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Blood Games: Crescendo

Kozachi Uchiha
Shiroi Shinzo
Mitako Raicho
Aryll Hyuuga
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Blood Games: Crescendo Empty Blood Games: Crescendo

Sun May 28, 2017 2:44 pm
This event had been questionable at best for Xyxer, as he had seen very little in terms of promising new recruits. Only the Hyuuga seemed to show any promise as the others lacked the qualities he sought in others. Riku had requested to loot the recently deceased, Angel did not conform to the standards of Kirigakure, and Dol thought eating a shuriken was handier than dodging it. What was a Kage to do with such promising bodies in his games? Well, he could hope that those who were about to enter aided in culling the village of shinobi that did not belong.

Perched on the edge of his stone throne, his pale eyes flickered around to the four individual gates with their serving guardsmen, each giving a nod to Xyxer to indicate the readiness of the individual participant that was held within them. The smell of iron hung heavy in the air as the aesthetic of blood had not been entirely cleaned from the arena itself, watching those weak of nerve trip over and succumb to their pathetic nature inside the pools of life seemed rather ironic to Xyxer, and it fit the tone of the games. As such, varying puddles of blood hung around the area, partially absorbed by the ground it nestled upon. The pool within the center now seemed darker as if it was polluted, which it was of course. The blood seemed to look different in there, a dark crimson instead of the regular wisps of red. Many shinobi had been executed around that particular area, yet fortunately for the survivors their remains had been pulled form the pool, yet the colour remained. 

Standing up from his throne, Xyxer addressed the people for what seemed like the hundredth time on this day, "The finale of this games has arrived. We will witness the survivors do battle with one another, to prove to themselves and to us.. who is the apex of this Game! Aryll Hyuuga, Riku Shinkou, Dol Havard, and Angel Burr. Engaging in combat for our enjoyment, and to showcase their fighting talent, or lack thereof. Yet they will not be alone. They will be joined by a few familiar faces to spice things up, and to help the blood flow effortlessly."" He started to grin as he nodded to the guardsmen, who in turn began opening the gates simultaneously.

Xyxer would decree once more over the anxious murmurings of the crowd, "Make you way into the arena and begin fighting immediately. If your knees fail to bring you in, don't worry, we'll throw you in and you can fight while unprepared. This is not a team fight. If the genin wish to group to fight the new entries, that is their choice, but only one will stand the victor in the end." Xyxer sat back down while the gates were midway through being fully opened, wondering what was going to occur this round.. hopefully it wasn't boring.

Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Blood Games: Crescendo Empty Re: Blood Games: Crescendo

Sun May 28, 2017 7:48 pm
The blood that had ran across Thane’s hand was still dripping when she was called to fight again. She had hardly had time to clean the crimson liquid from his chassis as Aryll entered her puppet, the hatch closing behind her as she did so. She was ready for this. The final round of the blood games. Xyxer’s words rang across the arena, and Aryll reflected that her knees did indeed fail to bring her in, but she arrived just the same. For anybody to not show up now would be without excuse.

The pools of blood from their fights remained across the ground. Aryll saw the spot across the arena where her own kill had been made. Her first kill. She wondered idly if she would do such a thing again as Thane’s large form stepped across the stone tiles. It had felt quite good. Another chance, perhaps, would come her way for such a victory. Maybe this one would not feel so empty. As she came out, her byakugan was active, as always, and she saw that she was the only inhabitant of the arena. She was the first. Fitting.

She came to rest at a spot 5 meters into the arena, 15 meters from the water, byakugan active and her techniques prepared as Thane was readied for war, giant blade drawn in his top right arm, held low at his side, practically touching the ground.


-1 Byakugan
Stat Page : Daemon
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 5000

Blood Games: Crescendo Empty Re: Blood Games: Crescendo

Mon May 29, 2017 9:28 pm
As Riku waited for the final match to begin, he started to think up plans and ideas in his head, disregarding this one and that one, until finally left with only one good choice. He  covers his mouth and nose with the mask, rearranging the two weapon pouches that he brought with him, one on the left leg, the other on the right leg. He places his five shuriken and three of his kunai into the pouch on his left leg. He attaches a explosive tag to both kunai, securing the explosive tag to the handle of the kunai, lightly tugging on the tags to make sure that they wouldn't fall off the kunai before reaching their target. He then places the two explosive kunais into the right leg's pouch along with the two smoke bombs he has. He shrugs off his jacket, not wanting to get any blood onto the jacket itself. He places it on a nearby chair, wondering if he'll see it again.
By the time he finishes prepping himself, making sure the mask was fine, and the pouches were secured, he could hear the Kage starting the introductions of this round. He grabs two kunai from his left leg's pouch, passing one to the right hand, and waits as the doors begin to open up. He pauses as the door finishes opening up, checking around him. Across the way from him, the door he entered into his first fight opens up, and out lumbers an armored giant. Riku gulps, as he starts to reconsider going out there, but realize that the Kage spoke true. Either the combatants went in willing, or they were gonna be thrown in.
Riku steps into the arena, observing the three doors, the first door, the one that the giant stepped through, and a third rotation on both sides from the giant's door another two doors, neither of which it's seemed the combatants had left yet. A quick glance behind him showed that his door was closing behind him to bar the way from anyone entering, as well as the giant's door was closing. However, learning from the last fight proved that just because a door closed, didn't mean the door couldn't be opened again. As Riku began stepping more into the arena, quickly preparing to throw his kunai at any threat coming at him, he judged the distance between him and the giant to be about 50 meters away from each other.
Riku does the math about how much closer he would have to get to the giant, and blanched at the thought of how close he have to go. He would start to circle to the right around the water, coming in from the giant's left side, watching the open door from off to his right, ready to throw if anything came within his throwing range.
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Blood Games: Crescendo Empty Re: Blood Games: Crescendo

Tue May 30, 2017 9:37 pm
After taking her first life... Angel wasn't in the best place of mind, she spent the majority of the time of from the third fight trying to get it out of her mind. She could still feel the blood of her opponent on her leg..... Taking a deep breath, Angel Uchiha would try to keep calm, the dark haired opponent she had killed was not one for this world... her killing him was not wrong, but a mercy kill. He died honorably on the battle field...... Faith knew this, but still.... it bothered her...

That being said, Angel had no time to bother. it was her time to fight again. She had one more round to win... and then... she would survive.

The Blonde Uchiha left the bathroom she was trying to recompose herself in and would head to the arena, looking at the clock, wow! That late already! Angel was almost late to the battle! And after how she heard that so many other people had been cold bloodly executed in battle for being late, the blue eyed girl didn't want to be killed. So she quickly made her way into the arena.

The battle field was the same as she had before Angel entered her side of the arena. Already in there was two other opponents. the first one she saw was her friend, Aryll... the cripple girl. However, the cripple wasn't in her usual wheelchair, but her massive mechanical robot.... Thane was it's name? Angel couldn't remember for sure, but whatever....

The other fighter that was in the arena was a boy, about the same age as Aryll and Angel.

Angel would enter the arena, staying halfway in between the water and the wall, she was about 15 meters to the right of her giant friend. While she knew the two of them weren't allowed to team up, Angel did know that the giant mech would probably not kill her if she could avoid it. So that was a plus.

The Uchiha would use her chakra sensory skill to try to find out where the other combatants are. Scanning the arena as the battle was about to start.
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Blood Games: Crescendo Empty Re: Blood Games: Crescendo

Tue May 30, 2017 11:56 pm
One could call it sudden. A day's notice is quite a jerk to the collar and doesn't allow for much in the way of preparation for an event such as Ten- Kirigakure's Blood Games. A past participant but unfamiliar face, Mitako and Ichibi sat in the holding area with no opponents to join them. Black as per usual, his hair was loose atop his head and could probably fit into a ponytail. He wore pants, and his chuunin flak jacket for the protection of his vital bits. Three senbon were pushed just under the thread of his jacket, angled so they would lay flat with his chest, and positioned so that if he were to fall he would not stab himself. His katana rest in its scabbard which was strapped tightly to the left of his hip. To the right were his other blades, sheathed and strapped in similar fashion.

Waiting for the event to kick off, he stood in the corner of the holding area. As boredom took over, he began to drown out the voice in his head by focusing in tapping his hand canon with his finger. Curiously he eyeballed the machine which had been a part of him for some time now, wondering how exactly it worked. Focusing his chakra, the chuunin caused it to glow ever so slightly, but he didn't fire it. It'd be a waste to hit nothing.

Lifting his head to Xyxer's voice, he felt indifferent as the start of festivity was announced. The second the doors began to open, Mitako began his walk.

Before he had completely exited the room, his left hand found itself digging at one of the needles, pulling it free from his flak jacket. With his first step into the arena he eyed a target, a large puppet, and pumped his lightning into the senbon before tossing it with as much strength as he could muster. His shot was aimed at the center of the torso, intercepting the puppet mid step with one foot still high in the air. The distance between the holding area of Mitako and the puppet would be a solid 12 meters to its right. Meaning his throw would be around that distance, give or take due to how swiftly they exited their holding area. The rest of the combatants were located too far away for him to bother with at this moment aside from sensing chakra.

Oh and little wisps of sand danced around his feet and general area. All in all the sand would weigh roughly eighty pounds, creating a dense little cloud that was as high as his shoulders. Oh and there was some girl off to his right by about 3 meters.

[I'll deduct AP later, too lazy right now.
- Chakra Blade - 30 AP
- Sand stuffs - 5?
- Chakra Sensory for whatever that is worth.
Senbon: Speed 50 - Sharpness - 95 (unless that is capped at 50, in which case it's 50.)]
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Blood Games: Crescendo Empty Re: Blood Games: Crescendo

Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:06 am
Dol hobbled forward. His face wrapped, and jaw filled with cotton and such, he was in quite a state. The pain alone could have killed a man, if not for painkillers.

Painkillers have a nasty habit of dulling the other senses too, though. Dol looked forwards, eyes moist, mind blank. Maybe he would wonder about what could have been. Maybe about what should have been. Maybe he would think 'I was a fool'. Can't teach old dogs new tricks may run through his mind.

The doors opened to allow entrance. Dol reluctantly limped forward, choosing to look only straight ahead as his vision focused, even if it failed to clear.

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Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Blood Games: Crescendo Empty Re: Blood Games: Crescendo

Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:27 am
Aryll’s byakugan allowed her unparalleled range of vision throughout the beginning of the blood games, as she was careful to keep her eyes peeled for each and every combatant. From watching the previous rounds, she knew that there was a boy named Riku, whom she knew very little about, and sure enough, he emerged 50 meters to her left, beginning to prepare kunai and flank towards her left side. After him emerged angel, 15 meters to her right. For now, Angel did nothing, likely waiting till someone else made a move. Maybe her friend would even avoid attacking her till later. That was good. Although she was not averse to killing, she had already ended the life of one of her friends today, and if possible, she’d like to try not to take another. Still, the thirst for blood carried her forward. She wanted to kill again. Xyxer had been pleased with her for her last kill. Surely her next would do the same?

After Angel came someone she had not seen, emerging from the door to her right, closer to her then Angel. A boy in black with long hair, sporting a chunin flak jacket, and sporting a few blades. A swordsman, perhaps? The instant he stepped through the doors, he attempted to throw a handful of senbon at her, however, Aryll had already began to move upon the instant he stepped through the doors, being able to see through walls and all. As he was drawing his senbon, Thane would release a wave of makibishi towards Mitako and, consequently, Angel. She was sure her attack wouldn’t kill Angel. Probably. Mitako would soften the blow.


Anyways, this wave of makibishi would careen past (Or through) Mitako and possibly Angel at 50 power and speed, aimed to land with its center about 30 meters away from Aryll, covering the floor around the area it landed in completely, with a few leftover spikes skittering into the water. The result was that Aryll effectively locked off an entire corner of the arena, with the full 50 meter diameter of the attack leaving that particular quadrant practically uninhabitable. If the two combatants on her right wanted to escape the caltrops, they’d have to come to her. Aryll grinned at the thought.

Shortly after the makibishi were released, Thane’s lower right hand would eject a blast of powerful suiton, which would jet towards her two opponents, directly after the makibishi field would fly towards them. Her aim was mostly for the swordsman, whose center of mass would be targeted. As a byproduct of this, the senbon that Mitako threw towards her would be knocked away by the blast, either destroyed completely or rendered useless for the remainder of the fight. Aryll didn’t care which. Due to the curve of the arena, the blast likely wouldn’t cause major damage to Angel, unless she ran into it like some fool not keeping track of his own fireballs.

Now as this was happening, Thane’s lowermost left arm also moved. The reason being that a man was careening across the arena towards them. Kozaru had entered. Aryll smiled at the thought. She’d get to fight him again. It appeared as if the throw was intended to intercept the senbon that the boy closest to her threw, but some mystical force stopped it from traveling at its full speed, and because of this, there was no way he’d reach the senbon in time, if at all. Thankfully, Aryll was on top of that shit. The instant Dol was able to be targeted by her cannons, Aryll would act. As Dol flew towards her, thane would fire another blast of water from the aforementioned lower left arm. Leading her shot, the result was that Dol would directly into it once he reached the marker of 30 meters away from Aryll. This blast too would be aimed for his center of mass, more specifically his heart, if you cared for the detail or were some sort of vague manipulator. The one-two punch of Aryll and Kozaru’s attack would likely make the crowd go wild. After all, the resulting damage, whether it be an unconscious body over the water or a fine red mist, would be very pleasing to the bloodthirsty crowd.

She’d also keep an eye on the boy called Riku, on the off chance that he tried to pull something. However, as Kozaru was currently engaging him, she was probably fine.


-1 Byakugan
-90 x2 Hydro Hands
-40 Supplies, Motherfucker

Ouch my stamina
Stat Page : Daemon
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 5000

Blood Games: Crescendo Empty Re: Blood Games: Crescendo

Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:07 am
Reaching full speed (25 speed), Riku would see Dol exiting the stage, and immediately throw the two kunai in his hands at him, one towards the leg, the femoral artery, and the other towards the heart (both at 50 speed, and 57 sharpness). Of course, if Kozai's throw went through, Kozai would be taking the place of Dol, but Riku hadn't seen Kozai yet. With that, Riku would shift his movement from edging around the water, to running across it directly, using surface walking to run on the water, reaching into his pouch to grab a smoke bomb and a kunai from his right pouch, placing the smoke bomb into his left hand.
Crushing the smoke bomb in his left hand as soon as he makes it within 10 meters of the puppet, allowing the smoke to spread out in ten meters in all direction at 50 speed. As soon as the smoke covered the area, he would throw the kunai towards the puppet, not realizing that the explosive wouldn't go off because it needed someone with chakra infusion to actually activated it, but that was beyond Riku's comprehension at the moment, he was mostly expecting a boom to happen. During this time, the puppet would do its attacks which wouldn't be near Riku, since the puppet would be attacking the two off to it's right, and the attack that would hit Dol if it landed would be blasting at the puppet's left, while Riku was more or less coming in front of the puppet.
Riku would draw out two shuriken, wondering where the boom was, quickly tossing both shuriken towards the last known position of the puppet. He would continue dashing towards the puppet, drawing out two more kunai in preparation to start slicing and dicing the puppet with the kunais.

[surface walking -1 ap 102/103 ap left]
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Blood Games: Crescendo Empty Re: Blood Games: Crescendo

Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:12 pm
As Angel entered into the arena, she would notice to her side a man with dark hair immedietly next to her and heading toward the same direction She was heading. Not wanting to be to close to the man, The blonde would instead of moving toward her usual location, would try to reposition from him. Staying on solid ground, She would be about 10 meters behind the man as he went in to grab his Senbon. The way he was looking…. He was looking right at Thane… That bastard was trying to eliminate Aryll, Angel’s best friend.

Angel wasn’t going to let that happen.
Activating her Sharingan, Angel would continue try to get some distance from the man at top speed, she would pull out her own Kunai at a speed of 50 and throw it at the man. By the time this had happened, Angel was already about 15 meters away from the man. Also at about the same time that Aryll shot her spikes out of Thane. This would be thrown at a speed and power of 50, and with a sharpness of 63 (or 50, if that is the max.)

The moment that was done, Angel would then start forming the proper hand signs needed for the most powerful jutsu in her Arsenal. The Once the required hand signs needed were complete, the Kunai she threw would multiply, creating 1000’s of replica’s of the said Kunai, Creating a wall of Kunai that would be hard to get through. The kunai would get about 7 meters away before multiplying. These weapons would go out for 25 meters, and as they would go, would go far enough to hit the dark haired man from behind and most likely kill him if the man didn’t do anything.

At the same time, if Kunai might make it far enough to Aryll if she was within 25 meters of the Hyuga girl, possibly breaking into the metal gear, but not going far enough in to kill her… probably (I think she is out of the range of the attack however.)

On top of that, if any of the spikes shot by Thane that hit the Kunai, collide in mid-air, and the weapons would drop to the ground, landing on the boys head.

Once she was done with that technique, Angel would continue to back up, staying half way between the waterline and the wall, keeping an Eye on the fight going on in front of her, the fight going on to her side, and the wall that is close to her.

[If Chaleh does nothing, Claiming kill on Mitako Raicho,
Also claiming permanent removal of the clone 1 tailed Bijuu from the site]

AP 265 - 40 - 1 = 224
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