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A New Path to Walk [closed] Empty A New Path to Walk [closed]

Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:43 pm
The newly formed trio found themselves in a very familiar place. Not even two hours after their departure, they had returned to the rooftop restaurant lounge. The place was located on the top of a relatively tall building, and it was mostly an open terrace with a gorgeous view of the hidden leaf village. Tables were scattered about and surrounded by sofas and seats with comfy looking red pillows.
Jin's icy blue eyes scoped the place out, looking for some who could possibly be their new teacher. The most prominent expression on his face was one of worry, for he feared that maybe the team's leader to be had tired of waiting and left, but there was also a twinkle of hope in his eye. Excitement, anticipation.
The waitress that had served them when they were here earlier walked up to the gang of genins and asked, "Hey, you guys are back. Did you forget something? Like tipping me, maybe?" Jin pretended like he didn't hear her and kept scanning the lounge, suddenly feeling the emptiness in his pockets - and stomach - again.

Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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A New Path to Walk [closed] Empty Re: A New Path to Walk [closed]

Mon Aug 17, 2015 5:57 pm
Kisuke flopped back down onto the red giant cushions of the rooftop cafe he found himself sitting at earlier today. Sighing, the Uchiha would kick his feet back up onto the table before him. As he sat back down with his allies, Kisuke would scan the terrace with his bright yellow eyes and said "Well, you said the extra sheet you found mentioned our sensei would be here. Maybe they left since we were gone." Kisuke would, as always, pull a cigarette out of his right pocket and his lucky silver lighter out of his right pocket. Slipping the cigarette into his mouth, cupping his hands over the end Kisuke would light the tiny white stick shaped cigarette. The end blazing orange, Kisuke would close the lighter with a flick of his wrist and pull the cigarette out of his mouth. Looking off into the distance at the skyline on the horizon, Kisuke would exhale the exhaust fumes from his lungs and said "I guess theres nothing to do but wait." When the waitress arrived, Kisuke never turned to aknowledge her, he simply continued smoking, looking, and waiting.

Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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A New Path to Walk [closed] Empty Re: A New Path to Walk [closed]

Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:48 pm
"What a freaking hassle" Kotsuzui said while exhaling a sigh, clearly showing signs of being bored and annoyed. On any normal day, Kotsuzui would not mind just sitting around doing nothing. The Kaguya was lazy by nature. But the one thing that drove him was fighting. His thirst for a fight outweighed any and everything else, which may be something that comes from being a member of the Kaguya clan. It was in his blood, something he could not deny, so when he had to stop his spar with Kisuke to come here and do nothing, it was like a slap to the face. The Kaguya now found himself seated at the same spot he was at about two hours ago along with his two teammates as they waited for their Sensei. "I hope you're right Jin, cause I'm not sure how much longer I can wait here" Kotsuzui said while placing his hands behind his head and leaning back. The waitress made a comment about tipping and neither of Kotsuzui's teammates answered. The Kaguya had not answered either due to being a such a bad mood. After the waitress would make her departure from their table, Kotsuzui went on to reach into his robe for the bottle of sake. "You gotta be kidding me..." he mumbled as his arm came out from his robes empty handed. "I left my bottle at the training grounds. This is turning out to be quite the hassle indeed" as he leaned back once more and closed his eyes, most likely to take a nap during their wait.

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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

A New Path to Walk [closed] Empty Re: A New Path to Walk [closed]

Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:38 am
Shifting through some papers, the girl grabs a folder containing information on a number of shinobi. Letting the file fall on her dresser right beside her pouch, she fixed the silver ring around her ring finger. Fixing the placement of the shirt on her shoulders, Ayumi tucked the front of her oversized shirt into her shorts before fixing her shirt. Ruffling through her hair, she grabs the pouch along with the folder beside it before heading out through the door and down the stairs of the house. Snatching an apple from the kitchen counter and slipping into her shoes, she leisurely walks out of the door, taking a bite of her apple. The Jounin moved her head from side to side, feeling the pull down the sides of her neck as she closes her eyes, gulping down the fresh air and blocking out the cheerful chirping of the birds. Her bleak eyes grew remote as the girl increases her pace, passing by the heart of the village filled with the chattering of the villagers. Taking another bite of the apple, the kunoichi rummages through her pouch as her fingers brushed against a flat steel-like item, followed by some kind of cloth. Pulling her hand back out, she left the said item in her pouch: her ninja headband. She has a tendency of not wearing it very often, which leads to the headband being tucked away in her pouch. 

Her empty, dark orbs flickered as she scanned through the folder, flicking each page, not bothering to read any of the information listed; She just wanted to know the amount of shinobi that has been assigned to the team. Three.. so it seems... Shrugging her shoulder, she closed the folder with a snap, gripping the spine tightly with her left hand. Throwing the rest of the apple away into a nearby bin, Ayumi fixes her bangs before heading towards the location that has been set by the group of genin. Regarding that... well, first of all, she should have the authority of setting the location. Second of all, it is about time that they man up and meet their new appointed sensei because that sensei has been waiting for way too long. Stopping in front of a building, she looked at the name of the restaurant and snickered before entering it. Upon being greeted by a waitress, the kunoichi asked the said waitress for a group of shinobi. As per requested, the waitress lead the kunoichi towards a room before discretely pointing towards a group of boys. Appearance-wise, two of them seemed older than her — probably by a year or two. Clicking her tongue, she thanked the waitress and walked towards the boys, eyeing the room. It was filled with tables paired up along with seats. Dropping the folder on the table beside the boys, she pulled a chair out and turned it so that it was facing the three group of boys. Sitting softly onto the chair, she crossed her right leg over her left and leaned against the back of the chair. Placing her left elbow at the edge of the table and resting her right arm on her thigh, the kunoichi eyes each one of the male sitting in front of her. What a team: one of them seems to be napping, the other smoking, and other one seems to be…daydreaming or something. Her eyes were cold and uninviting as she looked towards the boys with an uninterested expression, "I'm guessing you three are the ones who were looking for a sensei..?" Her tone of voice was cold as the words were spoken. Keeping up with her usual cold demeanor, Ayumi watches the three men, waiting for one of them to speak up.

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A New Path to Walk [closed] Empty Re: A New Path to Walk [closed]

Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:57 pm
Jin felt a little bad that neither of his teammates had addressed the waitress, but he was happy that she had left without making too much of a scene. One thing was for sure, he wouldn't be ordering anything else while they were there. Not because he was afraid they would spit in his beverage or put pubic hairs in his food, but because he couldn't pay.
The blonde haired Yamanaka snapped out of his daydream when someone bluntly dropped a folder onto the table. His eyes almost instantly locked on to the newcomer, and the first thing Jin noticed was that despite her outward coldness she was pretty hot, albeit a little young looking. He followed her movements as she took a seat with them and asked if they were the degenerates looking for a sensei.
"Are you also a member of our team? They didn't mention anything about a fourth person." Jin said to the girl, then turning to his teammates for confirmation.     

Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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A New Path to Walk [closed] Empty Re: A New Path to Walk [closed]

Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:10 pm
Kisuke silently looked out over the horizon of Konoha as he continued waiting for their apparent sensei to show up. With a thin trail of pale white smoke raising from the end of his dwindling cigarette, he was almost done smoking it when suddenly a loud slapping sound struck the table in between the three Genin. Remaining cool and relaxed as always, Kisuke would slowly turn his head around to see a kunoichi re positioning a chair at their table. "Hmmm." He though to himself as he gave her a one over with his eyes. "Not that bad." referring to the appearance of the new comer. Once she commented on them having to be the three looking for a sensei, Kisuke connected the dots and induced that she was probably their sensei. "She looks a little young to be a sensei. I wonder how old she actually is." He though to himself as he pulled out what was left of his cigarette and flicked it over the railing.

Popping a mint in his mouth from out of a canister concealed in his pant pockets, Kisuke would think to himself again "She doesnt seem to want to be here. Hopefully its an act, an attempt to intimidate us. Having a sensei who hates being with us probably wont be beneficial." Remaining composed and not showing any sign of fear, intimidation or any other form of emotion as a matter of fact, Kisuke would sigh in disappointment upon hearing Jin's silly comment. "Dumb ass. She's probably our sensei." Turning to look at who Kisuke was now hoping was actually their sensei so he would not look like an idiot, the Uchiha said "Yes, were the ones who were looking for our sensei. Names Uchiha Kisuke." Fiddling with the mint in his mouth, Kisuke would raise both his arms and stretch them out to their full length, resting them along the top of the couch's back rest as he waited for his team mates to also introduce themselves.

Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

A New Path to Walk [closed] Empty Re: A New Path to Walk [closed]

Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:07 am
Kotsuzui had just fallen asleep when he heard a loud smacking sound. It did not cause him to wake up all startled and scared. Instead, he slowly opened his eyes to see what had happened. A female had come to their table, not a waitress though, slammed down some book onto their table and took a seat with them. She was visually appealing to the Kaguya, but he was not sure if she were older then they, or around the same age. As she eyed the three male Genins, Kotsuzui could come to one conclusion, that she didn't seem to be very interested in them. Rather cold. "Kisuke should get along with her" Kotsuzui thought to himself, referring to the fact that their personalities seemed to be quite similar.

She spoke, asking if they were the ones indeed looking for a Sensei. Jin asked if she were another teammate, and though it was a reasonable question since she seemed to be around the same age as the three Genins, her question made it somewhat clear that she was probably the sensei. At least it did for Kotsuzui and Kisuke. "Common Jin, use your head a little" Kotsuzui said with a smile of amusement on his face. Stretching his arms out as one usually did after waking up, Kotsuzui looked over into the cold eyes of the female while Kisuke introduced himself.

"Kaguya Kotsuzui" as he introduced himself after Kisuke had, "though most call me Kots out of pure laziness. Pleasure to meet you" giving a slight nod and smile.

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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

A New Path to Walk [closed] Empty Re: A New Path to Walk [closed]

Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:50 am
The girl grabs the folder on the table beside her as the blond haired boy asked if she was one of their teammates. Quite a reasonable question really considering the fact that she was around their age. But, the answer to that question would be a 'No'. She, however, decided not to answer the question, yet. Dropping the folder on her lap, the kunoichi wrinkled her nose as the smell of the cigarette crept towards her, surrounding her with its ashy smell. She eyes the red haired boy, waiting for him to speak as he threw his cigarette away before popping a pill-like something into his mouth. Answering the blond's question, he introduced himself as 'Uchiha Kisuke'. Her eyes slightly narrowed, as she flips through the pages of the folder on her lap stopping on a page with a picture of the said boy. An Uchiha.. so it seems. Her eyes lingered over the page before looking up towards the boy. It will be interesting to learn more about the clan's doujutsu through this boy. The Sharingan; something she has been interested in studying for quite a while now.

Looking over to the dark haired boy, she waits as he introduced himself. Flipping through a couple of pages before stopping on one that contains his information. The Kaguya clan. Apparently members of the clan are able to manipulate their bones. One interesting Kekkei Genkai indeed. Maybe it was her luck that she was appointed to lead a team possessing rather interesting Kekkei Genkai. Being a medical ninja, she has always been interested in learning more about the numerous Kekkei Genkai that exists in the ninja world. One topic in which she was particularly interested in would be altering one's DNA, one which she has yet experimented with. Though.. she may be able to with these two in her team. So far, she was pretty satisfied with the team she has been appointed to. One, she gets to boss people around, and two, she gets to study the unique clan abilities the members of this team posses. That would pretty much be considered a double win, right?

Continuing to flip though the folder, she stopped on one of the pages, her index finger pointing at a picture of a boy before looking up towards the blond haired boy sitting in front of her. "And you must be...", glancing at the page, "Jin Yamanaka..?"

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A New Path to Walk [closed] Empty Re: A New Path to Walk [closed]

Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:26 pm
Jin looked at his teammates slightly baffled as they ridiculed him for thinking she was a fourth teammate, and the young Yamanaka felt like even more of a fool when the girl confirmed that she was indeed the team's new leader, and their sensei. "No way... our sensei looks like she's around my age, probably younger, and smoking hot... I guess that's what I get for taking so long to become a genin..." Jin thought to himself, unknowingly staring at the girl with a blank gaze as his teammates introduced themselves.
The sound of Kisuke's mint clicking against his teeth brought Jin back to his senses, and he turned to look at the Uchiha. "What is that? A mint? Let me get one, come on." the blonde haired boy beckoned, trying to be as discrete as possible while Kotsuzui spoke to the girl, telling her she could call him 'Kots'. "Check this guy out... he's already making a move on her. He didn't tell us we could call him Kots. What a weasel." Jin shook his head in disbelief as the Kaguya smiled at their new sensei, so he didn't notice that she was completely unfazed by the advance.
Hearing her speak his name, he snapped his neck to face her and quickly replied, "Yes, that's me. Uh, I don't think we got your name yet?" Jin was hoping that she would warm up a little, since she hadn't spoken more than a dozen words since her arrival, and that was probably an overestimation. Jin was curious as to what her abilities are, areas of specialty, life experiences, age, and if she was available tonight.

Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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A New Path to Walk [closed] Empty Re: A New Path to Walk [closed]

Mon Aug 24, 2015 9:05 pm
"What?" Kisuke though to himself as he shot Kotsuzui a quick confused glance. "Since when can we call him Kots? Is he already hitting on our sensei? That drunk bastard." Kisuke slightly shook his head in disappointment as he looked back over towards his sensei who was flipping through the file full of papers while he and Kotsuzui introduced themselves. "Probably reading up on us. Guess she didnt do her homework before hand."

In the corner of his eye, Kisuke saw that Jin was trying to grab his attention. Slightly shifting his head over to get a full view of what Jin was doing, he watched the Yamanaka discreetly beckoning for him to give a mint. Sighing in disappointment, Kisuke though to himself "Why are my allies so pathetic." Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out the box of mints he had just put away and tossed it across the couch onto Jin's lap, purposely not being as discreet as Jin was trying being.

Kisuke would remain calmly seated as their sensei caught Jin off guard and spoke to him without him having introducing himself, probably because she noticed the Yamanaka acting foolish. The right corner of Kisuke's mouth would slightly shift as he grinned at Jin being startled. 

"Thats true." Kisuke said out loud to Jin's comment on not having herd their teachers name. "You know who we are, clearly," nodding towards her file of papers "who are you?"

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