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Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi]

Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:30 pm
"No, no, you're not a bother in the slightest," Lucian said waving off the larger man's concerns. "I was taking a break. In fact, your timing is quite fortuitous. I find it is always helpful to talk out one's problems."

Taking a breath Lucian moved to amend his prior statement.

"Don't worry I 'm not going to get mushy on you now. As you probably noticed I was working with chakra," At this point the Nazar held up an upwards facing palm bright blue chakra burst up like flame wisping this way and that. "The issue I'm having is the transformation of this raw chakra into space-time chakra. It always becomes too unstable."

As if you prove his point the chakra orb fluctuated this way and that until it snuffed itself out for what must have been the fiftieth time. It was all quite frustrating.

"See what I mean?" Lucian said with a laugh. "Every time, but I digress. "

"Now," Dropping his hand to his side once more. "If I may pry just a bit why did you become a Queensguard? Forgive me if that is too personal a question, but it a rare I one gets a chance to talk with one of you."

It was true. The Queensguard, famous though they may be, were never the most accessible members of society. In fact, Lucian was yet to have anything resembling a meaningful conversation with any of Kyousuke's rank. When offered such a rare chance Lucian could not easy pass up the opportunity to see who these people were behind their stoic faces and flawless etiquette.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi]

Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:01 am
Remaining quiet Kyousuke focused as Lucian formed the blue burst of energy. It didn’t seem to be hot to the touch as the priest was touching it unhindered. As he continued to explain about what adding space/time energy did to the blaze, the ninja did a quick demonstration and indeed the flame danced and flickered out of existence.

“I would like to help, but I am no expert in space/time ninjutsu. I have knowledge in general ninjutsu and medical ninjutsu. If I could make an observation though…” He would pause waiting to see if the ninja accepted or gave some sort of okay for him to continue otherwise he would answer Lucian’s question first. “If you are adding space/time chakra did the flame disperse or was it moved to another location?”

Kyousuke had wanted to be a queensguard since before Hoshi was formed, the only reason he had the title now was due to his predecessors covering up the death of the queen. Kyousuke wouldn’t mention that though instead he would tell Lucian of his original and current reason he wanted to be a queensguard. “I believe in queen Akihana and the hope that she brings.” He would smile, although inside he felt awful Akihana wasn’t even in Hoshi. Kyousuke knew though that even in her absence he should inspire hope in others and make them feel safe. “If I can help people like she does, then that is also my reason.”
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi]

Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:31 am
"That would makes sense, I suppose," Lucian conceded. "To be honest I am not all that experienced with space-time jutsu either. I've been playing it by ear for quite a while."

Lucian rarely lied and he did not lie to Kyousuke now. All he knew about space-time jutsu came from a book, a very old book at that. As such the boy's knowledge was not necessarily flawed rather it was incomplete. As such his journey towards understanding was not as smooth as it could be. Perhaps his path would have been less rocky in a more shinobi oriented village, but he made do with what he had on hand. Maybe it was better to learn from scratch and make his own way? Time would tell.

"An admirable reason to be sure," He said with a nod. "Though, speaking of Akihana, she seems to have fallen from the public eye. Before, as I visited places of worship, I would hear whispers of a woman with fairly colored hair. As of late, however, these whispers have dropped into nothingness. It does make one wonder, no?"

At this point the bald headed boy let out a laugh as clear the cloudless sky. The laugh itself was more to dispel the tension. Contemplating the truths of the world was often best softened by a laugh or two.

"All the same I can respect your reasoning. The Queensguard is quite a venerable position. However, it is my understanding your first duty is to the royalty of Hoshigakure. Is that correct?"

A pointed question? Yes, but one Lucian wanted answered nonetheless. If there was one thing that the Nazar had a soft spot for it was knowledge. That was why he pushed on now, for an advance of his present knowledge.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Ryo : 92350

A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi]

Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:12 am
Kyousuke remained quiet as Lucian asked about him wondering of the queen’s worries. Remaining quiet was better than lying about Akihana attending to the queen’s illness and was better than telling the truth that only the jounin were told. It was an awkward silence too, like completely unnatural as he was asked a question.

Lucian must have gotten the hint as he laughed to get rid of the thick air. “You could say my first duty is to the royalty, but I don’t see it that way. My first duty is to everyone in the village royals, ninja, and the common folk. I can’t say one person’s life is more valuable than another’s and neither does god. To the lord we are all equal, so I must defend others and myself equally.”
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi]

Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:24 am
Lucian could retort with ease. The rank is not called for Queensguard for nothing. When it came right down to it Kyousuke would no doubt be faced with the truth. The truth that some people were more equal than others when it came to the realm of politics. Lucian had learned this in his time in Hoshigakure. He helped where he could, but the fact remained that he could not balance the scales of the whole world. Such was a truth that all Nazar clansman knew from a very young age, the world was not fair. Growing up in close proximity to Funkagakure served as a harsh schooling in reality. Hoshigakure, Lucian could safely say, was out of touch, that was why he liked the village so much and why he stayed.

"Admirable words," Lucian replied with a knowing nod. "I do hope you will not have to test them ever."

The implication was clear. Kyousuke's ideology was in direct conflict with that of the Queensguard. One day the other man would have to square with such a conflict and Lucian could only hope he would make the right decision.

"Beliefs are all well and good until they are tested. Then, well I am sure you know, it is either make or break."

Taking a breath Lucian shifted his tone into something lighter and more approachable.

"But I wouldn't worry too much about it. Hoshigakure is relatively sheltered; I doubt you are in any danger. Apologies however, I am rambling again. If I may a final question, what was it like for a chakra user before shinobi became accepted here in Hoshigakure? People are rather tight lipped about that time and I have not heard much from about it."
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi]

Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:41 am
He does have a point I may face a situation where I have to choose. The lives of the royalty, my comrades, or the common people. The question was something worth considering the queen was likely safe there were other queensguard that would go to her side first, besides Atem was in charge of her protection. Kanzaki would likely be given a full time member of the guard to accompany her. Akihana would likely want to help everyone out which was in Kyousuke’s favor as that is what he would want to do anyway. “You are correct I may have to choose, only god will know if I made the right one.”

“I don’t believe Hoshi is as sheltered as it once was. How much longer do you think the other major villages will turn a blind eye to our growth? Many people are already coming from the other villages to find an escape from their own.” This was a relatively new opinion to Kyousuke, one stemmed from the discussion with the other jounin. Arashi tried to assure him that the other villages didn’t know what to make of Haven just yet, but what happens when they do. Will they continue to ignore us making no attempts at an alliance or will we be outcastes and threatened by them like Kumo?

“Being a chakra user in Hoshi before Den and Aki meant death. Unless, you hid it well or were strong enough to cut through everyone trying to cut through you.” Pulling out a pack of cigarettes he would place one in his mouth before lighting it by smacking the metal on his gloves together. “To survive back then as someone like me meant taking life, there used to be whole teams that would hunt us down like deer.” He imitated a pulling back a bow string to demonstrate. “After my parents were killed the raiders left me to starve, they actually said they wanted my death to be slow. I didn’t die though, my particular Kekkei Genkai took over and ran things. When I got scared there was a new me taking control, when I was lonely there was another me taking control, when I was hungry another me, and when I had to fight… yet another. I later learned while studying medicine that these extra voices were a mix of my KKG and a coping mechanism I had developed to survive.” 

"Anyway Hoshi was no fun place before, of that you can be certain." He would inhale deeply before exhaling a cloud of smoke hopefully away from the chuunin.
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi]

Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:30 pm
"Major villages, as Hoshigakure is becoming, are slow to move," Lucian observed. "I doubt this village will see much interaction with others outside of trading of verbal barbs for better or worse."

It was a shame the conversation had taken such a serious turn. The sun was shining and here the two men were talking of killing, death and political intrigue. It made the lights darker and darks darker. Such was the nature of these things and one of the many reasons the Nazar disliked getting too involved with any form of government. Ironically enough Lucian was in the process of becoming closely intertwined in the higher echelon of Hoshigakure.

"I'm sorry to hear about that. It does indeed sound hellish. Amazing how things change, no?"

Old Hoshigakure sounded much like the Funkagakure Lucian knew. Perhaps Kyousuke was right. Perhaps villages could change. However, in Lucian's experience it took a lot of sweat and much more blood to inact change. Was it really worth it?

"You should really drop it," Lucian said commenting on the smoke. "It is a nasty habit."

He was no medical specialist, but he doubted allowing smoke into one's lungs was really all that good. Of course, if Kyousuke continued he would not stop him. It was neither his body and as long as the cloud did not float his way it was not his problem. The Nazar clan prided themselves on neutrality. Certainly he could and would preach his ethics all day, but he would never forcibly impose them on another. It simply wasn't done, people had to make their own decisions. Such was the way of the world.

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi]

Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:47 am
“Indeed, the change was quick that is for sure.” Hopefully Lucian’s idea that his homeland was beyond help had been shaken. Maybe in time Lucian could take on the evil plaguing it or maybe somebody else would and change it for the better.

“Yeah, yeah I know. I really should quit.” He would put out the end with his fingers sliding the short back into its package. I’ll finish you later. He would think while putting the cigarettes back into his pocket.

“Now about your jutsu did you need any help working on it?” I may not know a lot about space or time ninjutsu, but I’ve seen enough of it to get a very basic understanding
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi]

Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:33 am
Do I need help?

The Nazar boy was not too used to needing help. More often than not he had always been proficient at helping himself. Then again who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth? Or in this case a willing test subject.

"Now that you mention it, yes. I could use a bit of help."

A pause as Lucian help up both hands palm up.

"I've given what you said before about the orbs not necessarily fizzling out, but rather disappearing into the ether and it makes sense."

At this point two bright blue orbs of chakra lit up in Lucian's hands, one in the left and the other in the right. The two orbs flickered out of existence for a moment until Lucian brought his overwhelming chakra reserves to bear.


For an awful moment nothing happened. Then, like magic, the two orbs reappeared and looked almost solid. Allowing both orbs to fall from his hand two protals opened on either side of Lucian, one to his right and one to his left.

"If you could do me the service of sticking your foot into either one of these portals it would be much appreciated. I assure no harm will come to you."

I hope...

If all went well the Queensguard would put his foot in one portal and it would come out together, fingers crossed.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Stranger in a Familiar Land [Open to Hoshi]

Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:43 am
Kyousuke was a little more than apprehensive about putting his leg into the orb. “Only a minute ago you had no idea what your jutsu was doing. I’m not sticking my leg in there.” He would say shaking his head. Maybe this dude was insane, but anyone could tell this was a bad idea. Maybe before human trials where I lose a foot, we should use objects.

Picking up a rock the ninja would throw it at the orb. Hopefully it would work in place of the foot and would go through one orb and out of the other. “We should start to learn about it with this, it is much safer.” 
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