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Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2 Empty Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2

Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:11 am
The beasts that lingered in Takigakure's surrounding forest were quiet. Three birds flew overhead, looking down upon the forest with disinterested eyes. Though there were only three birds, there was a forth living being in the sky over the treetops of the tree that covered Takigakure who shall, from this point forward, be dubbed "Kenzo A" until further notice, and, at the waterfall entrance to the village, another being who will, from this point forward, be dubbed Kenzo B. If a person in Takigakure coincidentally turned his/her head skyward, he or she would likely be denied vision of the outside world due to the massive tree that separated Takigakure from the skies above. Still, if wandering eyes from within Takigakure had managed to look in Kenzo A's direction, unhindered by the treetops, then those eyes would find that the sun had greatly obscured their vision, keeping Kenzo A's figure hidden, for Kenzo had positioned himself so that the sun was directly behind his body if one were looking from Takigakure. The limited amount of people that inhabited this small village did not even suspect what was to come, but Kenzo A knew well what he had planned for today as he looked down upon Takigakure with those Sharingan eyes and hunting contacts, focusing his eyes on the layout of the village and the people within. Both Kenzo's could see, with the help of their infrared and chakra vision, may things, but their focus was on the many human bodies that they saw. Every now and again, a portion of a villagers body would come into Kenzo A's direct view through the small spaces in the treetops, and Kenzo would be granted sight of that citizens chakra. Kenzo did nothing to those insignificant villagers, for it was obvious by looking at them that they could pose no threat or significant resistance against what he had planned. He was searching for another person. A shinobi with powerful chakra that may have been able to cause a threat to Kenzo. How could they anticipate an attack when they had been living in peace for so long? How might they have known that today would be the day that peace ended? How would they sense the approach of two beings who, due to the innate abilities of the Savar Suit they wore, had their chakra completely suppressed to both the average chakra sensor and the eyes of common doujutsu such as the sharingan. 

There was no warning. There were no signs that today, a peaceful day, would be the last day that Takigakure would go undisturbed. Why? A particular pale skinned male had been losing his grip on reality. In his world, everyone was burning. Everyone was screaming. Everyone was quivering in fear that they would be next. This, was a reality he feared would come true if he were allowed to continue on the path that he was going. The only way to stop himself would be to satisfy the urge, or to die. There were other benefits to attacking a village that could go unspoken(Rank-ups, Testing ones own abilities, etc.), but these were only benefits that a normal shinobi would relish in. At the moment, Kenzo had lost the bulk of his sanity, but whatever self-control left had allowed him to contain himself, although barely. Sadly, Takigakure would be Kenzo's first target, and hopefully his last. It was as though he could see the future. Takigakure, in it's entirety  would be burned away, leaving nothing but a small waterfall, if that, for it to be remembered by.

We're here...

Thought both Kenzo's in unison as Kenzo B stared through the waterfall to the village hidden beyond. Slowly, Kenzo B found his way around the waterfall, stepping along the edge of a rocky wall until he stood behind the waterfall. He continued onward, slowly, his eyes bouncing from corner to corner of his eye sockets as he continued forward through a cave system. He was keeping track of the many bodies of heat that came into his field of vision while he stepped along that underground path, occasionally turning his head left and right as he searched for any incoming shinobi. Still, Kenzo A watched over his clone from above as his clone, Kenzo B, began stepping through the village. Would anyone even notice his appearance? He assumed that seeing a person covered in armor would be normal for the villagers, so no one would question why he was covered head to toe in armor. Still, Kenzo B kept his senses about him as he stepped through the village, seemingly wandering, hoping not to be interrupted by anyone.

Jutsu Used:
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2 Empty Re: Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2

Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:32 pm
Saiga walks through the underground cave system, clad in full battle armor, and under armor as-well. His signature gourd is strapped against his back, the dust within it moving slightly as it enters the back of his armor. Normally the man would have to remove a cork in order to do this, but this time was special, for the man had left his cork within his office. It is because he finds himself leaving the village once more, and entering the dangerous country borders, in hopes of traveling to the neighboring minor villages, to establish an alliance. After his armor is filled to completion, the rest of the Osmium within the gourd pours out, and begins to surround him like a cloud, extending five meters from his body, in all directions, Saiga being at the center. The movement of his dust is triggered by a mental command, followed by an unnecessary twitch in his left hand, both actions cause the dust to move. He continues walking, taking note of how noisy the village itself is this morning, the loud voices of the villagers as they began their day could be heard from where he stood.

As the man turns the final corner, walking pass five villagers in the process, he now stands in view of the waterfall. Coincidentally, another being happens to step out of the waterfall at this time, or at least around it, the moment Saiga turns, so that they now stand in front of each other, a distance of twenty-five meters in between them. Saiga attempts to read the man's chakra signature, but comes up with nothing. In fact there was no difference between the man standing in front of him, and the deceased. The man wore armor, and had no chakra signature, more than enough for any normal person to become worried, or in Saiga's case, intrigued. "Stay put! Is there a reason for you being within my village? Dressed in armor at that. What is your name? From which village do you travel?" This is said with slight concern, his voice raised slightly, so that it could reach the man, and even if it hadn't it would bounce off the walls of the cave, and echo towards him. While it may be true that Takigakure is particularly peaceful, it is for this very reason that one would find it strange for someone to come into the village dressed in armor. As he waits for the person to reply, he instinctively goes over the cave layout within his mind, just in case things got a little more interesting.

From wall to wall, the cave they stand in is approximately thirty five meters wide. The walls being flat, and shiny, almost as if they were marble, as not a single spike protruded from its elegance, the same can be said for the ground they stand on. As Saiga noted before, the distance between him, and the man whom stepped out of the waterfall is exactly twenty-five meters, no objects of any kind between them, that would hinder movement, or sight. The distance from where Saiga currently stands, and the village is equal to fifty meters, if one were to walk through the cave, consisting of five halls, each ten meters long, and thirty five meters wide. This does not include the hall they are standing in, which is exactly thirty meters long. But if one were to be a brute, they could burst through the wall five meters behind Saiga, and enter the village after crossing a mere distance of thirty five meters.

Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2 Empty Re: Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2

Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:48 am
Footsteps echo'd throughout the cave system as people traveled through it, resonating within Kenzo B's ears as he marched onward. It seems that he was not the only person who journeyed within these walls. Many eyes had scanned Kenzo's figure, observing the shinobi's gear and size and wondering whether or not the small armored shinobi had belonged to Takigakure. They would have their answer soon enough. The moment Kenzo B heard the call of that man, the soles of his small feet came to rest upon the ground, immobile for the time being.

"Kenzo, Genin of Konohagakure. I can't remember all to well... I was wandering through the outskirts, trying to clear my mind, and then I found this place. Outside this safe village, life is dangerous. There was no one to watch over me out there. Only myself. This armor gives me a little protection."

That small child's high-pitched voice never even hinted towards an alternative tone or pitch. He sounded tired. Simply from the sound of his voice it was obvious that something was wrong with him; however, whether that matter was physical or mental was unknown. Small armored arms hung lifelessly at his sides, never once lifting a dainty little finger to give any gestures at all as he spoke. Even earlier, when he had been stepping out of the waterfall, his arms did not move. They only hung. Pink lips, hidden by the material of Kenzo B's Savar Suit parted again to speak to the male who stood before him. 

"This is Takigakure right? And who are you?"

As the two continued speaking to each other, Kenzo A lowered his elevation, making sure to keep the sun behind himself so that if one were looking up from the village the sun's appearance would keep him out of the view of any, until he could discern what appeared to be one small body interacting with his clone. The others seemed to ignore Kenzo B completely. Kenzo A did nothing. He simply waited for the signal as he looked down, watching over the village and the clone.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2 Empty Re: Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2

Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:39 pm
An armored Saiga attempts to sympathize with the boy in front of him, but cannot. After the boy finishes his speech, the man retorts, "I see. I'm Saiga, and yes this is Takigakure. Unfortunately, the village is experiencing a brief quarantine. I will have to ask you to leave." His voice is calm, with a mellow tone, and seemingly honest as he says this, not hesitating a single time while speaking. Normally, Saiga might have welcomed the small boy in, and returned him safely to his village, but because of the bad timing, Saiga could not have any strangers within the village while he would be away. There also was the fact that taking in a genin from a major village could definitely become problematic, especially if he's actually a runaway. In the worst case scenario things could get misunderstood, and people needlessly hurt. As he waits for the boy to reply, he carefully observes him, relying on his natural senses, after giving up his attempt to sense the boys chakra. One thing that does sit within the mind of Saiga is the boy's rank. He had claimed before to be a genin, and if this were true, then the boy would have to be incredibly skilled, or lucky, to survive the dangers of the borders. A place where Saiga himself, had to armor up before traveling through. Indeed, the man would have to keep his wits about him. Just because the small boy claimed to be a genin level shinobi, does not mean he actually is one. In fact, upon further observation Saiga noticed the boy did not even carry with him a headband. Of course, this could be due to the armor he currently wore, but it never hurt to be a little cautious every now and then.
Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2 Empty Re: Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2

Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:46 pm
Kenzo A dived towards the treetops. It wasn't until his body hovered just over the bunch of branches and leaves that Kenzo A altered his direction. He flew towards the cave system, unsure whether or not his cone had been experience trouble from the body of heat that stood before him. Kenzo remained in the air 40 meters above the cave system, pondering on the idea of interfering in what appeared to be a small confrontation. Kenzo did not however. He kept his distance, watching for any abrupt movements from either of the two bodies of heat. With his chakra suppressed, he waited silently, looking around to ensure that he was not within the direct view of any villagers or shinobi. From what he could tell, he was not, but, soon, it seemed, this operation would no longer remain covert.

Without words, Kenzo B looked to Saiga, tilting his head slightly to the left. Asking why the village was on lockdown might have been the more common response to Saiga's statement, but, you see, when it came to the state os the village, Kenzo did not care. There were people inside, people that had done nothing at all to harm Kenzo, but their screams were the only things that would keep Kenzo in possession of the bulk of his sanity. Today, blood would be shed. Kenzo B's arms continued to hang lifelessly, even as he toke that first step forward towards Saiga's position.

"I don't really care. I wasn't asking for entry. I'm taking over Taki. "

These words left Kenzo B's lips as his bolted towards Saiga, forming only a single handseal with his left hand as he attempted to close the distance between Saiga and himself. Upon closing that distance, Kenzo B's right arm was lifted, attempting to do no more than push Saiga's chest, knocking him off of his feet as Kenzo passed Saiga and headed towards the village.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2 Empty Re: Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2

Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:03 pm
Expecting the boy to turn around, and leave as told, Saiga finds himself disappointed seeing him do otherwise, but his cold, and emotionless heart craved for a moment like this. He no longer had to put up a false front, he could be his true self. The moment the boy's foot lifts from the ground, and is amidst stepping forward, Saiga binds together his dust with, but a simple mental command, of course this would happen at a faster rate, with the help of his supremacy over Osmium. He now had the right to act, the boy having disobeyed his direct orders. Not only that, while the boy attempts to close the distance, he threatens his village! Something which Saiga could not let go unpunished.

Exactly ten marble sized constructs (1.3cm in diameter), made from a gallon of Osmium, shoot forth along this path at a horrendous speed (400): one is aimed to strike the center of his forehead, five aim to strike the male in the torso, the target areas being the lungs, heart, and kidneys, and the other four are all separated, aimed to strike each limb individually, regardless of whether or not the boy moves, these 'marbles' would follow him with the intent to kill. If the attacks succeed, then the marbles would impact the boy at approximately twenty-four, and a half meters away from Saiga, his arm having yet to lift fully, and perform the seal he intended to make. The dust used would return to the man, once the hit is confirmed.

While he attacks, a slight breeze coming from behind him, moves his cape forward. Saiga mentally instructs five gallons worth of dust to form beneath his feet, taking the shape of a platform two meters wide, and long, only six inches thick. It lifts him a single meter above the ground. Something just large enough for the man to stand upon as he observes the small boy in front of him. For defense purposes, a shield two meters tall, and wide, with a three centimeter thickness, forms half a meter in front of him, this shield is composed of ten gallons of Osmium. The man's eyes peer over the shield to observe the boy. Around the shield, the dust rotates slightly, ready to make impact with anything that enters its area, still covering five meters around the man in all directions. The man is silent for a moment. His heart keeping its usual steady beat, the man had yet to move.
Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2 Empty Re: Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2

Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:10 am
Each small bullet like construct would pierce Kenzo's figure as planned, leaving ten holes spread across his body. There was a hole in his forehead, and five holes in his torso. The last four small constructs hit their marks as well, leaving a hole in each of his limbs. His visage could have been compared to something favoring swiss cheese. The light shined through each hole as the momentum from Kenzo attempting to bring his arm to his chest caused Kenzo's arm to raise hopelessly as though he were reaching out towards Saiga. And, upon Kenzo's holey, hidden face as his body went limp and fell backwards to the ground with that single arm extended was an disquieting expression that could have been described as nothing more than terror. His eyes, hidden behind the material of that Savar Suit, were wide open, much like his mouth. Kenzo did not feel it as his short life was ended. He failed to feel not because his soul was swept from his body before his brain could process what the hell had just happened. No. Kenzo... At least this Kenzo, had no soul. 

This Kenzo, Kenzo B, was a complex manifestation of Kenzo's chakra, but there was one aspect that was not clearly represented during the creation of this clone. What exactly was the clone created out of? As the clone fell backwards, it's body seemed to disintegrate to nothing to the naked eye, vanishing into thin air completely before the corpse could even hit the ground. That specific clone was composed of a number of microscopic, concentrated, contained orbs that filled the air in a 40 meter radius around the clones last position, engulfing the entire area in an "invisible" cloud of chakra. The innumerable amount of microscopic orbs slipped between every crack possible, attaching to the walls and ceiling of the cave. Normally, the orbs would only spread 20 meters away from the clone, however, Keno knew a few tricks about Katon. He was a pyromaniac after all. His most recent discovery allowed him to greatly increase the range of any of his Katon, and each of those discoveries were written in a single book, A Tale For the Warmhearted Shinobi. 

The orbs would surround Saiga who was standing about 24 meters away in almost no time, filling in as much of the empty space as possible at a speed of 130, not even the natural breeze of wind detered the path of these orbs, for they were too strong. The small orbs would attach themselves to any, and everything in their range, including Saiga's armored body. They were small enough to slip through cracks, and a single intake of air would mean sucking thousands, or perhaps millions of the small orbs into one's system. Kenzo, the real Kenzo, could see the "mist" of orbs that spread within the caves, and began to lower his elevation even further until he hovered only two meters above the cave system. Entering the cave system was not in Kenzo's best interests at the moment, but he knew how far his own technique could go, and hovered forward leisurely along the length of the cave system until he was just above a point 45 meters deeper than where his clone stood. Of course, his eyes never once, left Saiga's figure, for it seemed that-that man was the one who had defeated Kenzo's clone. Kenzo still kept his senses about him, making sure that there were none around to witness him, or what he was about to do as his hands began slowly forming multiple handseals.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2 Empty Re: Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2

Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:06 pm
An uninvolved Saiga watches intently, as his constructs each hit their intended target. Though he is let down by the lack of...blood. Everyone bleeds, even more so when they have ten holes within their body, six of them in vital areas. The man stares at the enlightened holes while behind his visor, the feeling of curiosity is the only thing the man experiences while looking. The moment the boy attempts to raise his arms to reach out towards the man, the 'marbles' return, and strike the arm, obliterating it, until nothing remains, even then, there is no sign of blood. At this point, it is evident to the man that he is fighting a clone of some sorts, if not that, one thing he knew for sure, is that he is not fighting the real thing, but instead a dummy. "Am I to be looked down upon, by a child?" He mutters this while behind his helmet.

It is the instant the being in front of him collapses, and begins to deteriorate that Saiga's suspicion is confirmed. It is also in this very instant that Saiga senses a surge of chakra being released from the area the clone had disintegrated. The man does not wait to find the reason of this sudden chakra surge, since he could not see it with his eyes, only sense it, it became too dangerous for his comfort. The platform turns to face the opposite direction, and the dust around him begins to swirl violently, as the platform beneath the man's feet begins to move, at its full speed (400). The surrounding dust also acts as a shield, protecting the man from the possible damage he could receive from moving at such a speed. The wall he had erected earlier, breaks down into dust, and begins to float above him, spread out five meters to cover the area above the man's head. The man maneuvers through the cave system, like the brute he is, and unless stopped, the man would arrive outside of the cave system, and would now be floating a single meter above the ground.

The area he enters can be described as such. A large field, full of crops, and the such, the grass extending half a meter from the ground. This is one of the villages main source of food, homegrown, the crops thrived in the well fertilized soil, near the waterfall. This also stood as the entrance to the village, empty land, save crops. One of the few places where trees did not stand, but still few rays of light reached the ground, due to the limbs of the villages tree, which reached hundreds of meters into the sky. Approximately fifty villagers stood, conversing as they laughed happily, and talked loudly. They are unaware of the threat the village is currently experiencing. The field is exactly two hundred meters wide, and long. Pass the field, is the village itself. Saiga could not let the intruder reach pass the crop field, their place of battle would be here, an open playground for the two of them.

The man continues through the field, never does his movement halt. Though it does change in elevation, as the platform at the man's feet rises him into the air an additional forty meters, stopping once he covers half the distance of the field. He simply stares across the field, his eyes scanning for any sign of odd movement, his ears perking upwards to hear the faintest noise that would signify the presence of the intruder. The anger within the man had welded up to such a point where he would perhaps strike anything which entered his range. Of course, the villagers within the field would see this, Saiga only looks towards them, and shouts. "All of you here now, leave!" Of course they would listen, well at least the ones that could hear him, and begin to run to safety within the village. Now all that is left, is for the intruder to reveal himself. The man stands upon the platform in silence, this entire time since discovering that the thing he had attacked was a clone, he had become even more alert.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2 Empty Re: Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2

Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:14 pm
[48houring to claim my position.]

The man remains suspended above the ground, his height of elevation not changing. Though he does become even more aggravated with the fact that the intruder is such a coward that he could not show himself. He'd expected more from a person brave or stupid enough to attack an entire village.

As the dust swirls even more violently around the man, he simply stares across the field. He had become bored, but he would not leave the platform, until the intruders death was certain, and his body lay at his feet. There was no escaping the wrath the man felt. 

Standing in silence, the man becomes even more alert. Maybe he's preparing for an attack on a larger scale? The man thinks this, as he begins to wonder if he shoulder wander through the field, but decides against it, as with his current positioning, he had the overwhelming advantage.

Once more, he waits. Eagerly anticipating the persons next attack. Now knowing the man possibly wore armor to hide his chakra signature, he would have to become more focused than ever. He could not let down his guard for a single moment, for he did not know his foe, and his foe may have already caught a glimpse of his power.
Kenzo Uchiha
Kenzo Uchiha
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Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2 Empty Re: Judgement Day: Takigakure Destruction #2

Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:26 pm
Did Kenzo's eyes deceive him? Saiga had... vanished. Kenzo turned his head, following the underground cave with his eyes, tracing the route towards the village until he saw an open area. He did not look the other direction because it was unlikely that Saiga would move through the tiny orbs if he knew they were there. Why else would he flee? What did he see as his head turned skywards? In the distance, Kenzo saw a blue flame, but without the help of his doujutsu, it would have been nearly impossible for Kenzo to tell that-that thing in the distance in the sky was actually a person. He deactivated his infrared vision, as he had no use for it at the moment. There were many other flames, but none like this one. This one remained at in elevated position, and, despite the distance, this flame was quite large, even larger than the others beneath it. Kenzo had recognized this "flame". Kenzo knew that what he what he saw as a "flame" was not a true flame, but the chakra of a being far stronger than anyone Kenzo had yet faced. The size of the chakra "flame" alone gave away Saiga's position, for the moment Kenzo began to look in that direction, he could not help but to notice the difference in the chakra between the civilians and the man that hovered in the air above them all. Kenzo could only assume that this man was the one who had defeated his clone in an instant. 

Before Kenzo could even finish his final handseal, his body was surrounded by a layer of katon chakra that had the opacity of red plastic, yet it was stronger than almost any metal. Just as the naked eye could see through the aura outlining Kenzo's body on all sides, Kenzo could also see. The chakra appeared as nothing more than an aura outlining Kenzo's body, and, the moment that the aura manifested three things happened all at the same time. When the aura manifested, the ground around and beneath Kenzo burst into flames because the moment that aura surrounded Kenzo, his aura was surrounded in a meter of heat(Strength 185) that distorted his appearance far past recognition, giving him the appearance of a simple black silhouette. When the aura manifested, Kenzo's body flew through the air towards Saiga with a speed of 300 hoping to ram Saiga's frame with a strength of 370. When the aura manifested, a number of thin flames that were sharp as blades spawned upon this "aura", extending, at most, 6 inches from Kenzo's body. Those flames danced upon Kenzo's flesh, threatening to scorch the body of anyone who came within range, of course, the true scorching would only come after the heat surrounding Kenzo's flame on all sides had lit the opponent aflame. 

Kenzo would waste no time closing the distance between himself and Saiga, holding the handseal that would be the final handseal all the while, for he knew that this would be his only chance, or what seemed to be his last unfavorable chance to attack what he thought would be an unsuspecting opponent. Kenzo knew that Saiga was baiting him, luring him out into the opponent for a direct confrontation, hoping that Kenzo would fall into some kind of trap. Kenzo knew that his attack would be nothing in comparison to what Saiga had in store, for the platform he stood upon, in the eyes of the sharingan, displayed chakra far more potent than Kenzo could have released at a moments notice, but, still, Kenzo flew towards Saiga with every intention of smashing into Saiga's frame. There would be no fleeing. No acts of cowardice from this little man. There would be no more hiding, even though Kenzo knew he was outgunned in, what appeared to be, every way possible, for Kenzo did not fear. He accepted the challenge completely, never once looking back to question whether or not this decision was a GRAVE mistake. Despite his young age, Kenzo was something that not just anyone could be. He was the most complex kind of being, a being that would not give-up regardless of the odds that were against him. He was a shinobi.
Jutsu Used: 

Flaming Seat of Judgement

Skill Used:

Hono no Hato(Heart of Fire) for heat surrounding Kenzo's body, and flames
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