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Pein Yuki
Pein Yuki
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A Tale of Two Cultures - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tale of Two Cultures

Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:07 am
(It was awesome rp'ing with you man! Hope we get to do it again soon! :D )

As Pein and Ichigo awaited for Arashi, he finally saw him and Yuuri on their way back. They seemed to have their adrenaline pumping, unlikely that it was solely from just running back. They probably ended up facing some shinobi who were giving them a hard time, so how would it look upon Pein's part to have sent Arashi and Yuuri into danger? But to be fair, there was no way for him to know it was an ambush. Additionally, Arashi was quite an experienced shinobi, so the group that had ambushed them were probably no match for him. Arashi had let Pein know that he made a good decision, and then rushed through the gates as the guards opened them. Pein and Ichigo followed the pair inside.

"What happened?" Pein and Ichigo seemed to ask almost in unison.

He seemed to take the smarter decision, simply causing a distraction rather than just being reckless and potentially getting Yuuri injured. It was smart. Arashi even went on the explain that the water clone jutsu he had shown Pein earlier was quite useful for situations like that.

Then he began to praise Pein for plan. It was something new to Pein. Not once since he joined the village had anyone ever told him that he was doing a good job. But it seemed as if Arashi were actually impressed, even going on to tell him he was surprised if he wouldn't learn water and ice techniques soon and quickly. Finally he offered Pein a key card, which Pein graciously accepted.

He extended his hand and grabbed the card, then slid it into his pocket and nodded at Arashi. 

"You...thank you, I really appreciate this...I'm glad we worked together today." Pein struggled to let out. 

His social awkwardness truly blossomed right here, although it was less severe due to the amount of sincere gratitude he held. As Arashi stated he had to leave, Pein knew he did too. He bowed before Arashi, turned around and started for the hotel just across the way. What Arashi had done today gave Pein hope, something he never felt before.

As Pein made the walk to the hotel room, he thought to himself about the kindness of Arashi. It was truly uncalled for, so he could not help but wonder why Arashi had done this for him. It could have been his own personal, internal motive. But he didn’t seem like the type to want to gain from helping out another person. He seemed genuine. Nevertheless, Pein stopped focusing on the idea and continued towards the hotel. It was nice. And I mean nice. It seemed to be the place where important guests would stay when they came to visit. But Pein wasn’t important. He was just another shinobi from a distant village.

Besides, the hotel was only temporary anyway. 

(WC: 474; Total Personal WC: 7500)

Claiming 4000 Ryo and 10 AP

Also claiming 
- Ice Release: Ice Dome (3000/3000)
- Certain-Kill Ice Spears (4000/4000)
- Remaining 500 words to Water Release: Water Replacement Jutsu; cashing it on the half wc reduction from learning it from Arashi so 500/500

7500/400 = 18.75 which rounds down to me claiming 10 stat points due to stat training cap on missions.

Last edited by Pein Yuki on Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:59 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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A Tale of Two Cultures - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tale of Two Cultures

Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:14 am

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