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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Similar to Stage Art [io, nk] Empty Re: Similar to Stage Art [io, nk]

Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:25 am
A busy night indeed had awarded the theater district with many entertainers. The small smell of opened up bodies of ale, along with the distinct smell of cheese, Toran had crossed through the theater district with a sword strapped to his back. He had wanted to try and find a place more covert in order to figure out how the bonding katana even worked. Having bought both it and the small sheathed tanto around his waist. Some of the college kids that Isabiri had kindly referred to backed off when Toran had strode on through the district itself. Making sure not to try and catch much attention from the growing amounts of people that shot a glare whenever he turned his head around. Toran felt… bored… while also wondering about how Morio had gotten older in the first place.. He’d have to figure out whatever he took and see about using it for himself… Not to make him that much older, but enough to where he felt more comfortable inside of the shinobi corps.

Vanishing in a puff of smoke Toran found himself along the chilling roads, the air chilly around him for a moment before he took his first breath and returned back to his normal or “heated” body temperature. Fire release was super useful for the common occurrences in life, nothing to really bother him anymore, Toran relaxed, hands resting on the back of his head as he took the small stroll down the old streets that needed reconstruction. The place of glory where he grew up, where he was born certainly had problems… The religious aspect was certainly one of them in theory, yet right as he would continue his own thoughts, he had bumped into someone immediately. Taking only a slight step back as he found himself glancing slightly downwards at the image of a shorter woman then he… Someone who he did not recognize beforehand. Short chestnut hair that went down to about her neck… the darkened brown eyes and pale skin were noticeable even on a night like this. He had taken all of this information in less than 2 seconds before taking a step to the side to let her pass. Her own missing arm being the most curious thing of all.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to bump into you. I was….” He cut himself off, a bit embarrassed that he hadn’t sensed her coming his way… He seemed to be inexperienced, his shinobi headband wasn’t even on him during the day time, father warning him that he could get into trouble inside of a few of the more… Religious districts inside of Hoshigakure.


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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Similar to Stage Art [io, nk] Empty Re: Similar to Stage Art [io, nk]

Sun Nov 06, 2022 1:32 pm
Toran was unsure as to why she had tensed up, perhaps he had startled her when the two of them collided, a few moments had passed, Toran not moving, staring at the shorter girl who didn’t even have one of her arms. He could read somewhat about her chakra, it felt untamed… dangerous even, a small shudder running up his spine from what his own body could experience. There was a well of untapped potential, Toran’s hands relaxing to his side as it seemed everything had calmed down to a point, perhaps he was someone who had eaten soy in his life, enough to where he could look like such a stupe in front of the girl. His diet was mostly that of beans and sometimes the occasional meats cooked up by himself or by his own mother. Dad didn’t even know how to cook an egg, much less how to sear a steak on their stove.

“I wouldn’t put my money on it right now. I need to actually practice with the sword itself before I can fully wield it. I should ask Morio if he can help me with that.” His thoughts wandered for a brief moment towards his teammate. Yet he still wore a small smile, not really all that charming or unique, yet it was genuine to be able to talk with someone.

“Yet that doesn’t matter, it’s nice to meetcha! Name’s Toran! Toran Uchiha! What’s your name?” He’d slowly raise up his right hand so that way her own right hand could shake it. Not wanting to disrespect her, as it seemed she might have lost it from combat. He respected that someone was able to keep moving forwards like that, despite all of the hardships and strife of losing a limb, she kept on going.

Although Toran could note that he chakra was still notably hostile, following her eyes' own movements from himself towards the building right beside them. He didn’t understand, no he couldn’t understand why she was acting like this. He remained non-hostile, his guard wasn’t even up as he just chalked it up to the people of the night and the loud bustling sounds of the entertainment district nearby. His eyes even went so far as to close when waiting for a response from what he didn’t know was his fellow clansmen.


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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Similar to Stage Art [io, nk] Empty Re: Similar to Stage Art [io, nk]

Tue Nov 08, 2022 11:46 pm
Having chakra suppression is a good idea… At least when OUTSIDE of the village, although Isabiri having her chakra out only made Toran wonder if she could control it, it was vast… easily much more than what he could output at the given moment. He raised an eyebrow, he had no guard to him, one simple genjutsu trick and he was caught in it, yet he seemed friendly enough, of course… There was nothing wrong with being just a tiny bit skeptical inside of this kind of world, especially with those inside of the village. She seemed slightly off, her balance and position lightly uncentered from the original spot she once held… Was she alright?

The knowledge that she was also an Uchiha shocked Toran… He had met Madara beforehand, who was also a pretty nice individual, although not very talkative when inside of a public place like this, yet Isabiri was like stone. A wall amassed in front of him in the shape of a person that was from his clan, one that he’d keep on talking to, even if it made him look more stupid in the process. His hand still hanging there as she seemingly dared not even take a glance at the hand, he felt a slight pain in his chest, but only slight as he immediately returned his arm back down to his side. Following through with hopefully trying to keep everything calm, especially on a night like this.

“It’s great to meet a fellow Uchiha! Jeez this is the second time that I’ve run into someone else who happened to be an Uchiha… Maybe this is becoming a pattern?” He kept with his jovial attitude, completely contrasting Isabiri’s own as he placed a hand comically on his own chin, thinking on why he’d meet two Uchiha in the span of simply a few weeks at most when he had just awakened that… thing…

“Also I’ve been asking this for any other Uchiha that I meet… But do you have a sharingan with a Unique pattern to it?”


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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Similar to Stage Art [io, nk] Empty Re: Similar to Stage Art [io, nk]

Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:40 pm
Toran potentially buying two new weapons from the shop might have something to do with his own demeanor, he was excited, happy to see that he was able to meet and greet a fellow Uchiha again. He sensed that her chakra mellowed out, a small smile appearing on his young pale lips. Toran was comforted in the fact that everything seemed to be calm now, the slight sway of the winds surrounding the earthy area of Hoshigakure. He was a youthful upstart, someone that wished to be able to fight with the best of them as one of Hoshigakure’s greats. Yet for right now, he was simply curious about the other Uchiha with her entire arm missing.

The sudden pointing out of Toran asking what was apparently a third date question left a red tint on the young males cheeks, a slight sputtering of his own breath. Isaribi was easily able to fluster the young boy, his hand slammed against his face in slight shock and wonder that he had asked that so soon, the curiosity of his eyes had been killing him for the countless amount of hours he’d spend in the backyard of his home, relishing in the form of release that ninjutsu could bring into his own life now that he had some amount of time for himself, enough to where he could actually train.

“Y-yeah,” He said unconfidently, “What’s in the package anyways? Is it a gift of some kind?”

He peered over the girl's shoulder, wondering what the contents of the package were. Eyebrows corking upwards in intrigue at what kind of package it even was. He had joined her in walking along the sandy sidewalks of Hoshigakure. He was simply impressed that she was able to carry on without that arm, remembering something that Isemori had said to him about losing his own arm within a spar. He wondered what had happened to the boy that had shown him almost everything about the basics of being a ninja, the one who had guided him through everything and taught him what he could do with his own life. It made him steer his attention towards the older women beside him as they walked down the narrow streets and sidewalks. Slowly getting away from the entertainment section of the village where apparently a lot of soy drinkers resided.

At least Toran seemed to have made a friend today.


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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Similar to Stage Art [io, nk] Empty Re: Similar to Stage Art [io, nk]

Thu Nov 24, 2022 4:17 pm
The unclear answer didn’t really bother the younger Uchiha all that much, eyes scanning the rest of the road, knowing fully well that with the two of them together that no one would really bother coming out on the street to try and mug them, he had heard rumors of thieves traveling around these parts, bodies of victims found somewhere in abandoned alleyways. Even in an Urban place like this, there were criminals about, even in a supposedly perfect place like Hoshi, crime still began to shift around the village. He had been asking her some questions that were inquisitive, perhaps out of sheer curiosity, Toran felt relaxed finally, able to relax and not have to worry too much about anything after all. He lost some of his enthusiasm as the talk died down, even with Isaribi mentioning where she was delivering these items. A bag of supplies across town, perhaps some kind of delivery operation? That was the only thing Toran could think of in his mind at the moment.

Crossing through towards the older section of the village, sidewalks finally blessed their feet when they made their way across the older parts of Hoshigakure. Toran eyes shifting back towards some of the older businesses that didn’t seem to be closed, a keen interest was placed in them, his hands darting into his pockets, not wanting to fidget from the newer area he was seeing. It felt nice, to simply walk, to have someone there with ya for a bit at least. His eyes flickering towards Isaribi, a small goofy smile permeated his face. His face immediately turned back to wild curiosity at what she suddenly spoke from out of her mouth. His face filled with a sudden coldness, knowing that now he was not the only person who had this second stage. Someone else in Hoshigakure had it, and they were standing right next to him.

“R-really? I would have thought there would be a few more Uchiha in the force, although the few that I have known, they don’t seem to go out all too much. Yet what you mean by force is… Are you a shinobi as well?” A small sudden stop at the mention of their being an actual fourth stage. It made him feel a slight melancholy, the joy overcome by a sudden understanding.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about, so if I could ask….” Face filled with a solemn declaration, his eyes closed for a moment, sudden sigh taking in with the brisk air suddenly flowing across from them.

“How’d it happen to you?”

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