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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:40 pm
Watching Ash subdue her sister this way, Akihana was sure this was a playful, harmless pranks the girls were used to. But when it seeemed like Rei was actually gagged, the kunoichi gave Ash an affectionate hug in return and moved to release her poor, levelheaded sister. "Yup, all the flavours," she confirmed, pulling the gag carefully out of Rei's mouth and healing the fabric burns around the poor child's lips. "But we need both of you in top ice cream tasting condition by Sunday, which means no souring your sister's taste buds with other things, or tying her down or doing anything that might interfere with her ice cream testing experience," she warned the younger blonde with a warm smile. Whether Ash listened or not, at least Akihana would try to get Rei some respite.

"Now can I ask you girls to do me a quick favour. Can you take all these girls safely back home? You are ninja after all and this is a super important task. Once you get them all safely home, I'll be sure to put extra hearts and stars on your mission scrolls. Does that sound good?"
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:00 pm
"TH...thank you." Rei would need to take a look over their credit history when they got home, it seems her scamp of a sister had taken the initiative to order the extra strength super glue, which had taken quite the chunk from her lips upon removal. Were it not for Akihana's medical jutsus she'd probably still be nursing her pained lips.

"Ugh... Buuuuuuutttttttt It's not my fault she gets herself into situations like this!!!!! Maybe if she'd just yanno... Not ruin all of the fun in the entire world..... " She paused as Aki asked for a favor, the idea that she could help out the woman who'd offered to take them to get ice cream causing her eyes to grow wide with excitement. As Aki spoke she simply nodded.

"That... Doesn't seem like a very ninja task....There isn't even any ash. put. it. away." The response was almost immediate, Ashareial drawing another bundle of cloth and loosing the bottle of glue to prepare.

"We'll do it. Do you want us to do it right now or can we hang out with you more miss aki!"

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:31 pm
"Well, you guys can hang out with me as long as you like, but these girls have mommies and daddies who will be worried about them too right?" Akihana proposed, hoping to get both sisters on board. No point causing a panic in the seven girls houses by having them escorted home in the company of a royal Queensmen. She didn't want to get any of the nine girls present in trouble and between Rei's responsible way of dealing with situations and Ash's exuberance, they might just manage to explain to parents of the little Akihana army why their daughters were dressed as such.

"But before you go, want me to teach you a super cool way to keep track of people so they don't get lost?"

If the twins agreed, Akihana would ask one of the younger girls to volenteer. A bubbly hyper one that woukd get along great with Ash was the first to appear front and center and after reassuring her that whatever Akihana did was not going to hurt, the older kunoichi extended a finger and tapped the girl's nose lightly. For a brief moment, a gold star appeared at the spot she had tapped but it disappeared soon after.

"This is called a mark seal. What you need to do is really focus your chakra to keave a little dot - not a painful one, just a residual one, on the person or thing you dont wan't to lose. When they get marked, you can find them and summon them back to you. Would you like to give it a try?"

Moving out of the way, Akihana gestured for the twins to try their hand on the remaining six girls who were now all eager to receive the seal.
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:54 pm
"Yes. Training. I was hoping this would happen eventually!!!" She shot an annoyed look over at her sister before moving over to the two. "Alright. Fuinjutsu..... I think. THis is like... Fuin right? It's all about the seals and like... writing and stuff. I remember learning alot about this.... Ok. Concentrate....." The next few minutes were..... less then impressive. Rei would take turns going in a line from the first child to the second, eyes closed in concentration and then thrusting her fingers towards the kid. Thankfully most just cried out in minor pain, recoiling at the girls touch and hoping desperately she'd get the idea down before it was there turn again. By the fifth child, who's clothes.... somehow now seemed to be smoking a little, Ash had had enough.

"What are you even doing. Are. you. serious. First of all this isn't even that dificult. Second you know how long it took me to make that outfit...... YOu've singed it. Goddess sister could you be any worse at like... Anything. " With a look of extreme distaste in her eyes she rushed foward, stopping in front of the final child. Instead of thrusting her hand at the kid she opted for the more.... Ash style approach, spinning around two full rotation with her left hand pointed to the sky. Next came the elaborate and completely unneeded hand gestures that mimiced something you'd see in an episode of sailor moon. I really wish I was kidding..... Then finally she touched the kid on the forehead and a large black rose symbol appeared for nearly a moment before finally disappearing. "Duh Rei. Come on."

"H... How...the...."

( 3390)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 6:40 pm
Akihana felt Rei's pain as she watched the more serious twin attempt to convert fuin theory into application. She couldn't help but see herself in the girl. Someone who studied and did things by the book only to be shown up by a sibling who possessed natural talents in spades. Ash was going to grow up to be a lethal combination, if she ever stopped to truly hone a killer instinct which Akihana truly hoped the young blonde did not. Her faith in Rei persisted, watching her poke girl after girl until Ash couldn't take it anymore and showed her sister how it was done.

Still, not wanting Ash to feel left out, Akihana gave another cheery grin to both sisters. "Good Job you two, just keep practicing and you'll have it in no time, but the really fun part about this jutsu is that you can use it to summon people. For example," The young woman made her way to one of the braver girls, gently coaxing her to walk across the room. "Now remember sweetie, no matter what happens, don't be scared," she soothed the girl before taking her place ten feet away.

"Now that I have our lovely volunteer a bit further away and I want to bring her closer to give her a hug, this is what I do," the kuoichi explained, biting her thumb and gently tapping the ground with her palm. The circle of the summoning seal appeared in a puff of smoke and so did the girl who had previously been ten feet away. Her mouth had barely opened in surprise when Akihana pulled the girl into a hug. "See, this is how we hug people easily," she explained. "Now lets see if you guys can do it too."
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:33 pm
"mmm... nope. I dont do blood." Rei simply walked away at this point, her hands flashing through the signs before giving Rei an almost cocky smile. This only further infuriated the small girl, And whooo boy when she gets upset.... What a ball of hate.

"Dont be rude. Little. Sister." That brought the score to even. Nothing upset Ash more then hearing those two words from her twin. Even the suggestion that she was less then her sister. As rei picked out her academy student, much to the childs chagrin who tried her best to hide behind two of the others, only to be pulled from her hiding spot, Ash turned, fuming at her sister and considering the best path to get her revenge.

"I've got it. " With cat like speed she rushed across the large room, passing Aki in a flash as Rei performed the mark seal finally. "Miss aki miss aki MIIIIIIISSS AAAAKKKKIIIII" The sensation of torn flesh sent a shiver down her spine, a bit of blood splashing on her clothes as she performed the seals just moments before her sister, summoning the same academy student she'd marked earlier directly in front of their teacher. "tadaaaaaaa" In the wake of her jutsu her sister stood awe struck, her own summon completed but any attention she might have gotten from it taken from her.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei)

Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:19 am
"Girls please!" Akihana called ou as Ash screamed for attention while Rei attempted to keep up with her sister's learning curve. It seemed both siblings shared a rather interesting relationship, one where they enjoyed winding each oher up. Perhaps Rei too had a secret side that enjoyed annoying Ash just as much, though she went about it more subtly. Akihana wondered what it was like to be so... informal with a sibling. Growing up, any disrespect towards Senritsu - real or perceived - had been punishable with spankings. Ever the traditionalists, the Akari had no qualms about hitting their daughters now and then to drive a lesson home. It was anther matter entirely that Akihana had never seen Senritsu being punished, but perhaps her elder sister had learned to not get caught by the time Akihana had come along?

"Well done, Ash, you can sucessfully summon. Now if you'll coem and stand with me, let's see Rei try it. And this time you can't interrupt. Observing and being quiet are really useful ninja skills so we're going to watch Rei try to summon someone she marked, and then if she does it too, I'll show you a really cool way to store all your cosplay stuff so you'll have to no matter where you go, without having to cart it around," she promised, taking Ash's hand and pulling the little blonde to her side to give Rei some breathing room.

'Alright Rei, sweetheart, just give it a try. If it works, that's fine, if it doesn't, that's perfectly okay too." The statement was followed by an encouraging nod towards the somber twin. Akihana knew the child could do it, she just needed to concentrate which was hard to do with Ash dominating the scene all the time. The rest of the girls watched and waited to see Rei attempt the summon again, the room collectively holding its breathe in anticipation.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Village : Kirigakure
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Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei)

Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:33 am
"Wh.... but.. I ju......UGH." Of course, the small girl thought watching her sister continue to gloat. She performed the seal once more, using a bit of blood still running down her thumb to summon the kid once more, nodding to Aki as she finally finished.

"THe important thing is I. Finished. First. Hah." She liked this new ninja. She was nice, even if she didn't have any idea about ninjas. Quiet...... A strong aspect for a ninja? silly Aki..... Yes, this is actually the thoughts going through the girl's head. She has much to learn my readers... Oh how she must learn.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei)

Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:12 am
"No Ash, that isn't important. What really matters is how much you both help each other to be the best you can be. A great ninja needs great friends, or great siblings in this case, so you girls really have to help each other out," Akihana explained kindly, trying to make the twins reach compromise. "After all," she added with a grin to Ash. "It's what princesses do, they help each other. And you're a princess, aren't you Asheriel?"

Waiting for the girl's response, Akihana now herded all the other girls to the side. "Well, a promise is a promise. Since both you girls performed the summoning technique successfully, I'm going to show you how to create your own little dimension in space and time," she explained, bringing up her hands together to demonstrate the technique. "This is a space time jutsu of course, though not a major one. It's pretty handy though, it opens up a pocket of space for you to use. You can put your ninja equipment in it, your cosplay stuff anything," she explained, as she completed the motions, sliding her hand downwards in thin air as though opening the zipper of an invisible backpack.

Reaching atop her head with her free hand, the kunoichi removed the small golden circlet she wore on her golden hair, deftly tossing the crown into the space and making the closing motion with the hand controlling the pocket. "See, now the crown is all safe and I can retrieveit whenever I want," she explained, thick wheat blonde hairs falling in curls around her face now that the circlet holding them back was gone. To demonstrate her point, she opened up the small pocket in time and space again with an unzipping motion and withdrew the crown, this time moving to put it atop one of the academy student's head.

"This is the storage displacement technique, now you guys give it a go."
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stage 2 - Anger (Ash & Rei)

Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:21 pm
TIme would almost seem to stop as the two finally found something to agree on. No no. Not that they should work together. Pah. Have you been paying any attention to the way these two work dear reader? The two in unison gave Akihana the most 'wait.... waht did she say' look when she suggested they should work together, their gazes shifting back and forth between Aki and their respective sister in disbelieve, the thousand reasons why that would never work flowing through each of their minds simultaneously. They would continue like this up to the point when Aki finally began performing the jutsu, and once that was done, They'd each follow suit,  forming the rat, and then dog seals as they were shown.... assuming they were shown, honestly as omniscient narrator I get a little leeway in actually reading through these things because well.... I know everything.

With this done they'd each reach down once more in unison opening up their own pocket dimension.

"This... Is pretty cool. Im putting Ash in mine. Maybe then I can have some peace to train. " Rei moved towards her sister with an evil grin.

"No way. I'm putting you in mine so that I can finally work on some cosplay!"

"As if. You'd just make me help you any way and cry and whine until i did!" The two, now about arms length apart would be waving heir hands in the least impressive way at the other siblings general direction in what would seem to be a fight..... Only instead of a fight between ninja it was more like a fight between two completely inept idiots.

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