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Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)

Touka Keisuke
Takashi Chishiki
Kukla Nazar
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Travin Iburi
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Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)  Empty Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:41 am
'Come on Skipton, it's time to go to the training grounds, I've been learning lots of jutsus recently and quickly but I haven't devoted enough time to actually practicing them'. 
Kouse put on his Cape, his weapons pouch.. He blinked a couple of times while facing the mirror, he was going to go with blue eyes today. 
He combed his black hair, not bothering to tie it in a ponytail like he usually did,but letting it fall freely almost touching his waist. 
He turned looking for where his jellyfish was, but he just couldn't find her. 
'I'm hovering right over your head kouse'. 
His mind was invaded by Skipton, he chuckled and opened the door, she promptly burrowed into his hair.
It was a rule now that anytime he was leaving his room Skipton had to remain unseen. 
Kouse had gotten a little overprotective.. He wasn't about to let anything happen to his jellyfish. He had grown attached to her. 
He said goodbye to his family, walked out the front door and took in a deep breath of fresh air.
'i know it's a beautiful day kouse' Skipton had been reading his thoughts again. He smiled. This would get some time to get used to after all.
Kouse walked slowly and leisurely to the training grounds. 

Kouse instantly started going right through the jutsus he knew.. One by one starting from the E rank techniques to B Rank Techniques. 
After some hours and some rest breaks, it hit him.. He knew absolutely no A Rank Techniques and just two B Rank Techniques.. That wasn't impressive. 
He knew that to learn those techniques won't be easy, but if he had the opportunity to do so, he wouldn't give up just because it was looking difficult. 

Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)  Empty Re: Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:41 am
It was a nice day to train cole thought as he walked out his door. The sun hitting him in the face wasn't the best thing though. He hated that every day when he left the house the sun was beaming right into the door way and would blind you. He had figured that it was time to add a new jutsu to his arsenal and he had spent the night before looking over the Ice Prison jutsu. He figured that if he ever had to capture someone that it would be useful. Plus it could have advantages inside of combat as well. Cole would take his time walking through the village over to the training grounds. Stopping to pick up a couple of rice balls for lunch. He normally wound up spending all day at the training grounds every time he went, so he started to come prepared.

When he walked into the training grounds their wasn't a hole lot of people around today, but he figured that it was only because it was still kinda early in the day, and most people would want to sleep in. He wanted to sleep in as well, but he also wanted to get this training done with and get to relax tonight at his house with his dad in front of the fire in the back yard. When he looked around to see if he knew any one. He only say one person that he had meat before, but he didn't really know them he had just done a small C rank mission with him. Were they helped Risako calm down a riot.

Cole would watch as the Kouse went through all of the jutsu that he knew practicing them. After he got done it looked like he figured something out. Cole would give him a few minutes to finish his train of thought and then start to walk over to him. He figured that he could probably train with him today. He might be able to help him out with something and he would make a great practice dummy for his new jutsu he thought to himself.

Cole would walk over to Kouse and say “hay man long time no see.”


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Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)  Empty Re: Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:50 am
To quote a skit that Draconis had recently seen, Draconis was pissed. Royally pissed. The Hokage seemed to think that Draconis and the others were a monolith of supreme intelligence able to avoid and or fight a guy who he, the Hokage, had not bothered to describe. Draconis really was annoyed by this. However, there were some good things though. Since the description had not been given, most people were staying off the streets, for their own safety, including civilians. Honestly, Draconis needed to have a word with the boss, since he seemed a reasonable guy. Mistakes happen when you are new, or old in the job so Draconis was mostly mad that he was not given info, not at the Hokage really.

Using the Art of Transformation, and Chakra suppression, he attempted to act like a normal civilian, moving at their rather sluggish pace, laughing at the same banal things they thought amusing, pretending to be terrified whenever the topic of “Kozai Yuki” came up. Even his chakra signature was lowered to the level of a civilian. At first the word had been given only to the ninjas, but honestly, many could not keep their trap shut, and earlier a massive wave of xenophobia had erupted, resulting in riots, some of which Draconis had had to put down himself.

Now, Draconis had managed to figure out some stuff though. The Hokage was plotting something and Kozai Yuki was potentially part of his plans, as only the Uchiha, some of whom were pretty weak, were allowed to talk to Kozai. There was a reasonable chance then that Kozai was plotting something with the Uchiha bloodlines or such, and that the Hokage was hedging his bets or something. So, that meant that he merely had to watch the Uchiha he could see, and watch for suspicious people. Uchiha like that dude he had met before, whom he had given the demon contract to. Fortunately, he was in disguise so his cover was hopefully not about to be blown right away.

Watching the Uchiha, the only one on this street (the others not being foolish enough to show their faces at this time of day), Draconis watched as a face he vaguely thought he recognized approached and began conversing. That guy had a genin head band, it seemed he belonged with Konoha. Draconis turned, watching a crowd of people go by, and blending in with them, hanging near but not at the periphery so he could keep watching out of the corner of their eye.

Then he saw dude in a lab coat. Wait. That was that fellow "Agito", the suspicious one who pretended to be weaker than he really was, and was associated with Mitsui, the missing ninja! What was he doing here with the Uchiha fellow? Draconis already suspected this fellow was more than he seemed, though not that he was the fellow he was suppsoed to kill. Draconis would just keep an eye on the proceedings for now, maybe the real target would show up later, since many Uchiha were likely to flee the Kozai Yuki guy.

Draconis dropped to the ground, and started trying to do pushups, still imitating a weak civilian boy, keeping his distance so that he could keep an eye on the proceedings. Unfortunately, if he got close enough to hear, then he would be likely coming under suspicion himself and the quarry might stay hidden.

(ttl wc: 571)

Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)  Empty Re: Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:16 pm
Salzem was just getting back from one of his less-eventful trips around the Konoha walls. Little was happening that day, ranging from walking, to strolling, to light jogging. In short, Salzem was bored. He had been hoping to catch sight of the "Kill Order" as Salzem calls it. He considered bounties such as these to be nothing more than a job. Kill them, take the reward. Simple. going by description alone was a near fruitless effort as anyone of his power level could just transform into whoever he liked. Salzem focused, trying to locate Kouse with his chakra sensing abilities. He needed to tell Kouse of this man he was hunting, perhaps give him a description so he could steer clear of him. Salzem detected Kouse's chakra signature and moved in on his location, walking casually, hopping from roof top to roof top before coming to the training grounds. Huh... what are the odds? As Salzem entered, he saw something that made his blood run cold. Oh god... he was already inside! The kill order was already inside and was talking to Kouse! Salzem kept his exterior cool and emotionless before approaching Kouse, acknowledging the Kill Order with a respectful nod as he would any other stranger.

"Hey there Kouse. Who is this?" Salzem would greet his friend, smiling as warm as he could under the circumstances.
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)  Empty Re: Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:13 pm
Kouse was still occupied in his thoughts until he heard a voice 'hay man long time no see'. 
Kouse instantly turned round to see who said that, his eyes widened in surprise when he recognised the individual to be one of the ninjas who had helped to get a riot under control, a c Rank mission. 
They had met there and had fought together taking down several violent civilians.
"yeah it's been awhile" kouse paused, trying to remember his name.. Yeah Cole!.
That was his name. 
"how have things been for you?" kouse asked. 
He was about to say something else when he noticed a very suspicious looking ninja approach them. 
'Good day, you two. On behalf of the kage, I'm looking for some people. Would you mind helping me in my search?'. 
Kouse hesitated squinting his eyes at this new arrival, he hadn't seen him around before.
He didn't like the feeling he felt, it felt like this individual was suppressing his chakra, cause no one who obviously carried himself the way in which he did would have such low Chakra. 
Kouse took casual steps backwards.. Putting more distance between him and this suspiciously looking ninja. 
"well, sure... I would be happy to help, who are you looking for though" kouse replied. 
He was working for the kage after all, well he could breathe more calmly now. 
Then kouse to his pleasant surprise saw salzem walk towards them.
He had spotted the look salzem had on his face before he got to them, kouse didn't understand that look, he had never seen it before on salzem,but when salzem actually got to them he smiled at kouse. 
'Hey there Kouse. Who is this?' salzem said. 
Kouse smiled back at salzem "not sure salzem, he said he was looking for some people on behalf of the kage" kouse would explain.
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Iburi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)  Empty Re: Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:27 pm
“yea it had been a while” Kouse would tell cole, but before they could continue their conversation another man walked up. Cole had gotten word of a guy walking around the village and that any genin was suppose to run, and let the chuunin and up handle him. He was suppose to be really strong, and cole could tell that this guy was not of the village just by the way he walked and talked. Said he was stronger then he was letting on, and the fact that he didn't have a leaf head band really made cole wonder. He figured that this must be that guy, but if he was their would be other ninja coming after him. Cole would listen as he talked to this new guy for a moment before salzem walked up. Cole knew salzem pretty well, and had trained and even went on a mission with him before. Cole looked Salzem in the eyes as he walked up trying to read him and see if this was the guy everyone was warned about.

Cole could see that Sal was hiding something as he walked up he was angry but then when he got up to them he smiled and told Kouse hay and asked who this was. Kouse would tell him that he didn't know, and at that cole got the picture sal was trying to buy him time to get Kouse out here. This man was after the sharingan is they only thing cole could think of, and Kouse had a fully mastered one.

After putting the pieces together in his head. Cole would slowly and calmly walk over to stand beside Kouse. He would wait for Sal to make an opening and he would then grab Kouse with a strength of 15 and pick him up after making a hand sign. With the hand sign cole would use the body flicker jutsu to travel as far as he could in they other direction form the man at a speed of 165. He would yell at Sal as he took off that he would return with help when he got Kouse to safety.

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Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)  Empty Re: Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)

Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:49 pm
Draconis was a little annoyed that the other fellow had seen right through his disguise. But how? Well, the other fellow seemed to be talking in some weird language, based on what he said he must have some kind of sensory ability. Hiding With Camoflauge would not work then against this fellow. This fellow’s words though, made Draconis decide that, even if this was not Kozai Yuki, this guy had a death order standing, and should be eliminated. Shoot first, ask questions later, even if there are no guns present.

Draconis was preparing to attack, when he heard the rest of the enemy’s words. Wait… WHAT?!?!?!? He’ll PLAY?!? DEFENSIVELY??!?!?

“YOU MOCK ME!!!!! DIEEE!!!” Draconis’ temper flared, proving this was one of his potentially fatal flaws. At the moment though, Draconis did not care about anything much other than obliterating the enemy in front of him. Activating the Gentle Fist: Abhorrent Amalgamation Aberration technique and the Byakugan in the same moment, dropping his guise, he charged at Kozai, using the Hoho skill to move at full speed instantly. After moving at his boosted speed at the maximum, Draconis would run towards the opponent, changing direction to follow if the opponent moved any direction besides straight backwards. He would reach for kunai while running, grabbing 3 in each hand.

If the others were paying attention, they would notice Draconis was not entirely lucid at this point, and hopefully some of the nearby buildings would be evacuated.
As it was, Draconis' angry bellows had a reasonable chance of getting the nearest bystanders to at least back away cautiously, albeit slowly.

(Speed: 180
Ap: 703-50 (653 remaining)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)  Empty Re: Getting more powerful jutsus (Cole)

Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:55 pm
(interrupting Drac's rather ill planned attack. Entering right before he screams die)

Kasai had sensed a massive cluster of chakra, and by instinct, moved towards it. He had only just arrived back home, and he assumed that this group would mean he would know, or at least recognize some of the people here. 

Approaching the group, Kasai would pause. His mask hanging around his neck, and his robes the colors of fire blowing around him, he rolled a shoulder, adjusting the large scroll on his back, and the katana that now hung at his side. He observed the scene before him, though in his eyes, were pupils would normally be, there were small votexs of fire swirling around. His hair, once orange, but now burned forever black was stuck in a top knot upon his head.

After only a few seconds, he nodded, having recognized everyone here, yes, everyone. The older one however. It had been a very long time since he had met. It was interesting to see him here; he had not seen that one since the day before he was buried under the rubble of Iwa.

He approached the group, actively choosing to ignore the fact that a fight appeared as if it were about to break out. He decided to also keep a 10 meter distance from everyone, noticing that.... Kozai, yes that was his name. Noting he was also doing that. It had been a very long time since Kasai had seen this one. He didn't appear to have changed drastically, but he wondered if he would recognize Kasai. It had been almost a year, and everything about Kasai, even his chakra signature, had changed since then. Except for his mask. That was all that remained of who he used to be. 

"Greetings all," Kasai would start saying, bowing to everyone as he came to a stop. "I would appreciate no bloodshed on this day that the sun shines. I see that it is about to come to such, and on my first day back home, such would be... very disappointing."

He aimed this almost entirely at Draconis, who seemed ready to lose his shit left and right, but also at Kozai, and slightly at Sal.

Kasai, however, seeing this situation, was tensed, his chakra rising, preparing to vanish if need be.
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