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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:04 pm
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:31 pm
Jason got hit by the punch as expected.  Jason hit the ground with a thud, and instead of being angry, he was smiling. Jason got up slowly, and dissipated the lightning clone. Jason smiled and sat down. "i think i get fighting now, Haru. "i believe i now know what to do, and not to do in a real fight. i need to be cautious and careful. i shouldn't throw out a powerful attack in one go. instead, i should throw out weak attacks in a consecutive row until i reach a combo." Jason took a breath and continued, but he waited until Haru would speak. it didn't seem that he would, so Jason continued. "i should think strategically and use each and every jutsu when i have to and in the right moment." Jason stated. Jason smiled as he cracked his neck, and had rested enough. Jason then did the handseals for the chidori and grinned as he held it up. "ready for round 2?" Jason asked with a glee.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:48 pm
A smile crossed Haru’s face as understanding dawned on Jason. He was starting to understand that he couldn’t throw everything into one blow. Still, he seemed to think that weaker attacks were superior.

”Now hold on, Jason. It’s not about getting in as many hits as possible. It’s about leverage. You need to fight for an advantage, not for strikes.” He said, placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. ”Time your strikes, and don’t sacrifice your footing for a powerful attack. A fast opponent can easily take advantage of that.” He advised, taking up a fighting stance again. ”Alright, kid, let’s go.” He said, beckoning for the boy to come forward.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:04 pm
Jason grinned and prepared to run with the chidori. as he ran towards Haru, he prepared to swing the chidori at Haru's chest. if it was blocked, which was kind of what Jason wanted to happen, then Jason would, as fast as he could, block with his arms tucked close to his chest. Jason had seen that using a lightning clone, would only make his armor electrified and that wasn't a good idea. if the chidori was blocked, and it didn't do anything, then again, Jason would block by tucking his arms into his chest while raising a fist to block or parry any attack aimed at his face while having an arm at his chest to parry any attack at his chest. if Jason would get attacked and if he could parry them, then Jason would jump backwards 5 meters and make hand seals for a lightning clone and the lightning clone stayed close to Jason. Jason would then wait for Haru to attack. if he did, then Jason would make the lightning clone quickly go behind Haru and grab him in a full nelson, and then "exploding", which would make it send electricity all over Haru's body. if that didn't happen, then Jason would be prepared for anything that Haru would do.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:41 am
Haru would take on a defensive stance as Jason began running towards him, activating his chidori. Haru would pound a fist into his palm in anticipation, before drawing the fist away, forming a Lion’s fist in that hand, and charging forward to meet Jason. The lion on his fist would meet the chidori, blocking the attack. With his other hand, which now also had a lion’s fist, Haru would step forward, striking at Jason’s stomach. In case Jason couldn’t block, Haru would aim at a non vital area, that way he could heal up any accidental damage. The attack would be blocked with Jason’s arm, the lion biting a chunk out of his arm in the process.

”Ouch…” Haru would mutter, flinching slightly. Jason jumped back, creating another lightning clone. Pounding the lion’s fists together, Haru would begin sprinting towards Jason. He was getting into in now. Using the Lion’s fist always sent Haru into a sort of fury. He would charge directly for Jason, ignoring the clone. Feigning a strike at Jason’s chest with the lion’s fist, Haru would then drop down, aiming a kick at his chest, which would launch him into the air, out of the fight. If he was successful, he would stand up, swatting at the clone with his left hand, striking it with a lion’s fist, before jumping up into the air, at Jason. He would appear above Jason, fist held back, before striking the boy in the stomach, sending him crashing into the ground. He would make sure the lion didn’t bite, this time.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:18 am
using his speed of 65, Jason would, if he could, throw a kick towards Haru's face as he was squatting down, readying himself to launch Jason up in the air. if the attack hit, then Jason would use the momentum to jump backwards and take out a kunai and ready himself for any potential attack that would be thrown against him. if the kick didn't hit, and Jason would get sent to the air, then there was nothing Jason could do as he was being struck by the lion head. however, if Jason was sent through the air and if he was fast enough, then Jason would hopefully counter Haru's attack by throwing a spinning backhand at Haru's face. if none of his attacks would hit, then Jason would get hit by the lion and be sent crashing down to the ground. this was gonna be a painful experience for him.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:10 am
Unfortunately, Jason had aimed his kick at Haru's face, whilst Haru had aimed his kick at the boy's chest. It would take longer for his foot to reach his target, and thus, Jason would be unable to hit Haru in time to stop the kick. Indeed, even if the attack did hit, Haru's attack would still go through, launching Jason up into the air. As Haru jumped up after him, Jason would spin, using a backfist attack. As Haru's arm was currently ahead of his face, he wouldn't have time to block the sudden movement, causing him to be struck in the face by Jason's attack. However, Haru would twist in the air, using the spinning momenum given to him by the punch to his advantage, spinning and aiming a kick at the back of the boy's head.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:20 pm
Jason got hit by Haru's fist and was sent rocketing down to the ground and hit it with a loud thud. Jason lied there and strangely smiled. it was strange. he was in pain, but he was still smiling. Jason got up slowly and could feel his entire body aching, but it was a part of training, he told himself. Jason couldn't move due to the intense pain, so he sat down and rested. Jason sat there and waited until his aching body would stop, though that wouldn't be until several hours later. As Jason sat and rested, Jason saw Haru come down. Jason had hoped that he wouldn't be attacked.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:06 pm
Haru gave a sigh as he landed and saw Jason resting. The lion's fists faded, and Haru realized he was pretty freaking tired. 
"Well, that's enough for today, Jason. I'll see you around." He said, beginning to leave, after patching up Jason's injuries with the mystical palm.

(Exit, TWC: 3018)

+Rasengan (Already learned)
+1018 words towards Ten Finger Drilling Bullets.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 5 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:21 pm
Jason smiled at Haru and cracked his neck as he was pretty sore there. "right. see you later." Jason turned around and headed off to where he was gonna go next. As Jason walked away from the plains to his next destination, Jason wondered what new challenges he was gonna face towards his next location. perhaps it'd be a new and exciting mission, perhaps it was training in a new environment, he didn't know. Jason also thought of what he had learned today, in both battle strategy and jutsu. who knows, perhaps one day, he'll become a prestigious shinobi, one who will be so powerful that he will be both respected and feared. with a smile stretched upon his face, Jason set off for a new adventure. towards a new area where the wind would guide him, and meet new people and friends.

(exit, TWC, 3679. chidori WC 4000/4000 with the help from Haru Hyuuga. 1369 left for jibashi. topic closed)
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