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Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Stat Training for Ayame Empty Stat Training for Ayame

Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:23 pm
Ayame headed to the training grounds, walking slower than usual. She was dreading her training that she had to do. On her way she kicked stray pebbles on the sides of the dusty road. Once she got there, she slipped on fer sandals in the grass and walked barefoot down by the stream. Walking on the stream, she stood firmly on the water and did a cartwheel forward, transferring her chakra from her feet to the palms of her hands. Twisting in the air as she pushed off from the surface of the water, she practiced a rough kick at her pretend enemy. Aya tried to land gracefully, but unfortunately went for a swim instead. She swam to the edge of the river and climbed out gasping for breath. The current was strong today. 

As Aya tried to wring out her clothes while still wearing them, she noticed a small creature in the grass. A small fish would have fallen from her shirt. Aya attempted to pick the slimy wriggly animal to the water.

Ayame then took a deep breath and attacked her prefend enemies again, kicking to the right punching to the left and leaping into the air, swinging bothe her legs around like a scissors kick. She landed swiftly an the grass and rolled foreward to sweep kick the pretend apparition. She then leaped back and did a backwards handstand and brought her body over and upright to a standing position.

Aya then charged at  the spot she was fighting. She ran around and stepped on a tree to flip backwards and bring her leg down on the spot. Whiping the sweat from her forehead, she decided that wasn't good enough. She got up and ran back toward the river, diving in and swimming against the current. It was almost relaxing to her to be in the water, but she just couldn't keep up with the current. Whilst trying to bring her feet to the bottom in order to stand up, she slipped and was thrust underwater. Once she surfaced able to breathe again she realized she had been washed at least 300 meters downstream. She struggled to bet to the back and crawl out again, this time devoid of fish. 

Gasping for breath, Ayame sat on the stony bank and watched the stream and the rocks, searching for life. There was a frog that was sitting in in a small "tidepool" calm section of water, its eyes peeking out and watching Aya carefully. When she got closer to inspect, however, it darted away. Growing bored and able to breath calmly, she sat up and decided to go searching for her sandals and heading back home. She needed a fresh change of clothes anyway.

WC: 456

Stat points earned: 2 (if approved)

Progress to next stat point: 56 words
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Stat Training for Ayame Empty Re: Stat Training for Ayame

Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:42 pm

The 2 stats are approved but you can't save the 56 for another time unless you plan to continue this topic. Generally, word count isn't allowed to be saved to repurpose later. <3
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Stat Training for Ayame Empty Re: Stat Training for Ayame

Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:00 am
(I plan to reuse this... its in the description under the thread title! :D )

Aya boredly picked up sticks out of the training field, preparing to, yet again, train barefoot. The big ones weren't even an issue for her to move. She was slowly improving, but probably not enough to take on the current without assistance. Ugh this was going to be a pain.

Ayame got most of the sticks out of the way and then slipped off her sandals and did some chakra work. She sat, legs crossed and feeling balanced. Quietly, she focused her Chakra, extending it out to each limb individually. She could almost see the chakra emanating off of herself.  Then, she extended the chakra  flow up to her head and face. After that, Ayame cut it off completely and snapped open her eyes feeling calm and conserved.

She rolled up to a standing position, taking a natural fighting stance. Ayame gently ran, making her steps silent, and sprung into a kick against a tall tree stump. "Ah!" Ouch. That really hurt! "Ow, Freaking Doughnuts!" Ayame cried out angrily and punched the stump hard, leaving a dent and also making her knuckles bleed.

"F---" She grumbled rubbing her hand and hoping nobody was around to hear her cursing. "Alright, time for water therapy, I guess..." Aya spoke to herself, getting up and limping toward the water, holding her hand and fighting back the tears. This was so humiliating. 

Aya stopped at the water's edge and picks the splinters from her calf. Giving a huge huff of a sigh, she fearfully stepped out onto the water's edge. It was cool, but she was still standing, given her condition.  She walked further out rocking with the little waves of rushing freshwater. Aya jumped and kicked with her good leg, and landing on her bad one, submerging up to the ankle for a moment before resting on the surface again. "What kind of ninja are you if you can't do a simple kick?" She growled at herself and tried again, falling into the water and needing to crawl back to the edge of the stream and rest.

WC 342

342 + 56 = 400

Claiming two stat points If approved
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Stat Training for Ayame Empty Re: Stat Training for Ayame

Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:31 pm

Approved <3
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