathing down my neck about this event and a few others and the stress is starting to get to me. That is not an excuse though.” Youta just looks at him and kindly says “It is not a problem I promise I forgive you but I should not have been late accept my apologies. Now that, that is out of the way we are almost at the market sir do you mind telling me what we need to buy?” He continues to hand Youta a list which he proceeds to read.
As they pull up to market Youta suggest that they split the list in half in order to get done faster. The chef agrees and they split the ingredients. The first thing Youta starts loading all the sugar and flour into the cart. The vender knew that the chef was coming so had all the flour and sugar ready. Youta struggles a little with this because there was a lot of flour and sugar to load. He was not the strongest person in the village for sure but with some persistence he loaded them into the cart. Next on his list Macha powder so he went looking for it. He never had macha before the strange green powder was fascinating to Youta. He wanted to try some. He asked for a large bag of macha from the vendor who gladly gave it freely when he found out what it was for. He carried the bag to the cart and loaded it too. The chef had not returned and he still had one more item on his list. The last thing on his list was the red bean paste. He had no idea where to look for this particular item. He went to the spice area but had no luck there. He eventually went up to a vendor and asked “Sir” bowing respectfully “do you know where I can buy some red bean paste? It is of the utmost importance. It is for the celebration where the royal kitchen will make treats for all the children. If you could point me in the right direction that would be great information.” The vendor looks at him then points to a stall that is a little further down the road. Youta rushes towards it. He walked up and the vendor asked “Are you the genin helping the chef today? It is a great thing that they do this for all the children. They absolutely love it.” Youta quickly replies “Yes sir” the vendor then continues “well your order is right over there in those jars.” Youta looks behind him and the chef is coming down the road in the cart. He pulls up next to the stall and they work together to get this last ingredient loaded into the cart.

Youta who is now back at the kitchen helping unload the ingredients for the chef along with some of the workers there. Youta was exhausted and was ready to head home. On the way home he heard a young couple with a smaller child talking about the ceremony. The child looked so happy when his parents were asking him about it. The idea that his simple mission could bring so much joy to so many of the villagers filled Youta’s heart with so much joy it was overflowing when he got home. He walked in with such a big smile. His parents asked him about his day. Youta continued to talk to them about all that had happened to him during the day. He talked about how happy the children would be getting all those treats from the palace. When he got back up to his room for the night he made a swear not to complain about his assignments ever again. He now realized that every mission is significant.

Claim: 1000 ryu and 3 Ap

14 stats

Meigan first stage 2000/2000

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Akihana helper Empty Re: Akihana helper

Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:30 am
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