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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:04 pm
"I've had worse, thanks." Mason said trying to keep a grin on his face. He just noticed the chakra that began to go into his system. "You didn't need to do that, I need to be able to do this on my own, or how else will I protect the village if not with my own strength. Thank you though." He gave her a slightly larger grin. "It's time to do this the right way."

Mason picked up a water balloon, and he began to focus his chakra into his palm where the tomoe like scar would be. The water balloon began to rotate, slowly at first but then faster and faster. "It's time to kick it up a notch." Mason murmured. He began to focus as much chakra as he could into his palm. The water inside the balloon began to bulge out on either side, it kept going back and forth until finally, the balloon rubber couldn't take the stretching and broke. The water went everywhere including onto his clothing. "Oh that's cold." Mason said shivering. Mason began channeling fire chakra into the coldest spot, which was his crotch area. The water made it look like he wet himself. Mason was slightly embarrassed that it looked like he wet himself. The clothing began to steam from how hot his skin was. In a matter of seconds the wetness went away, not wanting to catch on fire, he stopped the flow of chakra to that part of his body. "Hot,hot,hot!" Mason exclaimed. He wasn't having the best of ideas at the moment.

Mason picked up another water balloon, and placed it in the center of his left hand. "It's a good thing for that slight chakra boost, I might have been drained from just the one water balloon." Mason thought to himself. He began to use his chakra to spin the water around that was in the water. After a couple of moments it popped again. He kept on grabbing balloons until he felt comfortable that he got down the chakra spinning. "Izo, are you sure you don't want to be the team leader, I don't know if it's just the heat today, but i'm not thinking clearly right now. If you don't its fine with me, just double checking." Mason would sit down in the shade after asking the question and began blowing wind from his mouth to cool himself down. His onyx black hair was damp from the water balloon exercise, his eyes were still in their dojutsu form, his forehead had beads of sweat going down into his eyes. "I wish their was an easier way to do this still. Those scrolls made it sound easier, we still have to pop those rubber balls before we can actually perform the actual jutsu." Mason said loud enough for everyone to hear him.

WC 477 TWC 1335
Izo Nara
Izo Nara
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:55 pm
Seeing that mason would be OK Izo turns to kin with a smile “ nice work fixing him up kin!” he would say to her before shifting the water balloon to his left hand where he had placed the mud X that was now dry. Holding the balloon in his hand,  izo thinks to himself ‘ I need to gather chakra into my hands for this. It is kind of like when I learned gale palm! Good so ill use the amount of chakra I used then as a reference point and probably triple the out put?” izo would scratch his head as he almost confuses himself. Izo would than spread his legs to shoulder width apart, and closes his eyes. Izo begins to gather his chakra into his hand. While doing this, he is also concentrating on an image in his mind of the X that he had placed in his hand. Trying his hardest to draw every ounce of chakra that he could to the center of the X.

Just as Izo is nearing his limit, he can feel the balloon in his hand begin to sway ever so slowly from side to side.  Izo knows that this meant the water inside of the balloon was rotating. This causes a small grin to appear on Izo’s face. “I think I may be getting it a little’ izo would think to himself as he pushes all of his chakra into his hand, causing the balloon to spin faster and faster, almost spinning out of his hand at one point. Feeling the water balloon jumping all about in his hand causes Izo’s grin to continue to grow as he knew it was only a matter of time before the balloon in his hand would burst. “just a little more” Izo would mumble to himself as he knew the balloon was about to explode any second. Finally, the balloon in Izo’s hand can not take the force any more and with a loud BANG burst in Izo’s hand sending water shooting everywhere. Izo does not mind as the water cools him down and washes some of the sweat from his face .

Izo finally opens his eyes and looks over to see how mason was fairing with the water balloons. Izo looks over and can see mason jumping about from warming his pants, this causes Izo to chuckle a bit. Izo is still chuckling when he hears mason ask him if he is sure he does not want to be team leader. Izo would walk over to mason and sitting down next to him izo says  “it’s all good brother, your having a bad day that’s all, I don’t doubt you will make a great team leader. Me and kin trust you, so no worries”. Izo would get up and  turn to begin back training when he hears mason say “"I wish their was an easier way to do this still. Those scrolls made it sound easier, we still have to pop those rubber balls before we can actually perform the actual jutsu."   Turning back towards mason Izo with a smirk says “ if there was easy everyone would have it, and we would want it!”  before picking up a rubber ball and tossing it gently towards mason. Waiting for the ball to get half way, Izo would yell “think fast”

Izo turns to Kin and says, “hey Kin I was wondering if you could use that jutsu you just used on mason a while ago, on me.I know It is going to take me a lot of chakra to get this rubber ball to pop.”

Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:51 pm
While Izo was cheering up Mason Kin just listened to him his words were encouraging and they were exactly what Kin believed but could not convey. The boys were hardworking and they believed they could do anything assuming they put their minds to it. 
She admired both of them for knowing that can achieve it soon it would be her turn to lead and not follow them she was going to be a great ninja like they will be some day in the near future.

As Izo calls her name Kin would respond quickly. " sure I can." Performing the hand seals Hare- Ox- monkey her fingers lit up blue as she walks up to Izo she warned him "This is going to hurt." Kin slams her palm into Izo her chakra leaves her body and into her allies. She begins to fell a little light headed but nothing a rest shouldn't help. But this was her role and she was happy to play it 

-15 Action Points  185 - 15 = 170
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 1500

Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:06 pm
Mason wasn't expecting Izo to throw a rubber ball at him, so when Izo said "Think fast" Mason looked up and caught the ball. He was glad he didn't throw it any faster or else he probably wouldn't have caught it. "You know I still have like 10 water balloons right? Mason said jokingly. Mason got to his feet "Time to do the second of the three steps, this should be about one and a half times harder than the water balloons." Mason said confident that he could do this. Mason blinked deactivating his sharingan. As he opened his eyes again, what his team mates would see is his left eye onyx while his right eye was a greyish color.

Mason put the rubber ball in his left hand and began to focus his chakra to the exact middle where the scar was, Unlike the water balloon, this ball had air in it, which was harder to manipulate. He began swirling his chakra inside the ball, all the ball would do is slightly move around. "It seems like were gonna need to add more rotation." Mason said. He started to visualize his chakra making a ball like form, the rubber ball started to have bulges popping up in random places. "I can't do this, it's too hard, I need a break. NO! I CAN DO THIS, I WILL DO THIS!" Mason thought initially having a frown on his face, then a look of determination came across his face. "I am not going to be out classed by my team mates. I can't be the weakest link, I need to get stronger so I can fulfill my promise." Mason said in sort of a whisper, maybe Izo could hear him, but probably not Kin. Mason started to focus even more chakra to his palm, the ball began to have multiple bulges at once protruding from it. "More just a little more...." Mason said grinding his teeth. "This isn't even the hardest part, and I'm still failing." Mason said angrily, before a huge POP came from his palm.

It felt like his hand got slapped very hard by his chakra that escaped from the now popped rubber ball. Mason started to feel very light headed. "I... might have.... used.... too much......" Mason said weakly. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. He didn't use all his chakra but he used about 80% of it.

WC 404 TWC 1739
Izo Nara
Izo Nara
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 1500

Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:46 pm
Feeling a sharp pain in his side where kin had just slammed her hand into, Izo kneels over so as to catch himself from falling. As he looks up to thank kin for the chakra boost he can see that using this jutsu takes a toll on kin. “I’m sorry kin, if I knew it would be so draining I would not have asked. You should take a seat and rest” Izo would say to her in a worried voice.

Izo can see that mason has cheered up some and appears to be ready to continue their training. Looking down at his left hand Izo can see that the dirt X that he had applied earlier had washed away when he popped that Last balloon. Izo takes a knee where he stands and begins to reapply the X to his left hand. Once he is done, Izo looks up and sees that mason has already begun working on trying to pop the rubber ball. Still watching from his kneeling position, Izo can now see mason has managed to get the air inside the rubber ball to cause random bulges to appear in it. Seeing this izo quickly jumps to his feet, not wanting to be out done, he quickly grabs a rubber ball in his left hand. As Izo turns to begin, he can he mason had a very determined look on his face. Izo thinks he hears mason whispering something about a promise. ‘wonder what he’s mumbling about?” Izo would think to himself as he returns his attention to the rubber ball in his left hand.

Izo would spread his legs shoulder width apart and closing his eyes he would than grasp tightly the ball in his hand. ‘just like last time!’ izo thinks to himself as he begins to focus his chakra onto the new dirt X that was on his hand. Nothing happens however. ‘damn!’ he would think as he concentrates even harder, tightening every muscle fiber in his body, in an attempt to squeeze out any chakra that might still be left in them. Izo’s face shows visible signs of strain as a vein begins to pulsate on the left side of his forehead by his hairline. ‘good thing I asked Kin for the chakra boost before, I don’t know if I’d still be standing right now.’ Izo thinks to himself just before hearing a huge popping sound come from masons direction. The sound is so loud that it nearly breaks Izo’s concentration. ‘guess the fool got it.’ Izo thinks as he refocus his attention on the X in his left hand.

Izo now has a very vivid image of the X in his mind, conjuring up yet more chakra to the X marked on his hand, izo can feel the ball in his hand tip a little to the left and then back to the right. This brings a smile to the young ninjas face; only for a second before turning more serious. The rubber ball in Izo’s held out hand was now beginning to show signs that it was going to blow up any minute. The air inside of it was jumping all over the place looking for a way out. Izo would give off a loud yell as he applied the last bit of chakra needed to make the rubber ball in his hand explode , giving off a huge pop equal to the one given off by masons a few minutes ago.

Opening his eyes, Izo can see that mason was now laying on the floor and looked exhausted. Izo is not sure if mason is passed out of just laying there. Looking around he can see pieces of the rubber ball mason was using scattered around mason ‘yep, he got it alright’ izo mumbles to himself. Izo then takes a few weak steps towards mason before looking to Kin and saying with a grin and in a weak voice “did the fool really just die right before we learned it! Some rival.” Izo then takes a few more hobbled steps in masons direction before falling to the ground next to mason. Izo’s body would hit the ground giving off a loud thud. Izo layer there with a smile on his face happy that he was training with his friends.

Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:39 pm
After catching her breath Kin was no longer tired and watched the boys continue to train this new technique. Mason was making progress and had seemingly been talking to himself she couldn't tell what he was saying but nonetheless less she could spot it.Izo was very smart he was seemingly the brightest out of all three not that mason wasn't Izo just showcases his intelligence very well he could comprehend things that would take Kin a while to understand. Watching Izo she would look over to Mason who was on the ground most likely from loss of chakra Kin knew what needed to be done. 

Izo might feel a little upset since she didn't ask first but Kin herself did not have enough chakra to preform the healing technique so she focuses her remain chakra int her hands. Which produces a light blue aura. Strutting up to to Izo she touched him on the shoulder only takeoff enough chakra that it would not be log threatening and enough to heal her fallen comrade. "Sorry Izo." 

Kneeling beside Mason she would use her chakra anesthetic the unique on him in order to keep him concous. 

-35 Action Points. 170 - 35 = 135 
-20 for Chakra absorption technique 
-15 for Chakra Absorbtion
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:07 pm
"After were done, I'll treat us to some dinner at my house." Mason said as strongly as he could, which was just barely strong enough for everyone could hear. Mason had a hard time getting up, falling down trying to get up. "Ahhhh! I have to finish this before I can make us some dinner though..... Kin no, I need to do this or else I will not be able to fulfill my promise to my family." (Where's life alert when you need it?)

Mason struggled onto one knee, using his arms to push himself up. As he got up it looked like his knees might buckle. "I guess not sleeping well for a couple days has finally taken its toll on me." Mason said trying to raise up his arms to finally finish this jutsu. After finally being able to stand up and raise his left arm up, he started to focus his chakra into his palm at the tomoe like scar into his hand. "Just the final step and I'll be done. Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to try and get this all done in only one day?" Mason thought to himself. He started to spin the chakra, he visualized in his head that the ball was still there, on his hands. When he opened his eyes he began to see chakra start to appear at the base of his palm. It started to get bigger and bigger until it was about a few inches, it took the shape of a ball. He started to rotate his chakra into the chakra, into a ball looking shape. "This is supposed to be about a foot. All I have is a few inches but it's getting bigger." He said addressing it to Izo. It dispelled after a minute or so of no more growth.

"So close.... I can just about use this." Mason mumbled sorta loudly. He had beads of sweat going down his face onto his neck, and off of his chin. Mason started to repeat the process, but one of his knees buckled. "Damn it...." Mason exclaimed loudly with an powerful voice. He pressed his hands down again, pushing himself back up. "I will do this. No matter what." Mason said with his usual voice. He began to limp over to a strong oak that was about 20 meters tall.

Mason channeled his chakra back into his palm, he rotated the chakra like he had with all of the previous steps, it started out small like before, first the size of a marble, then the size golf ball, and finally the size of an soft ball. It was a blue looking color, the rasengan was. He took another step towards the tree, and collides the rasengan with the tree. BOOM! The Rasengan collides with the tree, and in an instant there was a crater about a meter wide into the tree, almost all the way through the trunk. "Finally......Finally, I can be a use to you all now." Mason falls into the tree, but gets up a moment afterwards. He pulls himself up and sits in the chair like crater that is part of the tree. "It wasn't the strongest of Rasengans but it will do the job. Once you get this down Izo, we can collide both of ours together and see who's is stronger, but for now I'm gonna eat these chips that I brought and focus on replenishing my chakra. Kin if you'd like to help me now that'd be great because it's hard to bend my right knee." Mason throws a quick grin at Kin. Feeling glad about his new jutsu, he eats his chips, like they were the last bag of potato chips on the planet.

A.P, used 40 which leaves 160

WC 625 TWC 2364

Last edited by MasonUchiha on Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot AP)
Izo Nara
Izo Nara
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:25 pm
Izo is still laying on the floor near mason trying to catch his breath as feels kin absorb some of his chakra. Hearing her say “sorry Izo” as she does so. Izo does not mind her taking his chakra so long as his squad mate was ok. Izo is relieved once he knows that mason is ok. hearing mason whisper “after were done, I’ll treat us to some dinner at my house.” Is all the motivation Izo needs, jumping back to his feet. Izo had missed dinner the past few nights and could not wait to see what mason would chef up. Izo turns back to mason waiting for him to get up so that he could show Izo the next and final step in order for them to learn the rasengan. Izo watches as mason struggles to one knee. ‘wow that really took a lot out of him’ izo thinks to himself as he is pretty drained himself. Izo watches as mason, now standing looks like a baby deer the way his knee were shaking looking like they might buckle at any moment. This brings a smile to Izo’s face and causes him to chuckle a bit. Still standing by, Izo watches as mason holds his arm out as if still holding the rubber ball or water balloon ‘so step three is to causes the air to spin using your chakra, and with out the rubber ball it seems like it’s going to be harder to keep everything contained to the palm of my hand’ izo thinks to himself. After a few moments Izo can see in masons hand a small ball beginning to form. “the fools got it” izo would mumble under his breath to himself. Izo is very happy for mason as he is so close to accomplishing this jutsu. Just as he is about to congratulate mason, Izo sees mason knee has finally buckled from all the strain he had been putting on his body. Izo begins to rush over, taking a few steps before stopping. Izo knows that masons pride wouldn’t want anyone to help him up, Izo was stubborn in just the same way. Waiting a moment, Izo watches as mason gets himself back up and limps over to an oak tree. ‘I wonder what this fool is about to do’ izo thinks to himself as he watches mason channel his chakra into his hand creating a softball size rasengan. Izo watches in amazement as mason blast a hole into the tree and takes a seat. Knowing that he is up next, Izo is excited when he hears mason challenge him to see who’s rasengan was more powerful. But first izo needs to complete step three.

Izo tightens his leaf headband extra tight around his arm. Seeing how difficult step three was for mason, Izo knew he had his work cut out for him. But he was still highly motivated by masons offer to cook for the group. Izo would, once again set his feet shoulder width apart, this time grinding the soles of his shoes into the dirt to ensure he had a good base under him. Closing his eyes, Izo lifts his left arm like he had done the two times before. Still with the dirt X in his palm Izo begins to draw forth the chakra in his body to this one point. Pulling chakra from all his chakra points. Izo with his eyes still closed, begins to focus his concentration on the dirt X In his palm. Trying to gather even more chakra into that single location. After a few seconds, Izo opens his eyes and looking to his hand, he can now see his chakra spinning very fast in a small ball like shape. The ball Is very small at first, barely visible. ‘masons was way bigger than this little thing’ izo would think to himself as he strains his muscles even harder pleading with his body for a bit more chakra. The vein on Izo’s head is now pulsating rapidly looking like it could burst at any moment. The hairs on Izo’s airs and legs are standing up straight. And with his eyes wide open Izo would give our a huge roar and one final push of chakra into his palm causing the once barely visible ball to grow and grow in size first to the size of a pill than the size of a walnut and finally settling in at about the size of a grapefruit. Looking down Izo could see that while he had accomplished a rasengan, it was still not perfect as it was leaking bits of chakra. Izo would be happy either way, knowing that it would get better with use. Looking around he sees a tree about the same size as the one mason had blasted earlier. Izo runs over towards the tree, and stopping a meter in front of it, he cocks back his left hand and swiftly shoots it forward into the tree. Izo would create a one meter hole in the tree just the same as mason had done to his tree. Izo is very pleased with his work and jumps for joy, pumping his fist in the air When he gets to the top of his jump. When Izo lands he looks over towards his squad mates, pointing at mason with his right hand as his left was numb from using the jutsu “ready to see who’s is stronger! Hope your ready” Izo would say, visibly winded.

201 – 40 Rasengan = 161 left

199 + 194 + 493 + 606 + 718 + 918 = 3,128
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:47 pm
With the day finally winding down Kin can see that both boys have physically pushed themselves and she really did not train. Though this did not bother her much. In order to learn the move she wanted they boys would have to be really complacent. They would not want to be immobilized by her Genjutsu Binding technique when they had such a powerful Jutsu they could be learning. Kin decided it would be only right to make the three of them dinner seeing as how she lives pretty close to fields and they don't seem like they will be walking very far anytime soon Izo is very visibly wounded and Mason is seemingly talking to her she had been in her own world watching them train she had not even noticed. " Mason"  

Hare → Ox → Monkey her fingers light up blue again she walks up to Mason replenishing his Chakra yet again. It was not a bother to her mentally but physically she was getting weaker from constant use. She hobbles onto her knee in front of him and looks away not trying to show any form of weakness to her ally. "Oops you were not supposed to see that.." She looks away and comes back positively. "How about I make dinner tonight or we can go out for barbecue?”

135 - 15 =120

WC 224
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Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Team 12 Trains On (NK, P, Mason and Izo)

Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:32 pm

"Kin are you alright? You don't need to keep on doing this, if it physically hurts you, I want to lean this so I can protect everyone, I really want you to stop doing this for me okay Kin? I'll cook us all dinner, you don't have to do a thing." Mason said looking at her with a rather serious face, but still keeping his slight smile. "Izo, I'm going to come at you at full strength. I just want you to know this, so I don't hurt you, so be prepared." Mason says cocking his head towards Izo.

Mason gets off of his improvised seat, with little difficulty. "I won't waste time now Izo, here are some starting rules, Go as hard as you can but lets try not to kill each other, we'll start 5 meters away, if that's understood we'll start." Mason walks towards an old oak that looks very old. "I'll start here." Mason says trying to concentrate. Mason starts to gather as much chakra as was needed for the Rasengan, which was a decent amount, enough to leave him exhausted. He started to gather the chakra into the tomoe like burn scar on his left hand. He starts to rotate, and swirl his chakra into the shape of an baseball, the chakra ball would be a reddish, orange color, probably from how his chakra was at the current time. "I wonder if I could get faster by flushing wind chakra through out my body?" Mason thought to himself. 

The ball keeps on swirling in his hand as he starts to scatter wind chakra throughout his system in an hope it'd make him faster. Which it does, but would be a lot more effective, if mastered. Mason's skin would get a bit paler. "Come at me with your best shot Izo!" Mason yells.

WC 307 TWC 2364 + 307 = 2671
160 AP - 40 AP = 120 AP
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