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Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) Empty lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:42 pm
Jason had arrived at the fields of the Tengakure and was eager to start his first jutsu training. Jason stumbled upon a clearing in the forest that was perfect for him to train in. Jason sat down and meditated and focused on getting lightning to his hands. after a while, Jason could hear the sweet sound of electricity flowing out from his hands and he opened his eyes and grinned. Jason got up and charged the jutsu to his right hand after making the handseals for it and ran up towards a tree and slammed the jutsu against the tree bark, making the pieces fly off. Jason then turned around and charged for another one as he did it again to a tree that was to the left of the previously destroyed tree. Jason was starting to get tired, but he felt he had more shots in him to fire out. As Jason was ready to charge another Chidori, Jason heard movements behind him. Jason quickly turned around and had a kunai in his hand. "move out. walk towards me with your hands in your air. slowly." Jason commanded as good as he could. if it was an enemy, then they'd get some pain. if it was a friend however, that'd be a different story.

Last edited by Jason Fredriksson on Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:50 pm
Tenrai was in the plains just listening to the nature. After finally learning Rasengan Tenrai had begun to slack off. Tenrai then stopped during his walk and began to finally start back training. Tenrai began to open his palm and power up Rasengan by spinning chakra in his palm. A blue orb begun to form in Tenrai's hand. Then Tenrai charged towards a tree with his right palm out with the Rasengan in it. Tenrai hit the tree and it blew up into a million pieces. Tenrai thought he guess he still had it. Then he heard the sound of alot of chirping birds and begun walking towards them. When he arrived where the chirping birds. Tenrai heard a person's voice say to move and walk up towards them with his hands in the air. Tenrai sighed who intruded Tenga he thought. He walked around the tree with his hands in the air. Making sure his headband was showing.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:07 pm
"who are you? you're from tenga?" Jason asked the man carefully. he looked to be quite dangerous, and Jason was slowly moving towards him. "what's your name?" Jason asked the person. he also noticed the tengakure headband. "i see you're from tenga. i'm from tenga. my name is Jason Fredriksson. what's yours?" Jason relaxed a bit but was still on edge if this person tried anything.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:13 pm
The guy eyed Tenrai closely. He was nervous this was his firat time something like this happened. Tenrai wondered what the man thought he was. You just dont see a person with white angel wings gold hair and 6'7 ft tall. Tenrai thought the guy musg have thought he was an actual angel. Tenrai luaghed to his self. The man asked who Tenrai was and if he was from Tenga and he said hia name was Jason Fredricksson. A wierd name Tenrai thought." I am a Genin from Tengakure, my name is Tenrai Hikaru " Tenrai said. While lowering his hands incase the guy attacked.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:19 pm
"you're a genin? hm..." Jason put his kunai away. "i am a genin as well. i happened to be here in this parts of the woods to get Chidori. i've just been practicing using it. a person called Altar teached me how to use lightning as a weapon." Jason said to tenrai. "hm... you're pretty tall... how old are you?". Jason wasn't very observant at times, and it was something Jason couldn't help. "by the way, let me ask you something. do you know Chidori?" Jason put his right hand to his chest. "can you teach me it? it'd be great if you would." Jason had hoped that tenrai would teach him. if he did, then it'd be great news for Jason. if he wasn't gonna, then Jason had to look somewhere else for help.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:38 pm
Tenrai was still nervous but let out sigh when the guy said if I could teach him Chidori. Tenrai actually laughed." Sorry I do not know Chidori but I have a contract with the Angels I can get you to then and you can become their second summoner while the first is me " Tenrai said smiling knowing this Jason guy wasnt an threat. I looked at the guy's face. Tenrai hoped he would say yes maybe he will get to meet Allfather's father again he thought while awaiting Jason's answer.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:41 pm
Jason was sad at the fact that he wouldn't be learned the chidori. but the thought of being able to summon Angels.... the thought grew more in his head and eventually, it made Jason smile. he then looked up at tenrai and smiled and nodded. "yes, i will. but afterwards, i'm looking for someone to teach me the chidori." Jason said to him. now he was thinking of how he was gonna get there. if he was gonna walk, to a place which he doesn't know where it is, it'd probably take him his entire life. Jason looked at Tenrai again. "how do i get the summoning contract? please tell me." Jason said to him.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:46 pm
Tenrai heard the man say how does he get the contract and that he will need some one to teach him Chidori." I will reverse summon you to the land of the angels and when I learn Chidori later on I will teach it to you " Tenrai said while preparing the seal to summon Galtobertrox. Tenrai performed the seal and summoned the angel. Galtobertrox appeared standing 6'11 with buetiful golden wings and hair and eyes." What do you need summoner " he said." I need you to reverse summon me and hin to Tenrai " I told him while pointing towards Jason.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:53 pm
Boredly, Haru strolled through the plains. As usual, he was searching for a nice place to take a light nap. Or perhaps to hibernate, whichever came last. As he roamed the plains, he heard a loud chirping sound, a sound that was very familiar to him.
”A chidori?” He mumbled aloud, moving quickly towards the sound. Activating his byakugan, he saw a boy using what appeared to be a swirling ball of chakra, which had a similar effect to the chidori, except that it was more explosive, less precise. His Sharingan swirled into activation as he watched it, noting the way the chakra swirled in his hand. It seemed no hand signs were required, just chakra control. He attempted it at once, forming the very same jutsu in his hand, before dispersing it. As he got closer, he saw that one of the boys was… hiding behind the tree that was being wailed on by the other boy? Jason? He seemed to think the other kid was a missing ninja or something Haru watched idly, finding the situation a little funny.
After awhile, once he was assured that Jason and whatsisface weren’t going to kill each other, Haru would call out a greeting.

”Hoy!” He shouted, holding a hand up. ”Hey, Jason.” He said in greeting. ”I would ask that you refrain from picking fights with strangers. You might end up losing your limbs again.” He said teasingly.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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lightning birds strike!!  (p) (nk) Empty Re: lightning birds strike!! (p) (nk)

Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:57 pm
Jason turned and looked. his eyes then widened and he smiled. "hey, haru! it's ok. i'm not picking a fight. i was actually offering this person, named tenrai, if he could teach me Chidori. i'm actually learning it." Jason then walked over to Haru and shook his hand. "so, can you teach me Chidori? i'd really love it if you could." Jason said to haru. if he was gonna accept, then Jason would be very happy. if he was gonna decline, then it'd make Jason sadder.
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