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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

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Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:38 pm
The day is still new, not mid-day just yet but not too early to be walking through the streets. Temperature is quite average. It is not extremely hot and not frigidly chilly. Though Taiyo would prefer it be on the warmer side. It is not cold enough to wear anything more than his normal clothing, a short-sleeved red shirt and gray cargo shorts. His gray shinobi vest is over the red v-neck.

But, at the moment, weather is not what Taiyo is concerning himself with. Instead of looking into the sky for signs of rain or shade from clouds, his head is down. He eyes the still squirming small squirrel, that is between his hands. The string which had been tied around it to hold a note has been removed. It does not seemed to be harmed, only slightly shaken.

"Who uses a squirrel to deliver a message? Pigeons would be a better choice." His head rises to look at the building in front of him, the village library. The note, the one which the squirrel had, told him to meet here for a squad membership. And Taiyo took the offer immediately, of course, needing a squad to train with. "But I guess it is easier to gather squirrels than it is to gather pigeons. Pigeons can fly. Squirrels can only climb trees. I can't question this shinobi's reasoning here."

He enters through the doors of the library, taking a seat at the closest chair. The squirrel remains with him in his hands, trapped between his palms and fingers. This way, whomever it was who sent this message might tell by the animal through which the message was relayed that this boy is responding to the note, looking for a squad to join.

Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Tue Apr 12, 2016 4:51 pm
Lucien was merely sitting about next to a tree looking out at the Hoshi Sky. "I'm a newbie here, but things seem to be going well. I wonder who that guy was at the village gates. I will likely see him sometime around, he didn't seem like the type to just let me off without looking for something in return at some point." He thought to himself. 

Speaking of the devil... or the devil's assistant, or pet? Lucien turned to his left to see a squirrel with a note tied to it. The squirrel made its way before jumping beside Lucien. "The heck?" He said aloud. "A message ehh?" Lucien grabbed at it and quickly read. They were instructions to head to a library. 

"Strange... But based on the rules of this village, I shouldn't be in much danger for showing up. Either way, I'll keep a decent guard up."
Lucien thought mentally. "A squad..." 

Later sometime... 

In walked Lucien through the doors of a fine looking library. He quickly met eyes with another ninja. He took in a quick evaluation of the surrounding area, visually taking a good note. "Strange indeed." Lucien thought. Following this, he took his seat which was right of the ninja. [Taiyo]

WC: 207...
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Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:28 pm
Sasuke was doing pull ups in his backyard when a little critter approached him. The young boy was wearing a sports bra and yoga pants when he saw a squirrel run up to him carrying a letter. Sasuke finished his set and hopped down from the bar. He snatched up the little creature and picked the note off of its back. He opened it up and read with glee as it was probably from his new Sensei. His expression however grew grim when it mentioned a "squad". A squad as in more than one person. Sasuke didn't like the idea of sharing his awesome new teacher with anyone else and so he hoped he had misread the letter. Maybe it referred to him and Kozai as being a squad and no one else. There was only one way to find out for sure though and so he pocketed the note and went inside to change. He took a shower and put on his typical purple jumpsuit complete with cape, gloves, boots, mini-skirt, and his signature hot pink and glitter utility belt. The entire outfit was designed to match his dyed purple hair which he kept neat and pretty. 

Once he had donned his outfit, he sat in front of the mirror and went to work on his makeup. He wanted to look his absolute best for his new sensei and so he took extra time getting doled up. He applied make up to his face. It was just the right amount to highlight and accentuate his feminine features. A little bit of blush here, some eyeliner there, finally an even application of pink lipstick to top it all off. Sasuke grabbed his masquerade ball's mask that covered his eyes and made him look mysterious. He put it over his head and slid the mask into position. He puckered his lips and blew a kiss into the mirror. "Sweet!" He was truly a stunning lad. 

Sasuke walked off with the squirrel following him. He hoped he wouldn't be too late but he couldn't resist sprucing up his appearances. When he entered the library he saw three chairs, two of which were occupied by who he immediately assumed were his squadmates. Sasuke looked at each one of them and stifled a scoff. When the genin saw Sensei Kozai though he smiled and grabbed the edges of his skirt before shifting his center of gravity downward. He essentially performed the gesture commonly known as the curtsy. It was a sign of respect, submissiveness, and femininity. After the curtsy had been completed, Sasuke Toriyama took whatever seat was left and crossed his legs and folded his hands together. He was attentive and ready to learn.

WC: 451

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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

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Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:41 pm
"He's straight to the point, wasting no time on needless conversation." Taiyo notices, concentrating on all of Kozai's movements. "And it's a good thing. It means that there will be more training than anything else during out team meets. The more of that we do, the stronger we will become. Odds are, this is the best squad leader I might have been able to find in the village."

In his seat, Taiyo watches as the sheet of paper in his new sensei's hand is shown to the rest of the squad. He places his hands onto the crimson binder before him, reminding himself to tie a string around one of the internal rings and hang it from his hip when he leaves.

Every word uttered in the new voice, the voice which belongs to Kozai, it caught in Taiyo's ears and mind. He watches as the sheet with the seal is folded and tucked away in the lab coat. With the assignment to to retrieve the paper form him without damaging it and the condition to refrain from damaging any of the books, Taiyo takes note of the chair behind Kozai.

"He grabbed that pretty fast, he isn't planning to sit in it." Taiyo thinks, beginning to stand from his chair. He lets go of the squirrel and it scurries off and out the main door of the library.

Despite he plans to stop Kozai's throwing the chair, Taiyo's sensei is too quick and the chair is airborne before he can even take one step over the table. Nevertheless, Taiyo continues with a new plan.

"Ignore the coat." He whispers, leaping onto the table and past the flung chair at 20 speed. Taiyo is moving to his right and by this time, the chair will have already flown past Taiyo's path, being closer to its intended target, Lucien.

Once at the other side of the table and on Kozai's left, Taiyo drops down and performs the leaf whirlwind, a backward sweep at his ankles with an impact force of 28.

(OOC: Still new to fighting here, please let me know if my math is off.)

{Jutsu used: Leaf Whirlwind (12 AP)}
250 AP
-12 AP
248 AP

Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:04 pm
"Pretty direct is he... Nothing I didn't expect after meeting him at the village gates. Seems that's the normal him for now. Either way, if it's him, he should be a rather exceptional squad leader and trainer."

"Kozai's the name hmm. Lab coat attire, seems rather scientific in a way. I'll have to closely research him." 

Lucien was rather glad to receive his folder and would likely enjoy checking its contents later. But as for now, he had little to no time. 

He listened as Kozai said something along the lines of ancient text... Watching him put the object in his pocket, Lucien knew something was up. 

"There's no reason for him to mention this unless there's something important about it. I'll keep my guard at the ready...." 

He'd have to retrieve the paper and not damage anything in the entire library. 

"How in the hell.... Welp.." 

Lucien began focusing in on Kozai, staring him down without actually visually appearing so. This was his form of prey-stalking.

"Here comes a chase..." Lucien took a last minute to observe the surroundings. The library section here was poorly lit. Enough so that if the two windows on either sides of them were closed entirely, the room would be near pitch black. No light entered from the closed doors either. 

"Begin" Said Kozai. 

Lucien watched as Kozai grabbed for his chair [at the speed of 110.] This was decently readable for him. Kozai then launched it at him [at speed of 35.] 

"Well thing, good thing I was already focusing. I'd rather not try to pull some sort of leader role right now, but for what's it worth. I should announce what I've got. It may be our first best chance." 

Lucien slid downwards and forwards out of his seat at the speed of 25 just allowing him to slip below the chair. In that same motion, he grabbed the chair slightly as to prohibit it from slamming into the wall. He slid forward and landed on his feet at the same speed before darting forward to the left at 25 speed then closing the window at the same speed as well. While running, he said "Guys, Listen if you want, close the other window somebody, I've got a plan." 

Lucien watched attentively after lowering the window. 

"You know, I like this guy... Wait the hell, taijutsu, in here???"

[395/602 WC]
100 - 5 AP = 95 AP
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Thu Apr 14, 2016 9:36 am
Akihana made her way to the library, a small frawn on her usually cheerful face and a niggling sense of worry bothering the Kunoichi. As much as she had tried, the Queen's health was on a downwards spiral and only two things could help her: Kozai Yuki or Hero Water. The first was more easily attainable, the second still something they were working on.

The blonde would stop at the closed door, her golden eyes on the sentry who foolishly began with something about the librarian making that portion off limits before realizing who he was talking to. He cought. on only after the first sentence though, bowing deeply before unlocking the door and announcing her presence.

"Her Royal Grace wishes to have a word" His announcement would hopefully stop all four males from what they were doing to look at her.

"I apologize for the interruption," the golden haired medic began, her voice gentle but firm. "But I must speak with the librarian immedeately. I hope your meeting can be rescheduled." With that, the kunoichi would leave with Kozai.

(Exit Akihana and Kozai, you guys can claim stats from this if you like)
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:48 pm
Hmm Just gonna 
+ 3 Stat Points
605 WC

Last edited by Lucien Chasseur on Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

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Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:53 pm
Going to exit.


[Claims: 3 stats]
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