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Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo)

Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:52 pm
Nodding to the woman's words Raizuko would begin with a process of his own before the woman even started to talk to her dragons. He would walk backwards 5 meters leaving a 10 meters distance between the two as he would get into a sitting position like an Indian. Placing his elbows on his thighs he would slowly flux his chakra throughout his body as he waited on Kira to get done with whatever she was doing. In these minutes he had met with Kira he had learned quite a lot about Senjutsu. He was also certain that he could now create life forms of his own. He would just need the right amount of energy to do it. He needed to fuse his medical chakra with the small amounts of Sage Chakra in his body. Though of course he did not know if it would work as of yet. But he could still try. He would continue to flux his medical chakra throughout his body seeing a veil of a blue energy waves appear around his body. This happened whenever he was trying to control the output of his chakra. Even though he was a Jounin he had yet to master completely harnessing his chakra. Hell he was sure no one in the world has. It was possible for someone to control the leakage of their chakra. But, it was unknown if someone could completely control it to the point where it seemed they did not even have chakra.

Even though chakra suppression could stop the flow of chakra. It had a drawback with the person not being able to use high level jutsu. He would choose not to close his eyes seeing as he still did not know if Kira was a threat to his life or not. He would slowly inhale and exhale the oxygen around him to slowly decrease the flow of chakra within his body. But while doing this he would search for the small amount of Sage Energy within the small of his back that activated when he was using a really powerful jutsu. A flash of blood and gore on the ground shot in his mind as he remembered what he had done to those ninja when he was on the mission. He would quickly shake his head getting the image out of his mind as he slowly tried to pull the orange like Sage Energy broke the small of his back. He could feel the chakra coming from the small of his back and it burned. It was like someone had injected a vial of liquid fire in that part of his body. He would cringe as he saw the blue chakra slowly turn a different color. The blue fiery color had been replaced with a brown calm color. A slight lighter color than the ground below him. He felt at ease, but his body at the same time felt as if flames were eating him away. Looking at his skin he would see that nothing had happened. Maybe it was just because he had yet to master his Curse Seal?

Looking back up to Kira he would say "Just excuse me. I am only trying something new." he would say this between breaths as the chakra was putting a strain on his body. But he needed to continue to master it. Unknowing to him grass was slowly sprouting from the ground. He would see a jar of some sort with liquid in it from where he sat in Kira's hand. Inside the jar seemed to be a? Kidney? Yes! That was what it was. He remembered earlier that the woman said bring her the kidney labeled Kiru. So was he right? Could Kiru know of the Uzumaki? Raizuko would frown. He wanted to move forward to the kidney but he needed to stay in position so he wouldn't lose control of his chakra."If you could. Will yu bring me the kidney so I can examine it. An Uzumaki kidney I suppose?" asked Raizuko nicely hoping he had not offended the woman.

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
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Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo)

Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:57 am
She watched as the boy backed up, sitting down and begining to summon chakra. She activated the full strength of her doujutsu, opening the three tomoe sharingan into its final form, eternal mangyeku. The three small dots swirled about her eye as she allowed the shift to happen, her vision increasing exponentially.... unless im an idiot and I already did this. If i am, ignore all of this, however, if I did not then the three small black dots would shift position, seeming to draw an S with the centerpoint at her pupil using the two bottom most flame like dots. The third would stop at the top of her eye, milimeters from the top curve of the letter, and as it finished strike a line down the center. The symbol she knew to be that of the demon of chance mirrored itself, forming a second that simply shifted downward from the first, and with that done the final bit of change happened. Across her now red eyes a lattice of strange lines would form, almost like spiderwebbing that shot through the pool of crimson like a net holding the symbol of her power in place.

"Of course." She meant the statement to respond to both of his, though it may not have been completely clear until she walked forward, clutching the glass jar tightly with one hand wrapped around the metalic top, and another around the bottom, the weight pulled inward to be braced against her chest. Once she was near the boy she'd set it down on his left side, sitting beside him, the black cloak of night flowing across her form shortly followed by a long thin tendril of shadow that would slowly lift up the top, it's tip slipping under the edge between glass and metal to lift up and place that which kept them from the organ onto the ground top down. "Understand that this is quite rare and dificult to obtain dna so I wont be able to give it to you, and I wouldn't advise taking it from the jar for any length of time, but if you'd like you may study it.


"Well. I suppose now is as good of a time as any to begin testing our newest aquisition hm?" She drew from the pouch at her side a senbon, the trinity's ninja tool of choice. Gingerly she'd prick just the tip of her pointer finger, allowing a small mass of deep red to form before smearing it across the surface of the tatoo, causing energy to pulse from her body. With this done she offered the tip to selene who simply nodded, pricking her own finger and following suit on both tattoos. The seal was perfect, calling the chakra needed to the point where ink was imbedded in flesh to draw the two summons they'd each chosen from their realm, though Amber wasn't sure it would actually work. Thankfully in small puffs of cloud the small pixies appeared, their regal stature not lost in the form they would enter the physical dimension in.

"It seems to have worked miss." Selene said plainly, bowing deeply to the four women only a fraction her size. each met the two ninja's gazes with a simple nod.

"Welcome, Tallia of the white light, Gai'aran, earth mother, Mistress of the sun Valisera, and Elunae queen of the nightfall. I'm glad you answered our call. " she spoke each name simply, as the title they held. It was practice when calling for the court, whether it be at their hallow or through rituals of summoning to speak the names of each court member, though she'd opted not to state the name and title of those she didn't wish to speak with. It was generally a faux pas, but was considered acceptable simply because the four sisters had requested such.

"I do not believe there will ever be a time when we do not answer your call demon of chance." Tallia began, turning her gaze to the next in line.

"We are grateful you've chosen to take our blessing." gai'aran, spoke next, smiling at the pair. She'd been the most dificult to convince to help them so long ago when the discussion came up. Valisera and Elunae were simple as their allegence to the twin pixies in Amber's care and family ties made this a venture with mutual gain, and Tallia saw this as a chance to restore balance. The recent changes in Amber's demeanor had shifted the energies of the fae heavily, the force of evil she once was lessening and finally offering the chance to create unity.

"We welcome you into our presence as always amber, and thank you for taking such good care of our Daughter(neice) " The twins Valisera and Elunae spoke in unison up to the last work, which of course needed to be changed. Here Valisera paused, allowing her sister the lead to emphasize the importance of their position to Daruku and shuurin.

(with the 3 sets of summoning tatoos created wc starts after 3k, twc for stats and training 984)
Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo)

Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:33 am
Looking at the woman he would see that her eyes changed. The Iris turned red with 4 pupils then they changed again. The eyes now looking like some sort of webs. Raizuko could not tell if it was a doujutsu or not seeing as he had not activated his Golden Eye. But the way the woman's eyes were made him want to activate them. He would frown as the whole of both of his eyes instantly turned Golden as he stared at the woman but not directly into her eyes. He could see the build up of a large amount of chakra behind her eyes making him let out an invisible gasp. Never in his life had he seen such eye power. Even his own Golden Eye did not release that much chakra from it. The woman would begin walking to him. Bringing him the jar that contained the Uzumaki kidney. Well he thought it was an Uzumaki kidney at least. Kira's walking had finally come to a stop, as she would come to sit on Raizuko's left side. A thin line of black would come from her cloak as Raizuko looked. He could see that her cloak was maybe infused with some sort of chakra or the cloak was made out of chakra.

Upon him staring at the Uzumaki kidney he could see that it was quite powerful in terms of chakra. The dark blue chakra that surrounded it seemed captivating. Of course he would not be able to see the chakra without activating his doujutsu. But he did come to the conclusion that the kidney may have come a powerful Uzumaki by the way the chakra lingered on the kidney. Nodding his head in approval he would say "I see why the Uzumaki were known as a powerful clan. The chakra that surrounds it seems so intimidating." said Raizuko as he would look away from the kidney and go back to his open eyed meditation as he continued to try and pull all of his chakra within his body while simultaneously enduring the burning pain of it.

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo)

Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:57 am
"If you say so..... I geuss?" kira would give the boy a confused look. She'd never really considered her student someone of great chakra prowess, though... To be fair she didn't really consider Kiru someone of great anything. He was learning, and he was strong enough that in battle she didn't expect to have to watch over him as carefully as the others she'd trained but strength of chakra was a very rare thing for her to conceed to. "I know they seem to be pretty adept at fuinjutsu and sealing but I wouldn't say my student's chakra was intimidating, though I'm sure im biased." If he looked at the girl with his doujutsu active he'd immediately see why she spoke. Even as she sat in casual conversation, using the terrifying power of her shadow manipulation simply to open the metal top to a jar the chakra would almost seem to flow endlessly from her skin, remarkable power pulsing from her network the likes of which she'd never seen a match.


"It is we who should thank you mistresses of the the high court" Selene would speak, keeping her self in a low bow position. While understanding emotion and thoughts wasn't a strong suit of the avatar of sorrow she'd been around long enough to learn the simple customs of respect, half taught by amber, though not in the way expected, and half through the time spent within the multiverse. It was often an expectation for those in the presence of the demon of chance, specifically in the times when she was less kind to those not offering the proper respect, that any who entered her presence bow and speak with down turned glance. Selene had studied this custom as she watched from oblivion, silently waiting to find her voice within the life steel dagger well before her name would be spoken by the goddess.

"Truely though, It is very much not a necessity for you four, high members of the court to address me with such respect as this. I am at your bidding as always." Amber responded, giving a slight nod and motioning for Selene to raise up. She hoped formalities would be dropped, more so she didn't feel the need to use them as it was never an action she enjoyed.

Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:39 am
Raizuko would frown seeing as the woman was trying to give off all her chakra at once in means to show her power. He did not like when people downed other seeing as it made some people lose hope. The way she downed her student like that made it even worst. But of course he did not know if her student was hardworking or not. He had never met the guy or girl a day in his life. Looking away from the woman's chakra. He would once again begin to look forward continuing his open eyed meditation. Deactivating his Golden Eye he would still be able to see the brown aura like chakra that enveloped his body. The chakra was infused with both his chakra and the small amount of sage energy that was stored in the small of his back. He needed to figure out how to release the burning sensation of the chakra. Maybe it would help him learn more about creating life forms. And of course it was possible seeing as when Kira went into her Sage Mode he could not feel a burning sensation. Though her chakra did not seemed to be infused with sage energy at the time.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo)

Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:01 am
"So um... I assume you're getting what you need then?" She turned her gaze towards the boy after several moments of silence. She'd spent time analyzing techniques and books of course, however she found the boy's silence to be strange. It didn't help that he seemed far too interested in what she had never considered something of great promise. Her student's bloodline.... Well it existed. She'd heard good things of the Uzumaki clan through history but she could never put her finger on the exact reason why they were so good. Maybe it was because Kiru wasn't an impressive specimen, or maybe it was more so because she hadn't taken the necessary time to study the boy's jutsus.


"Am I to assume that you've taken the time to actually study the power of our world?" Elunae spoke up, asking the question that honestly Amber had expected quite a bit ago. It was probably the most important thing the four needed to know, of course. She was speaking of the technique known as the incomplete sage mode, which when coupled with their Fae specific senjutsu would boost the trio's ability to use their jutsus to a near legendary level.

"If you're speaking of the incomplete version of sage mode, Yes. We have both become accustomed to drawing the magic of the fae, which those of this realm call nature energy. It will be important for you to know we have also trained in the Senjutsu that allows us more control over the power of the faewilds. The secret technique pixie style, Pixie whiles is of course in our arsenal. "

Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo)

Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:06 am
Nodding to the words Kira spoke. Raizuko would rise from his sitting position while simultaneously keeping his chakra flowing with his Sage Energy. The things Kira had told him had further enhanced his knowledge of the Jugo, the Uzumaki, and of the Sage Energy that was scarce in the world. Maybe just maybe all summons had the ability to teach a person the skill of Sage Mode. Or at least that was what he thought was the name of the skill the woman Kira used. The way that the woman Kira sage energy was used made him feel so at ease. Like he could give his life to her. But the energy that he used at this moment felt the complete opposite. It was hot and felt evil? As if it would attack anyone who came close. This had given him the conclusion that either the Jugo or the Curse Mark that Ganki had placed on him was made from evil deeds or the Jugo were a clan of horrid people who chakra was quite unpleasant. He would let out an invisible sigh. His mom always told him about not judging a book by it's cover and he had been doing it since his father had became missing. He still needed to find out where his father was.

The only lead was finding out where exactly the Akari was placed in the village. He had been looking for them for hours before he had met Kira. Maybe if he did ever create a seperate being of life it could help him with his goal of finding his father. Though he still did not know if the being he created would be on the same level of power as himself. He knew he could raise his chakra to further heights. Maybe he should train further in it before he got any ideas to try and create life. Frowning he would turn to Kira as he had be quiet yet again for another whole 5 seconds." I am sorry for my absence of speech, but I am still in completion of many goals in my life. Kira, thank you for the things you've told me so far. Maybe in the future I could learn much more from you? asked Raizuko with a smile.

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo)

Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:52 am
"Um... sure. That sounds like you're done with me? that is to say I dont have an issue with continuing to assist but it sounded like you had things you needed to do, which is of course fine." She was lost at what this boy was doing. Honestly it reminded her quite a bit of the young hyuuga boy she'd been training. He seemed constantly lost in thought planning out internally how to use the techniques he was training. she remembered a day when she was quite a bit less impulsive, choosing to plan out her actions far ahead of when she actually did anything. Intense training and... no. A year of horrific abuse had caused her to stop thinking. Through planning and overthinking she would find the reasons why her teachers weren't kind, so she simply... stopped thinking. Acting on impulse meant she could do as asked without regret.


"Excelent. This technique is exactly what we'd been waiting for. My sisters and I considered coming to you and your... um team... quite a bit ago, offering both strength and guidance but held off. It was the princess' responsibility to guide you three through the process of learning of our energy, or at least in this world." Titania knew too well that the demon of chance had been using magic of their world even before she'd met up with the two beings she'd taken on as dolls. Far too many years had passed with her relying on the power of magic for defense as well as the fuel for their horrible deeds.

"Yes yes. I expected as much to be honest. You four have never forced us to do without, and it was a little too convenient that exactly when we came to you for assistance. I had a feeling something was up, however it was never my place to ask the purpose behind your actions. I'm simply thankful that you did finally join our side. "

Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo)

Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:17 am
Raizuko would nod making a yes to Kira's question. Smiling he would say "Yes, I am on a time limit unfortunately. My village's Kazekage only allowed me three days at the most to get answers on where my father is. That is why I am going to continue to look for where the Akari are located within this village." said Raizuko as he turned around his back facing Kira as he would begin walking the way he had come. Raising his hand he would wave it at the lady for a goodbye. His father was still missing. How long had it been now? A month? It would seem as so. Raizuko's birthday was coming up in a few days and he did not want to spend it alone. He needed to find his father as well as the Akari compound. He would frown as he walked he could not get the sage energy and his chakra to act together in harmony. It was as if they were opposing forces. But of course that was a lie and he knew it. Maybe he should go back to the library for an hour or two to learn just a tad bit more about sage energy.

He had now made it his lifelong goal to enhance his knowledge of sage energy to create living beings. He knew it would be a hard task to accomplish, but he needed to do it. If his father did indeed die. He would need more family. He did not know how he would take it if his father died. It was the only family he had left in the world. He continued to walk exiting the gates of the Nara district now back on the busy streets of Konoha as he heard people screaming in joy. He followed a crowd to what seemed to be a show. There were a crowd of people surrounding a man who were juggling balls of fire.


Claiming 25 stats from 5k iirc and Bodily Rebirth


Last edited by Raizuko Akari on Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting the Mistress of Shadows (P,NK,IO,Kiranomo)

Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:42 pm
"Very well. If you have need of me you will always be able to find myself or an associate here in the nara district. If you find yourself in trouble within this country simply call my name and I'll appear. Good luck on your tasks. " With this she'd simply disappear, her body turning to smoke that flowed quickly across the forests of the nara district to be lost from sight.

(TWc 2035 claiming elunae on amber and selene and 20 ap each and exit)
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