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Kakumei Akari
Kakumei Akari
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Akari Master Race [P, NK] Empty Akari Master Race [P, NK]

Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:00 pm
Kakumei's hands wrap around the base of the barren tree branch. His legs are squatted down with his feet close together both resting on the thinning wood. In front of him, the tree itself rises further but appears no less dead as height increases than it does anywhere else. To accompany the gray color of the bark, a cool breeze blows past his naked right arm. This side of his body faces the rest of the training grounds where there are no trees and no buffer for gusts of chilling wind. Despite this deterrent, however, Kakumei keeps his focus on the mount of wax which he firmly sets against the corner between this branch and the trunk of the tree. The malleable substance seeps into the ridges of the bark and embeds itself onto the surface.

After repeated kneading, a second mass of wax is pulled from his ninja pouch and held above the first set mound. With his right hand, Kakumei removes a kunai from the same tool pouch and proceeds to slowly cut random streaks into the soft material. These newly made grooves recreate the uneven and ragged surface of the tree bark so that the next layer of wax will better combine. In this new amount of wax, a thick string is partially exposed with the rest of it buried.

Kakumei places the kunai in his right hand into his tool pouch and uses both hands to mold the new wax into the amount first placed. Just as done with the wood of the tree, kneading causes the crevices of the first layer to provide a latch for the second. On top, the string stands with its top end visibly cut. Using his right hand, the half-tiger seal is formed and his fingertips rest just under his bottom lip. Kakumei inhales deeply through his nose and exhales from his mouth, a small stream of flames extending outward and engulfing the exposed end of the string. After a moment, he stops his blowing and lowers his right hand to rest on his right knee. His left hand, though completely covered by his long gray sleeve, dangles towards the ground with his left forearm resting on his left thigh. The lids over his eyes slide downward but do not completely close.

"That will be the last one..." Kakumei speaks quietly after a deep and lung clearing sigh through his nose. The minuscule ember flickering upon the stuck up string grows into a flame fitting the size of its fuel source. Heat from the fire radiates outward and Kakumei can just barely feel it graze his right arm, the arm left open without no sleeve. He tilts towards his right and loosens his body just before descending towards the short grass below and lands on his two feet, bending his knees to absorb the impact force. Straightening himself out, he then looks back into the branches of other trees. Just as above him, candles with flames shining like miraculously close stars are planted between the bases of branches and the trunks of their respective trees. In total, ten are set up.

Without a word, alone in his mind, Kakumei looks down at the nearly malnourished grass and begins his walk out of the density of trees and into the open. The grass becomes less abundant the farther he gets into the clearing until he stops fifty meters from the candles which he had set into place. From there, he turns on his heel and takes another deep breath. In through his nose, out of his mouth. His head rises to peer through the shade of the trees, a shade that, despite the lack of leaves, does an overly-fine job of blocking the rays of the sun from reaching the ground in the area. Where Kakumei stands, the light is not bridled in the way that the trees ahead do. It warms the skin on his face and right arm, making him more comfortable than he was in the trees.

"Kakumei... what do you see?" He asks himself, attempting to focus his eyes on what faint light made its way through the inhibiting darkness.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Akari Master Race [P, NK] Empty Re: Akari Master Race [P, NK]

Wed Sep 21, 2016 7:52 pm
A part of having a hand in the running of Kumogakure no Sato meant relearning of its people now, an activity Akihana took quiet joy in every day. Perhaps Youka would never understand what he'd truly given her when he had made all his resources and information available to her. She had free reign over the records in his office, the records in the archives, the records the elder's council possessed as well as all the public records available in the village's ample library. And Akihana had been using all this information to get to know Kumo all over again.

The births, the marriages, the deaths, the clans, everything there was to know, the kunoichi learned more of every day. Yesterday she had learned of a surviving Tekiatsu, wondering why he hadn't come forth when she had visited the old clan grounds a few months ago. The day before, she had learned of the existence of another Akari. She hadn't been able to do anything right away as she had already slotted herself into the academy schedule proctoring Genin exams but today, she could pursue that little voice insider her telling her there was family present in Kumo.

Though she supposed Youka was her family now as well, still whoever this young Ninja was, his story was worth checking out. Especially if it gave clues to her own family whom she hadn't had contact with in some eight odd years.

She wondered what her sister would say about Akihana being married to the sixth Raikage, whether she'd be proud or disappointed. Most likely she would be indifferent. Senritsu had never really cared what her baby sister got up to as long as it didn't tarnish her personal reputation. The blonde wondered if she had shamed her family once again or made them proud, knowing it didn't matter but understanding that she could no more stop thinking of them than she could not heal, or not hope, or not have faith. It was just who she was.

As she mad her way further into the training grounds, she spotted the boy in question. The village defenses may not have been something Akihana condoned but they did help in locating any given individual at any given time within the village walls and this young Akari was no different. The kunochi approached quietly so s not to startle him, her anklet clinking slightly as she stepped forewords with small delicate steps, her chakra completely hidden from sensory. Even her pleated turquoise dress that stopped at her ankles and white wool cloak made her look less like ninja and more a civilian. the only thing that would give away her heritage would be her bright gold eyes.

"Good morning," she would greet the boy softly with a kind and welcoming smile on her face. "I hope I'm not disturbing you. I can come back later if you wish."
Kakumei Akari
Kakumei Akari
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Akari Master Race [P, NK] Empty Re: Akari Master Race [P, NK]

Sun Sep 25, 2016 6:18 pm
The flickering flames ahead in the trees count up to no more than three by Kakumei's own observations. No amount of pupil dilation can let in enough light so as to allow him the ability to count all ten candles. He waits for minutes and finds no difference. Three lights, one of which seem to blink in and out of view, dimming and brightening. This flame stands upon the border between being too far off to identify and just close enough to note. With each candle placed on trees differing in distance from Kakumei's position, there are those that do not register at all to his eyes.

Desperate to realize his potential, Kakumei raises both of his hands to the sides of his face and removes his black-rimmed glasses. Eyes closed, his fingers hold both hinges and draw the lenses away from his face. The thin object remains in both of his hands as Kakumei's arms are lowered to his thoracic diaphragm. The genuine hope is clear in his eyes when he opens them to once again attempt to change the number of candle lights on the dim scene.

More time passes with Kakumei's eyes fixated onto his current view. Concentration flickers to random points within the darkness with hopes of landing on a deeper candle by chance but no more than the closest three show themselves. His body position remains still until, suddenly, his right hand leaves the glasses in his left and rises to rub over his now closed eyes. Out of frustration and impatience, his left hand moves under his right elbow, supporting it. The glasses are held by one hinge by the left hand between his thumb and index finger. Kakumei emits a low but audible sigh.

Brought out of his concentration, Kakumei hears the light clinking of metal. By it's sound, it is not as dense as a kunai or shuriken but not so light that it would be mistaken for a senbon. This metal does not comprise any weapon with which Kakumei is familiar. Instead of removing them to look in the direction of the civilian he imagines to be walking towards him, his hand remains on his eyes though they stop massaging. The very thought of looking at the candles once more and finding that only three are visible keeps him from looking into the trees.

By the sound of their voice, the civilian is female and, in fact, closer in distance than initially thought to be. Her quiet greeting is subtle enough to keep Kakumei from being startled but still unwelcome.

"Yes, morning." He responds, begrudgingly removing his hand from his face and raising his glasses onto the bridge of his nose. At the same time, he groans within himself "I'm busy" but refuses to return her greeting in such a rude manner. After all, she's only saying hello.

Kakumei turns to the source of the voice and opens his eyes, skipping the sight of the same three candles. To his sudden shock, standing before him is no simple civilian. Immediately, his eyes widen and his hands come together in front of his lower abdomen, bowing to show respect for a woman of such high rank in the village.

"No, you have my attention. Now is not at all a bad time, Lady Akihana." Kakumei is still bowed with his upper body at a forty-five degree angle with his waist. After he finishes speaking, his torso rises and his eyes fixate on her forehead rather than on her eyes so that he can seem as attentive as possible without having to make eye contact.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Akari Master Race [P, NK] Empty Re: Akari Master Race [P, NK]

Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:28 am
Akihana didn't blame the young ninja for feeling interrupted. Were she capable of doing so, the young medic was sure she too would feel similarly annoyed at having someone come and disrupt her. She was about to apologize when the boy appeared to recognize her, folding his frame into a respectful bow which made Akihana blush. It seemed no matter where she went, she was forced into positions that required such formality. Whether it be a Village Master, a royal Healer or as she was now, the wife of the Raikage.

"I do apologize though," she stated nonetheless. Just because he was kind enough to forgive her without an apology did not mean she was rude enough to not admit she was in the wrong. "I had the pleasure of going through your file the other day and I really wanted to meet you. I should have clearly sent a messenger in advance but I'm still getting used to the... protocol." She was getting used to being important, of actually mattering in Kumogakure as it now stood.

Turning towards the direction he'd been gazing off into, a soft smile lit up her face. "Candles," she breathed, the excitement clear on her face for a second.. As a being of light, Akihana was always attracted to all forms of it, and here she could see what the boy was trying to do. "Can you see them all from here?" she asked politely, making sure he knew by her tone that she was only inquiring and not judging.

"The trick is to not look for the light source but the hazy light trail," she explained once the boy had replied. "Every object that travels through light leaves a trace. Fine particles that make space for light and objects to pass through. When you learn to see these gaps in where natural light should be, that's when you know there's a trail. Follow that trail and you've found your source of light." The blonde finished with a bright smile, hoping she hasn't offended him by her explanation. Everyone had their own way of undertaking the world and this had worked with her best when she was figuring out light release all these years ago.

"Your eyes are special, but they are not magic. Don't expect them to see what's not there. expect them to see what is present however, with ultimate clarity. In my experience, that is a lot more useful than magic."
Kakumei Akari
Kakumei Akari
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Akari Master Race [P, NK] Empty Re: Akari Master Race [P, NK]

Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:31 pm
Kakumei listens to Akihana's insisted apology but pays no mind to it, believing that she must be before him for some reason other than to simply say hello. The answer slowly reveals itself in her words and he takes not of the fact that she has been given access to Kumogakure's shinobi forces personnel files.

"How much trust Youka must have to allow her knowledge of the village's ninja." Kakumei thinks, taking in all of Akihana's words. His back remains straight and his posture impeccable as he analyzes her words. "She saw my information and decided that I was worth going out of her way to meet. And her talk of how she should have sent a messenger first may not be true. While her reputation gives no hint of a lying tendency, it would make sense if she decided that her personal presence were important for our first meeting. What about me does she see as so important that her being here is necessary?"

His mind wanders to the subject of Youka's need for Akihana in the village, whether or not Youka has a purpose in allowing her to hold prominence. "She has no place here. Whatever is between her and Youka, it isn't love. I know, at least, that our Raikage is not a person so weak as to require romantic attachment as most men and women do. He must have some purpose for her, a purpose that I cannot see. However, if she continues to infect this village with her ideals, Kumogakure will be unable to expand and Youka's rule will not benefit other lands." Within, Kakumei becomes passively hostile but the feeling fades after further thought. "But I trust that Youka knows what he is doing. While Akihana is here, I will attempt to understand her. It is possible that I will be able to decipher her presence within the village."

At the spoken word "candles", Kakumei is brought back into the reality that is the fruitlessness of his current training session. In an effort to force his clan's bloodline towards activation, he has set up a test for himself that, in theory, should work with time. The problem which Kakumei presently faces is that no amount of time seems to bring his eyes any closer to passing his test.

Kakumei notes the hint of happiness in Akihana's voice as she notices the candles in the trees. Not wanting to acknowledge the same three lights any more than he has up until now, Kakumei does not turn to face them until seconds after Akihana herself turns. Falling short of his own expectations has made him more detached from the current situation, preferring to make conversation with the woman before him more than returning to training.

Akihana asks him of his ability to see all of the candles ahead in the trees and Kakumei promply answers, unable to shake his attentive nature in front of an authority of the village. While his opinion of her presence is a suspicious one, he presents himself in a respectful manner so as to seem easy to deal with. He thinks, "Shy should she care whether or not I can see the candles? While she is a village official, she is of no rank to test my abilities." This response would show his true feelings, that he would rather she not talk to him as if she belongs in the village.

In words, he maintains his emotional mask. "I can see the three candles, yes. However, you may not know that there are seven more deeper in the trees. Those, I cannot see. I am training my eyes to register their light at the moment."

"'The trick'" Kakumei repeats in his thoughts after Akihana begins her response, coming to his conclusion. "A member of the Akari clan and I was too blind to see it. How ironic. She is here to meet with one of her own kin, nearly family. Her words also suggest that she seeks to aid me in my training." His eyes do not focus on the candles as his mind continues to read through Akihana's words, taking in and visualizing her explanation.

After her clarifications, Kakumei finishes his mental analysis. Everything that she had said was applied as they were given and he is now ready to put the new information to the test. Kakumei concentrates on the scene in front of him, pushing his glasses up on his face. Though the change is gradual as his mind adjusts to the new way of thinking which Akihana had introduced, seven more sources of light reveal themselves to Kakumei's sight. His eyes widen in wonder, a feeling he has not felt for a little more than a decade at the age of seven years, never believing that such a pleasure could be felt by the strangely logical mind of a seventeen-year-old young man such as himself.

His heart softens for only a moment, feeling that Akihana had ushered him into a new way of seeing the world: through the eyes of an Akari. Shortly afterward, his feelings become regular once again though his emotional state remains brighter along with his vision. The words Akihana speaks afterward are no less paid attention to than her words before.

"'Ultimate clarity'" Kakumei thinks, turning towards Akihana. He bows and speaks, "I apologize for not recognizing out being of the same clan line." After this apology, his body straightens and his glowing golden eyes give Akihana the respect of eye contact. "You have introduced me to a new kind of sight, Lady Akihana. Thank you for seeing me. Seeing as how you are learned in the abilities of the Akari, would you stay and introduce me to the workings of hikariton and techniques utilizing it? I would be grateful for your assistance."

(1,000/1,000 towards Golden Eye Lv. 1 Activation)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Akari Master Race [P, NK] Empty Re: Akari Master Race [P, NK]

Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:04 pm
Akihana remained quiet as he explained that there were seven more candles twinkling throughout the forest. No point telling him she could see every single one of them due to her advanced ability. If he understood and tried to emulate her technique, good for him. Should he fail, it really wasn't in anyone's best interest to make him feel bad. Some ninja employed cruel teaching methods that relied on shame and punishment. The blonde preferred to teach through practice and positive reinforcement. Indeed as she finished explaining the trick to this young man, a profound look came over his face and his eyes glowed the telling golden for just a moment, hinting that he had grasped the concept. The kunoichi tried not to smile too happily for fear of warding him off.

She dismissed his apology with a shake of her head. "There are few Akari outside of the home land, and we have had to hide sometimes for our safety. I'm sure you were not expecting to run into a fellow clan member." Sweeping her bright golden hair aside, the kunoichi moved forwards, coming to stand beside him now that he knew she posed no threat. Her movements were steady and careful, not wanting to startle him or give him the impression that she was only here as an obligation. Truth be told, she wanted to know more about him.

"If I may ask, how did you find yourself in Kumo? Our clan does not always take kindly to those who leave." The words were tinged with sadness because despite the truth, Akihana missed her family. She wondered what her sister was up to these days, if her grandfather still walked the stretch in his dusty slippers and torn tunic, if her cousin Masato was still as wiling to hide her under a table for fear of being caught where she shouldn't be.

Kumo may have been her home, Hoshi may have been the place where she felt safest but Konoha, that was where her story began, and there was no point denying it.

When asked if she would help him take control over his Hikariton element, the medic nodded, gazing off into the distance. Her golden eyes saw much but the truth was still unclear. Maybe talking to this young man would offer some clarity.

"The nature of light is fleeting," she began, pointing to one of the candles in the distance. "It trails. Always remember that light isn't the part that just burns or shines the brightest, that's a flame. You need to focus on the dimmer aura that works to make the centerpiece as bright as it does. As complicated as that sounds, you cannot hope to get far in Hikariton jutsu unless you learn to deal with the halo around the sun and not the sun itself."

To demonstrate, the kunoichi held up a palm, extending it outwards, in the direction of the burning candles. "Try to separate the flame from the light. It is possible because your chakra is genetically hardwired to make that distinction, if you focus. Separate the flame from the light and then manipulate that light." Slowly, a faded gold dust appeared to form on her outstretched palm, solidifying into a singular golden orb. The orb glowed softly, Akihana having toned down the radiance for fear of hurting the boy.

"This is the Hikariton blinding ball jutsu. One of the best ones to start you off and help you understand how to distinguish light chakra from everything else."
Kakumei Akari
Kakumei Akari
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Akari Master Race [P, NK] Empty Re: Akari Master Race [P, NK]

Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:56 pm
(Never made claims from this thread)

[Claims: 11 stats, 1,000/1,000 to complete Golden Eye Lv. 1 (taught), 1,000/1,000 to complete Golden Eye Lv. 2 (taught), 265/1,000 towards Hikariton]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Akari Master Race [P, NK] Empty Re: Akari Master Race [P, NK]

Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:12 pm
.... Aki never left this thread?


Anyways, approved and thread closed.
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