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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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irrefutable (Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: irrefutable (Hikari)

Thu May 18, 2017 5:34 pm
Hikari would take the cookie she offered her a cookie and Hikari was more then willing to take the sweets, Akihana would say that while the idea did have merits, it had been held off long enough and that he would be put into the bingo books. This brought Sorrow into the young girl's heart, She knew in the world not everyone could live comfortably and happy, but at the same time, hearing the prince was about to be hunted down was not something that the girl wanted to hear, even if he had slit the princesses throught.

Hikari would then hear how they could do both ideas, send someone out after Him along with putting him in the bingo book, "That would probably be the best idea," Hikari would agree, "I would volunteer to take that burden for you, and I will if you ask it of me, but I don't have any real tracking abilities, so it would be next to impossible for me to find him. However, just so you are awear, that doesn't mean I can not be of any assistance. During my free time, I have been learning Fuinjutsu, namely how to learn to make a seal that can allow people to telepathically speak to each other anywhere in the world. I have not finished it yet, but if you are going to send someone out, feel free to call upon me and  I can place the seal on the two of you, so that you can keep in contact with each other."

Akihana would dismiss the new Chunin, and Hikari would curtsy and turn to leave, but then would think for a second.... The queen's eyes.....

Hikari would turn back around, "Akihana?" Hikari would ask, "I am sorry to bother you about this.... but there was something that has been bothering me since you walked in.... your eyes.... they are an unusual shade of yellow, no, that's not right, they are a pure golden. They are truly beautiful, I apologize if I am stepping out of line, here, but are they colored contacts?"
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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irrefutable (Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: irrefutable (Hikari)

Wed May 24, 2017 3:19 pm
Akihana had expected the child to leave, yet when Hikari lingered back, the medic focused on the young chunin once more. When the teen finally asked her question, she would be met with a tired but kind smile.

"Why don't you take a seat again, sweetie? This might take a while," she spoke invitingly, already dismissing her next task in favor of talking to Hikari of the Golden Eye. Details of the Akari were scant and Akihana believed in sharing information with her shinobi. Despite her exile, the kunoichi had always loved her family, she always would. "No, they ren't contacts," she confirmed, contemplating ehr words carefully.

"I'm not much for cosmetics really, unusual for a medical ninja but if I started to change everything about me I wasn't fond of, I'm afraid I would never stop." Her tone grew quieter as Hikari took a seat, continuing in the same long lost manner. "My grandfather had these eyes too. Few within our clan - the Akari clan - manage to awaken the second stage of their bloodline dojutsu, Golden Eye. I'm not even sure why I was able to do it, I can only imagine it was because I wanted to feel closer to my dear grandfather."

The medic had still not checked on Akashingo in the Sanctuary pool, afraid of what the pond would reveal. If she never knew of her grandfather's death, he would always be alive in some way.
"The first level of Golden Eye is easy enough to achieve, some even claim to be born with it though I was never that gifted. The second stage is said to only be achieved through years of training, but once it is achieved, your eyes turn completely golden as a sign of your prowess. I used to have brown eyes when I was your age, you know. " Autumn Colored Eyes...
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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irrefutable (Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: irrefutable (Hikari)

Sat May 27, 2017 10:20 pm
'A blood line trait?' Hikari would think to herself.

"Ok... I'm sorry if I was to bold in that... it was just the strangest thing, while I was on my way to the library in order to do that mission report you spoke of, and my eyes kept getting blurry. Well... blurry Isn't the right word, perhaps...well, everything got supper bright. As if a light came down from the heaven's and engulfed me. At the same time, A few people who were near by said my Iris changed color from its normal shade to a golden. So I was wondering if you knew anything about it, but since this is a blood line ability... I think I must be mistaken. I come from simple birth, I am not a clan shinobi with a rare bloodline ability, so my apologies for asking that."

Hikari wouldn't leave as of yet, since she wasn't told to this time, and was currious if Akihana had anything Fuinjutsu that she wanted the girl to learn.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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irrefutable (Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: irrefutable (Hikari)

Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:35 pm
What Hiikari was describing... could it possibly be the signs of a young Golden Eye budding? Akihana herself had experienced no such blurriness but then again, she had grown up in a clan of Akari, she had been taught what to expect and even seen children forced to awaken their golden eye via inhumane tactics should the need arise.

"I have an idea," the Queen Regent spoke, reaching out a small hand and channeling chakra through her golden gaze on top of her palm. Soon enough the familiar jutsu was taking shape, a glowing orb of light balanced a few centimeters atop her slim fingers. "Try looking into it. Let me know if you feel any discomfort or agitation. This is one the most basic Akari jutsu, the blinding ball. I've lowered its intensity by a lot but normal eyes should still find this uncomfortable."

If Hikari found her eyes hurting or gave any signs of discomfort, the blonde would end the jutsu and tend to the chunin. If however the girl's eyesight adjusted to the light, to even begin to differentiate the patters in the orb.. then they might have a bigger problem.

As to the matter of learning helpful fuinjutsu, the medic would hand Hikari a sheet of paper with all the fuinjutsu learned by both Tomoya and Shina. If Hikari found them directly unhelpful, she would at least have somewhere to start. "These are some o the common fuinjutsu we need in the city, among them the telepathy seal and the sealing seal in case of expulsions of large reserves of chakra. There is no emergency and you are not obligated to learn any of them, but these techniques are good to have around especially now that Denkiteki-sama and Tomoya-sama are buy outside of the city."
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

irrefutable (Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: irrefutable (Hikari)

Sat Jun 10, 2017 11:04 pm
"I have an idea," the Queen Regent would explain as the woman would hold out her hand and a bright ball made of pure light energy would appear out of it, blinding Hikari, The girl on reflext would look away, however, the queen would then continue, “Try looking into it. Let me know if you feel any discomfort or agitation. This is one the most basic Akari jutsu, the blinding ball. I've lowered its intensity by a lot but normal eyes should still find this uncomfortable.”

Hikari got the message and would move her line of sight back to the golden ball. Her eyes would completely envelop with light, blinding her, taking away her ability to see. The Chunin was about to look away, however, the light started to dim… no… that wasn’t it…. But after some time, the chestnut hair colored girl’s eyes would slowly start to adjust to the light, allowing her eyes to become more use to the light.

After a few more seconds, now that her eyes had Ajusted, Hikari would respond, “The light… at first it was a little bit discomforting, however, right now they seem to be ok now…… I’m not exactly sure of the point of this exercise however….”

Back to the mater of fuinjutsu, the medic would give go into her desk, write a few names onto a piece of paper, and hand it to her…. "These are some of the common fuinjutsu we need in the city, among them the telepathy seal and the sealing seal in case of expulsions of large reserves of chakra. There is no emergency and you are not obligated to learn any of them, but these techniques are good to have around especially now that Denkiteki-sama and Tomoya-sama are busy outside of the city.”

As Akihana told this to the girl, Hikari would skim them over, reading them, Hikari would respond, “No, if this is what the village needs, I would be glad to learn them, Actually, I spend the majority of my spare time in the library, and I have been reading up on some of these jutsu at the Archives, and I know of a few of them, however, there are a few problems I will have learning a few of them.

The first one you mentioned is one that can seal a great expulsion of chakra, well, the first one you listed does have the ability to do that, its called the four symbols seal. It sounds like it would be a mater of great importance for the village to have, however…. I gave up trying to learn it because the symbol’s required to learn it are grand, difficult to learn, and incredibly advanced to learn. I will go ahead and continue to learn it, but don’t presume it will be ready any time soon, I would expect it to take… at least a year to learn, if not longer. That being said, if sealing a large amount of chakra is required, there might be another way to do that. I am not sure how that would be, I have yet to find another jutsu that could do that in the library, but if it is a great mater, I can go ahead and perhaps try to create my own seal that could solve the problem? I have no idea how long it would take for me to do that however…..”
(Probably whenever the Creation center opens,) But I can get on that immediately.

Another jutsu you have on here is the curse seal placement.
(Orochimaru’s Juinjutsu) The Kozaki Library has a vague mention of it in a book, I can’t even say for sure if the two are the same jutsu, but no way to learn it, I would need to do more research in order to learn that jutsu myself, but I can start on that if you so wish it.

Finally, you request the telepathy jutsu, while the seal isn’t quite as powerful as I would like it to be, and would break if someone knew the basic’s of how to break Fuinjutsu…. I already posses the ability to make the telepathic Seal. If you wish it, I can even give you a seal to myself now, so that you can keep in contact with me as I proceeded with my studies, or if you desire to keep in contact with any shinobi while they are out on missions, feel free to call me in and I can make the seal.

Besides that, I belive none of the other jutsu’s should give me much of a problem…”

TWC: 3010
Hikari had a small problem with the light at first, but her eyes adjusted to it.

Hikari read the jutsu list Akihana gave her, would show that problems with learning the S ranks, however, said she would get to work on it.

She would also say that the telepathy jutsu is mostly ready, and if you would like she could go ahead and place said seal on you and her, or you could call her in to place seals on people that are going out on the village.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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irrefutable (Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: irrefutable (Hikari)

Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:53 pm
As the teen focused on the orb of light, Akihana focused on her. The blonde was about to turn off the orb the first sign of Hikari showing discomfort but as she watched, the young chunin continued to look into the light. Being a very frequent user of the jutsu, Akihana knew how people responded to it, and Hikari's was certainly unusual. Not only was she staring into the glowing orb fine, she appeared to be interested in it. Just for good measure, Akihana increased the intensity a little bit, only to see no discomfort on the young girl's part.

"The point, my dear, was to test your eyes," Akihana explained kindly to the child. "This is called the blinding ball jutsu, and though I'm not trying to hurt you, ordinary eyes would not be so comfortable in its presence. Tell me, do you have any ancestors who were part of a clan or wielded a particular bloodline?" It might be good to know if the girl had a latent bloodline, because if that was the case, Hikari might be in danger without realizing it.

The blonde merely nodded as Hikari explained both her hurdles and progress with the jutsu she had been provided, they should keep her busy for a little while. "I'll be in touch with you should I need the telepathy seal placed upon myself and another," she assured the teen before proposing another idea. If the child really was of a rare bloodline, possibly even the Golden Eye, it might be best to keep her in the city until they learned more. Jutsu aside, she needed tasks to complete within the city of Hoshigakure.

"There is also another matter I would appreciate your assistance with. Soon, there is to be a chunin battle not unlike the one you went through yourself. I would like you to attend the battle this time and take notes, make your own summaries of how it could have gone better and what tactics the three genin used. In the end, you may advise the judges on who you feel should move ahead. Your word won't be the last but if it is good enough, it will be taken into consideration."
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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irrefutable (Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: irrefutable (Hikari)

Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:56 pm
“Tell me, do you have any ancestors who were part of a clan or wielded a particular bloodline?”

Hikari would slightly chuckle at the thought of this. The girl didn’t know much of bloodlines, but what she did know of was that Ayato’s eyes came from his blood line, Shiroi’s transformation was also part of her bloodline, however, Hikari didn’t show any of these abilities… “Um… I’m sorry, I don’t believe so. Neither of my parents were shinobi to my knowledge. My father was a hard working restaurant owner… and my mother was an immigrant who came from the land of fire. My Maternal side has been working in the restaurant business for generations, as for my mother’s side…..” Hikari would start but then trail off. Come to think of it she, didn’t know much about her mother’s side of the family. “I… I actually don’t know about my mother’s family… she never once talked about it, but surely, she doesn’t have some sort of bloodline. She came from the land of fire…. But to the land of stars? She came long before Hoshigakure established a shinobi system and was still dead set against us…. So why would she knowingly come to that. Also… I am not the only sibling that is in my family, as I mentioned before, I had a younger sister and an older brother. If I have some bloodline ability in my veins, surely my older brother would of shown some symptoms before I did?”

Hikari wouldn’t push any more on the jutsu. Her telepathy seal wasn’t as strong as it should be, so placing it would probably be a bad idea. Also, she didn’t know much more on any of the jutsu mentioned.

However…. When the queen brought up the possibility of her being a note taker on the battle… This seemed like an Odd request, however… If the queen needed her there, she was going to comply.

“Yes, Akihana, it would be my honor to attened if that is what you wish of it.”

Presuming there was nothing more about blood lines…. the new chunin would say, “Is that all My Grace? If it is, then I suppose I should get to studying those seals that you spoke of.”

WC: 383

TWC: 3393

Akihana Akari
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irrefutable (Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: irrefutable (Hikari)

Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:20 pm
"Bloodlines are mysterious things," Akihana responded, cryptic by intention. There was no point in worrying the child if this was simply a harmless anomaly, just as Hikari would be fully briefed if it turned out to be something more. Just as well the young chunin would be kept busy inside the city while they figured out one way or the other.

"That will be all Hikari, thank you for taking the time to come and talk to me. It seems I have some hard decisions to make and you have some family information to retrieve." While the blonde would never out rightly tell Hikari to pester her mother, the Queen could very well imagine why Mrs. Namikaze would be unwilling to come forth about her bloodline limit. An Akari away from the homeland was usually a dead one. Getting married, changing her name and living as a civilian was probably one of the best ways to stay alive.

"Should you find anything of note, you're welcome to come see me again," she offered with a final smile as she dismissed the Chunin.

(Exit Akihana)
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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irrefutable (Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: irrefutable (Hikari)

Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:40 pm
"It seems I have some hard decisions to make and you have some family information to retrieve."

Family information....

"I will do my best on figureing this out... however... digging up this information will be.... well, challenging to do without digging up my parent's grave. They died in an attack from the Jaws of Grima about 4 months ago. As such.... it would be hard to just go ask them. So.... it is going to be quite the challenge to find this out. However... I will find a way, your grace to figure this out."

With that, Hikari would stand from her chair and leave the room, trying to figure out how she could prove her family history. This couldn't be.. could it? There was no way that she had shinobi blood going through her veins.... right?


WC: 141

TWC: 3534


An Akari discovery topic, making 3 in total so officially joining the Akari clan, droping 25 stats for being accepted and loosing my clanless status.

34 AP

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Kobayashi Senshi <3
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irrefutable (Hikari) - Page 2 Empty Re: irrefutable (Hikari)

Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:39 pm
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