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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru) - Page 2 Empty Re: Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru)

Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:08 pm
As the girl entered the building, Haru wasn’t quite sure what to do. He couldn’t just leave, so all he could really do out here was wait. He watched her idly with the byakugan, and she seemed to know what she was doing. Still, from the count she gave, they were running out of time, fast. The chances were high that the medicine would not work, which could mean she would need the life support. He hoped Noctis would get there fast enough.
She exited the building, finally, and she seemed pretty calm. She even tried to give him back the money he had given her.
”Hold onto that. You’ll probably need it to get yourself a place to stay in the village.” He told her. It was odd, she was suddenly so casual, when a few minutes before, she had tried to kill him… Oh, crap…
He glanced down at his limp arm, which he had, somehow, forgotten about. Weakly, he lifted it up, clapping it against his other hand, and forming a tiger seal. Black lines spread across the seal on his forehead, and his wounds sealed themselves shut. Easy peasy.
He pointed with his now restored arm to the Kage offices.
”Now, follow me. We need to get you checked into the village. You can explain your story a little better on the way. You did say you were from Tengakure, right?” He would ask her as he walked. He would stay silent as they walked, giving her time to explain her story in more detail, until they arrived at the Kage office.
Then, they would enter the Kage office, where he would quickly fill out the necessary paperwork, holding the papers out at several occasions for her to sign.

”Now, do you know of any family in the area? Any names I could search for?” He would ask her.

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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Sat May 17, 2014 11:37 pm
Haru noticed the girl’s stare as he fixed his arm, grinning slightly. He liked the attention he got when he did stuff like that. The super strength, the crazy feats like his creation rebirth, miracle healings, and pulling out bones without provocation. He had grown into quite an attention seeker, compared to his quiet, reserved self.
At Cheri’s comment that she had not made a reservation, Haru let out a loud, uncontrollable laugh that echoed across the empty streets. It took a moment for him to recover enough to respond to the girl, and for a while, he just stood there laughing. He didn’t know why he found it so funny, maybe it was because the writer needed to fit in an extra paragraph to increase the word count of his post.
”Haha! Reservation… That’s rich!” He wheezed, whipping a tear from his eye. When he finally recovered, he stood up straight, noticing that she actually looked sincere when she said that.
”Oh, you were serious? No, you don’t have to have a reservation… we’re not a hotel or anything like that.”  He would explain apologetically, not wanting to hurt her feelings.
He noticed her eyes take on the unfamiliar look, as if she was angry about something.
”You feeling all right??”  He would ask her, resisting the urge to put a hand on the girl’s shoulder. He genuinely felt bad for her.
When her story began, Haru immediately found a point of interest. She was kidnapped at birth, from Tengakure, because of her last name, Uchiha. AND she had a twin sister. That… that was either something very important, or an uncanny coincidence… The only thing that made it less likely is that she said her last name was Uchiha… 
”Umm… do you happen to know the names of any of your family members? Even a last name would do…” He would inquire.
He remembered being told, long ago, by his father, that Aryll had a twin sister, but after her mother died in childbirth, her twin was lost in the hospital. The mother was an Uchiha, which only served to make the puzzle fit together better. The only thing was, he was pretty sure his sister’s birth name was Koneko Hyuuga. Although, he was pretty sure Cheri wasn’t her real name, based on what she said next.
She was… a slave? Oh, wow… That explained the maid outfit. The broken Japanese came from her picking up what she heard, and the strange eyes, which he now could identify as heavily modified sharingan, came from the experimentation. He knew she would probably snap at him if he comforted her, so he tried his best to remain silent.
She died… Seven… SEVEN TIMES?
”My God, you’re a medical miracle!” Haru said, geeking out about the fact that she had been dead not once, not twice, but SEVEN times. Granted, that wasn’t the appropriate way for most people to react. ”Pardon my excitement, but do you know what kind of medical jutsu they used to heal you?” He would ask, unaware that the girl didn’t know what a jutsu was.
Her story continued, getting sadder and sadder with every sentence. One thing that struck him hardest was the rape attempt by her captors, and how she escaped. This girl ripped his throat out with her teeth, which explained the blood around her mouth. Haru shuddered, imagining the taste that must be in her mouth still. He stopped at a vendor and put down a bit of ryo to get her a bottle of water.
”Here, drink this and rinse the blood out of your mouth. Spit into the sewer grates if you have to.” He would say, offering her the bottle. He then continued listening.
She had never left her compound since the day she entered, so he imagined the light was incredibly painful to her, since her eyes were used to the indoors. He stayed silent as he listened to the rest of her story, deciding the last bit, which was particularly emotional, didn’t need any interruption.
When she said she didn’t know of any family, and that she was probably dead to them, he felt himself grow sad. He hadn’t heard any of his family speak about Koneko for years… They hadn’t ever told Aryll about her twin, as she was far too young to hear of such things. He hoped this was… No, wait, he hoped it wasn’t just a coincidence.
”Oh, you’d be surprised.” He responded quietly to her as he filled out the rest of his paperwork. ”My dad hat a fit of depression when my sister went missing… it was… not unlike your story.” He would say, looking back up at her.
”My name is Haru Hyuuga, sorry for not telling you sooner. Umm, Cheri, if you wouldn’t mind… would you be okay with coming to the hospital with me to preform a DNA test? We can find out if you have any family in the village, and get you reunited with them if you do…” He would say, standing up slowly. He didn’t want to get her, or his own, hopes up by mentioning any more about the possibility of her being his sister, though the evidence was stacking heavily in favor of that possibility.

If the girl complied, he would lead her to the hospital, where he would maneuver expertly through the offices, getting them a medical ninja to preform the test fairly easily. They would be led to a waiting room, where they would have to sit for a while. After a few minutes of waiting, a medical ninja would come to collect Cheri, leading her to the room where the test would take place. Haru would be made to wait in the waiting area, in the meantime. He would sit idly, pulling his headband over his eyes to get some much needed rest from all this stress. He wondered if that really was Koneko… He wasn’t sure if he wanted that to happen or not…

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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru) - Page 2 Empty Re: Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru)

Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:57 pm
Haru shrugged after recovering from the laugh.
”I wasn’t making fun of you, that was just really funny.” He assured the girl, patting her on the shoulder. He really didn’t mean to hurt her feelings, especially after all that she’d just been through. When he asked if she was alright, a faint smile crossed her face, and her response, well, it seemed to contradict what the smile showed. It was sad that she could go from sarcastic and angry to sad and silent so fast. Maybe he shouldn’t have laughed so hard at what she said.
Eyuuga… Hayuuga… Hyuuga. Her father was a Hyuuga, which meant her mother was an Uchiha. This, coupled with the fact that she was from Tengakure, and there weren’t all that many from either of those clans in this city, reinforced to Haru what he had already guessed. And that was just the icing on the cake. Her mother had died in childbirth. These circumstances were all too similar, and he felt he had to tell her something. To stay silent would be very bad for when she inevitably found out, but what to say? “Oh, I think I’m your brother.” No. That was stupid.
”Umm… Well, if you’re trying to say Hyuuga, then we’re related. My parents were both part of the Hyuuga clan.” He would tell her, putting his hands in his pockets. What to say, what to say…
“Nothing in life is a miracle, except maybe that I’m still alive.” She said. That quote rang through his head. It went in one hear, bounced around in his skull, then sat there on top of his brain, poking and prodding at it.
”You’d be surprised.” He stammered hastily. At this point, it was clear he was uncomfortable with the conversation, though the reason would not be clear to her. He closed his eyes, not speaking for a moment, staring straight ahead. He really had no idea what to say at this point.
”Miracles happen all the time. You just happened to come across a medical ninja just as your injuries seemed too grave to continue.” He pointed out after a few seconds of silence, opening his eyes. They continued walking, until the point where he gave her the bottle of water.
”No problem. Let me know if you run out, I can get you another bottle. There’s a lot of blood…” He offered, putting his hands back in his pockets. Her comments about the blood not being only her own stirred little reaction in Haru. Partially because he was a medic nin, and therefore unfazed by blood, and partly because he was still thinking about what to say. He wanted to say something, but if he jumped the gun and told her, and then it turned out to be true? He didn’t want to crush her hopes, or his own, for that matter. So he would stay silent. For now.
No real response was given towards his sister disappearing. He wasn’t surprised. He wasn’t asking for sympathy anyways, simply trying to show that he had some understanding of her situation.
Her discomfort with testing was inconvenient, but understandable.
”Don’t worry. They aren’t going to hurt you, I promise. They’re here to help.” He told her, patting her on the back reassuringly. She would finally agree to go with the medical nin, and Haru would sigh, slumping into a chair. What a night.
When she came back, she was spazzing. Big time. As she reached for her wrist, where the needle had been placed. Although it should have been healed by the doctors, Haru would place one of his hands on her wrist, activating the mystical palm technique. The green glow of chakra would soothe the injured hand, and calm her nervous system.
”Just breathe. Deep breaths. Nobody’s going to hurt you now, it’s the last test you’ll ever need.” Haru said, partially lying about the last part. He could say fairly surely that she wouldn’t have to come back in here, but he couldn’t be absolutely sure. Eh, close enough.
Hanako Subarashi
Hanako Subarashi
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Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru) - Page 2 Empty Re: Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru)

Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:38 pm
(((Ahhhh sorry!!!! I forgot!! Will post as soon as I get an idea, or when my computer arrives back, whichever is first!!! Really sorry Ruru D:)))
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