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Akatsu Akari
Akatsu Akari
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire Empty Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:46 pm
Katsu had been at the training ground working diligently on what his clan was most proud of and that was their eyes. The ability to see in the dark and discern people in bright situations was unique to them, Chronos wanted to enhance this power so he decided to train his dojutsu. “Although it isn’t one of three great dojutsus we are still nothing to be trifled with.” Chronos said staring at the light and watching it fluctuate as the wind tampered with it’s very existence. “I want to make my clan proud, I will show all the might of the Akari!” Katsu continued to tell himself this and would always have pride in his clan till the end, he would also do anything in order to progress the clan’s fame whether it be infamy or glorious fame. As he sat in a tree looking at the light focusing on its movement s and the things he could see move around it, he wondered how this would help him in a battle. He needed a sparring buddy.
Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:02 pm
Kaneki had been making his way to the training grounds when Hiori, his pet cat, had found him out of nowhere. The small tabby leapt onto his shoulders before the Genin could even speak. "Hiori? What are you doing here?" A slight mew from the feline was all he received before he simply shook his head, making his way for the training grounds. "Fine, you can come with me." Kaneki continued to the training field but upon arriving he was paused by something. Kaneki had made it a habit of using the same field at the same times. When he saw the boy perched in the tree above him it caused him to pull his hood over his head.

He had not seen him before but it was not exactly like Kaneki was a people person. He ignored him before turning towards the grouping of dummies that sat in the center of the training field, at least he had not messed with his targets. Kaneki pulled two of his shuriken from their holster on his leg before eyeing the targets. "Hiori, down." The black tabby jumped from his shoulder and onto the ground as Kaneki set a shuriken in each hand. Kaneki began to run forward towards the targets, as he did such he let the kunai from his right hand fly towards one of the dummies. It met it's mark in the torso of the target, Kaneki continued his charge and leapt in the air this time he let the kunai fly for the dummy next to the one he already attacked. This shuriken too, met it's target. But as his feet connected with the ground he noticed he was farther away from the targets than expected.

As he spun around to face them his footing faltered and he fell to the ground with a rather loud clap. The boy exhaled before spitting grass and dirt from his mouth. "Damn it." He muttered softly before standing up and dusting himself off. 

Akatsu Akari
Akatsu Akari
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:10 pm
Katsu had seen a boy walk into the training grounds, he glanced at him for a moment then he pretended not to see him. Katsu believed that all people disliked the Akari for their ideals which is what he was taught, but who knew what would be in store for him if he talked to the boy. Katsu observed the ninja and watched his movements, he had seen him jump in the air to give him an aerial advantage against the dummies he was aiming at and the ninja was able to hit both of them with what seemed to be ease. When the ninja had to stick the landing he had fallen from pure clumsiness, but Katsu knew the ninja was probably better than he was.

“I wonder if he could help me get stronger, grandad did always say that it was best to have a rival that you could get stronger with.” Katsu jumped down from the tree and walked towards the boy. “Hey you are now my rival.” Katsu said said with a slight grin on his face while holding his hand out hoping the bow would accept his gesture. As he did this Katsu noticed that the wind began to blow as if to foreshadow the greatness that was to happen if these two boys truly became friends.

Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:18 pm
Kaneki had heard the statement come from the boy but he simply stared at him for a moment. A rival? Kaneki had never had a rival, mainly because he saw it as a waste of time. Most of the academy students were, to him, stupid. While this new boy did not particularly seem stupid he did seem....odd. Kaneki looked to his hand and sighed before simply slapping it away. "Whatever, let's train." 

He didn't care to waste time with simple dramatics, but he knew that if he was to get better he would need someone to help him. For the first time in his life Kaneki was starting to realized he couldn't do everything alone, but he surely intended to try. Kaneki walked to the dummies and took his shuriken from their bodies. After retrieving them he turned to see Hiroi sitting in front of him once more. Petting her softly he paused before setting his shuriken back in their place.

Akatsu Akari
Akatsu Akari
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:24 pm
“I’m glad you accepted, now even though I am weaker than you in terms of almost every aspect of being a ninja there are still tactics. If you master those on top of having better ‘powers’ so to speak than another ninja then you will wipe the floor with them. Now, for this training we shall try to block or dodge as many moves as the other person can possibly evade.” Katsu said as if he knew everything there was to know about the ninja world. He then backed away from Kaneki giving him some space in order for the sparring to begin. “I want you to come at me with all of your might, use anything that comes to mind in this fight. As a ninja there is no such thing as dirty fighting, you do what you must to survive in this world, now come at me!” Katsu yelled feeling confident in his abilities.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:41 pm
Mako found himself wandering the training grounds, with no real intent or purpose.  He had been a chuunin for months now but had yet to find students to train and to possibly teach the will of fire that his family holds dear.  The Sarutobi were absolute devotees of the will of fire.

He rembered back to when he was a youngster and his father would give him a unique test for training.  He called it the bell test, in which if he managed to retrieve the bell he would be allowed a day without chores but if he failed he would have to serve double time.   He still carried those bells as a memory of his father who was currently off on a mission.

Amidst his walk he sensed the presence of two individuals nearby on the grounds. He would then duck down and move silently to investigate what was going on.  He made his way through the area silently and looked upon where two young boys were seemingly having a spar.  He noticed the one younger one yelling for the other to come at him and Mako would use his HoHo ability to dash at a speed of 100 through the field in between where the boys stood stopping either of them from attacking.  

He would then reach into his pouch and light a cigarette and say, "Fine day isn't it boys,"  He held the cigarette pursed in his lips and looked down at the two of them.

"What do you say to a little bit of intense training," as he pulled the bells out of his pouch and dangled one in front of them. He noticed one wore a headband and the other did not.  "To you boy in the headband, if you succeed I will give you my katana, and to you young student if you succeed I will give you the rank of genin.  There will be two bells, if you can take one from me your award will be given."  Mako would then dangle both bells out and smile preparing to move if the boys made a surprise attack.

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:11 pm
Kanaki exhaled as he listened to the boy. "You're....Let's just get started. You need to try your hardest to evade me or I'll kill you." Kanaeki's words were not made to boast or even to jester. His words were the dead truth, if Kaneki sparred with any individual he would go full out from the beginning, while he may test their abilities first he will still aim for crippling blows from the get go. Almost instantly Kaneki rushed forward, slipping a Kunai from it's place in his kunai pouch. After gaining barely a meter he was cut short by a man who sped in front of him.

Instantly the man began to speak and all that Kaneki could think about was how fast he had flashed in front of them. Kaneki was about to complain before hearing the man's offer to train. Kaneki heard the man's offer for a katana and instantly Kaneki's face lit up. He had wanted a katana for a long time but he never had the Ryo to buy a decent weapon. With a katana he could finally begin another part of his training. 

Kaneki stepped back before nodding. "Deal. Sensei." Instantly the boy spun his kunai in his hand and winked at the boy across from him. They were in a perfect position to ambush the ninja, all Katsu had to do was attack and Kaneki would be able to catch the superior ninja off guard with his kunai, hopefully. 

[WC: 740]
Akatsu Akari
Akatsu Akari
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:26 pm
Katsu seen the genin run towards him at full speed which was expected, but right before he was able to put his leg out in front of the ninja he had noticed the man that was talking to them. As he was talking he  noticed the man say something about a test and ranking up to a genin. “Well, I’m in what abou-” He was about to finish the sentence until he had seen Kaneki wink at him, Katsu immediately took this as a sign to surprise the man trying to take his bells. Katsu ran at the speed of 2.5 to the man who was only 3 meters away from him with a cigarette in his mouth. Katsu would sling his right arm down at the speed of 5 trying to grab the bell. Had the man stayed in that position which was highly unlikely Katsu would be able to get one of the bells. If he failed Katsu would pull his left arm close to him at the speed of 5 just in case a punch or other attack was coming his way.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:21 am
Mako was very perceptive and rarely missed anything, so when the genin tossed a wink at the younger boy he knew they were poised to strike, which was exactly what he wanted.   Teamwork was a leaf shinobi's greatest asset, and additionally one of the most important tenets of the Will of Fire. However Mako was not going to let them catch him so fast.  As the student boy Katsu came in for a grab on the bell  Mako would wink and form a ram sign while saying "Too slow," and seemingly blinking out of existence, which was the nature of the body flicker jutsu, and unless they had a high reaction time they would not see his movement.  He would move 18 meters to the left of the boys at a speed of 190, once there he would form several hand signs and activate the shadow clone jutsu.  As 2 more Mako's formed one on his left and the other on his right.  He handed each of them a bell, but it seemed like he had several more bells in his hand, if the boys saw this they would figure out that Mako planted noiseless decoys.

The real Mako would run off into the woods hiding leaving the 2 clones to deal with the boys.  The clones would smile taunting with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths.

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:52 am; edited 1 time in total
Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire Empty Re: Young NInja That Carry The Will of Fire

Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:38 am
Kaneki watched as Mako flickered away from the two of the boys. It was far too fast for Kaneki to notice. He looked around rapidly before seeing the chuunin almost twenty meters away. He looked to see that the chuunin had conjured up two shadow clones. "The clones are casting shadows....that's not the basic clone technique, it's the real shadow clone jutsu. We need to take them out first." Kaneki placed his kunai knife back in his pouch before exhaling. Shadow clones would disappear if they took enough damage, each had a bell so all he had to do was destroy one of the clones and the katana was as good as his. 

Without warning Kaneki ran for the clone closest to him at a speed of 5. As he ran he began to do the necessary hand seals for the clone technique at a speed of 10. Ram. Snake. Tiger. After doing such a puff of smoke covered his body, from the smoke emerged two clones. Kaneki had moved himself to the far right as the three rushed the chuunin. All three began to draw their kunai and circle the chuunin before Kaneki jabbed his kunai forward with a speed of 10, aiming for the man's chest. 

[WC: 950]
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