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Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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shadow a queen's guard Empty shadow a queen's guard

Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:01 pm
Mission Name: Shadow a Queensman
Rank: E
Type: Educational
Character Requirements: Genin and above
Mission Location: Anywhere within Haven Country
Word Count Requirements: 1, 000
Repeatable? Not by the same person
NPC? -
Reward: 500 Ryo, 1 AP and 1 CD post with Village Leader

It was an early friday morning. Ash was up as usual at the crack of dawn sitting down to her work, the loud rhythmic thump thump of her sewing machine ressonating through the home of the twins. Rei was ripped from her slumber by the annoyingly loud beeping of her alarm clock. She heard the sewing machine and took a small ammount of solice in the fact that while she needed to be up far too early.... At least she could ruin her sisters plans. Dragging herself from her bead she prepared, pulling on a tank top and exercise shorts in lieu of her pajamas and showering. Ash took all the hot water. Again. After her dance with frigid water she stumbled into the living room.

"Get ready. We have actual work to do today sister. We're going on a mission"

"Wh... What?! buuuutttt I was going to finish with my final touches on the latest and greatest! A perfect creation from the princess of cosplay herself strait from my dreams!" As she spoke she lifted up a scepter like object, pink in color, holding it out for Rei to see. Here we go again.

"It doesn't matter. Come on. Lets go quickly. We're shadowing a queens guard today. " In emphasis rei walked over to the table, turning off Ash's sewing machine and literally picking her up from her chair and carrying her out the door kicking and screaming. It may seem strange but trust me dear reader... It is in fact necessity.

They arrived at the meeting spot for their days responisibilities quickly... Or at least rather quickly once Ash conceded that she would not in fact be able overpower her sister and get away. Finally half way through their treck through the village she was put down. After a few moments of intense glaring and a few pouts they made it to their destination.

"Excuse me! Are you andrew? We're looking for the kings guard we're supposed to be shadowing" The man simply nodded Pointing behind him. Now, to be clear, Rei was all about things like this. She was far too excited to be given responsibility as a ninja. Initially this oportunity was like to chrismas for the girl however..... Well.... Lets see.

Two hours into their mission the tables turned. Ash danced about as they walked back and forth across the top of the gates to hoshikagure elated at how things had turned out. rei..... Well, not so much.

"And then I simply put in a few seams finished it with some back stitching.... The really hard part of course was hand stitching the beads. that took me literally three days to complete. LIke.... So much work and I got blisters and my hands hurt soooooo much. Ugh. But it was worth it. " Little ash, bless her heart had taken initiative to talk to the queen's guard who they had been following in order to pass the time. He wasn't engaging in the convorsation but... Thankfully for Ash that wasn't actually a necessary part of convorsation with her. No no. For the tiny girl it was more the not telling her to stop aspect that made a great convorsation, that is, not being told to stop by the person she was talking to. Rei over the past two hours had told her countless times to shut up, to the point where now she was weakly begging the girl to just give up. She'd tried everything. No matter the method Ash continued to talk and the Queen's guard continued to walk the same short path back and forth over and over....... It was the most boring thing the girl had ever experienced.

Rei looked out across the horizon. Was it time to go yet? They'd been there for literally five years, or at least rei was sure of it, but the sun had barely reached its midpoint in the sky. She considered cutting out early. Would they actually notice and realize that she'd not stayed the entire day? would this guard even notice that they'd left? Yep. Of course he'd notice. Ash and her big freaking mouth.

Hour six and Finally Ashareial has run out of things to rant about in the topic of sewing. She took a breath for the first time in what seemed like the entire time they'd been there, and yes dear reader I'm aware that is impossible however i am limited despite my omniscience to only be able to describe things from the point of view of these two tiny ninja....err.... I mean I'm not here. Totally just them thinking and BACK TO THE STORY, and it seemed like things would be quiet finally. Oh but dear reader.... How incredibly wrong poor Rei was about that assumption. Instead of ranting on and on about the remarkable intricacies of putting two pieces of cloth into a large machine and pressing forward until you got to the end Ash, ever the kind of person to keep herself occupied in some way or the other had found a new vice to keep her attention.

"If you can even believe it, Sewing isn't the only thing i do too!" Ash bounded in front of the man a few paces, raising up on her toes to spin about once, and as she finished Rei's eyes grew wide.

"No. Goddess no. Ash I swear... You arent doing this. Dont do this. Please..... I really dont think I can take this for another minute. Stop. Just stop. Im going to start throwing things. seriousl..." She was cut off as the man stopped, holding out a hand to silence the two.

"Appologies but......." He pointed off to the sky. The sun had finally began to set. thank the goddess. Rei let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you. thank you soooo much" She could see in his eyes that he was just as thankful as she was.

"Well.... In that case we'll be going. Thank you for the experience!!!"

(claiming 500 ryo.... or 1k? can i claim 1k cuz 2 ninjas? also 2 ap and 1 cd post exit )
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

shadow a queen's guard Empty Re: shadow a queen's guard

Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:46 pm

Only 500 ryo, sorry.

Approved <3
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