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Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK) Empty Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK)

Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:49 am
Ever since his arrival in Konoha, Dante had wanted to speak to his sister without an audience. They did have a lot to discuss and despite the fun they had training, there were serious matters at hand that must be addressed! First, they were both still missing ninja seeking refuge in Konoha, second, were they making Kknoha there home now, and third, well not even he knew! They just had a lot to discuss. They were twin siblings and honestly, they were all they had!
He lit a cigarette while leaning against the outside of one of the abandoned buildings in the rather ghostly looking district in Konoha, waiting on  Sephora.
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK)

Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:01 am
This day was not going to go well. Sephora could already feel it. Sighing heavily she headed to the meeting spot they had designated. There, waiting on her was Dante! He looked almost identical to their father Sayomi! Sephora was choked up for a second, she missed their father so much! Almost more than Samaru! As she approached Dante she wrapped her arms around him. She didn't know why! She was not one to really hug, but for some reason having her twin brother back made her happy!
"Alright, speak Dante." Sephora said pulling away.
Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK)

Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:20 am
Dante was speechless as Sephora embraced him! He returned the hug, after all he loved his twin even if he never showed it. She was a loud mouth pain in the ass! But she was smart and great minds think alike.
"Sephora, you do realize that we are both missing ninja from the Volcano Village right? And it wasn't by accident either, we chose this path for ourselves from our fathers example and lifestyle. We could have been village ninja, our Kage and family friend Osore would have given us the rank, but we chose a different way. Now are we staying that way, or are we making Konoha our home?" He asked her as they stopped hugging and putting out his cigarette. May as well kill two birds with one stone and cover two topics at once.
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK)

Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:53 pm
Sephora sighed a deep sigh. Dante was right, they had chosen the missing ninja path by choice. Neither one wanted to be in allegiance to any village or their own clans, whose blood ran through their veins. As it was Sephora gave up the head of the Hyuuga clan to Haru Hyuuga. And neither really cared for the Kaguyas either.They were half breeds, a league of their own! Far superior in mind as well, their father had taught them well and she didn't learn much from their mother either! No, she learned more from Samuru Uchiha than her own mother! 
She sat quietly on a solid wood antique chair as she began to think about her past...their past. What should they do? She doesn't really know at this point. Yes Konoha has a lot to offer but, the way they are living is all she , or they, have known!
" I'm not sure, as much of Konoha as I have seen and gotten to know, I believe it's a good village, but I also know the way our father taught us has kept us going as long as we have. So what should we do Dante?" Sephora asked, not to sure what they should do at this point!
Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK)

Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:25 pm
Sephora was visibly upset by his words. But they had to make a choice. Even if it meant throwing away all they had been taught. There Father was a very high ranked missing ninja and extremely smart. The whole point in having the twins was to create weapons, make a breed of weapons that would take down anything! Children from a powerful clan of warriors and royal clan with a powerful dojutsu! And he had accomplished this! The twins were very powerful indeed, but would joining a village go against their fathers intentions? Or could they possibly complete his intentions from the inside?
A evil smile crossed his lips as he looked at his twin sister!
"When life hands you lemons, its best to make lemonade!" He said as he crouched down in front of her and looked up at her. The crooked smile making him an identical younger version of their father Sayomi Hyuuga.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK)

Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:48 pm
No village was perfect. Any declaration to the contrary was a delusion, operative Wolf knew this. However, in spite of this knowledge, she strived each day to make her village better. At the present time making Konoha a better place necessitated keeping tabs on some of the village's more volatile guests. Earlier the Inuzuka had admitted a boy by the name of Dante Hyuuga into the village. Native to the village of Funkagakure Wolf had allowed the boy to enter the village as a visitor while also noting on his profile that he should be watched by someone.

Any guesses as to who was selected to lead such low-level surveillance? Yep, you guessed it, operative Wolf. She had drawn the short straw in the whole affair. So here she was following the boy to one of the less well kept areas of the village. Some of the buildings here had escaped destruction in many of Konoha's worst catastrophes. Many of the bullrings were not occupied yet as Wolf moved from roof top to roof top in complete silence she felt the ghosts of the past rising from the streets below.

How odd...

There it was, a lapse in concentration. It only took one, one small moment of negligence and it was into the frying pan so to speak. Wolf had been following the scent of Dante until this point when her mind lapsed to the past her foot took a misstep on the corrugated roof. It was sloppy, too sloppy. Perhaps she would have cursed, but making the most of her mistake was what now needed to happen as she fell from the roof to the streets below.

It was not a long fall, but Wolf was able to get her feet under her before hitting the ground. Upon hitting the ground her training took over, she rolled out of the fall instead of absorbing the brunt of the impact with her legs. That was how one ended up with a broken body. Coming down onto the street with considerable noise the woman stood up out of the crouch she had rolled into only to find that just a stones throw away stood the boy she was supposed to be following, Dante. Well, Dante and a woman-it appeared as if Dante had just finished saying something considering the smile on his face. Wolf, in full anbu attire mask and all, could only stand there like a deer in the headlights. There was little way that her entrance into the street could go unnoticed.

Chai you are so lucky you stayed home today...This'll make for an amusing report...
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK)

Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:30 am
Right before Sephora could reply to her brother someone or something rolled into view! Sephora didn’t even see it before jumping up and holding out her hand to fire bone bullets at whatever it was! She seriously didn’t know who or what she was firing at! She was startled and ‘fight or flight’ mode kicked in! Keep in mind, in Volcano Village you do not hesitate to protect yourself, even though this was Konoha, she was still very much on alert around her, she had to be! When she saw the mask after she fired the bullets her words before she grabbed onto to Dante to run with her were, “Oh Shit! Its an ANBU!I didn’t know! I just reacted!” If Dante allows her to, she does grab him by the arm and begins to attempt to run away from the area.

(In case anyone else is reading, this is not an exit and yes this is how Sephora would react. Of course she is a brave person, but she just shot bone bullets towards an ANBU unintentionally.)
Dante Hyuga
Dante Hyuga
Stat Page : Dante's Stats
Mission Record : Dante's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK)

Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:42 am
Dante had been crouched down when his sister immediately jumped up! He fell backwards but then was on his feet immediately! He was to late to stop Sephora from firing her bone bullets but when she said what had happened he was looking towards the person then towards Sephora and she began to run, He was right there with her!
That didn’t make us look suspicious or anything!” He said sarcastically to her.”You should have looked at who you were firing at! This is Konoha trouble is not around EVERY corner like in Volcano Village! And you are aware ANBU can contact other ANBU  right?” He pulled her around a corner into a dark alley if they manage to run a few feet. “You need to apologize and just explain your skittish from being in Volcano Village they will likely understand the situation! Right now you made us look extremely suspicious!” Dante explained to Sephora! He didn’t want this opportunity to join the village completely ruined.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK)

Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:21 am
Instinct and training honed over years took hold of Wolf's body at the sight of the oncoming barrage of projectiles. Luckily the clustering of the projectiles was not too large so it allowed the woman to gracefully swipe her right hand through the air and capture each and every projectile in her hand. Gripping the projectiles tightly she could only compare the feeling to holding teeth. Yes, unfortunately, Wolf had once had the pleasure of holding fistful of teeth.

Tossing the projectiles on the ground to her right, Wolf stepped forward. She was not in a hurry; there was no where anyone could hide from her, especially in Konohagakure. No, instead of rushing after the pair of people who her chakra senses told her were just right around the corner, Wolf moved with complete confidence that her attackers would be back, one way or another.

On one hand, they might be back to finish her off before she could alert the rest of the anbu. On the other hand, the pair might try to make amends. There really weren't too many options available and all of them involved Wolf facing her attacker again. Hopefully, this could be resolved peaceful. Through at times her job necessitated violence Wolf was not too fond of it.

"Come out now," Ashi called out, stopping a few meter from the corner behind which the pair stood. "There is still time to keep this from escalating any further, but only if you talk with me."

Please don't be too violent...
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Toil & Trouble (P/IO/NK)

Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:44 am
Sephora knew Dante was right! They did look awful suspicious and if they were to keep a low profile on their plans here in the Village of Konoha, she had to make amends with this ANBU! But one must question, why was an ANBU following them in the first place? Sephora stepped out and was face to face (or mask in this case) and took a deep breathe before speaking to her. At least she assumed it was a her.
“I apologize for firing the bone bullets at you! You see, where we come from, Funkagakure, if someone surprises you or just comes out unexpectedly, it's usually to torture, maim or kill you! So my flight or fight response kicked in! I really didn’t mean to attack you, I hope this doesn’t cause a problem.” Sephora said sincerely apologizing to the ANBU.Sephora was one of the few who had not been interrogated when they entered the village. She somehow managed to make it in with a group of people, including Yensung Aburame. She was still considered a missing ninja and therefore KNEW she had to stay on good behaviour!
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