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Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin)

Sat Aug 08, 2015 8:33 pm
Just as Kisuke took a seat on the grass blotched ground, he herd the voice of Kotsuzui behind him. Remaining seated, the red haired Uchiha would glance over his left shoulder. "Jin is missing." He though to himself. "Maybe Kotsuzui hurried over here to try and kick my ass faster." Remaining seated with his legs crossed, Kisuke would place both hands onto his knees as he turned back to face forward. Pushing down on his knees to stretch his groin, Kisuke would say "You got here fast. Eager for a bruising." Both inhaling and exhaling from his cigarette without ever taking it out of his mouth, Kisuke slightly chuckle and reply "We dont have anything to worry about." in response to the Kaguya's comment about smoking and consuming. "The medic-nins of today can remove any cancer in me and cure your failing liver in a couple of minutes. Your pretty stupid if you havent realized that yet."

"Chicken shit." Kisuke mumbled to himself with a slight chuckle, not loud enough for Kotsuzui to make out what he said. Stirring from his seated position, Kisuke said "You kiss your mother with that dirt mouth?" Kisuke said while half rolling over onto one side and pushing himself up onto his knees. Slapping the back of his thighs to wipe the dirt off of his black pants, Kisuke would secretly reach behind his leather jacket and into the weapon pouch strapped to the back of his waist. "You shouldnt talk like that to someone whos about to kick your ass!" Kisuke put emphasis on that last word as he swung his hand out of his weapon pouch, unexpectedly launching two kunais towards Kotsuzui. Both kunai flew towards the Kaguya's bare naked feet, each kunai heading towards a single foot. Kisuke would dash forward to continue the beginning of his assault.

Once a few feet in front of Kotsuzui, whether he got hit by the Kunai or not Kisuke would swiftly perform the Ram, Snake and Tiger seals activating Clone Technique. Two clouds of white smoke would erupt in front of Kotsuzui, separating the Uchiha from the Kaguya. Kisuke's intention was the blind Kotsuzui with the white smoke. Using this as a distraction, Kisuke would shoulder his way through the two clones, through the smoke and into Kotsuzui with his right shoulder.


ooc: got permission from Jin to skip his turn
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Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:48 am
Jin opened the door to his (Auntie Mai's) tiny apartment and walked in, closing it behind him. Mai was at work, but he didn't know if his sister was in. As the blonde haired young man made his way to his room, he heard Tsunade's familiar voice ask from her room, "Hey, Jin, that you? How did the meeting with your team go!?" she asked enthusiastically, appearing at the entrance of her room after she had finished speaking, and leaned on her door frame for support. Jin looked at her, stopping to answer, "Hard to say, actually, I'm not sure. They're both pretty eccentric, but I think their good guys underneath all the bull shit." Tsunade seemed to contemplate what her fraternal twin brother said, swishing the words around in her head like a connoisseur swishes wine around in their mouth. "Interesting. What about your team leader?" she inquired, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "We didn't get to meet him or her, there was nothing in the letter so we ended up leaving. They want to spar in the training grounds, my teammates, that is. I just came by to pick up my sword." Jin informed Tsunade. "The practice one, you mean?" she asked him, a hint of concern furrowing her brow ever so slightly. "Obviously, I'm not going to slice up my own teammates." Jin replied, giving her an 'are you serious' type of look. She smirked at him and disappeared back into her room while wishing him a good time.
Finally entering his room, Jin shot a glance at the ancient katana up on his wall and playfully entertained the thought of using a the jagged blade on Kisuke. Not fatally wounding or maiming him, maybe just taking a pinky off or giving him a bad hair cut. He chuckled to himself and picked up the wooden practice katana on his bed instead. Something caught his eye and he turned to look at his night table. The letter he had received to let him know where and who to meet today seemed to have a double corner, as if it were two pages stuck together and they were just now coming apart at that corner.
He picked the letter up and brought it closer for inspection. It most certainly was two pages stuck together. "Are you kidding me..." Jin muttered, thrusting his practice weapon into his belt. Using both hands, the young Yamanaka slowly split the sheets of paper apart, doing it so carefully you'd think he was defusing a bomb. Jin threw away the first page that he had already read, and began inspecting the second one with his icy blue eyes. "Great..." he sighed after reading its contents. The second page stated that their sensei to be would actually be meeting them at the very lounge they just left, but she was going to be a little late due to a prior engagement. Jin folded up the piece of paper and put it in his back pocket before walking over to his window, opening it, and diving out headfirst, arms spread out like a swan.

Jin sprinted all the way to the training grounds where he and his teammates had decided to meet. By the time he got there, he was drenched in sweat and panting heavily. The Kaguya and Uchiha were already locked in a battle, so he wondered if they would notice him. "Guys... our sensei... waiting... lounge..." Jin panted, and hoped they understood what he was trying to say because it took a lot of effort out of him between heavy breaths. He pulled out the wooden sword and used it as a cane while wiping the sweat from his brow with the other arm. "We gotta go back..." he added, slowly regaining his composure under the hot summer sun.      

Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:48 pm
"With an attitude like that, I'm not so sure they'd be willing to heal you" Kotsuzui replied to Kisuke's remark. "I sure as hell won't" as Kotsuzui intended on learning the ways of the medic nins. The Uchiha got up to his feet after getting rid of whatever dirt he had on his clothing, and then brought his mother into the conversation with a question, clearly trying to get at Kotsuzui as he has so often done to others. Kotsuzui smirked slightly as he answered "of course, who do you think taught me?". Kisuke went on to instigate the young Kaguya member yet again at the same time as he threw a couple of kunais towards him. "Sneaky bastard" Kotsuzui thought to himself as he noticed the direction of the weapons heading right for his feet. Kotsuzui only had to lightly hop backwards a few centimeters off of the ground to dodge the petty attack.
"Don't forget who's the newbie here, you're going to have to try harder than that!" Kotsuzui roared as he spotted the Uchiha running at him. Maybe the kunais were just used to distract him Kotsuzui thought, but they were probably just used to see how quick the Kaguya really was for Kisuke's next move involved a distraction. The Uchiha performed the seals for the clone jutsu which created two clouds of smoking obscuring  Kotsuzui's view of the Uchiha. But it also blocked Kisuke's vision on the Kaguya. Knowing an attempt to strike Kotsuzui was bound to follow, he performed his own set of seals behind the smoke screen just created. Kisuke came flying out of the smoke shoulder diving right into Kotsuzui as he was knocked off of his feet and onto his ass. Moments before making contact with the ground, Kotsuzui was engulfed by a puff of smoke as one of the kunai's Kisuke had thrown just moments ago bounced off of the ground a few times.
"Surprise!" Kotsuzui yelled from behind the Uchiha just as he would have been caught by surprise to see his kunai coming out of the smoke. Both of Kotsuzui's bare feet would collide dead center on Kisuke's back as he attempted to drop kick the Uchiha. Using his arms to brace the fall, whether it hit or not Kotsuzui rapidly rolled swinging his feet and pushing himself back to an upright stance. Before he could even make his next move, his ear twitched the sound of Jin's voice mentioning something about a sensei. Kotsuzui glanced over to Jin with an expression of confusion. Still keeping his whereabouts on Kisuke in case he tried attacking while Kotsuzui was not paying attention, the Kaguya would proceed to speak to the Yamanaka.
"You just run a marathon we didn't know about?" Kotsuzui asked sarcastically. Kotsuzui clearly heard Jin say they had to go back, and having mentioned a sensei, it was pretty obvious why Jin wanted them to go back. He must have seen, heard or just found something out that his other two teammates were unaware of and it had to do with their sensei. "So we have to go back to the lounge if we want to meet out sensei? Looks like your beat down will have to come on a later occasion" as he glanced over to the Uchiha. "What a shame, this had all the ingredients to be a fun day" as he turned and made his way to Jin. He walked by him asking "where are you getting this information from?" as he headed in the direction of the lounge not stopping beside the Yamanaka. Instead he continued hoping the Yamanaka would follow while giving his explanation. This time Kotsuzui was planning on arriving as a team, the three of them together. it would have a first good impression instead of all three of them showing up at different times.

828 words into Leaf Whirlwind
1000 words for Dynamic Entry
1000 words for Taijutsu Style Shunshin
494 words into Leaf Gale
3 speed
5 stamina
8 strength
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:17 pm
Kisuke was pleased when his shoulder made contact with the Kaguya. Colliding right into Kotsuzui's torso, Kisuke came to a sliding halt as he watched his opponent fall backwards. "Shit." Kisuke mumbled to himself with his cigarette still dangling off the edge of his lips as he watched Kotsuzui explode into a puff of smoke, knowing instantly that he had replaced himself. It was clear once Kisuke saw one of his kunais bouncing off of the ground. "He must have used my smoke screen." The Uchiha though to himself we suddenly Kotsuzui's annoying voice roared behind him. Knowing an imminent attack was coming but not knowing what, Kisuke was forced to take extreme evasive manoeuvres. Ducking down as low as possible, the young Uchiha dove to the left. Upon his left shoulder making contact with the ground Kisuke would perform a roll, completely his successful dodge.

Still in a crouched position, Kisuke turned to see Kotsuzui soaring through the air with both legs out stretched. Slowly standing up strait as the Kaguya got back onto his feet as well, Kisuke mumbled "Well that was an ambitious move." Getting ready to continued his assault, Kisuke stopped and glanced over to Jin when he finally arrived. Now standing up fully strait, he watched as his ally tried explaining some new revelation in between breaths. Pulling his cigarette out of his mask, Kisuke stated "Guess he found our sensei." Glaring towards the Kaguya, Kisuke shrugged and said "Be happy Kaguya, things wouldnt have ended nicely for you." Slowly walking over to both his allies, Kisuke halted beside Jin. Looking down at his choice of weapon, the Uchiha asked "You seriously brought a wooden sword." Sticking the cigarette back into his mouth and strolling forward he mumbled "I hope you get a real one soon."

2000 words for earth affinity
500 words for rock cane
1000 words Moving Earth Core
17 stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin)

Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:19 pm
Approved @ Kaguya & Kisuke <3
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Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin)

Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:21 pm
"Yeah, I sprinted all the way here from my apartment, it's like a fifteen kilometer trip, give or take." Jin replied when the Kaguya asked him why he was so out of breath. The young, blonde haired Yamanaka then turned to look at their Uchiha teammate after Kotsuzui said he would beat up Kisuke another time. As the Uchiha boy approached he threw some trash talk of his own back the Kotsuzui, and then some more at the innocent Jin. Kisuke pointed out that Jin had brought a wooden sword to what would have been a semi serious fight, and suggested that the Yamanaka get a 'real' weapon soon.
"Don't think you'd be making wise cracks if I wacked you over the head with this a couple of times." Jin said with a smirk as the three began walking together in the same direction, "Besides, why would I use a real sword? One mistake and some could get seriously hurt for nothing."
Now addressing Kotsuzui, Jin went on, "Oh don't worry, we'll have plenty more opportunities to beat each other up, but we really shouldn't be late meeting our sensei for the first time... even though she technically showed up late first... Anyway, when I went home to pick up my practice sword, I noticed there was another paper stuck to the letter they sent us. Come to think of it, I wonder if it was done on purpose. Why else would it happen to all three of us? Maybe they were testing our observation skills, you know? If that's the case, I think we all failed." he rambled, wondering if either of the two were still listening. One was so drunk all his attention was probably on walking in a straight line, and the other probably didn't give two shits what Jin was saying.


2000 words to switch specialty from Kenjutsu --> Ninjutsu
1713 applied towards learning Mind Body Disturbance Technique
+8 Chakra
+10 Speed
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Band of Brothers (Kotsuzui, Jin)

Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:48 am

Approved <3
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