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Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire - Page 4 Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:29 pm
Kaneki looked at the clone in front of him and the one behind him. The clone in front of him held his comrade, Katsu, who had foolishly gotten captured. The other clone was empty handed and would have been the smarter target, he could worry about dispatching it without harming the academy student. The young Genin cursed softly before thinking. Damn it....Katsu you idiot, getting caught by an enemy like that....After a moment Kaneki exhaled before pulling a kunai from his pouch and clamping it in between his teeth. The Genin smirked before charging towards Mako and Katsu with a speed of 8. He began to weave hand seals for another fireball at a speed of 15. As he grew closer the chakra building up in his chest continued to charge until he was barely a meter from the man.

As he dropped the kunai from his mouth he clamped his fingers as if he was going to send a fireball but instead he leapt over the chuunin and brought his foot down towards the man's head at a speed of 15, after connecting he would try to stab him in the arm with his kunai, hoping to free Katsu. 

[WC 2109]
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire - Page 4 Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:01 am
Lukas had still been by his lonesome minding his business. The thought of helping out strangers was still not clicking in his mind. What do I have to gain by joining their training exercises anyway? They look like amateurs if you ask me, Lukas thought to himself. It did not take long at looking at the group until realizing that the two had been making petty mistakes. Maybe if they worked together better than they would have more of a chance. Synergy is key.

By the time Mako's clone had arrived near Lukas, his right palm had still been resting upon the tree. Lukas heard the clone's fast movements towards him. He was not startled any bit. It was kind of expected that someone would come. Assuming that Mako's clone was not a clone and that he was a genin, Lukas did not budge or even move when he had approached them. He stayed completely still after the kunai flew past him. Heeding his words, Lukas looked down with his eyes closed and smirked, ready to reply.

"Hmph, you say I lack a philosophy uninfluenced by the Will of Fire, yet you blatantly try and scare me. How cute. You do know that I could take that as a threat, correct? And who cares what you guys are doing? I want no part. Now please just leave me alone." Lukas' voice was firm. He was not bothered by Mako's words. They were humorous and hypocritical at most. Lukas still did not raise his head. His right arm was still stuck on the tree and his head was still down with his eyes closed.

Akatsu Akari
Akatsu Akari
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire - Page 4 Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:15 am
Akatsu was mad at himself that he had gotten captured, he also thought that he had proven his clan to be weak or inferior to others. Although he had these thoughts one thought kept occurring in his mind and that was the thought of this bringing out the teamwork in the other two ninja he had planned on fighting with. As he said this he noticed that one of the clones had ran to Lukas and threw a kunai, the kunai doesn't looked like it was meant to hit and Lukas didn't budge at all. Akatsu could hear a little bit of their conversation and it seemed that things weren't going too well with that ninja and Kaneki looked like he actually cared to help Akatsu. "At least we got one out of 2." Akatsu said feeling optimistic about the situation at hand.

Maybe his being caught wasn't such a bad thing after all, Lukas would probably uncover that harden shell he has over himself and help out with the training as if we were a team of sorts. Akatsu could only hope
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire - Page 4 Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:33 am
Mako Clone A now stood near Lukas and it seemed this young kid was a bit angsty, having snapped at him about the will of fire.  Well, MAko thought to himself, it may not have been the best idea to threaten the boy who just randomly walked in on the training session.  However, this was not a normal training session.  A major factor in being considered for Jounin is proof that you could teach children all that they needed to know and to help them rise above and be very powerful hidden leaf ninja, because of that Mako had decided he would take these few boys and teach them of the will of fire, and possibly train them to be powerful enough to enter the chuunin exams that Konoha would be hosting in the next few months.  And even though these three did noot know each other well, Mako felt that the tenets of the Will of Fire and teamwork extended to every ninja, not just ninja you knew.  So Lukas' unwillingness to join the combat was disappointing to him.  It seemed these three had a long way to go before they embraced the Sarutobi will of fire, the strongest and truest of all beliefs. 

"Well, what keeps you from joining in on our training?  Do you think you are better than the rest of us?  Are you out of our league?  A true ninja knows they can always get better and that training is essential for that pursuit, you can never be too prepared. So you can either try to get this bell and prove that you're better than us weaklings, or you can stay over in your corner and pet the tree.  The choice is yours and if you choose the latter we will leave you alone."

Now the other clone was holding Akatsu and would watch what would happen to Kaneki, and when he perceived that Kaneki would try to sneak attack Clone A while he was talking Mako clone B would throw what he had at his hand at Kaneki.  Provided that Akatsu was the one in his hand, it was unfortunate that the small acad student would be his chosen projectile.   He would move his arm over his head since he had 60 str and spin akatsu around at a speed of 100 then would bring his arm down and realease the boy launching him at the genin.  Mako would throw the kid at a speed of 80 to limit their impact together.  As the boy left Mako's  hand he would fly toward Kaneki feet first.

It was then the clones would Yawn and say " Well too much AP for now, you kids are gonna have to find the real Mako if you want the other bells.  As they both went up in a poof of smoke and each clone dropping a bell where they stood.  One bell 6 meters behind Lukas and the other about 15 meters from Kaneki and Katsu's tangled up muss.

Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire - Page 4 Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:53 pm
Kaneki would generally call himself a vigilant individual, but what came next as he was charging towards the superior ninja was a surprise even to him. While rushing forwards he could not fathom what the ninja was doing until Akatsu was flung directly into him, knocking him clean over, and causing a great deal of confusion. After finally recovering from the blow and realizing what had happened Kaneki pushed Akatsu off of him. "Get off." He groaned before pushing himself up to a crouch. As he did such the two clones disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Damn it...."

The shinobi stood up and rolled his neck around before looking back to Akatsu before pulling his hood back up. "We need to find him." Kaneki paused to look around, the training fields were surrounded by trees and grassy areas so the number of places the chuunin could be was almost endless. The young shinobi had little idea where he could be but he knew it was somewhere nearby, he would want to be far enough so he was away from the battle but close enough so he could still observe. The boy walked over to where one of the bells was, the bell was obviously a dummy and was not what they were after. Kaneki groaned before throwing it on the ground and stomping on it. "This whole time we were fighting for fakes....figures." Kaneki looked around, wishing he was a sensory type shinobi, or at least knew a sensory technique. "Akatsu, do you have any sensory jutsu?"

{WC: 2368}
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire - Page 4 Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:53 am
Lukas' head was still down as he took in the words of Mako. His words seemed to lack a general sense of direction as Lukas figured it was just a ploy to get him to help a bunch of ninja he had not known. After Mako was finished speaking, Lukas took his hand off of the tree and raised his head up. He then turned to the direction of the clone and opened his eyes. He looked quite annoyed as Mako kind of insulted his attitude with sarcasm. Lukas then opened his mouth to reply to the Chuunin.

"Look, I don't think I am better than anybody if you ask me. It just doesn't seem like I am a right fit for your group. Those two over there seem to be struggling as it is. Why should I stoop to that level and succumb to the trials of your session? Most likely I will fail undoubtedly as those two seem to be doing as we speak. It is not a matter of me being out of your league, you are out of OUR league. There is a difference. It just seems redundant to even attempt your so called feat. What could grabbing a few bells teach us? Teamwork? Creative Thinking? If so, then what? What stops us from being attacked by a group that clearly outnumber us? Answer me that and I will join your little posse."

Little did Mako know, Lukas was making an analogy about his father. His father was his hero. To him, he was one of the strongest ninja. That is how you see your role model; unbeatable. All of that training he had went through just to turn up missing and eventually be found lifeless. It made no sense. No matter how much you trained, there would always be someone a step ahead of you. Some people don't play fair so why should people even keep trying. Talk about a waste of time and effort. 

Akatsu Akari
Akatsu Akari
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire - Page 4 Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:20 am
Akatsu had to hold his head when he was thrown into Kaneki and rolled over on his side when Kaneki told him to get off. "Hey, we wearing him down." Akatsu said as he pulled himself up from running into Kaneki. From afar he could see that Mako was talking to the genin that Akatsu had asked for help, the talk seemed to have a little bit of a serious note too it. Had something bad happened in the village, Akatsu could only speculate being able to make out a few words wasn't helpful enough to determine the situation at hand. He snapped out of his gaze when he heard Kaneki say "We have to find him." That is when Chronos began to daze again, it seemed the light was beginning to fluctuate in different ways making it easier to see through the blinding sun that day. At first Akatsu thought he had been hit too hard when he collided with Kaenki, but what he didn't know was his dojutsu was starting to awaken. Even by just a little this would prove very promising when he figured it out and could tell the founder of their clan. "My perception is getting better, maybe this training is starting to help me more than I thought." Akatsu said now looking at his hands. The he snapped from his daze again and asked Kaneki where he thought the real Mako was so they could get the bells to achieve their mission.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire - Page 4 Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:07 pm
Mako emerged from the forest he had been hidden in, heading to the part of the woods the boys were fighting in.  He had seen all he needed to see.  These boys were strong candidates for the will of fire, whether they got the bells or not.  So he would offer most of them what they wanted.

"Well, i must apologize but i have to say you failed the test, but I would like to think it was for more reasons than just lack of ability.  I would like to ask if you three genin wanted to form a squad, one to represent Lonoha in the upcoming Intervillage chuunin exams.  This is not required, but if you accept we will train in preparation for the event and I will try and teach you all the true meaning of the will of fire." Mako would say to the boys tossing them all a bell. "So whaddya say?"
twc 2776

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:11 am; edited 1 time in total
Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire - Page 4 Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:59 am
Kaneki exhaled at Akatsu, not caring to listen to the boy's rambling. He continued to look around and only moments later Mako showed himself, it caught Kaneki slightly off guard but he did not hesitate to begin forming hand seals, sadly before he could do any jutsu he had already been proclaimed as failed.

When he heard the older shinobi's offer he realized he was out of options. After catching the bell Kaneki nodded, pulling the hood up on his jacket once more. "Yea, whatever, if it will help me get stronger." 

The Genin was heavily disappointed in his failure, but he had no intention of letting that stop his goals. After a few moments Kaneki paused to think. "Wait...the Chuunin exams, how long do we have to prepare for them?"
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire - Page 4 Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:53 am
(Mako, I don't understand how you're speaking to all of us. I did say I was 20 meters to the north of everyone else. Unless you're screaming exceptionally well, idk.)

Lukas turned around as he heard someone else speaking to them. It seemed that there was another Mako coming into the forest where the others had been training. Lukas tried hard to not display his confusion with all of the clones that had been in the area. No he did not know who the real one was but it did not seem as if that was the matter at hand at the moment. 

When Mako had offered to form the team between all of them, Lukas was totally uninterested. It did not seem like a great idea. Only until Mako had brought up the Chuunin Exams. Now he was talking in Lukas' language. The Exams was going to be a perfect example of what he would be able to do in the near future. The rewards seemed enticing. After Kaneki asked his question, Lukas smirked and spoke up loud enough for the new revealed Mako to hear him. This was after he had caught the bell that he had tossed to each of them.

"Only if these people do not hold me back. Them failing the previous exercise already says much about them." Lukas smiled as he knew it would potentially provoke one of the other genin. That was assuming that they had the drive to act upon it.

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