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Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Some Much Needed Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Training

Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:32 pm
Mitako nodded to Tatsuo, signalling him to get ready to watch. Of course, this move was fairly useless in actual combat, unless you were really fucking fast or something. But it was a good base move to learn, because it taught the basics of swordsman ship. At least proper swordsmanship and what not. "Watch, and try to repeat." He said in a gruff ninja voice, for some reason, he felt extremely antsy. As if some tournament was being scheduled by Xyxer at this very moment. "We'll hurry this up. Get ready," with that said. Mitako gripped his katana as fast as he possibly could, which would be just within Tatsuo's reaction time, and take a step forward, yanking the sword from its grubby little sheathe in a horizontal slash. This move, was known to most kinjutsu users as the quick draw, which, as said before, was really fucking basic. 

Mitako then, using proper form, sheathed the katana with pinpoint accuracy in under a second. "Do exactly what I just did, muster all the strength and speed you can, for one all out slash. It took a lot of repetition for me to learn it. The hard part is getting the katana back in its sheathe." Mitako looked at his katana, which really, was starting to lose it's value. He might wind up switching to two smaller blades himself, which really, were better. They had more maneuverability. They could still cut shit. They were just plain fucking awesome. 

The more he thought about it, the better the idea seemed. Maybe, he would just carry around like twelve of them, that way he could use them as throwing weapons too. Maybe, just maybe, he could find some way to make them return to him as well. 

[2046 WC
1556 towards lightning blade
490 towards chakra infusion]
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Some Much Needed Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Training

Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:57 pm
Mitako watched on as his teacher used a sort of quick draw technique. The speed with which he drew his katana was fast enough that Tatsuo almost couldn't follow it. Within a split second Mitako had drawn his sword, slashed with it, and then replaced it back into its sheath on his side. It all seemed simple enough but Tatsuo knew there had to be more to it than just that. Mitako said the quick little technique had taken him some practice time before he was unable to fully master and utilize it. This was a good thing though, a technique you could just learn instantly would normally not offer much of a benefit though exceptions to said rule are in place at times. 

Tatsuo took a step back getting just a small amount of distance so he could attempt to perform the previous technique on his own. Gripping the handle of his sword blade tightly for a moment, he yanked on it with everything he could must. Drawing it and slashing it with good speed, though no where near the speed Mitako had shown earlier. Once the slash itself was concluded he quickly tried replacing the sword back in its holster but had to slow down so he didn't slice off his own hand. This was going to take some practice to master, and muscle memory as well before he would be able to perform it with ease. 

He attempted the move a few more times, each time he seemed to be getting the hang of it more and more but even when he finished he was still not on Mitako's level of mastery. It would take some more practice but eventually he would be able to do the technique in a single fast and fluid motion. This technique seemed less of a skill on its own and more a basis for future skills but that still meant it would prove useful. There were many jutsu that on their own weren't really much but when combined with other jutsu became formidable attacks.

(WC: 2344)
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Some Much Needed Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Training

Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:28 pm
Mitako watched his training partner. He had good form, and unlike Mitako, he actually took a second to sheathe his sword. He almost cut his own finger off the first time he tried the technique himself, actually. Nodding, Mitako said, "Good. Now repeat it a couple times. Meet me here tomorrow, I might have something new to teach you as well. I'd fill you in on it today, but it's something I have to master myself first." With that, Mitako went train by himself for a moment. His attempt was to create Shadow Clones. Why? Cause fuck the chuunin exam that was about to take place. Nah, for real he needed them for a technique he had heard about. 

His attempt, was at first a semi tangible clone, that had the consistency of jello. Like, it was solid enough. Which was cool and all. But it really couldn't do anything on it's own. Besides, it was all wobbly, and kinda like liquid. Sighing, he gave up for now. He figured the only way he would be able to achieve this was by putting himself in a situation where it was life or death. Or... maybe, if helped some fishermen fix their boats. That might teach him how to use it. Anywho, he turned to Tatsuo, "I'm sorry for cutting this short, but I must go. Meet me here tomorrow." Did he just say meet me here tomorrow twice? He did. Ignore his ignorance. 

[243 words towards shadow clone
1556 towards lightning blade
490 towards chakra infusion
2289 total WC
11 stats
Let's make another topic tomorrow, I'm gonna go spam missions and get enough ryo to buy two vibroblades/ninjato or something. And I'll have more skills to teach you XD]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Some Much Needed Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Training

Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:33 pm
Total word count, sweetie. <3
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Some Much Needed Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Training

Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:34 pm
"490 towards chakra infusion
2289 total WC
11 stats
Let's make another topic tomorrow, I'm"

It was there XD it was kinda in the middle tho, my bad. 
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Some Much Needed Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Training

Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:36 pm
Whoops sorry, approved. <3
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Some Much Needed Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Training

Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:11 am
He kept practicing the little quick draw sword play technique a few more times before Mitako stated that he had to get going but that they could train again tomorrow. Tatsuo held no quarrel that their session had to end earlier than he expected because he knew how busy the life of a shinobi can be at times and how each person has their own agenda to attend to. He simply nodded as Mitako left, leaving Tatsuo to train for just a little while longer on his own. After Mitako had left, Tatsuo kept attempting the quick draw now on his own. Gripping the handle of his sword tightly and yanking on it with everything he had both in terms of strength and speed in order to swing it with the speed required to make the technique perform the way it was supposed to. After about a few minutes of continued practice he decided he had finally brought the jutsu up to par where he needed it to be.

After he decided he had finished the quick draw technique to the best of his ability, he decided to continue practicing his chakra infusion skill a little bit as well. Once again gripping the handle of his sword as he closed his eyes and begin to focus steadily on funneling his chakra into the blade using the tenketsu in his hand. After a moment or two he opened his eyes only to see the blade glowing a faint blue as his chakra steadily flowed through the steel blade of his katana. "Looks like i'm slowly but surely getting the hang of this skill as well." He thought to himself as he stopped focusing his chakra and the sword returned to its normal state. Both of the skills he learned today seemed to be based off of other skills. He figured that on their own they didn't offer much but if used in conjunction with other jutsu and techniques, could prove to be very viable additions to his arsenal.

After finishing his jutsu training, he decided to do a bit of physical training as well, jutsu strength was just as much about physical energy as it was chakra so he would ultimately need both in order to grow stronger. He did a few laps around the monument just for grins then moved on to basic push ups and sit ups, nothing too fancy. After he finished that he practiced some sword moves with his blade drawn, slashing at the air in a variety of directions. Every now and again he would sneak in the quick draw technique to add variety to his combos just because he needed something more than just basic sword attacks if he was to pit himself against other equally or even better equipped shinobi. His recent missions and adventures had seem him pitted against bandits, thieves and over all weaker shinobi than himself, however he knew this luxury would not last and eventually he would be pitted aginst those with much higher strength that his own.

After he had finished a little bit of physical training and actually started to feel fatigued he deciding he had done enough training today he began to walk back towards the main area of the village. Along the way he couldn't help but feel like something serious was going to happen in the near future. He knew not what this event would be nor exactly when it would only that he could feel it in his soul that it was going to happen, eventually. He had heard rumors around the village about a possible upcoming chunin exam, a bloody one. Of course this was no surprise as it wasn't called the blood mist village for nothing now was it? He simply hoped he would be ready to face the challenge when it arose, no matter what he had to do to prepare he was determined to do what it took so that he could progress. Realizing he had spaced out when he found himself suddenly back in the village he grew frustrated with himself. "I really need to stop getting so lost in my own thoughts..."


Total WC: 3038

Chakra infusion (2000/2000) learned
Quick-Draw (1000/1000) Learned (1/2 WC due to training with Mitako)
15 stats
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Some Much Needed Training - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Training

Fri Jul 31, 2015 2:16 am
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