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Jace and Orokanas first date - Page 2 Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:42 pm
Jace couldn't believe his ears. Did this kid really just say what he thought he did? Yup. Jace was completely taken aback. His face turned bright crimson as blood rushed to fill his cheeks. His whole body sort of flinched at the words. He was struggling to get the words out of his mouth to form a coherent response. "W-what no but how I you don't it it it's not like why would you" he stammered out in response to Orokana's words. Then he heard the kid say something about healing people and being able to use genjutsu. It was something to meet another genjutsu user. The color began to return to Jace's face after a few moments of processing. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. "Y-yes I like her. Anyway do you want the job or not? I'll introduce you to her within the next couple days."
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Jace and Orokanas first date - Page 2 Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:40 pm
Orokana nods. "Yeah i will take it, and i knew i was on point." He chuckles and rest his head on his hand reading more. Then our food gets here and i put away the book. "Thank you miss, by the way you look lovely, your lipstick brings out your eyes." Orokana said to the waitress smiling, he said this in a flirty tone. She giggled and walked away, then starts eating. He looks up at you and gets a bored expression. This guy is going to be boring, by the looks of him he is fairly rich, must been well taught, good family, and he seems well respected. And this Queen person sounds interesting, but my only issue is how this is going to affect me, this might get in my way of training and of my studying jutsu. "Look jace i want to ask a question, what are your and hers plan, i ask because i want to get better jutsu and train my skills, so i want to know how much time this is going to take up, plus i want to know what you skill level is and hers." Orokana half smiled at the end, he hoped he will hear what he wanted but he waited.
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Jace and Orokanas first date - Page 2 Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:39 pm
What were his plans with Queen? Well he really hadn't thought that far ahead. Realistically he had been too focused on how to win her heart that he hadn't really considered what exactly his plans were. He wanted to become stronger, that was for certain. He also wanted to actually best Queen in a fight for once. So he guessed that his plans right now were to continue training and work their way towards Chuunin together as a team. His ramen had arrived by now and he had been busy gulping it down when Orokana had asked him this. "Well honestly I haven't really thought about it much. I guess our plans right now are just to continue training and growing stronger together. As for our skill levels, Queen is a bit better at combat than I am. I focus mainly on genjutsu, but I do know a few ninjutsu as well. Queen is more focused on taijutsu. Don't worry about having time to train. You will have plenty of time and can even train with us if you want."
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Jace and Orokanas first date - Page 2 Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:49 am
"well if im honest we are of similar levels, so train might do us some good, but i hope you dont mind me testing out new things and what not, i promise it wont be deadly, for now." Orokana says then finishes his food. looking around. He sees people laughing, having fun, some drinking, its so lively, and boring. Orokana sighs and looks at jace. First he feeds me, now he says he going to buy me new cloths, what am i a doll. well if he is paying for it i dont care, i will wear it, but if he askes for a trick im going to hit him. Orokana smiles thinking this. Orokana played with his book. "so is there anything else you want to do or ask? maybe you introduce me to Queen?" Orokana said with a kind tone
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Jace and Orokanas first date - Page 2 Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:12 pm
Jace listened to the kid saying they were in similar levels. He had said that he wanted to test out some new things, but they wouldn't turn deadly. Jace doubted this kid was near his skill level anyway but he figured he would find out soon enough,". They had both finished their food by now and Jace was just about ready to go. He had remembered he had something important to do today and he was wasting too much time. He was reaching into his wallet for money when he heard Orokana ask if there was anything else Jace wanted to do, like introduce him to Queen. True it would probably flow well for him to introduce them, but unfortunately since snow decided to pull some cray cray shit and now thinks Jace is gay, introducing the two would have to wait until another topic. What a drag. "Well, I can't introduce you two today. But if you meet me at this address'" he said while scribbling down the address of his favorite book store, "in two days I'll introduce you." He had finally dug out the money he needed and was now pushing it across the table to Orokana as Jace stood up from the table. "This should cover the ramen and there should be enough left over for you to get a decent suit. I have to go, but I'll see you later. Remember, two days at that address. " and with that Jace would get up and head out of the ramen shop, going to look for his friend Ita. 
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Jace and Orokanas first date - Page 2 Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:21 pm
Orokana nodded and took the money, he didnt want to get a suit put he might have too, he is going to be a butler so might as well get one. But orokana doesnt know fashion or what looks good on him, so he might get queen to help dress him up, she would know, plus he needed to know how she wanted him to look, he is her butler so she has a lot of say in the matter, he paid for the ramen and left thinking for what to do for the rest of the day, he smiled. 
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Jace and Orokanas first date - Page 2 Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:26 pm
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