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Kyzaba's Genin Exam Empty Kyzaba's Genin Exam

Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:59 pm
This is going to be a piece of cake. The arrogant academy student thought. I've been practicing like mad the past few days. Kyzaba was sure that he would be able to easily complete the tasks required of him in the Genin exam. He remembered seeing other academy students shiver with fear and excitement but he was not like them... he was a prodigy. He was bound to succeed and he shook his head at this thought. A ninja never underestimates his opponents. Kyzaba remembered his father telling him... and so, he shall never do so. Having been waiting for five minutes and getting quite impatient outside the testing room, he watched as another kid exited the room. Now it's my turn. Kyzaba thought... completely calm and confident about the fact that he will most certainly pass this exam with ease. It's only the start of my journey after all. Kyzaba thought. Harder tasks come later on.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Kyzaba's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyzaba's Genin Exam

Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:02 pm
The proctor walked into the room, a small frown on her face despite her attempts to be cheery. The small flowers she had been receiving on her desk had at first simply made her smile, then she had become curious as to their sender and now... well, she wouldn't have to worry about that now, she had work to do.

"Come in," she called out, getting to the next hopeful attempting the exam. "Please come to the front and demonstrate the transformation and clone technique and explain it to the best of your understanding." The redhead smiled kindly at the candidate in case she was nervous about the exams. "Take your time."

(800 words and you're good to go <3)
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Kyzaba's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyzaba's Genin Exam

Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:52 pm
“No thanks.” Kyzaba said with a smile. “This won’t take long… I’ve memorized the details of both jutsus from the guidebook.” And thus, the over-confident boy began his exam. First, he started with transformation jutsu. Simple enough. Kyzaba thought as he began doing the hand signs. “Dog, Boar, Ram.” Kyzaba said with utmost confidence as he made those hand signs like an expert. Immediately, he turned into the inspector and as far as he could tell, there were no mistakes that had been shown so far… and he doesn’t intend to show any mistakes what so however. After doing that, Kyzaba turned back into himself with a gigantic puff of smoke, resulting from the use of the transformation jutsu. Honestly, Kyzaba didn’t understand why the ninjas even had to learn these jutsus since most ninja’s don’t even put them to use. Kyzaba sighed before grinning and rehearsing his memorization of the guide in the guide book of jutsus his father had given him two years ago. Of course, it was outdated but nevertheless, it was quite useful for starting ninjas such as Kyzaba himself. Kyzaba spoke with utmost confidence and absolutely no hesitation. “The transformation technique is a ninjutsu. The jutsu allows the user to transform into whatever image they have in their head… however, this excludes any non-human sized objects.” Kyzaba smiled, thinking that he’d been doing a good job so far. “The jutsu is considered one of the most difficult E-ranked skills… not that E-ranked skills are difficult or anything… because it requires concentration and decent chakra control.” Kyzaba took a deep breath having given an unnecessary speech on a simple jutsu. He took a time to pause, fearing that he was going through the exam way too quick and faster than everyone else. During this pause, he studied the classroom he was located in. Of course, there were three rows of tables with nine tables in total as each table supports a pair of three people that would sit together. Sometimes, there were only two people assigned to each table, such as he. The teacher’s table, which is located in front of him currently and taken by the inspector, was smaller than the student’s table which made a lot of sense. Kyzaba sighed, preparing to continue on with the exam when he noticed papers pasted along the walls. Not that I’ll recognize them… they’re from a different class. Kyzaba thought as he focused on what was next in his exam… the clone jutsu. The clone jutsu was indeed more useful to Kyzaba even though it didn’t actually damage an opponent. He’d heard of a jutsu called the Shadow Clone Jutsu, which does make clones that could deal damage. That would be so much more useful. Kyzaba thought as he spoke, “The clone jutsu’s hand sign is Ram, Snake, Tiger.” After saying so, Kyzaba completed the hand signs and made two great clones… one more than what most academy students were able to do. Piece of cake. Kyzaba thought as he looked around at the eight clones he’s created. Not half bad. He admired himself as another puff of smoke appeared, this time, instead of bringing clones to life, it was to take them away. Kyzaba had done about 5 clone jutsus the day before and of course, he was quite prepared to pass this exam. He was always striving to be the very best… even if it takes a while to get to that stage. Kyzaba sighed in boredom as he started rehearsing the knowledge he learned about clone jutsu. “The clone jutsu is easier than the transformation jutsu, it requires less control and it only creates a copy of one’s body but in some instances like mine, I was able to create two clones and as far as I know, that is one more than what most students can accomplish. Anyway, the clone jutsu is also a ninjutsu similar to the transformation jutsu. It is used solely for the purpose of confusion and not really much other than that given the fact that they lack the ability to attack and deal damage.” Kyzaba sighed… he’d finished and taken quite little time in doing so. People of the village don’t call him a prodigy for no reason and he agrees with their point of view. Having been standing there for about 2-3 minutes, he didn’t want to waste anymore time and instead, he wanted to be in the training fields with a team to train having had the exam be a success. Kyzaba hated wasting time when he could be getting stronger, smarter, faster. Why waste your time taking the exam when you should be admitted automatically? Kyzaba asked himself as he waited for the inspector’s result. Takes a while huh? Kyzaba was getting quite impatient and he had no doubt that he was going to pass the exam. Easy. Kyzaba could use one word to describe the genin exam. He hoped that the future exams would be a lot more challenging than this current exam and he was looking forward to be challenged by the missions and exams later on… However, he had to pass this exam first and so he waited.

WC: 866
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Kyzaba's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kyzaba's Genin Exam

Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:51 am
"Very well done." The proctor praised, moving to an assortment of Konoha headbands laid out to the side. Picking one up, she held it out to the boy. "You are now a Genin of the Leaf, make us all proud." And with that, she patted the young genin and left the room

(Genin rank approved, you get a free spec and 15 stats. <3)
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