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Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla] Empty Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla]

Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:22 am
On the freshly cut grass of the training field Risako sat, her legs crossed and eyelids shut. Her hands rested in her lap, and she remained completely still aside from her chest raising and lowering to breathe. Though, seeing as her flak jacket was just one size too big, and stiff, it was unlikely any would be able to see the breathing movements. An unseen gust of wind through her bangs to her left, and the rest of the raven hair atop her head went with wind.

The sun was trucking its descent into the evening sky, and aside from the few springtime birds that were scattered about, she was the only entity in the training grounds. Further off in the distance, the clouds were gathering into what would become a storm, drifting its way closer and closer to Konoha. That said, the village still had a good two or three hours before the rain would even begin to drop, and Risako hoped to achieve her goal before that time had come.

Still in a meditative state, she thought about the elements that chakra could be used to form. Further, she thought about what allowed her to use certain elements, namely fire. Even she didn’t fully understand why it presented itself to her first, her guess was simply that her body had felt most in tune with its destructive properties. As for wind, wind didn’t come naturally to her. Wind was something that required her to put thought and dedication into learning, so at least she knew a little bit about what made it work with her chakra.

But the training for that, while long and tedious, was relatively simple. It only required the user to try and harden the air around them into being sharp. If you tried to cut something with it, such as a leaf or paper, by channeling the chakra between your palms and turning it to wind. Once you could cut with the wind, you just kept trying to form larger and larger cuts, so that the control you had over the wind grew. Risako was at a stand still, currently. She knew how to start with earth, but not how to actually begin making progress.

So she sat in the fields and thought about it. If she had to, she’d wait all night for the knowledge to come to her. Who knows, maybe it’d come in the form of an above average aged genin, who just so happened to have that knowledge?

[416 WC towards Earth]
Kayla Senju
Kayla Senju
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Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla] Empty Re: Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla]

Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:00 am
After their last mission Kayla went off to grab something to eat. The poor genin stomach was hurting at this point of time. She never expected to have to cut that much grass that was for sure. Though now things were getting better with a filled stomach. She was neow ready to go back to the field and add some technique to her own book! She wasn't sure what to learn though. She had that scroll about some earth technique. She also had one about some odd Senju technique that she could learn. It was a pretty complex one but really useful at the same time. It did suit her boat really well. 

As she made her way to the field she see Risako! Her sensei was training too it seem! Well..The more she look at it she was mostly meditation. She wasn't sure if she should try herself or not but she shrug and lightly walk toward her sensei. 

"Hey Risako! Uhmm..I saw your fox invocation and...You did got me really curious..Could you...Well.."She caress the back of her neck lightly. "Teach me if possible?"
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla] Empty Re: Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla]

Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:00 am
So caught up in her meditation, Risako failed to notice her pupil coming along until she was addressed directly. With a slight shake of her head, her eyelids would peel open, revealing her silver Byakuugan look-alikes, followed by a slow “Hmm?” Then she realized what her student had said, or rather requested, and she'd reply with quick, “Yea, it's easy really. I'm just trying to learn how to manipulate the earth, so I'll summon them and you can go train with ‘em.” There was a brief pause, “Try to impress them, and they'll likely give you the contract.”

“One second,” she'd say. Placing her hand in front of her chest, she would make a fist with her middle and index finger pointing to the sky, before gathering her chakra for a moment. Then, moving her other hands thumb to her mouth, she'd scratch it with one of her canine teeth, drawing enough blood with which to do the summon. Swiping her now bleeding thumb across the shoulder of her flak jacket, the tiny black fox, Utagawa, would appear in a poof of smoke, sitting at top her shoulder. His fur was nearly a shade darker than Risako’s hair, save for the white tips on the end of his ears. His eyes were also much different, being a golden yellow rather than a byakuugan silver.

Risako was fully aware that some of the foxes could talk, but for this tiny one she was unsure. She knew it could understand speech, to an extent, but she didn't know if it was capable of full fledged thought, like Akami. Maybe it'd be good to summon him as well, just in case?

Performing the same ritual, the raven haired chuunin held her hand at her sternum, the same as earlier. A fist with both the middle and index finger pointed the sky, except this time she was already bleeding from her thumb, so there was no need to open the wound further. Wiping what little blood was still wet onto the shoulder of her flak jacket, in a poof of smoke, Akami would appear standing upright, at attention.

“Alright, Utagawa, Akami,” she'd turn her head to each fox as she said their names, “Kayla is gonna show you guys what she can do,” she said as her gaze turned towards the aforementioned pupil, “she wants the same deal that I have with you.”

Akami knew what she meant, but Utagawa was slightly upset that Risako assumed they had a deal. Her summoning of him the first time in the orphanage was an accident, and now she assumed he was hers to summon at will because he couldn't voice his disapproval? Actually yea, that is what it meant. He would be used a lot more frequently from here on out, so he'd best get over it.

Akami had already been won over by Risako, so there was no real protest from him. He'd nod, hop down from her shoulder, and say “If that's what ya need me for then I'm yer man.” Wait, what? “I mean, err. Fox.”

Utagawa, the tinier black fox, followed suit and climbed up Akami’s body until he reached his shoulder. Akami could protest if he wanted to, but Utagawa had a Kung-fu grip, one that the larger orange fox couldn't hope to best.

With that out of the way, Risako would let Kayla be aware of the situation. “I'm gonna go back to my training then, I wanna get this done before that storm rolls through,” a small chuckle would come out right at the end. For all she knew, it was just some asshole using the Rain Tiger at Will Technique once again, and not an actual storm. Filthy water people and their damn gloomy techs. No offense to Kayla, though.

[1048/6000 for Earth element
Using the 25% off total WC for training]
Kayla Senju
Kayla Senju
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Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla] Empty Re: Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla]

Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:29 am
That wasn't going to be easy for sure. She had to impress the fox. She lightly put that though in her head and think for a moment. How can she even do that? What if she make her wooden clone? Actually what if she show something to her sensei Risako? Would the fox be impress by such an achievement? She sigh to herself before shrugging it off. She could just try after all. She lightly made her hand seal and created her two clone. At this point no one would be surprise to see this feat happening. At least not the one used to see her doing it every day for sure. The blond would then look at the fox and caress her chin lightly.  

"Well I'm not sure how I can impress you little fox but I know one thing I can do!" She smile softly as one of her clone walked toward Risako with a wide smile. "I can use this clone..Which is Kaykay to help Risako train her earth release while I go with you two little fox not too far and show you a few jutsu I mastered?" She tilt her head and smile at them. 

Kaykay would smile at Risako wildly and take an handful of dirt. "How I learned it..Well we learned it.. Was with dirt.. We took it and focused our chakra in it in order to make it turn into little rock. It was quite hard as we kept turning the dirt into mud instead because of the water release. Though I still think that this little dirt trick is the best. " She nod and smiled widely.

During this time Kayla lightly walk over not too far from the other with Kayly and the foxes. Once there she caress the back of her head unsure before smiling lightly at the fox. "Well..I can show you a few jutsu that I have if you want?" She tilt her head lightly as she raised her hand and lightly started to form a Rasengan in the palm of it.

(347 Wc)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla] Empty Re: Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla]

Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:10 am
Akami, with Utagawa atop his shoulder, followed behind Kayla, leaving but a meter’s distance between the two. Had he been paying attention at all, he’d have realized that her chakra was almost as powerful as Risako’s, but he wasn’t one to observe such things. Utagawa on the other hand, was already thinking “Color me impressed,” as he did take note of the chakra presence emanating from the girl.

“Yeh, it’s gonna take a lot to impress me kid,” the fiery little fox would declare. In actuality, it probably would, Risako had to wrestle the fox into being submissive before he’d giver the time of day and attention. Picture that for a moment if you will, a fifteen year old getting into a tussle with a fox that barely stood to her shins. Needles to say, she won the fight. “Go ahead and show me yer petty moves.”

Utagawa remained silent, just waiting to see the look of surprise on A’s face.

Back to Risako!

She had just managed to close her eyes and begin focusing once again, right before Kaykay the clone came and interrupted her peaceful thinking. Thankfully, this little incursion in her practice wasn’t a negative one, quite the opposite. Risako would simply nod and do as the clone did. Straightening her fingers, she cocked back her arm and dove it into the ground by her leg. Clutching the dirt, she attempted to flow her chakra through the dirt.

And she could feel it, the little particles of dirt in her hand began to form and shape and fall-

No. The dirt was just crumbling away, becoming dry and eroded by the fire and wind chakra that already made themselves noticed within her body.

She would have to try again, though. And so she did, picking up another handful of dirt.

[1351/3000 for earth element
25% discount and half off from being taught.]
Kayla Senju
Kayla Senju
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Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla] Empty Re: Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla]

Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:28 pm
Kayla would stare at the fox for a long moment extremely confuse. Was he really asking her to fight..Him? How could she even do that if she could? He was so little and agile. She frown lightly as she look at him and cross her arm on her chest. "You want me to fight you? Is it that?" She smile lightly. During that time Kaykay would pretty much waste her entire chakra reserve by making the Water Dragon Whips. The whips would rush toward the little animal at a quite crazy speed and try to to tackle the little animal down. They would follow him while Kayla quickly pull herself back in case the little fox would try to tangle her with her own whips!

During that time, Kayly would smile at Risako and nod. "That's was what I was talking about... In my case it was mud..Because you know water release. Though if you learn to split it once more you should be good to do it." She smile as she lean on and grab a hand full of dirt. She lightly focus her chakra intro it and under Risako eyes the dirt would turn into little rock and started to hug each other and form a now little rock ball in her palm. 
"For you the first logic step would be to make the little rock..The big one will come after that of course! The final little training you can do is polish the rock.. Like that.."She smiled as the rock in her hand lightly started to polish it self as she used her second hand to flow chakra on it's surface.
"That's how I learned the earth..Well also by making a huge sand castle with it too in the end."

(298 word!)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla] Empty Re: Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla]

Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:47 pm
Risako exhaled, the dirt resting in her palm. Closing her eyes, she listened to the clone, and what she had to say. Once again taking it into consideration, this was simply just picking apart different types of chakra, and applying the one you wanted to get a certain effect. Risako had a rather large and potent well of chakra, as even being in the area most of the time caused other people’s chakra signatures to be drowned out by her own. That didn’t mean she knew how to control it to her whim, however. Holding her left hand aside her right, she began to focus her chakra in the left, which was empty.

Nothing visibly would happen, but her hand was beginning to pool up every bit of fire and wind chakra she could possibly channel into it, attempting to “distract” those two elemental types by focusing them in one area. Her hope was that by doing so, she could allow the earth chakra to roam free in her right hand.

Would it work? Let’s get back to that in a moment.

Akami’s first thought was “No that’s not what I mean,” referring to Kayla’s proposal for a fight. He merely wanted a spectacle, but before he could actually express his opinion, the whip of water had managed to pull him on to his back. Honestly, when it was moving so fast he couldn’t see it, it was a little bit unfair. Utagawa simply leapt off of his fellow as he began to fall.

Bursting out, the fox would shout “Alright! You win!”

Kayla had won the two little foxes over. If he was released from the whip, followed by a large poof of smoke, Akami would be holding a massive crimson scroll over his head. Dropping it to the ground, the beige paper would uncurl, rolling all the way up to Kayla’s feet. Utagawa walked the length of the scroll, stopping at a blank spot right above Risako’s own signature. Akami followed suit with a brush that had previously been dipped in black ink, “Just slap ya name on that scroll somewhere,” he’d say, extending the brush out to Kayla.

Back to Risako, who was patiently waiting cause reasons.

With the fire and wind chakras spreading through her left arm, she began to focus “blank” chakra into the dirt in her right palm. A rasengan would begin to form within her hand, but rather than use it to destroy the dirt, the dirt simply began to swirl and mix with the chakra. Soon after, the dirt began to break down into dust, but not because of the wind chakra. This time it was because of the particles beginning to mix with her own chakra. The rotations began to slow, until the dirt was once again a solid clump resting in her palm.

She only ignored Kayla’s method for the moment, because she need to learn how to soften the dirt first. Now that she had that down, hardening it was the next step. As the clump reformed, it did so as a solid mass rather than a broken up pile of soil, which Risako was now supposed to harden into rock, according to Kayla’s instruction.

[1887/3000 for Earth.]
Kayla Senju
Kayla Senju
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Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla] Empty Re: Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla]

Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:50 pm
She smile widely and clap her hand with her clone as they won the fight! The two blond would just understand that the little fox didn't want to fight her but just see her impress them. She blink lightly as they release the whip and run over to the little fox with huge eyes. “AWWW! Sorry little fox! I though...Well we though that you wanted to fight with us! So..Well we did what we could do!” They make little sad face like they were trying to make their situation better. Though luckily they seem to be impress enough that they would bring the famous scroll! Akami's would lightly bring it in front of her while Utagawa put his little paw right above the name of Risako where there would be space for her to sign! Akami would then lightly walk with a brush in his maw and lift it toward Kayla. She was so happy at that time that she took a few breath before she lean and lightly write her name on the scroll with a wide smile!

“I can now call fox to help me! “ She raise her fist in the air with a wide smile. She wasn't sure which one she could call if she needed though. Would those two actually come or did she needed to do something for them again. She lightly caress her chin at this idea.

During that time, Kayly would still be working with Risako and smile widely at her progress. Look like she was getting a hand of it! Well mostly starting to get the other element out of the way. She smile to herself as she grab a and full of dirt and did it at the same time as Risako.

“To show you visually...How I did it was like that....” She lightly focus her chakra. The little sand particle would get thicker and thicker and lightly to turn into little hardened rock. They would even start to get one after the other and forming a bigger and bigger rock before she lightly turn that progress back into dirt.

“Once you do that, you can make sure you have a good control by making them get harder and make a ball! Like your Rasengan! But a big strong rock ball!” She nod lightly. “What I did in the end is polishing it...Just to make sure I was good at it..I even build a huge dirt castle only with chakra!” She nod lightly.

(413 Word)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla] Empty Re: Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla]

Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:51 am
This clone was like an even more bubbly version of an already bubbly girl. Or was this the clone? Risako was unsure at this point. Either way, her response to everything the girl had said was a nod followed by a quick "Mkay."

She would begin by focusing her chakra into the dirt, now that she had managed to learn how to feel out what the chakra had felt like in comparison to the fire and wind chakras. As she began to focus her energy into the small clump of dirt, it would begin to thicken and enlarge every so slightly with each passing second. Until sure enough, just as Kayla had said, the dirt would become almost rock like. Being able to control an element such as wind and fire were great. They were destructive, but something about the dirt was more alluring to Risako. Unlike fire, dirt was just everywhere and anywhere. Unlike the air, dirt was actually something that was solid, it was almost like her other two elements were non existent most of the time, but this dirt? It was there, and it was everywhere. 

Next she began by trying to go on to some minor shape manipulation. Kayla did say that she made a castle of dirt with the stuff right? Cupping the small patch of dirt in both of her hands, she began to focus her chakra into making the dirt lengthen into a rod. From there, she tried to form the end of the rod into the head of a dragon, similar to how she did when she was learning to use the dragon fire technique. Her first results were a little less than stellar, since the object wound up looking like something a child would make with clay. 

Softening the dirt, she smooshed it between her hands, ready to start once more.

[3197 WC,
2197 from this topic, 
1000 from the Soul Amethyst refund
sorry this post was fair lame.
Claiming earth tho.]
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla] Empty Re: Who teaches who? [P, NK, Kayla]

Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:19 pm
bumping cause uh. I needs da approval.
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