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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Daybreak (Lucian) Empty Daybreak (Lucian)

Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:30 pm
Tehniyat had always been fond of dawn whenever she was up to see the natural phenomena unfold before her eyes. As a child, she had been convinced it was magic how the stars receded into their dark folds and the sky lit up with various colors. Education had somewhat spoiled the wonderment of the phenomena and yet some of that hopeful child who believed in magic still remained in the princess.

And that hopeful child grew more and more desperate as the rain poured down, making it seem as tough this time, dawn would simply never come.

So when the rain stopped, when the world finally quietened, the princess rushed to one of the library windows, struggling with the latch to throw it open. A splash of gathered water on the window frame caught her straight in the face but for the first time in years, Tehniyat did not care for her outword appearance. If she stayed by the window long enough, prayed hard enough, her little cousin would come home.

On her knees in front of the huge window, the princess's green eyes beseecher the darkness to yield once more. There were no stars, not right after such a rainfall but as a Princess of Haven, she knew they were there.

And they must have heard her because not half an hour later, she heard the library door thrown open. Ser Atem moved too stealthily to ever be heard coming but upon his arrival, the blond was already on her feet.

"He found her, Your Grace. Princess Kanzaki and Lucian Nazar are entering the palace gates as we speak. Shall I-" he as cut of as the royal heiress began to run unceremoniously towards the palace gates, all she needed to hear right now had been delivered by her personal guard and nothing in her could wait for her little cousin to be brought to her properly.

For the first time in a long, long time, Princess Tehniyat Bukhari ran through the hallways, past the portraits of former Queens, past the shocked expressions of the night sentries who watched her flee and out into the courtyard, splashing through the puddles that remained courtesy of the rain. Slipping and sliding, Tehniyat made her way to the palace gates where she could make out two shadowy figures returning home.
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Daybreak (Lucian) Empty Re: Daybreak (Lucian)

Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:07 pm
There is a certain serenity in that magical moment where it is neither day nor night and where light mingles with dark. Unfortunately, Lucian found himself unable to enjoy it in the slightest. In escorting Kanzaki through the empty streets of Hoshigakure he had kept his head on a swivel and more than a few times directed his charge down an alleyway to avoid those robust souls who took it upon themselves to greet the new day. His entire body still coursed with adrenaline even as they neared the palace.

However, in passing through the gates, Lucian's strength abated. The warm tingle of tension drained from his body and fatigue set in like a millstone around his neck. His posture slumped and any semblance of ceremony left him even as he glanced up to see the fast approaching Tehniyat. What was more was the pain that now passed over him in waves. His back felt as if it were on fire and had him wishing for the return of the rain.

With Tehniyat standing before them, the Nazar boy knew it would be an appropriate time to bow and say something, but with his body shaking ever so slightly he doubted his ability to rise from the bow. How would it look if he collapsed in front of two princesses? It simply wasn't done. Instead, he mustered up a curt yet knowing nod which would have to suffice for the time being as he felt like hell.

Of course, his appearance mirrored his feelings as well, hellish. Painted in Meryn's blood courtesy of Delito's gruesome dismemberment, Lucian looked to have come from a war zone and that was just the front of him. His back lay bare and covered in still rising blisters as if he had been splashed with acid, which wasn't too far from the truth. No, the person who Tehniyat sent after Meryn was not the one who had returned.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Daybreak (Lucian) Empty Re: Daybreak (Lucian)

Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:58 pm
Truthfully the princess had eyes for no one but her young cousin in that moment, the bloodstains on Lucian's form only registered to ensure they weren't from Kanzaki. Reaching the duo, the nineteen year old burst into tears, taking her tiny charge in her arms and kissing her forehead. Tehniyat held the child close, needing to hold her close to ensure she was really there. Now that Kanzaki was safely returned, her cousin was starting to realize how close Haven had come to losing another member of the royal family.

The princess rocked back and forth on the ground, holding the small child safely to her, not even noticing the slight nod from the shinobi responsible for the family neuron. It was only when Ser Atem approached, reaching out in an unprecedented manner and putting a hand on her shoulder did Tehniyat raise her eyes from Kanzaki to take in the scene before her fully.

Lucian looked like he had been through a massive battle, his wounds were more obvious now that she had the time and consideration for them with Kanzaki safely in her arms.

"I thank you," she managed, trying to infect her voice with the regal tone everyone was accustomed to but failing. "For bringing her back safely to us. You have done us a great service."

Turning to Ser Atem, she spoke. "Please find a medical ninja immediately to tend to Ser Lucian and the Princess." To the bold male she simply said "We shall speak more once your wounds are healed, you are our guest at the palace until then."

(Exit Tehniyat with Kanzaki safely returned home)
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Daybreak (Lucian) Empty Re: Daybreak (Lucian)

Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:07 am
Another nod, no words. Once again Lucian found himself in a spot where talking would not only be difficult but also inappropriate. Instead, he remained silent. Tehniyat and Kanzaki retreated into the palace leaving the chuunin alone. For a few moments, he was alone. Yet, despite being alone, the sound of whirring blades hummed in his ears like a phantom.

Then, just like that, a soft voice and a hand on his shoulder pulled him from his trancelike state. Next thing the boy knew he was being guided through the halls of the palace and into what could only be a guest room turned infirmary. Normally, he would have taken in his surroundings with greater detail, but his vision began to blur from both stress and fatigue. Even before his head hit the pillow in his bed he had slipped into a world of dreams.

Recovery started now.

[Mission complete, 10k+/10,000 words. +15 ap, +5000 ryo and +10 stats. Exit & topic closed]
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Daybreak (Lucian) Empty Re: Daybreak (Lucian)

Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:24 pm
Approved, Lucian


+5000 Ryo
+10 Stat Points
+15 Action Points
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