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Blood Games: 2+2=Violence - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Games: 2+2=Violence

Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:07 pm
Ren faltered as the Mizukage lept down to the arena... 'goddamnit, what is he doing?' Ren thought as Xyxer began to speak... "kneel beside one another" Ren's mind stopped for a second 'I-is he serious? this boy needs medical attention, we might be able to save him if we're quick' Ren thought, opening his mouth as he turned towards Xyxer, the hesitation and confusion clear on his face. "My lord... The child needs medical attention" Ren would say, in a concerned voice. Now if Xyxer were to show some compasion here Ren would of course rush Hinoki to the medical centre, but we all know thats not how this is going to go down...

If Xyxer stayed true to character and insisted on Ren Kneeling Ren would do so, placing the boy down on the nearest piece of concrete before running over to his Kage. 'If the bastard is going to make this difficult then theres nothing I can do about it right now; the best I can do for Hinoki is make this quick. Ren would kneel, positioning himself so that he could keep an eye on both Kozata and Xyxer before he looked up towards the Kage, his face blank and as emotionless as he could handle. Internally however Ren's rage was boiling up. 'Never forget Ren, this is the true face of your kage, not kind, not pragmatic, but simply demented, revealing in the pain of his subjects, a true demon.' Ren looked the man in the eye, and smiled 'I will kill you one day' He though 'you will die with a knife in your back for this Xyxer Gyojin.'
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Blood Games: 2+2=Violence - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Games: 2+2=Violence

Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:12 pm
Shifting the weight of Samehada a little on his shoulder, he heard a slight protest come from the lips of the trap that was near him. Turning his head slightly, he'd lock eyes onto the boy who was currently holding someone he helped cripple. It appears there'd be a slight exchange while out of earshot of the crowd, and so he'd simply reply to Ren, interested to see the true character of the boy, "That he does. Make your choice, Ren, he doesn't have long and my knighting won't be postponed forever. What'll it be? I mean, after all.. you are the reason he's in this state." The eyes of Xyxer remained focused on Ren, like a lion sizing up a gazelle it was about to leap upon. It was just so.. interesting. What would he do?
Rin Togakawa
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Blood Games: 2+2=Violence - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Games: 2+2=Violence

Mon Feb 27, 2017 4:02 am
Ren glanced at the man before looking back at the exit 'It's my choice? Surely this is some sort of trap?' Ren thought to himself, trying to reason out what possible trick there was; although both him and the Mizukage had recently had that discussion about doing whats best for the village... 'Even if it is a trap I have to take the chance!' Ren thought, coming to a decision. With a curt but respectful nod to the Mizukage Ren would rush out through the entry of the coliseum opposite the one he had calling out as he did so "I'll be as fast as I can my lord."
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Blood Games: 2+2=Violence - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Games: 2+2=Violence

Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:51 am
Of course, Xyxer did not care for the period of time that Ren would be absent for, he'd assimilated the information he needed from him. Shifting the bulking blade off from his shoulder with a simple nudge, he'd control the weight of it to maneuver samehada onto the left shoulder of Kozurou. Naturally, when the blade made contact there'd be a whirling feeling from the boy which was only natural, after all, his chakra was being lightly sapped from the point of contact, but that wasn't the point of the ordeal, merely an aftereffect. "Kozurou entered as a Genin of Kirigakure with only a dream. A goal he worked diligently to attain." Xyxer spoke, addressing the crowd as they watched the monstrous blade they had only heard tales of, dating all the way back to the old era, "And through his hard work, and his dedication to his goal, he was able to overcome his opponent. A sacrifice was made, but a sacrifice can often be necessary. Together, we can learn from the fate of Hinoki, and develop from the perseverance of Kozurou to become better ourselves." At this point, Xyxer shifted the blade to the other shoulder of Kozurou, before lifting it up towards his own shoulder again, "Now, Kozurou rises as a Chuunin of Kirigakure, held in high regard by the people of our village. He will be awarded appropriately." Xyxer finished with a slight grin, looking form the arena towards where Ren had ran off to, he'd have to be appropriately punished, Xyxer thought.


Kozurou to Chuunin and what not
Bernie about to die? idk
Ren stagnating at chuunin for now

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Blood Games: 2+2=Violence - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Games: 2+2=Violence

Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:23 am
Ren ran through the long tunnel before him; the body of hinoki in his hands, Ren thought about trying to use his knowledge on medical Ninjutsu to try and heal the boy but spinal damage was not something he was prepared to deal with. *drip* The condensed water that hung on much of the buildings in this village fell from the roof of the tunnel, crashing onto Ren's head and running down his face as he rushed past the preparation rooms and skidded around the corner of the long corridor. "Hold on Hinoki, just a little further and we'll get you fixed up." Ren said, forcing a smile as he looked at the unconscious body of his student, lying in his arms as his life blood slowly seeped into Ren's arms.

Ren battered open the door to the Medical Centre; bellowing out orders as he did so. "Clear a table! I need a Doctor!" Ren called as he rushed the boy to the nearest table and placed him down. "What is it; what happened?" one of the doctors said as he rushed over to the table. "I-" for all his medical training; for all his skill and knowledge Ren drew a blank. He'd lived through the fall of old kiri, he'd seen many a person dying, but he hadn't dealt with someone he knew dying before him whilst he stood there, unable to do something, not since he was a child. Ren watched on as the gentle glow of medical chakra surrounded the boy as the medical team gathered around him and began their work. 'please, let the poor boy live' Ren thought, barely registering as the medical team muttered a few words amongst themselves; the light fading from the boy's body. "No. No. No. No. NO! Why are you stopping; you have to keep trying!" Ren yelled as one of the nurses tried to pull him away. "I'm sorry sir but he's gone; theres nothing more that we can do for him." Ren felt his arm raising itself in anger, about to slap the woman, before he caught himself; bringing his hand down onto a nearby table with a loud thud Ren found himself speaking; a whisper that somehow managed to penetrate the room in a way that even the loudest of yells would fail to. "Leave us" he hissed; glowering at the nurse and the doctors until they left...

Ren looked down at the figure of the dead boy, he looked almost peaceful, the doctors had managed to stop the bleeding and heal the boy's neck, even the bruises from the impacts on his shoulders had faded, externally he looked perfectly healthy, and yet he would never open his eyes again... 'No, No, I refuse to accept it! I wont just sit here and let the boy die!' Ren thought as he formed the hand seals for a medical technique and began pouring his chakra into the boy; it did nothing of course, even a perfectly healthy body cannot function without a conciseness, and this boy's conciseness had long since moved on. 'More, I just need more chakra!' Ren thought as he intensified the flow of chakra, draining his already considerable supply of chakra in an attempt to illicit at least some sort of a response from the boy. "More, more, more" Ren began to mutter as he pushed, forcing every ounce of his chakra out of his body and into the boy. 'was that a twitch I saw? It's working, He's still alive!' Ren thought as his hands began to burn from the amount of chakra flowing through them. "I can do this, he just need m-more chakra" Ren said to the empty room as he stood over the boy's body. His legs were weak, he could feel his own energy starting to fade away as he emptied his remaining chakra into the boy's body and began cannibalising his own muscles to keep him alive, even as his vision began to fade he kept thinking 'he moved, It's working I just... have to... keep... this...'

Ren awakened to a briliantly bright room. His eyes burned as if he'd spent a night drinking far more than was resonable, 'Wha-Where am I?' he thought as he tried to push himself up off of the ground... 'ugh my arms feel like I've been benching an elephant for days' Ren thought as he felt around for something to help him stand. *drip* water fell down from the roof and hit Ren in the face, forcing him to blink as... as his memories came back... The fight, the boy...  "Hinoki!" Ren pushed himself up from the ground, d-did I save him, as Ren mannaged to stand he saw the body of the boy, now cold and the body begining to stiffen with rigor mortis. Ren choked back a cry of anguish as he realised that for all his efforts he had failed the boy. leaning over the body Ren bent his head, a single tear falling from his face and trailing down hinoki's face. "I cant let grief overtake me; you needn't worry hinoki, I'll make sure no one ever befalls this fate again" Ren said, clenching his fist "He will pay for this, and when he does, then you can rest easy, hinoki, my... friend."

Turning to the medical supplies next to him Ren took out a scroll and, sealing the boy's body within it turned, leaving the room with a quiet nod to the staff in the next room looking after the rest of the injured. Ren had his path set from this point forward, he had in mind a seal to protect his students in the future, and after that he would turn to far greater things. 

Ren made his way to his private library in the accademy and began to frantically study everything he knew about using seals to manipulate chakra, first to control it, and then to store and reflect it. It would take him quite a while, but soon he would have something even the mizukage wouldn't expect

TWC: 3208
[Claiming body of Hinoki Hyuuga]
[16 Stats]
[3208 words towards Chakra Inversion Seal]
[A burning hatred of Xyxer]
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Blood Games: 2+2=Violence - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Games: 2+2=Violence

Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:58 pm
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