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The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For - Page 2 Empty Re: The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For

Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:27 pm
Xyxer noticed something queer unfold before his eyes.. the male had just.. changed.. A new form entirely, a new.. power. Power was something that was supposed to have been granted to him, but Denkiteki had harnessed a power in itself, one that.. The temperature had suddenly became excessive and he felt the smoldering heat that radiated from the new form of Denkiteki, the demon. A chakra arm had erupted from the elbow of Denkiteki that Xyxer could barely keep his eyes on, but it was thankful that at the same time of the emergence of the arm, the gauntlet of the armour would instantly release an explosion, as Xyxer barely caught the chakra arm emerging from the body of Denkiteki, and as it was greatly unlikely that the male would be using a friendly jutsu considering the great heat. The explosion would roar throughout the torso of Denkiteki, throwing him brutally to the ground before the chakra arm got close to Xyxer with the shockwave itself carrying itself through the males heart to destroy it as well as a small portion of his body.. However.. Xyxer felt something strange. The smoking hot boiling of his gauntlet on the close proximity it had had to Denkiteki.. it had been roughly half a meter above him, but enough for the explosion to travel a restrained half a metre by a half metre towards the heart of Denkiteki. He had regenerated half of his body being lopped off, what could possibly stop a move such as this? Regardless, Xyxer would now fly backwards, landing approximately 20 metres away from where Denkiteki would be at the time unless extreme circumstances were shown once more.

-20 Flying
-3 EMS
Gauntlet explosions on CD for 2 posts
Moving at 145 Speed
Explosion Str = 145+60/2 = 102

1141 - 46 AP including last post

1095 AP left
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For - Page 2 Empty Re: The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For

Fri Dec 12, 2014 4:10 pm
As all four of...himself appeared in the plains for obvious reasons being that Xyxer was a psychopath and needed to feel your presence coming from at least two kilometers away or the world would blow up. He decided walking up to the gates would be a good idea as it also gave him some time to train his shared vision ability so that he wasn't fumbling for his eyes and trying to find out how to use it effectively during an actual fight. Just as he, himself, I, and the clone appeared into existence they were all ten meters away from both of the combatants standing at a standstill. One was Xyxer as he could tell from the chakra and the other...well who the fuck was that...or what was it should be a better question.

"Xyxer...what the that....and why is your arm almost boiled off.."
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For - Page 2 Empty Re: The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For

Sat Dec 13, 2014 10:29 am
The Gobi had tried to ignore the arm Xyxer was attempting to hit Den’s body with, but she was no longer able to once the explosion began to fire forth from it. The blast was fast, but the Gobi could track it easily in this form, even at only half a meter away. Chakra focused itself around Den’s chest before the blast  slammed into it and smashed Den’s body into the ground. The Gobi let out a cry of rage and pain as she hit the dirt.

The Gobi quickly rolled over onto Den’s hands and feet, a growl escaping the beats lips as she turned to face Xyxer again. There was no mark on the chest of the beast a sit let out a roar towards Xyxer. Lifting up Den’s left arm, The Gobi made a swipe at Xyxer, extending her reach by growing a chakra arm from the end of Den’s hand, it was roughly a meter in diameter and the hand was large enough to hold Xyxer’s entire body. The swipe was left to right, and moved at a speed of 224.

The Gobi wasn’t sure if she should charge this Kiri ninja, he had that strange explosion ability that could still damage Den’s body, the Gobi could not simply keep blocking the attack in the same way she had been.

-40 from Power of the White Dragon
-10 from V2 cloak
-40 from Yin Wound Healing Destruction (due to scaling had a power of 101)
-1 sharingan

658 AP left (Den)
28 left (Gobi)
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The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For - Page 2 Empty Re: The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For

Sat Dec 13, 2014 10:47 am
Xyxer heard a voice off to the side as the explosion tore into the bijuu's defense, it was of Youka's voice but the male currently did not have time to engage in boring chatter. This was his kill. Having been moving backwards in the air he spoke briefly, "I'd love to gossip, Youka, but I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment. Leave me to execute this beast." As he spoke, another chakra arm roared from the cloak and towards Xyxer whom had been moving backwards regardless the arm seemed to suddenly come towards him when he had landed, now being 20 metres away when the beast decided to pull off this crazy stuff. This was fun. This was thrilling.. A fight where he had had to actually plan to win, and here Youka was, attempting to steal the fun or at least end it. Backpedalling again as he did not know the range of the ability of this jutsu, but he did know one thing for certain.. It was extremely fast. In fact, it seemed to be gaining more speed.. How ever so frightful. Xyxer may end up having to kill the poor creature, using his strongest jutsu.. Perhaps there was time yet to still play with it. Continuing his back pedalling unless another circumstance was presented on the smooth terrain, he did not trip and would reach 37 metres from the male currently unscathed if all was to go well and Denkiteki was not to move, but of course, what was the chance of that happening? In this position, he continued to move backwards and figure out a plan, twirling the sentient sword in his hand almost as if it would give him an idea.. Playing with Jinchurikis was ever so fun.

-3 AP

145 speed
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For - Page 2 Empty Re: The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For

Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:59 am
Looking on in sheer amazement at the beast that Xyxer was fighting the Demon couldn't help but want it for his own. His senses were going all over the place as he tried to diagnose exactly what it was. This being the first time seeing a jinchuriki he thought it was nothing but a being made from pure chakra. If that was true it meant he could absorb it and study the power that swelled in him for what it was and gain answers. Not listening anymore to what Xyxer was saying he gave the mental command for Akuoy to begin activating the suits speed mode before performing the seals needed to blink to the beasts location.

At this point they would be touching backs while the Demon placed both his hands forward activating the bubble that formed around him just one second before vanishing and appearing two meters to the right of the beast. Once they appeared Akuoy felt his chakra plummet to almost nothing as it transferred to the original host body increasing it's own reservoir drastically. If this all happened successfully the Demon would begin absorbing most if not all of the beast in one go. He didn't think his presence had been noted by the beast yet so hopefully he didn't have to employ anything else.

As this happened the other two bodies simply stood still in the distance watching just in case another attack happened they would see it from all angles.

Chakra=244 to absorb cloak.
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The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For - Page 2 Empty Re: The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For

Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:51 pm
Letting out a groan when the chakra cloak was dissipated from the body of Denkiteki as if it was nothing, Xyxer spoke plainly, "Youka you stupid bastard, did my severing of your body turn you deaf? I said don't interfere." Kicking the dirt with a childish pout, he turned around and walked towards the village gates, speaking out to Denkiteki should he stop staring into thin air, "I'll kill you at a better time where nobody can save you, cur." And with that, he would move towards where Takeo would be, entering an inter-thread thingy majig!
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For - Page 2 Empty Re: The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For

Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:13 am
(Posting for Den as he said I could.)

The Demon and his other stood motionless without turning to listen to Xyxers rant but all the same were looking at the man still through the shared rinnegan vision. The absorption had worked just as he wanted it and while he didn't receive any benefit from it he found out that there was a man under the cloak.

"I understand your need for battle, but we are on a timeline and only two villages remain. One of which you said you were taking care of. I would like to be done with this as soon as possible."

With Xyer walking off and the man the Demon didn't know regaining his sanity after losing whatever controlled him he wondered why they had been fighting in the first place. At this point he didn't care if anyone else knew about the destruction happening, it's not like it could be stopped, so speaking plainly even in front of others was within his grasp.

"Hurry back please, I will bring us in to the village in the blink of an eye."

With that he waited for the man to come back, while also keeping all four sets of his eyes on the new male as he tried to figure out what exactly he was.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For - Page 2 Empty Re: The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For

Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:22 pm
(Posting for Xy as he said I could.)

Naoki would follow the man out the gates and into the plains with Rakka taking care of the younglings for him in the village. As they were slowly approaching where Den and the other guy were, Naoki couldn't help but notice the silent curses muttered by the one who he followed. These guys seemed quite hardcore and not as forgiving or easy going as the Uchiha, he wondered what they were up to and what was their plan with Amegakure. Hopefully he would find it out soon enough.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For - Page 2 Empty Re: The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For

Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:54 pm
hmm it seemed that Xyxer had went to collect another man for this task at hand. Guess you could never be too cautious for what was to come. Looking at everyone and motioning for his paths to come by his side he would look at everyone before nodding.

"I don't know any of you besides Xyxer, but I assume if you are here with him that you might know of what we are doing. If you don't want to be a part of the new world then you will have a moment of time to step out of the way once I begin moving us all."

With his words complete he would motion to his other half to begin the transporting jutsu enveloping everyone around him in a dark blue chakra before they all dispersed towards Maku whom he had marked a long time ago.

(Exit with errr everyone lol to Ame)
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For - Page 2 Empty Re: The Battle Den Couldn't Think of an Epic Title For

Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:36 pm
There would be two people here, other than Den and the one named Xyxer, who brought him here. Naoki would listen to one of them speak. His explanation of what they planned to do seemed lacking, but they were all very powerful, he gathered that much already, and if there were plans to change the world, then he would better know about those and take part in some form, or risk being left behind, waiting until the fight came to him. That would not be wise.

So, he would remained and get to see the other guy make a handseal. A sphere of chakra would envelop them and pull them into the dark. As it happened, the Uchiha would realize - damn, this guy was using Naoki's own technique!

[Exit, following Youka
+128 w. of SA bonding]
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