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Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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Start with the Basics Empty Start with the Basics

Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:35 pm
Zakari had been focused on practicing for the genin exams he hoped to take, but so far his practices had involved nothing but staring at scrolls and focusing chakra, and then doing the technique. He looked up to the sky to see the sun high in the sky, it was about an hour past noon. He begun to think about what new jutsu he would try to learn, but his brain would not let him focus. No matter how hard he tried, the idea of just sitting down and staring at a scroll for hours sounded like torture. This was fine and all, but it was so boring for the young Akari. He needed something to get his blood pumping. Something that could let him blow off some steam. Something that would let him jump around. His eyes landed on a practice dummy.
He walked over to the dummy, and began throwing random punches and kicks. He threw in some flashy moves like a spin or a jump. He was grinning like an idiot while he tried doing flips and hand stands and anything that he thought would make him look cooler, which was useless because he was alone in this training ground. The only thing this helped was that when he went to spin around and land a kick he slipped and ended up landing on his back. He laid their on his back surprised at his sudden mistake. He also felt a soreness in his butt from where he had fallen. What am I doing? This is not helping me. None of that stuff will ever help me in a real fight. He realized that he had been acting like a child. This might have been fine for some normal academy student, but not for him. He was aiming for genin, and this was doing nothing but wasting his time. 
He slowly got up from his position on the ground, while rubbing his sore backside. "If I want to truly get stronger I have to take training seriously." He remembered one of his earlier classes in the academy when talking about taijutsu. Taijutsu had always been interesting to Zakari, mainly because it gave him a reason to jump around. It was a form of fighting that was simple, effective, and flashy if used by the right person. During one of those classes he remembered hearing about one of the most basic fighting stances one can learn. His teacher had stressed how learning the form would lead them to be able to learn all sorts of other taijutus moves. It was like one of the cornerstones of taijutsu, the inside to outside counter.
Zakari faced the practice dummy, but this time with a more serious expression. He widened his feet past his shoulders, so that he had a solid base. He then lowered his left arm to just below his waist and held it outward. He completed the stance by straightening out his right arm in a punching manner and raising it slightly.
At first, he began with open palm strikes focusing more on speed and precision, but the more and more he hit the dummy then the more and more he felt himself get into a rhythm. After each punch, he would imagine getting attacked and then countering his opponent. Once he was sure he had the rhythm down, he switched to closed fist strikes that focused more on force. His strikes were originally weak, as he kept subconsciously pulling up at the last second because of fear of the pain that would come from hitting a wooden practice dummy. However, after a couple more punches he steeled himself and began putting more and more impact into the punches.  
This type of training was difficult, but after a while Zakari got lost into the repetitive rhythm of his hitting his target over and over again. The steady beat of his fist thudding against the wood of the dummy soothing to his ears. When he finally stopped, it was because one of his fist had started to bleed from getting busted opened. He must have lost track of time, because hours had passed. The sun was low in the sky as dusk began to take over the sky. How long had he been here training? His mom was probably wondering where he was. He was breathing heavily and sweat was sliding down his face. His lungs were burning, but it was a satisfying type of burning that comes from completing a workout. Not only that, but the blood had gotten on his clothes. "Man, mom is going to kill me for messing up my nice clothes." The cuts on his hands simply caused a small stinging sensation, but it was still bleeding and would need to be taken care of. He grinned at this feeling of having done something. It felt this training had really been a success. He hurried off to home, but he was not moving as fast as he usually did. After all, he exhausted. 
He arrived home to get berated by his mother for ruining his clothes. He tried to explain and in the end it did nothing. He simply ate his dinner, and then went to sleep. All the while, remembering the repetitive thuds as his fist landed home on the dummy.

WC: 872
Requesting Inside to Outside counter and +4 stat points.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Start with the Basics Empty Re: Start with the Basics

Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:43 pm
Approved, in the future please be sure to link the jutsu you're training. This makes it much easier on staff, thanks.
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