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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) Empty Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:03 pm
Rei awoke to the singing of the morning birds from her family’s mansion. Her room was filled with a variety of pink hued furniture, the walls coloured in a purple shade resembling her eyes. She lifted her upper body while still being under the covers as she looked out her window. The eerie view of Konohakagure No Sato was a depressing one on this morning. The village was dead in ambience, many still indoors.  She dreaded living in this very village. She couldn't quite put her finger on the reason why, but she just wanted to be on the other side of the gates. To roam free across the ninja world, to make a name for herself as the Queen of Taijutsu.

The blonde girl slowly got up from the comfort of her queen sized bed, her pale yellow gown reaching to about her knees as she fully stood up. She walked over to the mirror that was on the far corner of her room and stared at herself briefly. her expressionless gaze held her own attention before she heard a knock on her door. “Come in.” She responded with a monotone voice. Her butler slowly opened the door and peaked his head inside. “Breakfast is ready downstairs. You don’t want to be late for today’s tournament at the dojo.” Reid’s gaze fell upon the old man briefly before staring at herself once more in the mirror. He was right, it had almost slipped passed the girl’s mind. Today was the day that she would defend her title. It would be three years runnings since she had first won the annual tournament, and he’d be damned if she would let anyone take her crown, she was queen after all. Thought, the tournament had lost its novelty. It was exciting at first, but no one really proved to be a challenge besides the headmaster himself.

Rei undressed herself and put on a white tank top and some black leggings. She threw on her black combat boots and slid a hair band around her wrist for later. For now, she would just let her long hair be free. The girl opened the door to the hall and went downstairs where she found an array of foods ready to her disposal to be consumed. She would have to have a well balanced breakfast if she expected to not break a sweat. She walked over to the island counter an took a seat before digging in. She started with the sliced fruit before grabbing a piece of toast and putting some jelly on it. “M’lady, remember that right after the tournament, there is a business meeting your father had requested you attend.” The girl had slowed her eating with the reminder of the meeting. She had remembered why she had truly lost interest in the tournament today. It wasn’t because of the fighters themselves, but because of the meeting she had to attend after the fact. She had little interest in pursuing business and taking over her father’s company, but it seemed she had no other choice in the matter. She let out a sigh and continued eating her meal. It was something that she would complicate herself with later.

Rei quickly finished her meal and headed out. She could feel a set of eyes watching her every move but she knew that it was just her butler. Even though she had requested that he doesn’t go with her everywhere, he still does. At least now he did it from a distance, and somewhat discreetly. She may have needed it once upon a time but now she could protect herself. She didn’t need him watching over her.It was maybe for the fact that she was quite loose when it came to verbal encounter, and she could very well say something that could get her into trouble. The walk towards the Dojo was much more depressing than the actual view from her window. Very few people were out and about and those that were, were of low class. Rei was like a spotless white plate in a large pile of dirty dishes, sparkly clean.

After about a fifteen minute walk, Queen found herself in the poor district of the village. Most of the village could be considered the poor region these days, but this was the low of the low, and also the home the the mojo where Rei trained. “Queeeeen!” She heard her name being called out. Those at the dojo had known her by her nickname. She had come a long way and had claimed the status, the queen of mixed martial arts at the dojo, the next step was to be known as Queen throughout the ninja world.

The blonde girl continued to search for the person who called out her name and found the redhead waving towards her. It was Moonyoung, one of her closest pals. The girl couldn’t help but half smile as the girl fell flat on her face from not watching where she was going. Mooyoung was the only girl she ever really trusted by her side. “Hello.” The girl responded as the girl reeled from the pain. “Are you ready for today’s tournament.” Moonyoung asked as Queen just merely nodded. While Rei had been the queen of mixed martial arts, Moonyoung had her beat slightly when it came to boxing. The red haired wasn’t that skilled when it came to other types of martial arts, but since she spent all her time in boxing, she definitely excelled in it. “Let’s head on in.” It was definitely going to be one hell of a day.

The two walked into the dojo, and spotted many of the fighters getting ready for the day’s matches. From across the room, Queen spotted DalDal, an excellent fighter who was skilled in Teakwondo. She would definitely be troublesome to square off against, but nothing that Rei couldn’t handle. Besides Rei, Moonyoung and Daldal were also S rank fighters in the Dojo’s ranking system. It was a system that classified fighters based on their skill. the two prepared for the battle themselves as they awaited the match pairings to be announced. it was only a few moments until they were up. Rei was going up against an A class fighter while Moonyoung got paired up against DalDal. It was sure to be one hell of a match.

The fights go started right away as the first few matches passed quickly. The lower ranked fighters standing no chance against the middle class ones, and those in the middle class standing no chance against those in the high class. The matches in which the fighters were quite equal in skill lasted to about the fourth or fifth round until one of them was finally knocked out. And then it was Rei’s turn. She slid into the ring and stood near her corner as the referee stated the rules of the fight. She slid the hair band from her wrist and used it to put her hair into a high ponytail. Her opponent had short brunette hair and stared at her with ill intent. Rei just brushed it off, knowing her opponent stood no chance. The bell sounded and the match was now ready to commence. Rei took a step forward, and in response her opponent took one back, as if trying to keep the distance. The blonde put her guard up before rushing her opponent and throwing a high kick to the girl’s face that she was barely able to block. Following up the attack was quick jab that went right through her opponent’s defenses. In a desperate attempt, her enemy went for a grab. It was truly a foolish move. Queen countered the block, and through her opponent towards the ground before capturing her into a wrist lock. It took all of two seconds before the girl tapped out and the round was over. queen undid her ponytail and calmly walked off the stage; that wasn’t even a challenge for her. “Don’t get to cocky Queen, if we’re both up in that ring, don’t think I’ll take it easy.” Moonyoung teased, but got no response out of the girl. If she wanted to hold up to what she said, she’d have to beat DalDal first, and they were up next.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:45 pm
Jace woke up earlier than usual this morning. He sat up in his bed yanking the covers off of him while he yawned. He stretched his arms above his head as far as they could go as a loud moaning sound escaped from between his lips. He stood up from his bed and walked over to the window. He blinked a few times as he took in the village around him. It was rather gloomy this morning. The village was so still and quiet. Most people were probably still in their beds or just waking up like he himself was. 

He turned as there was a knock on his door. Rubbing the sleep out of his left eye, Jace saw his mother open the door slightly and peek her head into the room. "Oh good, you're up. Don't forget that tiajutsu tournament downtown is today. You asked me to remind you sweetie. I have breakfast ready for you when you come downstairs." Jace nodded at his mother in response. He was still half awake. He was glad his mother had reminded him about the tournament. Jace had completely forgotten about it. 

He took a shower and brushed his teeth, taking only about ten minutes. It didn't usually take him long at all to get dressed. Wrapped in a towel he headed back to his room from the bathroom and began to get dressed. He pulled on his black pants and signature mesh shirt before pulling on his white jacket that had the Uchiha clan's symbol stitched into the back between his shoulder blades. It was a small emblem but it was clearly visible to anyone looking at Jace's back. Finally, he tied his headband around his forehead and headed downstairs. 

His mother was in the kitchen washing the dishes she had used to cook breakfast. It was quite a spread. There were pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausages, and a few bowls filled with some fruit. Jace's mother had really gone all out on this one. Unfortunately he was running late and was only able to scarf down a couple pancakes and some bacon before he headed out the door. Even though he was a little behind schedule, Jace took his time as he headed to the poorer part of town to the place where the tournament was supposed to be held. He had never participated before, but he was an avid spectator. He had watched the young girl named Rei become the champion a few years back. She was certainly talented. They called her 'Queen' around the dojo. It had been about three years since she had become the champion and she always retained the title. Today would probably be no different. 

Jace arrived to the dojo shortly after the first few matches had already been decided. He had come to watch Queen do her work though so he was glad to hear that her match was just about to start. He took up a spot near the ring just in time to see the blond beauty slide onto the mat. She was facing some brunette girl that Jace had never seen before. The bell sounded and the match started with the girls taking the measure of their opponents. Queen decided to take the first move. She rushed forward aiming a swift kick to the brunette's face that was blocked. The roar of the crowd was so loud the other side of the village could probably hear cheers for 'Queen' as she landed her second blow. Some quick movements and a reversal lead to Queen holding the other girl in a wrist lock, forcing her to tap out. As Queen left the stage she looked a bit bored. Jace decided finally that he would make his way over to her and introduce himself.

It took him only a few moments to weave through the crowd and stop in front of the blond. "Erm..H-hi. I'm name is Jace. You did pretty good out there." he said to her, albeit a bit shyly.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:17 am
Queen stood off to the one of the sides of the ring as her red haired friend went off to begin her match. She reached down into the light lilac coloured gym bag and pulled out a water bottle that she took a quick sip from. It was at this moment that an unknown boy managed to gather her attention. It was an unknown mystery as to how  the blonde beauty even saw the boy over the fans that flocked to her after her battle was finished. If it wasn’t for the free fanning and comfy couch that they provided for her to sit on, she probably would have knocked them all out.

Rei listened to the unconfident sounding boy as he spoke. He seemed to struggle with getting his name out of his light toned lips, but seemed to finally manage to form the word Jace; a name that the girl would doubtlessly forget by the day’s end. Queen only stared at the boy for a slight moment before returning her gaze towards the ring where the battle between her close friend and the Taekwando specialist was now underway. The two circles around a bit before DalDal prepared for a high kick that Moonyoung effortlessly evaded. The boxer went for a jab towards the girl’s gut but the punch didn’t land. The cheering grew louder and louder with every passing second.

“Thank You.” Those were the only words that left the reigning champion’s mouth. She didn’t even bother to introduce herself, since she was quick to assume that everyone who entered the dojo has already heard of her. It was just a start, but her next goal was for the whole village to know her name, then the world. It may be just a dream for some, but for Rei, it would become a reality. Rei would remain silent and continue to just watch the fight. At this point in time, Moonyoung had captured Daldal by surprise with a kick that barely struck. The crowd roared as the round had now come to an end. A few moments would have passed and if left with empty silence, Queen would only be left to assume that Jace was some sort of fan who wanted her autograph. How typical.

The girl would reach down to her bag and pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen. “Jace was it?” The girl would ask before writing down a few words the the blank white sheet. She would rise from her crouched position and look down on the kid as she handed the boy her autograph. it would read—  

To my adoring fan Jace
- Queen

Her face was expressionless as she waited for the boy to grab the sheet of paper. “This is what you wanted, wasn’t it?” She would ask. For those that didn’t know any better, she sounded almost hostile, her face still without any signs of emotion.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:42 am
Queen had seemed to barely notice the shy boy who had finally gotten the courage to introduce himself. She mumbled a thank you to him for his complement without even turning to look at him from the comfy looking purple couch she was relaxing on. He wanted to say something else to her, get her talking a bit more, but he got side tracked by the current fight. The two girls were really going at it. The crowd cheered loud and proud as the two fighters were dishing out blows left and right. It didn't take long before the fight was decided. The one named Moonyoung won it with a well placed kick. 

As the round came to an end and the cheering ended, Jace's attention was dragged back to the blond when she had asked him if he had said his name was Jace. He nodded, looking a little surprised that she had said anything on her own. Then she started scribbling some words on a piece of paper and handed it to Jace. He just had a puzzled look on his face as he took it. When he looked at it, he realized it was an autograph. Did he look like some fanboy who collected autographs? Probably. That wasn't the point though. Before he could say anything however, the blond had said something about the autograph being what Jace had wanted.

Her face was completely expressionless and her tone was tinged with arrogance. Of course. Why was it that all the girls he seemed to meet lately were weird or arrogant....or both. Jace thought he heard a bit of hostility in her voice as well. His face immediately soured. "Err...Thanks." was the only thing he said before he walked off. 

Looking around, it only took him a moment to find who he was looking for. The announcer. Jace whispered a few words to the man and went to stand on the opposite side of the ring than that arrogant blond girl known as 'Queen'. He could clearly see the girl from across the room. He smirked a bit, anticipating what was to come next. He didn't have to wait long before he heard it. Loud and clear the announcer's voice could be heard throughout the dojo. "Ladies and gentlemen! We have a special treat for you today! A genin from the Uchiha clan is going to be fighting against our Queen! This should be an exciting match up! Please give a warm welcome to Jace Uchiha!" 

At the sound of his name Jace stepped into the ring. He was at war with himself on the inside. Part of him wanted to run and hide, to tear himself away from the eyes of all the spectators that had come to watch the tournament. The other half of him was rearing with anticipation. A shiver ran down his body as he mentally prepared himself for the fight to come. He hadn't planned on participating today, but the way that blond girl acted made Jace so angry. What made her better than anyone else? There was no reason for her to act so arrogant and snoody. He had decided that he would take her down a peg here and now in front of all of her 'adoring fans'.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:26 pm
The seemingly shy boy had thanked her for the autographed, and in return, Queen gave him a weak smile that quickly disappeared as he walked off. Well, Queen would have thought she smiled. What she considers smiling is what other may consider resting bitch face syndrome; something that the blonde beauty clearly suffered from. The boy now walked off and left Queen alone to sit comfortably on the couch provided by her die hard fans. The cheers from the previous match began to die down and Moonyoung made her way towards Queen, drying her face off with a rose coloured towel. “See that Queen, you’re not the only good fighter around here. Say who’s that kid I saw you talking to?” Moonyoung took a seat besides queen on the sofa and made herself extremely comfortable as the blonde didn’t say a word. Her thoughts trailed off to the odd boy who she had just encountered. There was something different about him, something that caught her attention, but she just couldn’t put her finger on it.

“Pfft Lucky shot fatty!”

“Who you calling fatty, twerp!”

The sounds of two bickering voices brought Queen back to reality, as she turned around and witnessed Daldal and Moonyoung going at it. There was no comparison to the rivalry that those two had. She wouldn’t be surprised if the two went at it right there, though it’d be against the dojo’s rule of no fighting outside the ring. An actual smile bypassed the tough girl’s facade momentarily before the sound of the announcer filled the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have a special treat for you today! A genin from the Uchiha clan is going to be fighting against our Queen! This should be an exciting match up! Please give a warm welcome to Jace Uchiha!”

The words sinked in quickly into Rei’s mind. A ninja had infiltrated the only place she thought she could escape them. Her sacred place of jutsu free fighting, a place where no one mocked her for her inability for form jutsu, but rather, praised her for her incredible marital arts abilities. On top of all that, it was the boy… The very boy who was too shy to even ask her for an autograph. It was a twist of events, and it sure as hell didn’t please Queen. The lights shined on the girl sitting on the couch, Moonyoung getting caught off guard  in the light’s circle as she was nonchalantly picking her nose; an act that she didn’t even bother to hide. The room was dead silent as Queen just sat there, and eyed the boy who stood across the room, making his way into the ring. She studied him as he entered the square fighting zone, the way his eyes shifted with uncertainty as well as the confidence that his body showed. Rei closed her eyes momentarily, controlling her emotions before rising from her seat. As her body got up from the comforts of the couch, the crowd roared with excitement, as they hadn’t expected for the Taijutsu Goddess to be going up again so soon.

She entered the ring elegantly across from the boy and stared at him without saying a word at first. She just let the silence pass, and tried to figure the boy out. Why would he want to fight her? Had the ninja finally realized her potential outside of using chakra and come to recruit her as a ninja? Maybe she said something wrong when they interacted earlier. These thoughts infiltrated her mind, but she did well not to show the conflicting thoughts on her face. “You do know the rules of this ring don’t you?” She asked the boy, her voice remaining on one note. If she recieved no response, she would follow with - “No jutsu are allowed, hand to hand combat only." Queen removed the hair tie from around her wrist and tied up her hail into a high ponytail, her bangs still covering her forehead. The question as to why the boy challenged her still bounced around in her brain, but she figured now was not the time for questions.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:22 pm
As to be expected, there was absolutely no cheering for Jace. Actually, it got so quiet you could hear crickets chirping in the background. When the announcer had said that he would be fighting Queen, a spotlight had illuminated the blond girl still sitting on her couch. However she wasn't alone anymore. The girl who had just been fighting was sitting next to her, picking her nose. She was obviously caught off guard, not expecting every eye in the entire dojo to be looking in her direction. Little Queenie had gotten caught off guard too. Jace couldn't read her expression from where he was in the ring though. He did, however, see that girl Moonyoung wipe her booger finger on the back of Queen's shirt while the blonde was busy staring at Jace.

When Queen had finally stood up the silence broke. Jace had never heard the crowd cheer so loud. He wasn't very surprised by that though. The young blonde was a sort of hero to them. She was their champion. Jace on the other hand was a nobody to them. They were all probably hoping that Queen would show him up quickly, underestimating Jace's abilities. 

When the blonde girl had finally entered the ring and stood facing Jace, there was a brief moment of silence between the two. Jace, despite his normally extreme shyness, was grinning at the girl. He wanted to see how well this 'Queen' could do against him. In all honesty the real reason he had come to the tournament today was to see her fight. If she had done well he was thinking of possibly recruiting her to form a ninja team with him. He already had the other members in mind and was hoping she would be the last. If only she hadn't been so arrogant and rude when he had introduced himself earlier he wouldn't have to fight her now. But he felt he had to knock her down a peg or two.

Not long after the girl entered the ring she finally spoke to Jace. 'You do know the rules of this ring don't you?' Of course he knew the rules. He had been watching this tournament for years now. It was strictly hand to hand combat. No jutsu are allowed whatsoever. He didn't know if that included his sharingan but he decided he had better not use them just in case. Besides, it was likely he wouldn't need them anyway. "Of course I do. Hand to hand combat only. Don't worry, I won't need to use any of my jutsu for this." he said winking at her. 

He watched the girl as she tied her long blonde hair back into a ponytail, leaving her bangs to cover her forehead. There wasn't enough time for Queen to respond to Jace though, if she planned on saying anything at all it would get lost underneath of the bell signaling the fight to begin and the roaring of the crowd. Jace could hear them chanting 'Queen! Queen! Queen!'. It was really something to see the girl so popular. Jace had never been like that. This whole situation was making his skin crawl. His anxiety was starting to act up and he had to stop himself from running out of the dojo as fast as he could. His own force of will was holding him in place. Well, he was also already becoming more focused on the match than he was anything else. Already he had his first five moves planned out in his head. Though he doubted he would need to use five moves.

At the sound of the bell, Jace stood straight up and put his hands in his pockets. He tilted his head to the right so he was looking at queen at an angle and grinned even wider, a pretty arrogant look on his face. His personality always seemed to do a u-turn when it came to fighting and training.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:40 pm
As the girl sat comfortably on the sofa analyzing the situation, she felt Moonyoung place her finger on her exposed arm; since Queen was after all wearing a tank top. Rei took her attention off the boy on towards her upper arm where she saw a lone booger stranded on her smooth baby like white skin. Her eyes flicked to Moonyoung and for a split second, it looked like the red haired girl actually feared for her life. She let out a forced laugh as she wiped off the nostril substance off the girl’s skin with a clean towel. The moment passed rather quick and only took place over the course of five or so seconds before Queen headed up to the ring.

The boy responded to her question rather quickly with the correct answer. His words of confidence didn’t match his current body stature. Based off his words, the boy was indeed a jutsu user, and possibly relied on it in combat regularly. Even if he was a Genin, at the end of the day, it was just a title and nothing more. It was time to see what Konoha's D rank ninja can do without their little supernatural powers. After all, Queen had been training almost every day in Mixed Martial Arts since she was four years old. It was the only thing she really ever knew. That, and studying to take over her father’s company, but she absolutely dreaded the thought of being a corporate worker. She must rather own her own dojo one day.

The wink that the boy launched at her struck the blonde beauty by absolute surprise. Her cheeks reddened slightly showing off her more human side for just a moment before she composed herself. If Jace wasn’t too caught up in the moment, he may have noticed it but the viewers probably would have missed it due to the blinding lights that lit up the stage fading out the red. Queen was a tough cookie, and rarely showed off emotion but could you blame her? a cute kid roughly her age winking at her with such un-mastered confidence? It was an adorable effort indeed. Too bad he was sort.

Since the boy knew the rules of the game, The blonde haired girl continued to just tie up her hair into her famous high ponytail with a smirk strewn across her face. As she finished tying her hair, the bell sounded as round one would have now gotten started. The cheers doubled as many cheered her on, but not a single soul cheered for the poor Genin boy. The boy had seemed to be torn with some inner turmoil as it was subtly drawn on his face before he overcame his dilemma with a sudden burst of man ego at the sound of the bell. Queen just stared at the boy with a sense of seriousness as Jace stretched himself out and placed his hands into his pant pockets. His head then suddenly tilted slightly as his smile widened, his glare focused on the blonde fighter. He seemed so confident in his abilities, as if he was going to wipe the floor with Queen. To any other normal fighter, they might have been slightly intimidated by the look that the boy had, but not Queen, no sir. Rather, something else held her attention. With a slight move of her arm and wrist, she pointed down towards the boy’s pants. “Your zipper is open.” She spoke in her usually monotone voice, loud enough for the boy to hear her over the roaring crowd. The sounds of the cheers slowly died down to a quiet whisper as the people began to realize what she was pointing out. Well this would surely be awkward for the boy.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:43 pm
It was a good thing Jace had already switched into his little observant mode. That has a ring to it. Observant mode. His training with his father made it so that no matter what was going on around him he didn't miss a single detail. When he had winked at the blonde in front of him she had blushed and looked genuinely surprised. It seemed Jace was managing to get under her skin after all. He waited while she finished tying up her hair. 

His confidence didn't last long though. The girl regained her composure quicker than Jace expected. Whatever she was thinking, whatever emotions she may be having, her face didn't gave anything away. Jace was having an incredibly hard time getting a read on her. Jace just stood there waiting for the girl to make the first move. The crowd was still roaring even though they hadn't moved toward each other yet. Then it was Jace's turn to be caught off guard. Through her straight face, Queen said something with a monotone voice. 

"Your zipper is open."

Jace's signature move was activated! That's right folks, that confident smirk was wiped right off his face and he took his hands out of his pockets to zip his pants as fast as he could move. The warmth of blood flooded Jace's face almost immediately after hearing those humiliating words. To make things worse, the blonde had been pointing at Jace's crotch for so long the roaring of the crowd died to a faint whisper. Luckily for Jace he was quick enough to zip his pants and put his hands right back in his pockets before too many people noticed. 

It took him longer to compose himself than it did for Queen, but compose himself he did. He even managed to regain his confident smile. "Blushing and looking at my crotch? Shouldn't you be focusing on the fight instead?" To punctuate his sentence, and to stop any further retaliation that the authors of this thread might make, Jace decided he would make the first move. He dashed straight toward little Queenie and aimed a straight kick to her stomach. He restrained himself so she could probably dodge the kick if she was paying attention. Jace had no intention of humiliating the girl. He would knock her down a peg or two in his own way.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:44 pm
The boy seemingly transformed into his true nature. The one confident gaze and creepy pedo smile turned into that of an embarrassed child who hurried to zip up his pants. His face had reddened a lot more than Queen’s had moments ago, turning it into a plump looking potato. The moment passed somewhat quickly before the boy seemed to recuperate his confident façade. Rei only blinked twice in response to the words that left the boy’s mouth, trying to put the embarrassment back on her, but she remained rather unfazed. It was rather normal for a teenage girl to blush due to a seemingly adorable looking boy winking at her. She may have been Queen, but at the end of the day, she was still human after all. In terms of the zipper, well it was pretty hard not to post the gaping hole that probably led to a galaxy far, far away..

The embarrassment that the boy suffered seem to awake some form of indignation in the boy, as he now decided to make the first move shortly after his quick words of arrogance. The boy rushed straight at her, a rookie move in any ring, and launched a simple kick towards her stomach. As the boy was coming towards her, Queen examined his every movement that built up to the kick, and prepared her counter. As he charged, the girl only put her hands up to block her face and prepared for the attack. Seeing as to how Jace was to be moving at a rate that would let the girl be able to dodge, it was to be assume he was moving no faster than Queen's speed. The kick came in towards her stomach, and as it came close, Queen took a simple step back with one foot as the boy’s kick came towards her. At the same time, The blonde fighter brought her arm down to meet the boy’s leg and spin pushed it away towards the opposite direction of the leg he used. Due to the imbalance that Jace was in, it would possibly cause him to turn around due to being only on only leg. As the boy was caused to turn, the girl would kick the boy right behind his knee with the opposite leg in order to try and bring him to his knees. If successful, she would go for the choke hold, wrapping her arm around his neck and press until he decided to tap out. The crowd had once again continued to chant her name after the awkward situation as they all waited to see if the match would be finally over.

note: This is pretty much what I'm doing + a choke hold
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:20 pm
Of course it wouldn't be that easy. Then again, if that kick had done anything at all Queen wouldn't have gotten Jace's attention in the first place. He was still dead set on recruiting her for his team. Jace just wanted to test her abilities himself before he made the offer, really. He had aimed a straight kick with his right leg at Queenie's chest. It was a rather slow kick. Well, slow for Jace. He knew he could move much faster if he really wanted to. The point wasn't to defeat the blonde though. He focused on what was important: gauging the girl's ability. 

While dashing at the girl, Jace knew she was probably going to counter the kick in some way. He wasn't exactly sure how she planned to do so, but he kept himself focused on her. His eyes scanned her body from head to toe, automatically searching for any clue as to how she was going to react. Just before his kick hit home, he saw it. She had already raised her arms to block her face by this point. At first, Jace thought that was all she was going to do and was slightly disappointed. But now his faith was renewed in the young blonde. His eyes were able to see her arms move down to Jace's leg and push it to Jace's left. She was a lot stronger than she looked. She was probably physically stronger than Jace, if he was being honest with himself. 

The force of the girl's push turned Jace around so that he was facing the opposite way he had been originally. Normally the girl's counter wouldn't have done much, but since she timed it so that Jace was balancing on his left when it happened he couldn't stop the forward momentum in time. That wasn't the only thing she did though. The girl was certainly quick thinking. Just as Jace had begun turning, he felt a pressure on the back of his left knee, sending him to a kneeling position. That wasn't enough for her either. Just as Jace had gotten forced to his knees, the girl thrust her arms around his neck in an attempt to catch him in a choke hold. She was quick, but not quick enough.

Jace had seen the girl's arms out of the corner of his eye just before they reached their destination. The arena faded away and Jace could see himself standing in his back yard with his father. It was early morning in the middle of the summer. Birds could be heard chirping in the background. He was four, maybe five years old? Yes, it was definitely five. His father was telling him about different taijutsu techniques. Jace remembered it quite well. He had spent hours out there training with his father that day. He had taught Jace how to counter and reverse numerous different taijutsu attacks. Right now, Jace could hear his father talking about choke holds. 

"This is the most basic way to stop a choke hold and break free. However, it will only work if you are able to see it coming and quick enough to position yourself before the enemy has you completely trapped." his father was saying. Little Jace was looking up at the man intently, his attention hooked on every word. There was a clear smile on his face. "What is it daddy? Show me! Show me!" the boy said enthusiastically. His father smiled down at him before speaking again. "Alright. Turn around and listen to what I tell you to do." Little Jace immediately did as he was told. His father knelt down behind him and put his right arm around Jace's neck and bent his left elbow so that his hand was behind Jace's head, but he didn't lock his arms. He left plenty of space for Jace to do as he was told. 

"Alright. Now I want you to take your right hand and grip my right forearm. Good. Just like that. Now reach behind you above your head with your left hand and grab hold of my left arm as high up as you can. Good. I'm going to lock my arms together now." The five year old Jace did as he was told, listening completely to his father. When Kotetsu locked his arms together the little boy felt a strong pressure against his own limbs. It hurt a little, but at least he could breathe. "Now I want you to try and lean forward while pushing up and pulling me forward with you with your left arm and pushing me forward with your right. If you do it right, you should be able to flip me over your head." The boy did as he was told but he just couldn't manage to do anything. His father was too strong and too heavy. "I..can't...I can't do it. You're too heavy daddy! I'm not strong enough!" the boy said, tears beginning to well up behind his eyes. "Yes you can Jace. Trust in yourself. You're stronger than you know." Kotetsu said with the utmost confidence in his voice. The little Uchiha closed his eyes and pushed to use all of his strength. For a moment nothing happened. Then, finally, his father was flung over his head onto the ground in front of him. 

The scene faded from Jace's mind and the roaring of the crowd came rushing back into his ears. They were chanting for their Queen once more. It didn't matter. Jace knew exactly how to get out of this. Time had seemed to stop for him as he relived those memories from his childhood. Now that he was back, he had barely enough time to react. If he had been any slower he probably wouldn't have been able to do it at all. Moving his limbs as fast as he could(30 speed), Jace reached up with his right hand and grabbed Queenie's right forearm. At the same time, he had reached up and behind him with his left arm to grab the girl's left arm just below her shoulder. He managed to catch his grips just as she locked her arms around him. In one swift motion, Jace leaned forward with all his might, pushing up and forward with his left arm while he did the same with his right. If it worked, little Queenie would be lifted into the air and flipped forward over Jace's head onto the ground in front of him. 

If this had happened and Queen was now on her back in front of Jace, the young Uchiha would scramble forward as quick as he could and attempted to place his left knee on the blonde's neck and his right knee would be on her right shoulder, possibly pinning her in place.
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