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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 276150

Learning Jutsu's from home (Training) - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Jutsu's from home (Training)

Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:17 pm
Hikari’s ability to perform the clone so well probably came from the fact that she was a quick learner, and the fact that most people learned this at a young age and Hikari was quite older than the average person learning it, so it was easier for her to get that technique right on her first try. That being said, Hikari was still quite surprised at the ease that it took, seeing that this was one of the big things required to become a shinobi, the young girl thought that it would be harder to perform this. Hikari also presumed that this was due to Sato’s wonderful notes. They were really good.
Shouhei Sato would put on a fake face, he was obviously trying to hide what he was thinking Hikari and her clone would tilt their heads, trying to figure out what he was thinking. Then suddenly, he smiled, and stood up, Hikari might have had half of this stuff happened in her head as a young girl who loved reading princess novels when she was younger, but he would look at the clone, not with a normal smile, not with his usually goofy smile, but with a seductive smile and bedroom eyes. He would hold her chin and lift it up in the air a bit to meet his, would hold it the two pair of lips just an inch apart from each other, Hikari would turn red and feel her heart starting to beat quicker. Suddenly, rather than going in for a kiss, The young man would dispel the clone and look back at Hikari and talk as if nothing had happened. Hikari would take a deep breath….. and have to fight the urge to burst out laughing.
In the young girl’s mind, it was a very romantic scene, perfect lighting, perfect tension, just everything was perfect, except Shouhei’s height.  In Hikari’s mind, a guy should have been taller than the girl he was seducing, to the point that the girl could wear high heels and still be shorter than him, but Shouhei had to get on his tip toes to be able to get that romantic scene. Hikari would fight back her desire to start laughing, when Shouhei finished talking to her, she would respond with a “Nothing, nothing!” Hikari would say if he looked at her weirdly or would ask what was wrong with her. She would then take her hands and start to make the hand signs, she had read the notes before when she was reading the clone one, band would just try to remember on that, one of the things she had to remember while she was doing this was the person’s physical features…. And Hikari did her best to imagine them, but when she casted the jutsu, a small mistake came out.
While she got the skin texture, the clothing, and basically everything right, she made one fatal, mistake, she transformed into him as a midget, she was standing at about four and a half feet tall, almost a foot smaller than what he was standing at in actuality, Hikari got flustered, she didn’t mean to do this on purpose, she bit her lip and got a bit flustered
“Um…. She would say, trying to come up with an excuse, “Um… well….. I’m sorry!” she would say and give a polite bow, not sure what she should do in this situation.

Word count: 578
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Learning Jutsu's from home (Training) - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Jutsu's from home (Training)

Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:55 pm
’Well that was a bummer.’ Shouhei thought to himself about the result of his moment of teasing. He had forgotten about his own height, but he knew he could try again in a few months so he wasn’t filled with a feeling of defeat. His hands in his pockets, he watched her do the next technique. The results? They were what one could consider interesting. Although, at first Shouhei did not notice the height, but more just how cute he looked, and that bothered him. Not that anyone really teased him about him age, but damn he really looked childish.

Shaking his head, especially at her apology he responded although not with his actual concern as that was something he would keep to himself. “That’s an okay first try I guess. Though I think you should be more worried your teacher or examination attendant not finding it amusing.”

He shrugged before walking over to get his shoes. “Okay let’s get our shoes on and go down into the courtyard! Or I could carry you on my back and jump down into the yard? Would be faster.”

Notes wrote:Word Count: 186.
Total Word Count: 1679.

Last edited by Shouhei Sato <3 on Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 276150

Learning Jutsu's from home (Training) - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Jutsu's from home (Training)

Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:23 pm
Hikari would be glad that he appeared to accept her apology, she was supper scared about that, but at the same time, she was still in her head laughing at Shouhei’s attempt to, well, she wasn’t sure what he was trying to do, hit on her? Make fun of her? Practice his seducing skills? Either way, she had a laugh out of it. Hikari would calm down, just enough to hear the Genin talk about getting their shoes on going down stairs, He offered to carry her down, and she wondered if that was an attempt to make a recover from the mistake he had just done. Hikari would just giggle, thinking about his size again, but then would blush and say “Well, thank you, but are you sure you can carry me? I mean, I weigh more than just your Kunai and Weapons.” She would say, this wasn’t as much of a hit on the Genin’s skills, but more on her own weight, she wasn’t fat, but she never considered herself light for a tavern girl. She would also look at her clothes and ask, “Also, you said we were going to work on breaking Genjutsu, I know that probably doesn’t need a lot of physical activities, but is there anything else we are doing? If so, should I change into something more…. Athletic appropriate?”

Word count: 232
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Learning Jutsu's from home (Training) - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Jutsu's from home (Training)

Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:37 pm
”Sure change into something more appropriate if you want to. I will wait for you here, Princess. Oh and bring a kunai too.” He said with a wink as he put on his shoes. He had a gentle smile when he remembered that she said something weird about her weight. “But before you go.” He called and picked her up by placing his hands underneath her arms and lifting her like…well not like she was nothing, but it definitely wasn’t a problem. He put her back down. “Carrying you won’t be a problem.”

Notes wrote:Word Count: 93.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Learning Jutsu's from home (Training) - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Jutsu's from home (Training)

Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:41 pm
Hikari would turn to go to her bedroom to change, but then Shouhei would say something and Hikari would turn around to look back at Shouhei go up and gentley put his hands under her armpits / under her arms. She would get a little bit scared at this but before she could back away, he would gentley lift her light figure up in to the air, it appeared quite effortless and easy, almost as if the 121 pound girl was made up of air. As she was lifted up into the air for a second her hair would go up, and as she fell it would continue to rise for a second from the momentum, before falling back down. As she landed in the arms of the boy, her face would turn a bright shade of red as she started to feel hotter and hotter. She had even forgotten that she had said something about carrying her until he made the comment about it. “Huh… oh … umm… well… if….” She would try to respond but came out flustered, she was having a problem thinking, she couldn’t get out a sentence until she yelled out, “If you were going to do that, then you might as well of picked up the washing machine instead!” She would then run away with a speed of 24 and go to her room and slam the door shut. She quickly fell on her butt and hugged her knees trying to slow down her racing pulse, what was that? Why couldn’t she speak and became so flustered when Shouhei grabed her and picked her up? She wasn’t angry, that wasn’t it at all, She wasn’t quite sure what she was feeling right now, after about 45 seconds of calming herself down, she would remember that she was supposed to be changing and would go to her closet.
Hikari would for some reason starting to look at the dresses, trying to figure out which one Shouhei would like best, going from a Chinese one, to a evening gown one, to a bunch of others. As a girl growing up, Hikari’s mom made sure that she always had plenty of gowns and dresses for herself, so she had a ton of them. She had just picked out a nice evening gown, before slapping her face, the entire deal was that they were about to go out training, she go out wearing that. She would change from her closet to her drawers, shifting through all of her common clothes. After a bit, she found it, the costume, the cheerleader outfit that Hikari wore to her training at the gym the other night! She blushed thinking this might be the only thing she could wear (Besides her combat outfit of course, but Shouhei already said that that was dumb to train in, and didn’t want to wear it, but then again, why did she suddenly care so much what Shouhei thought of her clothes?)

After looking at it for a minute, Hikari noticed that she had spent a large amount of time in here. She started taking off her clothes and putting the cheerleaders outfit on. She had already slipped into the miniskirt and the top and was looking for the shorts that she was supposed to wear with it, when she looked at her bed and saw the bag she had gone to get a while ago. Of course! She had gone ahead and bought an outfit for working out. She probably shouldn’t of, seeing how low on cash she was, but right now she was so thankful! She took off all of her clothing again and slipped into the tight black pants and a light blue sports top that would show a little bit of her midrift. She pulled it down, trying to cover all of  her stomach but it wasn’t staying, at the same time though, it wasn’t too much showing and Hikari felt it would be fine. Finaly, she would undo her hair and put it in a ponytail, that way, it wouldn’t fall in her face while she was working out.

Hikari would then slip on a pair of black tennis shoes and walk out into the hall. “Sorry about the wait, but I’m ready now!”

Word count: 721
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Learning Jutsu's from home (Training) - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Jutsu's from home (Training)

Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:58 pm
It was typical of girls to take their time, or that was at least what Shouhei had heard from everyone, and so far the time he had to wait made that quite apparent. Of course, he did not know she had a temporarily “midlife crises” about her appearance, but he wasn’t a mind reader, especially when the subject was behind a locked door. As he waited on her to change, he leaned up against a wall – he had made sure to check he did not leave a shod or dirt mark – and he almost nodded off. Clearly, he was a novice at this, but he would survive.

When she came back out, Shouhei shock a bit from being startled but quickly recovered and relaxed his stance. Giving Hikari a quick elevator glance, he smiled, as he was not horrified by what she saw. It made him wonder why she had implied she was heavy before. Something he might have joked about as a mistake if she hadn’t already fled into her room. “Okay, let’s go then.” He opened the door leading the way, however before he took too many steps out, he peeked his head back in. “Oh, and you shouldn’t be afraid about any weight issues. That is only going to get more firm if you want it to. Keeping in shape is easy when you are a ninja.” He said with a smile and a wink as he gave her a poke on her exposed midriff that intentionally ran a bit over her skin to trigger any ticklish reaction. Then with a speed of 20 he attempted to step back outside into the stairwell, and walk down the stairs to the courtyard.

Down in the courtyard he made sure to find a place covered by something, be it by laundry, trees, or brushes for the next thing they were going to do, would make her look like a fool to the eye of the beholder not affected by the genjutsu he was about to use. Having found a suited place, he turned towards Hikari. “Okay, so keep your kunai ready.” His eyes took a serious pull, and if she didn’t have a kunai he would throw one in front of her to borrow. “I am only going to give you one warning before we start; mostly so you don’t get a heart attack. What I am going to do next is a genjutsu, but I won’t tell you what its effect is.” He explained.

“Ready? GO!” He did the hand seals Boar and Rat at a speed of 20 and a power of 5. Suddenly ten copies of Shouhei appeared in Hikari’s vision. In front of her, to her sides, and even one in one of the nearby trees. However, oddly enough of the birds in the greenery took note of the extra Shouhei in its presence. All the eleven Shouhei’s started to move around her, and occasionally take a swipe at her. Said attacks were swift, but their movement themselves seemed slow moving either at walking speed or at a jogging speed of 10. When one was hit with an attack, it would disappear in a puff of smoke, however out of that smoke two others would take its place like a when you cut off the head of a hydra.

No matter how she were doing, Shouhei’s voice would project from somewhere in the school of Shouheis a few minutes later. “I probably don’t have to tell you the theory behind genjutsus, seeing as your academy teachers should have taught you that, but now let’s go on how to break them.” The voice changed position again. “Remember the Tiger seal and the lessons I wanted you to practice for the week? Same thing, however, instead of expelling your chakra you have to use your own chakra to expel the foreign elements I have introduced into your chakra stream. You also need to close your eyes to make sure you don't get a new injection. It only takes a second to do if you do it right.”

Shouhei changed his position once again. His mind had gotten back to his teasing side of things, and he had a plan to sneak up on Hikari while she was dispelling his illusion so he could hug her. He wanted to see which kind of cute reaction that would land. As for any consequences, he wasn’t really afraid to get accidentally stabbed in the stomach as he was wearing a flak vest. Getting stabbed in the eye might be a problem though, but that he thought was unlikely to happen.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 772.

Last edited by Shouhei Sato <3 on Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Ryo : 276150

Learning Jutsu's from home (Training) - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Jutsu's from home (Training)

Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:21 pm
Stepping out quickly she saw the teen in her kitchen waiting for her. It looked like he had been nodding off for a bit but was able to snap back to attention when she came in, he looked her up and down real quick, before telling her she needed to go. As he left, Hikari realized in her rant that she completely forgot to grab a kunai and would go over to the kitchen where she had one hidden in case of an emergency and picked it up. She proceeded to follow him but then he suddenly stopped in the door way to the hallway and turned around. She would stop, almost running into him and look at him with a curious look in her eyes, trying to figure out why, when he suddenly pressed his pointer figure on her exposed stomach, sort of tickling it. She would giggle and laugh as her stomach was a little bit tickleish as the boy would start touching her, she would try to push him away, saying “Hehe, quit it!” while laughing, but in a way that one couldn’t tell (Also because she wasn’t sure, if she wanted him to stop) before he did stop. He would then quickly say something about her weight and she would blush, she wasn’t sure if he was saying that she was fine, or if she would be able to lose a lot of excess fat as a kunochi. She would blush and turn a bright red at this, still slightly red from laughing and the affair she had earlier. She was so distracted that she couldn’t even react as Shohei would run away from her.
She would take a second to regain her composure before she followed the boy downstairs and into the court yard. There was some laundry blowing in the wind where they were and he would tell her to get her Kunai knife ready. She would pull her Kunai knife and when he said that to be ready and Hikari would suddenly ask “Wait, what do you mean, genjutsu, what is the ef……”  Hikari would say before 11 Shouhi would appear. She thought she understood what he was trying to do and pulled out her Kunai and readied it as they came at her, slow, almost scary like, as they got close to her, one would lash out and try to hit her, which she would duck under it with a reaction speed of 84 (24 = 60?) As she did, she would then attempt to counter with a swipe to the boy’s face. She would hit but he would sort of dissolve and then suddenly 2 would appear in the place of the old one. The two would strike at Hikari and she would back up again, it came at her. Hikari would back up from them again stab one of the new ones with her knife and would try to head kick with her left leg the other after. They would disappear, but then two more would appear where each was, so that there was now 14 of them. Hikari Would continue to back up until she had a bit of distance between them, and tried to figure out what she could do now. She didn’t have any jutsu’s to destroy them, and she didn’t have the ability to break out of the genjutsu’s she didn’t like the fact that Shouhei didn’t explain to her how to do this. 

The clones would get closer to Namikaze and she would continue swinging at them, cutting through them and dodging, trying to keep away, until she found herself surrounded by about two dozen Shouhei. She gripped her blade, not sure what was going to happen, but then Shouhei called out and said on how to break the jutsu, and in her mind she would scream out at him for not saying that, but for now, they were close and Hikari needed to break the jutsu. She would close her eyes and preform the tiger sign with the kunai still in her hand, she would then try to burst out her chakra in an attempt to stop the genjutsu. She would then open a single eye to see that there was no more of the clones of him. Hikari would take a deep breath, very relieved that she was safe and had no more of them coming at her.
As she held her breath, she suddenly felt some one come up from behind and grab her, pinning her arms to her body.
“EEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKK!!” She would then try to break out of Shouhei’s hug with her Impressive 5 strength and out  of 
reflex try to cut Shouhei around his face area without thinking.

Word count: 798
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Learning Jutsu's from home (Training) - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Jutsu's from home (Training)

Sun Dec 18, 2016 10:11 pm
Shouhei couldn’t help but laugh upon her reaction that was just the amount of cuteness he wanted. Even as he feel backwards from getting cut in his face, he still laughed and he feel on his behind. “Haha that was great.” Recovering he followed up. “Okay nice work with your reaction time. You would have survived that encounter against an equally matched opponent.” He smiled and gave her a thumb up.

Standing back on his feet he followed up. “Now I should heal this up before you get too worried.” Moreover, he activated a technique that caused special chakra that he then placed on his wound causing it to heal and mend together. “Want me to teach that one as well? If so, it will take most of the day and you might not even succeed today to perfect it today. Normally healing is only taught to genins since you kind of want them to have a great deal of chakra control.”

Notes wrote:Word Count: 162.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 276150

Learning Jutsu's from home (Training) - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Jutsu's from home (Training)

Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:48 pm
Hikari would struggle free of the much stronger Shoushei’s grip and step a foot or two away to make space, she then would turn around and swing at Shoushei and cut him right on the for head. He fell and started to make noise and as the moment of adrenaline that shot through her finished, she noticed what she had done. He started to make some sort of noise and would get on her knees besides him.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry, I was just so focused on your clones…. And then you…..” She would get flustered again before she noticed that he was laughing. The Jerk was laughing! He came up, grabbed her from behind her, gave her one of the scariest moments of her life, and then would let her hit him with the kunai. She was so mad at him right now! She would calm down though, and stand back up with Shouhei. The ninja would then congratulate her and as she was about to explain she had a first aid kit in her house, he would explain to the young genin that he could heal it with his Medical Jutsu. He would offer to teach it to her, explaining that it would take the rest of the day though.
“Thanks,” She would say, before putting her hand over her heart and looking beat, [color] “But I’m beat, your training methods are so scary! I Didn’t know what to do when there was suddenly 11 of you! You could have told me about how to cast the release beforehand! And when I stabbed you and 2 more of you came out? That was so creepy! I’m going to have nightmares! I don’t know if my heart can take that again or something similar to that.” [/color] She would look up, close her eyes and smile though, “Although, If I could get your notes on that, and any other jutsu that you think would be easy enough for me to learn so I can study on my own, that would be wonderful! As for now, I sort of worked up an appatite being scared to death, and I know after those techniques and after you heal yourself, your chakra has to be slightly low also. So let’s go up, eat that cake, I will make some tea, and we can talk a little bit.” With that, she would start to walk back to her apartment, and signal him to walk with her.


Word count: 416
Total word count: 4625

Stats Gained: 23

Genjutsu Release (250/250)
Clone Tecnique (250/250)
Substitution Technique (250/250)
Surface walking technique (250/250)
Transformation technique (250/250)
Fuision Lock (250/250)
Rope Escape technique ( 250/250)
Generic sealing Jutsu (250/250)
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Learning Jutsu's from home (Training) - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Jutsu's from home (Training)

Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:06 am
Her worried and startled reaction didn’t make him laugh more, but it definitely made Shouhei laugh more when he remembered his meeting Shina. She would have been brutal. “Heh. Let us hope Shina won’t be your jounin team leader then. She’s a beast when it comes to giving you scares.” He snuck in an Easter egg, and he nodded as he then preceded to listen to the rest of her legitimate worries.

When she mentioned his chakra he smiled more but with less amusements and more happiness. “Heh. Only about ten percent of my pool, and I recover fast. Of course you will only know that when you can feel chakra.” He followed along as soon as she stood up. “And sure then. Some cake should be nice. Now some tea would be nice.” He winked following along and he opened the door for her when they came to the building.


Notes wrote:Word Count: 151.
Total Word Count: 2857
Claiming Jutsu: Damage Reduction Shield (1601 + 2649 | 4250)
Stats claimed: 14 (2800 / 2)
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