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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru) Empty Re: Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru)

Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:30 am
It was by sheer coincidence that Haru, who normally coveted sleep as more important then any other part of life itself, was suffering from a fit of insomnia. It was odd to be awake this late at night, his usual sleep routine was around whenever he got out of work till noon the next day. This gave him very little time to experience what one might call the “Night life” of Tengakure. So, curiously, he pulled himself out of bed and made his way down to the streets. A trip down the stairs gave him time to wonder what exactly he was getting himself into. He doubted very much that anything particularly life-changing would happen, but you never know.

The first thing that he noticed was how dark it was. Perhaps his eyes, which were far from nocturnal, had grown used to always having ample light. This triggered him to activate his byakugan so he could see what the heck was going on. Unfortunately, that didn’t really do much of anything to help him. So, he just waited for his eyes to adjust. And as he did so, he noticed something, or rather, someone, just outside the village.

A girl, in a peculiar get-up… Wait, was that a maid outfit? That seemed like something too odd to ignore. So, he would make his way towards the girl, keeping an eye on her when line of sight was broken with the byakugan. Once he was clear of the large buildings, he kicked his speed up a notch or two, clearing the remaining distance across the plains at high speed, slowing to a stop as he neared the girl. 

He would slide to a stop about 10 meters in front of her. Wow… she looked in bad shape. Broken leg, from the looks of it. He would jog towards the girl, showing a sense of urgency without hostility. He would kneel down next to her, his hands beginning to glow green. 
“I’m here to help.” He would say, placing a hand on her injured leg and quickly mending the broken bones and injured tissue. The healing would occur at a miraculous rate, although the broken bone would take some fixing. He would unceremoniously remove a bone from his arm, using that and some bandages to fashion a splint for the girl. 

As he worked, he would speak to the girl, never actually looking her in the eyes.
“What’s your name?” He would ask. “Who did this to you?” He would ask after her answer came. “Are you from Tengakure?” He would ask lastly, not that it really mattered. He wasn’t going to leave a dying girl in the plains alone… If the wild dogs didn’t get her, she might just bleed out from her injury.

Once he finished working, he would look up at the girl, for the first time noticing something odd… She very familiar… “Do I know you?” He would ask after a moment. He could have sworn he had seen her face before, he just couldn’t place it…

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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru) Empty Re: Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru)

Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:51 pm
”What do you mean, ‘Sort of?’” He would ask the girl upon his inquiry about her being from Tengakure. Was she a missing ninja? Unlikely. She would have tried to fight back by now, surely. Or perhaps she was a civilian who simply defected to another village, but was rejected. The possibilities were endless, and he didn’t like it. He needed a straight answer from this girl. ”I’m a jounin of Tengakure. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me who you are.” He would say as he worked, trying to get her to tell him more about her situation.
She looked like a costplayer that got attacked by a bear. Torn stockings, bloodstains everywhere, particularly around her mouth, it was quite a sight to see. Especially since it appeared she was dressed as a maid… that really didn’t help the situation, and he couldn’t imagine the circumstances that led to her wearing that get-up… Haru, in his uniformly neat robes, was rather reluctant to get his sleeves dirty working with all that blood, but it was his job as a medical ninja, after all, and he wasn’t just gonna let her die because he was afraid of getting a little blood on his nice robes.
His mind wandered back to home as he worked, as the act of healing didn’t take much thought once chakra control was no longer required, and he felt his hands were simply moving themselves to make her splint. His mind wandered to home, to his family that he had recently left, yet again. Haru’s family did not live as traditional Hyuuga did, no, they lived separately, for the most part, and now that Haru had a high ranking position, and a financially supporting job, it was time for him to make his own way in the world. He had moved out just the other night, to an apartment in the city. He realized then he had zoned out too much, and he should focus on the task at hand. Wordlessly, motionlessly, he returned to a less dreamy, more sober state of mind.
The girl seemed transfixed by his healing chakra, not taking her eyes off the glowing green of his palm for a second. It was odd to him, but he supposed it was a normal reaction. She likely wasn’t a ninja then, because otherwise she most likely would have seen this technique. She seemed to holding back a reaction, especially from the bone he had just pulled out, which usually warranted a scream or something. She answered his questions rather vaguely, which irritated him a bit. He was trying to help her, after all, she could just be a little less vague. Then, she pulled away her leg, and asked what he had just done. Funny, she felt she didn’t have to tell him anything, yet needed to know exactly what he had done.
”The mystical palm technique, a very high ranking medical ninjutsu. You’re lucky I found you.” He would explain.
She seemed distant, not just as if she was hiding something from him, but he didn’t sense any hostility. She seemed like she was afraid of someone, and judging by the wound on her leg, she had a good reason to be. He needed to figure out who she was running from, and if they were still around. He quickly scanned the area with his byakugan, trying to use his chakra senses as well to detect him. No such luck. Whoever it was that hurt this girl, they were far away now. Haru had no idea that the blood surrounding her face was not her own, that that girl had just escaped from some sort of slave trader hideout.
Then he saw her let out a slight hiss, clasping her hand over her heart and hunching over. Had he made a mistake? He heard her mutter something about thirteen minutes, and decided sitting out here like this was not the smartest idea. He was a medical ninja for combat situations, and this seemed like something he didn’t know how to fix. ”Thirteen minutes until what?” He would ask, trying to analyze her condition.

She was holding her chest, which signified that the problem started there, obviously. However, based the fact that she seemed to have a deadline in her head, thirteen minutes, he could tell this was a fairly common occurrence. From what he could gather, the most common area for a regular problem like that to occur would be the heart, but usually heart conditions didn’t develop in people as young as Cheri, which confused Haru. She appeared to be about ten or so to him, but he’d been wrong about this kind of thing before. His summon, Lilith, appeared to be in her twenties, but was actually hundreds of years old. He wasn’t going to jump to conclusions like an idiot, but you could never be too sure.

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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru) Empty Re: Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru)

Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:33 pm
What the heck was she talking about? She continued to act incredibly pained as she spoke, telling him she had lived in Tengakure for only a few hours… That sounded like a bit of a tall tale, and was still painfully vague, but given her current situation with injuries, it was believable, at least, some of it was.
”Born in Tengakure, but you only lived here for six hours? What are you, a merchant’s child?” He would inquire, confused at her description of her past in the city. It sounded sketchy, as if she had left to desert, or was simply making this all up to appear as though she was technically a citizen.
”You don’t believe in luck? Because if I hadn’t come along, you would have started to bleed out.” He would say, flaring the green chakra from his hand again for show. ”And I just happen to be one of the few people who can help you. I would call that luck.” He would say, just as her next words reached her ears.
Thirteen minutes until she had a heart attack. That was serious. The sarcastic, teasing tone in Haru’s voice was gone, replaced by a sense of urgency. Deadlines had always made him nervous, and this one was especially nerve-racking. He held out his hand for the girl to take, motioning for her to come closer. ”I can get us to a pharmacy fast, but you’ll have to hold on tight. I’ll show you why they made me a jounin.” He would say, attempting to scoop her up so that he could run mostly unhindered by her weight.
If she allowed him to pick her up, they would be off like a horse out of the gates at the races, Haru would move at his top speed to get to the best pharmacy he could think of. The girl most likely wouldn’t even be able to conceive the speed they were moving at, so it would appear as though they were teleporting, which was actually much closer to what was going on then one might think. Tengakure wasn’t that hard to navigate quickly, with its flat roads and straight streets.
He would slow to a stop at a large pharmacy, releasing the girl to allow her to walk, but keeping an arm on her to help support her weight so she didn’t damage the leg anymore.
”Don’t walk on your own here, that leg won’t do you any favors if you do.” He would explain to her quickly as they entered the store. As he reached the counter, he glanced back at Cheri.

”What kind of pills do you need? I don’t know my way around these kinds of drugs very well.” He would ask, explaining his clear lacking in household medicine knowledge. It seemed he needed to brush up a little more. ”Just find it, don’t worry about paying!” He would say hurriedly, activating his byakugan to search the aisle for the bottle they needed. Heart medicine… heart medicine… it would be so much easier if he only knew what to look for.

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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru) Empty Re: Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru)

Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:03 pm
Haru watched the girl, her hostility blatantly clear. It seemed she had grown up without parents, as well. Well, he had a spare copy of the no parents card, which he intended to play. But then, the rest of her story caught up, and he decided it was better to not say a word. Then came the rest of her story, she seemed to think she was invincible. He wasn’t very much focused on her argument, as his mind was more set in the area of getting her to a hospital or something to keep her from dropping dead in a few minutes.
She ranted, and she ranted, and she ranted, and all the while, time was ticking down to her final minutes. Eleven. Ten. Nine. Tick tock, tick tock, we’re inside a clock. Her anger was incredibly apparent, she was a mouthy one, all right. Still, she finally seemed to give and let him help her.
Then, just as he started to pick her up, she swung the knife at his arm. Not expecting the hit, Haru felt cold steel sink into his arm, stopping at the bone. He let out a mutter of pain as he grabbed the girl by her wrist with his free hand, pulling away her arm and the knife with it. His right, uninjured hand, would be held out in front of him, while the injured arm fell limp to his side. He could take care of that later.
”What was that? I’m trying to help you!” He would shout, stepping towards the girl again. She was definitely a victim of PTSD, Post traumatic stress disorder, and it was clear to see she was not stable. Still, he couldn’t let her die. Not only was he absolutely positive that he’d be demoted or something for that, he couldn’t leave her there anyways. Something about her face… It reminded him of his sister, in a way.
He analyzed his options. A hard knock on the head would knock her out cold, but with her heart condition, he didn’t want to risk it. Gentle fist only interfered with the chakra network, but stopping her chakra flow would be the same thing as killing her at this point. He was fast enough to disarm her normally, but with his arm injured like this, moving too fast would splatter his blood everywhere and cause him to bleed out faster. Creation rebirth was out of the question as well, as he couldn’t lift his arm to make a tiger seal. Strength of a hundred would kick in when he was knocking on death’s door, but by then, Cheri would already be inside grim’s house.
So he had to fight on her level. He would keep his hand outstretched to counter if she swung at him.

”Look, if you don’t let me carry you there, we won’t get there in time. I’ve already healed you up, why would I do that if I wanted to hurt you? You’re safe now, you just have to trust me.” He would say, lowering his guard to signify she needed to give him a chance.

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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru) Empty Re: Life Starts Now (P, IO, NK, Haru)

Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:48 pm
Sheesh, this girl was off her rocker. As he tried to grab her wrist, she made another attack with the knife. He wasn’t about to take a second hit, so he maneuvered out of the way, using the flexibility that came so commonly in his family to bend his injured arm enough for his free hand to maneuver around it and grab the hand that was holding the knife, pulling the girl close and effectively locking her in place by using both of his arms. Blood dripped from his arm, covering both of them, but it didn’t really matter that much for her, she was already soaked, and he was indifferent at this point.
He would squeeze her wrist tightly, not enough to injure her, but enough to cause herself to reflexively drop the knife, if all went according to plan. He would then release her, kicking away the knife and holding his uninjured hand up, signaling he did not want to fight her. She seemed to think that avoiding being stabbed meant he didn’t mean to help her. He wondered vaguely if she had come from a bandit camp or something, since she was clearly not very stable.
”And if you wanted help, you wouldn’t try stabbing me without warning!” He would say, tomoes spinning around his sharingan eye as he prepared to put her in a genjutsu. It seemed like it would be the only way to diffuse the situation.
Then, the unexpected happened. She gave up. Cautiously, he approached her, picking up the knife again, and handing it to her.
”Take this back as insurance.” He would say to her, before attempting to pick her up again. He would take off, moving at his full speed to get them to the city fast, clearing any obstacle that got in the way.
They would arrive at a pharmacy relatively quickly, he would let her down to her feet, and pull a wad of cash from his bag, what he assumed to be about 4,000 Ryo. Unfortunately, Haru was incredibly bad at math, and ended up giving her 10,000 ryo.
”I don’t know how much it’ll cost, but grab anything you need. Be quick about it, let’s go.” He would say, holding the door open for her and beckoning her in. He would remain outside for the moment, pondering the situation. He was a little worried about how close to a heart attack she was now. Would the drugs take effect in time?
Deciding caution was the best course of action, Haru placed both of his fingers in his mouth, whistling loudly. He repeated this twice, and in less then a minute, a large, black lizard glided down from the rooftops. Said lizard was a sanctuary dragon, named Noctis.
”Noctis, get to the hospital and tell them to be ready to put someone on life support. There’s a girl in there who is on the verge of a heart attack.” He would say. Noctis would nod, knowing a sarcastic joke was not appropriate for the situation, and take off quickly, towards the hospital.
”On it, Ahru.”
Haru then stepped inside the pharmacy, looking at the lines of shelves. He hoped she could find what she needed fast enough.


Last edited by Haru Hyuuga on Wed May 14, 2014 10:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
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