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Yuki's Private Dojo Empty Yuki's Private Dojo

Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:40 pm
(Posting this on behalf of Yukimura Uchiha due to his posting limit)

Learning: Substitution Technique
Jutsu Details:

Learning: Body Flicker
Jutsu Details:

Total WC needed: 1500

Yuki had enough of all the loud kids in class.  He was trying to concentrate on his studies but he couldn't hear himself think.  He promply closed his book and scoffed off outside the class.  He flung the door open, hurrying as if there was a fire of some sort.  As the door shut behind him, so did the wild noises of a bunch of rambuncious kids.  Yuki's spirits slightly lifted as if a heavy burden was lifted from his shoulders.  He began walking down the long stretch of halway, searching for silence. 
Finally, after a few minutes of navigating down the hallway, he found an empty dojo.  This room was probably meant for teachers to teach the students of the academy.  Yuki liked being his own teacher.  He enjoyed the theme of the room; it was a deep jade color with trees planted in various pots that touched the ceiling.  It was as if someone had made this room just for him, or had a fondness of the forest.  He appreciated that sentiment.  

He promptly closed the door behind him, locking it so no one could intrude his 'me' time.  He always hated distractions and this was one of those times he needed not for it.  
He pulled up a wooden chair, thinking how much he needed one of those in his tree house in the forest.  He sat down and opened his new book called Jutsu Encyclopedia.  He cracked open the pages to the table of contents and thumbed over the section called, 'Everything for an Academy Student' section.  
"Perfect," he said in response to finding the page.  He chuckled that it was convienently on the first page of the book, the E-ranked jutsu section.  He simply turned one page and a jutsu called out to him; 'Substitution Technique' it was called.  

Yuki read the whole jutsu carefully, making sure he wouldn't mess up a single detail.  He knew from watching those care free children down the hall that a single slip up could ruin the whole jutsu or create a different, unwanted one.  

The hand signs took a moment for Yuki to get the hang of: Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake.  He did these hand signs at ungodly awfully slow speed.  He struggled to try and do them faster but he hadn't had the energy to go faster.  He cursed his small stature as he did the tiger then boar a few seconds later.  He laughed as he started to sweat from the lack of speed it took to do the last three hand signs.  
He repeated this process for several minutes without expelling jutsu, just to get the hang of the order and to memorize them.  

Finally, after what seemed like hours, but was actually a few minutes, he decided it was time to try it out.  
"Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake," he said out loud as he thought of what to put in his place. 

He knocked himself into the wall nearby and suddenly he found that himself and the wooden chair had switch places almost instantly.  He smiled in approval as he did the tiger symbol, eager to try the jutsu again.  

For several hours without breaking a sweat, Yuki was easily and flawlessly doing the substitution technique throughout the jade colored dojo.  He was running directly towards the wall, jesturing the appropriate hand seals.  Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake were the hand symbols he had done while charging the wall head first.  Just as it seemed like he had slammed into the wall, a puff of smoke appeared instead and a chair slammed into the wall with great force.  It hung in the air for a brief moment before slamming onto the ground, tumbling a few feet away from the wall.  Yuki was on the floor even further behind the chair, giggling in delight at his success.  

Yuki finally felt confident enough that he had successfully learned the jutsu.  He stretched his arms and legs, preparing to wind down.  He strangely didn't feel tired at all. 
"Maybe I should see if I could learn something else while I'm still here," he thought out loud to himself since no one was around to hear him.  He reached in his pocket to pull out the book he learned this last jutsu from when it had fallen on the ground.  He sucked his teeth, disgusted with his clumsiness as he bent down to pick it up.  He picked up the book, which had landed face down, bending the newly crisp pages.  A frown came over his face as he turned the book over, seeing bend marks all over the place,
"Looks like I got this a year ago," he sighed.  

He briefly looked at the page it was open to; it was a D-rank jutsu called Body Flicker.  He stared at the page intently, noticing the major detail that it could make him faster!  
"I am as slow as a turtle.  Maybe this might make me slightly more formidable!"  He said to himself in excitement.  He needed to go out running anyway.  This jutsu might give him an edge on the other students.  It even might impress the teachers if he was ever going to take an exam!  
"I can't pass this up," he said as he read the details of the jutsu, "It requires only one hand seal.  How hard can it be?"

Yuki decided he was going to put his money where his mouth was and try it out.  He did the one seal that it required, Ram, and channeled all his chakra.  He started to feel light as a feather after a moment or two.  He had the urge to try it out so he started to jog.  This jog looked like a full on sprint to Yuki, but he was just running at a speed of 10, which shooked him.  He 'jogged' in circles around the parameter of the dojo.  He felt as if he was going to slam into the plants which stood at the corners of the room.  He noticed that he swiftly dodged every single one with ease as he held the ram seal and the jutsu.  He let go of the seal, smiling that this was a cake walk for him.

Just for fun, he decided he was going to set up an obstacle course of various chairs and desks for him to weave in and out of.  He set it up so he would have to do several laps, alternating from the front to the back and vice versa.  The obstacles required him to slide, jump, side step and vault over in quick succession.  
Yuki stepped to the front of the room, lining himself to the back of the wall.  He held out the ram hand symbol, once again channeling chakra throughout his body.  

He darted around the room at a speed of 15 this time.  His first obstacle forced him to vault over a row of two desks, which he did with ease.  Next, he had to side step the pile of chairs and go around them.  He did so with a slight side spin, becoming a blur as he moved at great speed.  His reaction time jumped to new heights as well;  he instinctively slid under a long table he set up and rolled to the side of a potted tree he had put a few feet in front of it.  He slightly tapped the tree, knocking it over.  Before the tree hit the ground, Yuki tumbled in front of it, catching the tree before it hit the ground and broke.  

He dispelled the jutsu while holding onto the tree, struggling with all his might as he held a grip on it.  He began to curse his strength now as well, his scrawny arms barely was able to hold the tree for a moment or two.  He began to sweat as he gently put down the tree, his grip was beginning to fail him.  After setting down the tree, Yuki got up and wiped the sweat off his brow.  He noticed that THAT was the first time he broke a sweat.  
"Out of all things, a tree makes me tired," he chuckled to himself, cursing the tree with ragged breath.  He plopped himself down on a random wooden chair as he tried to catch his breath, massaging his wrists from the ache of holding the tree.  He felt weak but he knew it was just because he was a child in the academy.  

He knew there was a lot more he was going to do in order to become stronger.  Even if he was an academy student, he was going to teach himself all he could before going out to the real world of the ninja world.  

Someone knocked on the door, jiggling the handle.  Yuki's face was covered in shock as he reached down to pick up his book.  He noticed it wasn't in front of him and all the way on the other side of the room.  In a quickened panic, he did the ram hand sign as he stood up.  He began to run at 21 speed to the other side of the room.  He jumped and dodged everything he had placed in the room.  His heart beat every time he heard the knock.  He rolled over the first obstacle, landing with his feet gracefully touching the ground as a blur behind him caught up with him.  He rolled across the remainder of the room and grabbed the lone book on the floor.  
He tried his best to hide behind something, hoping the person who knocked would leave.  
After a few more minutes of knocking, the unwanted visitors promptly left without saying a word through the dojo door.  Yuki gripped his book in fear that the person was going to come back.  

TWC: 1640 

Learned Body Flicker and Substitution Technique
+8 stats
saving remaining 140 WC for something else...
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Yuki's Private Dojo Empty Re: Yuki's Private Dojo

Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:45 am
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