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Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]  Empty Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:06 am
Lucien was simply walking around. After he had left Kozai's Library a while back, he felt rather strange. His potential trainer and assistor into getting into the village had seemed to basically vanish before everyone's eyes. He left with someone who seemed of great royalty... Walking back to the library now, Lucien pondered. 

"I wonder if I'll ever see him either of them again. Surely, Kozai will return. If not, I'll take some usage to this library in one way or another. That person of royalty appeared to be important, I'll see her again when I rise higher into the ranks I presume. After all, that will be when I actually matter. I still need to become something important to this village, I'll prove my worth." Lucien made his way up to the doors of the library. The sky was becoming slightly dark and it was only shortly past the sunset. He entered and looked around to see the room quite in an average mess similar to the one they left it in. All of the prior "teammates" he was supposed to have were gone as well.

Lucien began pacing and looking at all the things on the wall. There weren't many books, but the ones that were there appeared to be important. "I shouldn't go through his things, he'd be able to read my mind had I." Lucien returned to the center see of the 3 in the room that was in front of the speaking podium that Kozai spoke at previously. "Somethings seems off to me." He thought. "It's as if have a gravity to something nearby. Something's attracting me and I can't explain it." Getting on his guard, Lucien activated his total focus. "Well, I best wait and stay on guard." 

-15 AP for Both Bloodline Abilities 
100 AP - 15 = 85 AP
[293/293] WC
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]  Empty Re: Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:29 am
As Atem passively and quietly walked through the streets of Hoshigakure he noticed what seemed to be a structure looming over all the others that gave him a sense of want. He felt as though he were a child that was about to experience something for the first time, in his mind a lot of thoughts ran to and fro...comparing his brain to a treadmill at this point would be an insult to the amount of ideas he was coming up with in this short amount of time of see this library. With his interests piqued he began to make his way through the hustle and bustle of the thriving village known as Hoshigakure, as he got closer he felt as though someone were expecting him. He had felt many presences, but he immediately went on edge when one of them completely erased their presence which seemed to have originated in the structure he was looking for.

So, we’re playing that” To Atem it was pretty logical to think it was his father because that was the only other person who could erase his presence at any given moment, his father had not explained to him that it was a trait that his clan had passed down to him and others nor did he even known his clan existed. “I guess I’ll do the same then,” Atem said as he completely “obliterated” (as he would like to call it) his presence. Feeling his heart rate go down and his breath decrease he knew that he had successfully concealed his presence.

Finally making it to the cathedral-like building he opened up the polished doors and walked through feeling the brisk air that he had released go past him. In front of him he could clearly see half of a podium with books lined up filling up the rest of the space he could see. “Here we are,” Atem said to himself as he continued down the pathway and down the stairs that led to what seemed to be the library.

[- 10 AP, 40 AP left]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]  Empty Re: Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:40 am
Lucien could smell the scent of something human entering his vicinity. It was strange, he heard no noise made by this entering either. "Hmm... another stealth user similar to me? Granted, surely not on the level of my clan. I guess I shouldn't provoke him much. I could also lie to him about having something dangerous like a large-scale bomb to get him out of here. But I think there won't be any need for that..." 

Lucien thought. Lucien grabbed a kunai from his ninja pouch and wielded in his right hand. Getting up from the chair silently and putting his body on the corner of the wall that would lead to the passageway where this person would have to enter to reach him at a speed of 25. He reached his kunai out in such a position that it didn't expose his hand but he could see down the hallway using the reflection at 25 speed.

  "Why hello, my fellow Hoshi ninja. Could I ask why you're here? I don't have a problem with you, I just need a stating of your business. Besides, killing fellow ninja in Hoshi is only a retard's action" Lucien said in his lowish voice. 
- 15 AP for Bloodlines again 
85 - 15 AP = 70 AP 
195/488 WC
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]  Empty Re: Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:56 am
As he continued to walk he heard someone speak, “My business? Does one need business to be in this what seems to be public building? The real question here is why do you know the techniques of my father, but don’t share his voice? I would assume that this place must have some special meaning behind it for you to be skeptical of a citizen from Hoshi entering this place.” Atem began to analyze the male’s voice, he could tell that the voice was indeed a male from the obvious deeper pitch that rung through his ears. Picking up on this he realized that a man with this type of stealth had to have some sort of weakness.

The reason his mind had automatically went into the aspects of combat was due to the carefulness of this man, he had to be someone of high intelligence to be acting this way. Atem’s mind began to go wild as he thought of all the crazy scenarios that could go in this up and coming battle, he knew that is what he wanted even if the man didn’t want to himself. Stopping in his tracks right before he entered the room he could see the shadow of a man holding up what seemed to be a kunai. The way the light reflected from the ninja’s body showed his intentions were to use the reflection of the kunai to see him.

Ah, so you can see my appearance now? Well done, I’m fairly excited to meet you.” Atem said as if he were the cat that curiosity killed. “Now, since we haven’t forgone all of the formalities here let’s go ahead and have a friendly battle if you will, I don’t want to keep this game up any longer although it has only lasted a few seconds. You see, I get bored fairly easily and I haven’t been in a real battle in a long time. Would you like to test me out?" Atem said keeping himself concealed behind the wall of the passage with the shadow of the man still visible.

[-5AP, 35AP]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]  Empty Re: Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:08 am
"Man, this guy sure is either crazy or testing my positional fortitude. If I back down now, I'll show the effect of successful intimidation. Then again, I don't want a fight either. At this point, I can't accurately identify his power nor rank being his chakra is suppressed. Well then, show myself passively? Besides, only someone generally without a purpose would wonder in here. Maybe I can give him one...." Lucien thought to himself

After the male who was approaching Lucien finished talking, Lucien backed off the wall, away 3 meters, and to the side so he would be in view of anyone in the passageway. He did this all at 10 speed. After so, he disabled his stalking focus. Nonchalantly, Lucien held the kunai dangling in his right hand now, not even in a battle stance.

"Look, I don't care to have an unofficial fight with a Hoshi-nin. Besides, this Library should technically off limits since the original owner and builder is gone. As for you." Lucien says lifting his kunai up to point it mildly towards the boy. 

"You interest me, might I ask where you're from. You don't seem to be a local with such a way of speaking like that. And your father knows stealth huh? Enlighten me. In fact, I'll even place down my weapon." Lucien said. He knew his action would be risky but if it would avoid him a random fight. Lucien kneeled down at 10 speed and placed his kunai on the ground. "There. Now explain."

247/781 WC
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]  Empty Re: Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:30 am
Seeing the slender male walk into the corridors ath giving him clear vision of someone who wasn’t willing to fight or test him had turned him off considerably, he then realized that only someone with a crazy amount of power would openly let himself be seen and not in a battle stance. The man in front of him had darkish green hair that showed the shape of his head, to match his green hair he also had green eyes that seemed to be very piercing giving off a sense of nonchalant air. Now looking down his body the next noticeable feature was the scar along his neck that seemed to show his combative past and the mistakes he had made when he was younger. “Experienced are we?” Atem said smiling in a gentle manner. “Hm, so the person in charge of the library isn't here? Could you describe him to me since he could be a person of interest to me as you are.”

Atem began to look around to make sure this wasn’t some sort of ploy to let his guard down, although he would use reverse psychology by releasing his Hunter’s Ghost Presence. Feeling his body go back to normal he became more cautious of his surroundings making sure he didn’t speak another world and payed close attention the person in front of him. As the man finished talking he realized he had to speak in order to continue the facade of being as normal as possible. “Oh, me? I have no clue where I’m from which is why I’m looking for someone of importance to me. More importantly, how do you know of my father. I’ve never once spoken of him to you and I don’t want to hear ‘you just told’ you had no reason to assume that I was looking for my father. Even when I did mention it it wouldn’t be humanly for you to have heard me.”

Atem was now worried, he thought he had compromised himself and gave away too much information. He wanted no one knowing of who his father and where his whereabouts could be unless they were allied with him.

[AP 35]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]  Empty Re: Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:42 am
Lucien was pretty entertained by this guy. Possibly crazy, maybe a bit physco? Nothing he hadn't seen before but this one seemed fresher. 

"Hmm he disabled his chakra suppression. In that case, he could be relaxed now or attempting to use a jutsu shortly. Either way... I won't get much out of this guy unless I explain myself. If I really need to, I'll just knock him out if he attempts to blabber." 

"The owner's name is Kozai, he's a well-trained medical-nin who was also a scientist. He entrusted me with governing this library in his absence. And I? I am Lucien." Lucien said. He quickly fell into a moment of mental pondering and curiosity. "A crazy acting guy that knows stealth, from my understanding, that mixture is highly irregular. This guy could be pulling an act but besides that, I should attempt this anyway. Who knows... If I got here. Just maybe. Besides, acting crazy or testing people in weird ways was basic training back at home." Lucien thought to himself. 

"I'm of the stealth forgotten clan, Les Chasseurs. And you are?" 

918 WC
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]  Empty Re: Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:51 am
“Kozai he says.” Atem thinks to himself. “Not who I am interested in so he is automatically purged from my mind, sorry for the outburst, but I tend to say the things that are on my mind and don’t need to be concealed.” Atem went silent again until he heard ‘Chasseur’ “So, my last name is of a lost clan, no wonder my father was so wrapped up in  mystery, even against his own son. I am now interested in our clan, could you tell me your upbringing as mine was pretty distant from the clan which could obviously be told by my absence of knowledge of the clan.”

[AP 35]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]  Empty Re: Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:58 am
"Mhm, Kozai."   "No problem, as long as you can cool it from here." 

"You want to know my clan?"
 "This guy is something else, going to request info on my clan now. He sounds like a failed assassin or someone who's really hiding something. Let's see if I can word him to a response..." 

Lucien flashed a slight smirk on his face. Essentially, like a pleasant no-no face. "Can't, that's against clan law. Anywho, since we're into sharing clans now. What clan are you of?"

1,003 WC
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]  Empty Re: Two of The Same Past? [Private, NoKill, IO]

Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:19 am
“Hm, sounds like something my father would say, I always hated his teachings but I followed them nonetheless. Anyway, I am from the same clan as you as that is my last name and we share the same ability of hiding our presences. Even though we both did it we were still able to discern each other.” Atem’s curiosity overflowed at this point because he had never heard of anyone other than his father be having that ability.

“It was nice meeting you, but if I could maybe get a technique off of you I would be indebted to you.” Atem said in a cunning way trying to see if he could get something out of this guy.
[35 AP]
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