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Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:05 pm
Jason got surprised, but not in the bad way that he had missed. what he found comical was that his flying kick hit Tenrai in the face. Jason cancelled his chidori as he and Tenrai fell in a dogpile. Jason smiled as he pushed tenrai off of him and got up and dusted off his clothes. "so, what now, Haru?" Jason asked Haru as he walked towards him with his hands in his pockets. "what is there for me to learn now?" Jason asked Haru directly, as he wanted to know what else he could learn from this person.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:08 pm
After being kicked in the face by Jason. Tenrai looked at Haru who looked calm. " What else Haru " Tenrai said. Even though Tenrai couldnt beat Haru he still needed to learn Chidori. Tenrai then thought back to a week ago. Tenrai had started to become sadistic. Tenrai had a thought in his head saying kill Jason where he stood and Tenrai wanted to do it. Tenrai held back the blood lust and awited Haru answer.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:42 pm
Haru watched with a little bit of satisfaction as the two boys collided. He did love to show off, and that little trick looked pretty freaking cool. Once the two recovered, they stood up quickly, both asking to learn more. Looking around for a moment, Haru shrugged.

”Well, the best I can do is help you two learn to use lightning nature chakra. More training with the element will increase how effective you are overall.” He explained. ”Watch, here’s a simple technique you can copy.” He said, making hand seals for Raiton: Jibashi, before launching a wave of electricity from his hands, causing the air to crackle as the sparks collided with the ground. ”Try that.” He offered, waiting to see how they did.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:48 pm
Jason copied the handseals that he did, and what came out was, in Jason's own words, pathetic. sure, lightning came out, but not to the extent that he wanted. frustrated, Jason sighed in irritation and tried again. same thing. Jason tried again, and failed again. "dammit! what am i doing wrong?". Jason tried again, but this time, he put some more chakra to it. this time, it happened. kind of, very small electrical charges came out, but only very small, and they happened so fast that they disappeared faster than one can blink. Jason tried again, and it came out the same. Jason decided to add some more chakra to it and this time, it came out slightly better. Jason was going somewhere at least.Jason tried to add some more chakra as he unleashed the jutsu. this time, he went somewhere. somewhere good, and Jason liked it. sure, he had to start slow and steady but eventually, he'd make it. though, Jason wasn't done yet. Jason applied even more chakra to the jutsu and did the moves that he had copied from Haru. sure, he was no Uchiha, but he could still copy what he did. and did, he did, Jason tried again, and this time, he got some more electrical charges out that spread around a bit. Jason smiled, but still continued. he wasn't done yet. Jason did it again. and this time, after countless tries, finally made it like Haru. the electrical charges went out and crackled as it then hit the ground with equal force and speed. Jason then sat down on his rear, now exhausted. As Jason sat and rested, Jason asked Haru. "hey Haru? can you teach me basic combat?" Jason had hoped that he would teach him, as he had almost zero experience in fighting. he almost sucked at it, Jason wanted to know everything there was to fighting. how to attack, how to defend, how to counter, everything. Jason awaited for Haru's answer and felt the soothing wind brush against his skin. Jason started to yawn. Jason didn't know if he was getting tired from training so much, or if he was just tired in general. either way, that had to wait, as Jason was waiting for an answer from Haru.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:22 pm
Tenrai sighed he wanted them tonleaen something else." Sorry but I have to go guys there is something really cool going to happen later ". Tenrai lied threw my teeth even though I didnt want to. Tenrai begun to walk away with a strange feeling of dread in him

Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:00 am
Jason was catching on pretty quickly… Haru was impressed. He didn’t get the technique right away, but he kept trying until he got it, and his grasp of it was pretty impressive. After the boy made his attempt, Haru saw the other one leave. Shrugging, Haru listened to Jason, asking for combat training.

”Well, kid, the best way to train combat is to fight. You have to get a feel for it if you want to understand it. If you like, you can test your new jutsu against me.” He said, taking up a defensive stance.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:05 am
for some unknown reason, Jason grinned. it was a grin of malice and joy. mostly joy. he was finally gonna learn how to fight properly. and he was even gonna use the jutsu against Haru. thinking why not, Jason did the handseals for jibashi and unleashed it towards Haru. if Haru dodged it, which was sort of what he expected, then Jason would, if he could. make handseals for substitution to replace himself with a destroyed log of a tree that he had previously destroyed. if he failed, then Jason would be hit against the face and collapse to the ground. if the Jibashi had hit him, then Jason would act quickly and get up and personal and throw a kick at his face. if the kick would hit, then this would make Haru either fly backwards or collapse to the ground.if Haru crashed to the ground, then Jason would follow up with a swift kick to the face. if Haru flew backwards then Jason would use his speed of 65 to run towards Haru and follow up with a one-two combo across Haru's torso and end the combo with a spinning round house kick towards the stomach which would make Haru crash to the ground in a stunned state.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:46 pm
As Jason began the fight, Haru crossed his arms, waiting for the boy to strike. It crossed his mind that he had not utilized his Kaguya DNA in quite some time. Strange, considering how useful the Kekkei Genkai was to him. Came a time, pulling out a spine was his trademark combat style.
As Jason used his Jibashi, Haru would swing his hand, releasing five bullets from his fingertips, aimed at the electricity fired at him by Jason. As he did this, he would sidestep to his right, before using his taijutsu shunshin technique to quickly move towards Jason, closing the gap quickly, before stopping in front of him, bringing up his left knee, aimed at the boy’s stomach.
Unfortunately, just as Haru reached Jason, the substitution would be successful, the log that replaced Jason being crushed to splinters once hit.

”Slick move, kid.” Haru said, spotting Jason’s new location, about 10 meters away, with his byakugan. Turning quickly, Haru would swing his hand again, firing five more bone bullets from his hand, aimed at the boy’s left and right arm, left and right leg, and chest.

(TWC: 2234)
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:56 am
Jason saw the bullets coming at him and as quickly as he could make handseals for two lightning clones. one that would absorb the bullets of the drill bullets and one that would run with Jason toward Haru. Jason would then have the lightning clone attack Haru. if Haru would block or counter. then he would perhaps get stunned. the lightning clone would attack with the power of 65 and Jason had hoped that it would stun him, or leave him shocked, but chances are that Haru had seen this jutsu before. if the attack had gone through and been successful, Then Jason would dash up to Haru with the speed of 65 and throw a roundhouse kick to his face. if the attack would hit, then Jason would follow up with an uppercut to his solar plexus which would hopefully leave him stunned. if that happened, then Jason would try a one-two combo on Haru if it had succeeded, then Haru would crash to the ground, if Jason wasn't as successful,  then Jason would be open for attack. if Jason didn't have time to make a lightning clone at the beginning then he would, hopefully, dodge all of the finger bullets that shot out towards him.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) - Page 4 Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:40 pm
Haru watched Jason make a lightning clone to take his attack… A rather peculiar method of defense, but it worked, he supposed. Now Jason sent his clone after him, Haru would turn, forming a rasengan in his right hand, and striking the chest of the clone, which would cause it to explode. Haru’s armor would take the blast, protecting him from harm. Stepping forward, electricity still sparking from his armor, Haru sidestepped Jason’s roundhouse kick. The boy liked to put all of his momentum into one attack, but there was a fatal flaw in putting everything into one strike. Now that he was off balanced by missing the kick, Haru could strike. He would bring his left fist forward, striking Jason in the stomach.


+Rasengan learned at half WC from Kyojin
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