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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

Minorin's Plea Empty Minorin's Plea

Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:20 am
Den and Shinji, assuming he remained on his iron sand disk, would fly across the plains o the Moon Country, traveling at 205 speed. They would be about 15 meters above the ground as they traveled, making a beeline towards Amegakure. Den's sharingan would scan the countryside as they continued to fly, attempting to spot anything unusual. Denkitkei didn't think that there would be any missing ninja so close to his country, but he had always been an overly cautious man, and didn't want to be ambushed because he had become more powerful and far to cocky.
Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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Minorin's Plea Empty Re: Minorin's Plea

Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:33 pm
Shinji had indeed remained seated on his sand disk, it was rather nice not having to expend much physical effort whilst traveling. Though, despite his seated position, The Tenkage had his Sharingan active as well, not really to see threats, but more so to see the sights of the countryside as they whizzed through it at breakneck pace. The only thing that really irked the Uzumaki was that he had not packed any food and now his stomach was starting to protest ever so slightly. He could only hope that they would soon arrive in Amegakure.
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Minorin's Plea Empty Re: Minorin's Plea

Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:48 am
Darkness and heavy breathing. Minorin's senses dulled as she stumbled onwards falling to one knee and struggling to open her eyes. Through blurred vision she peered downwards. Immediately a sharp pain jolted through her body upon seeing blood cover the jagged rocks underneath her. Instinctively, she closed her eyes again, coming to stumble forward another couple feet before dropping to her 
knees again. Flinging her shoulder forward her pack fell in front of her, a pouch opening slightly to reveal its contents. 

With squinted eyes and loud breathing she reaches her hand into the bag and feels around. Inside were only a few shuriken and senbon, the rest of her usual gear missing. Her head began to hurt as she thought backwards, the hand she used to search the bag jolting upwards to clutch her temple. Memories came flowing back, fragments and pieces of them disjointed in her faded mind. With one hand on her head the other began feeling around in the bag again. Finally after some searching she tore her hand out to reveal a piece of crumpled paper and a single pencil. 

On a rock beside her she began writing everything that came to mind, rapidly scribbling. The first thing that came to mind was a shape pattern, so she drew a circular ripple pattern that came to appear as a weird looking eye. Eyes...blood...pain...ash. Many of the things she wrote on the paper looked like nonsense, likely because in her current condition she could barely see straight.

Off in the distance she sensed a familiar chakra signature. She would immediately recognize it as Den, her sensei, her partner, and her friend. Her mouth opened to call out, but blood seemed to fill her lungs and she coughed it up violently onto the ground. Her heartbeat began to slow, weakening severely as a warm sticky sensation bled through her clothing and gathered into a dark red pool on the ground.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

Minorin's Plea Empty Re: Minorin's Plea

Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:56 pm
The Tenkage’s crimson eye caught sight of a chakra signature, but both widened as he realized it was Minorin’s. His former student, his friend. One of the last connections Den had from Kirigakure, who had gone to Konoha some time ago. Den would redirect the two sand disks towards a spot near Min, having the two disks disperse and the iron sand return to the ball in his hand once they were 20 meters away from Minorin, and a meter off of the ground.

As Den’s feet reached the ground, he managed to get a good look at Minorin, and horror etched itself across his face. There was so much blood, she was even coughing it up as he began to approach her. I don’t… I don’t think I can save her. His hands shook, but he began to walk towards her at a quick pace, he had to try. He couldn’t let her die, not because she was a Tenga nin, not because she was the 5 tails Jinchuriki, but because she was his friend. The iron sand ball was put into one of the pockets of the vest on his armor. He would need both hands to even make an attempt at saving her.

If she didn’t make an effort to stop him, he would place his hands on her back and try and activate his Space Time Healing tech, starting by slowing down time around her, slowing the bleeding while he tried to figure out how she was wounded, and how best to go about healing her. It would take a few seconds for this ability to come into effect however, and Den could only pray that it wouldn’t be too long. Assuming he managed to reach her and begin to activate his jutsu, his hands would still be shaking. He couldn’t let her die.

WC: 308
+3 Nature Chakra from this thread (Total of 22/30 right now)
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Ryo : 27500

Minorin's Plea Empty Re: Minorin's Plea

Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:37 pm
The countryside quickly became a blur for Shinji, not for lack of ability to see, but more so for the fact that he was zoning out. A bad habit for a shinobi? Yes, but the Uzumaki did not much care he needed a break of some sort. As such, Shinji was rather surprised when the disk he sat on came to an halt, which almost sent him careening forward. Luckily he was able to remain on the disk. However he would not remain there for long as he took in the reason for stopping. About twenty meters away was a girl. Now, Shinji could not quite place his finger on who it was at first, but then he realized it was the girl Denkiteki had came with to Tengakure from Kirigakure: Minorin. Shinji could not see exact extent of Minorin's wounds, but from where he sat he could see the rather large amount of bleeding. 

As Denkiteki ran over to the girl Shinji got off the disk of sand and stood there surveying the area. If there was one thing the Uzumaki knew it was that people didn't just start bleeding that much for no reason. Surely, she must have been attacked or something like that. Perhaps it was paranoia, but he scanned the surroundings for any attackers or would be ambushers. Hopefully, were there any around, he would be able to spot them and alert Den. Thus, with a heightened sense of awareness, the Uzumaki stood watch as Den tended to Minorin.
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Minorin's Plea Empty Re: Minorin's Plea

Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:54 pm
Her heavy breathing continued, but as her lungs expanded to take in more air, each breath became shallower. Every few moments more blood came from her lips, the pool expanding on all sides of her. When Den approached she barely managed to look up at him before he started casting his healing technique. Her glazed eyes had faded a bit, dulled with pain as if her life was being drained out of her.

Her hands had been stained a bit with dry blood, and they shook violently as her whole body twitched and spasmed. After much effort one of her hands would slowly raise to grasp one of Den's outstreched hands, the man desperately and valiantly making every attempt to save her. Her pained gaze would come to meet his, her voice soft and faded. 

"Promise me that you'll get the Biju before they do."

It seemed that she made an attempt for more words to come out, but couldn't muster the strength and was interrupted by a violent fit of coughing. Her eyes dropped for a moment, looking at the piece of paper she had scribbled on. The edges were bloodstained and the writing was nearly illegible, but it would have to do. Her sensei might not have realized it, but in addition to then many cuts and gashes on her person, her body had also been filled with poison. Should Den attempt to heal her bleeding wounds and accelerate the natural healing process, the poison would kill her. Even if Den did realize the poison was working through her bloodstream and he was able to slow its advances, she would bleed out moments later. 

Den had often looked out for her, but this time he would have to let her go. Her friend had always been guarded and careful with his emotions, locking away the need to cry or express anger. It was a quality of his that she never understood, but in the end he was right, such expressions never really did anything. 

Regardless of what her friend said to her, she would speak one last time. 

"If you can't cry for Kiri, don't cry for me." 

Minorin's life faded away now, her violent coughing and shaking come to a gradual stop until only silence remained.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

Minorin's Plea Empty Re: Minorin's Plea

Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:02 pm
Den was about to begin healing her wounds when Minorin touched his hand. He didn’t have time for this, he had to activate the jutsu in order to save….

"Promise me that you'll get the Biju before they do."

What? For a brief moment he wondered who ‘they’ were, but they’d have time to talk about that later. He had to save her, he wouldn’t give up. Trying to use his jutsu to slow down time around her, he’d begin to slowly heal her wounds. The blood would quickly stop pouring out from her wounds, Den’s chakra control allowing him to heal all of the wounds almost instantly.

Den had a brief moment of victory, he had saved his friend, when he realized her condition was still only getting worse. Too late, he realized that poison ran through her veins that he couldn’t stop it with any jutsu he knew. No…

Den released the jutsu, hands shaking even more as he realized that he couldn’t do anything. That his best friend, the last surviving member of his Genin team, the person he had done all he could to protect, was going to die right in front of him. Den had never felt on the verge of tears, but it was all he could do to obey Minorin’s last wish. He loved her like a sister, and while she had been away for so long, he still felt that way towards her. Sadness mixed with anger as he silently vowed to kill whoever had done this to her, and without looking at what was on the paper itself, he picked up Min’s message and put it in a vest pocket of his armor. He would read it later, but not now. He couldn’t think of feel anything other than the despair and rage that filled him, and as Minorin slowly fell silent, all he could do was kneel next to her, and wait for the end to come.

When she finally stopped coughing, stopped moving, he felt something break and die inside of him. The part of him that had grown complacent, happy and content with his life. That had allowed the one he cared about most to die right in front of him, while he just sat there helpless. As that part of him burned away into nothing, leaving him feeling empty, incomplete, his right eye burned with it. His vision blurred for a moment, then grew sharper. All of his anger and misery seemed to feed his Sharingan eye, altering it and helping it transcend the power of the tomoes it once possessed. However, even as his eye altered itself and took on a new pattern, Den didn’t seem to notice beyond the pain he felt in his eye. He just continued to kneel there, next to Minorin. A part of him knew he should do something about the 5 tails, that soon it would escape form her corpse and rampage throughout the plains, but he couldn’t bring himself to do anything. He just remained still, broken, staring at what remained of his friend.

WC: 515
Nature Chakra is now 24/30
Requesting MS
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Minorin's Plea Empty Re: Minorin's Plea

Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:17 pm
Upon glancing around the area Shinji was rather surprised to see no immediate threats. Perhaps the girl had simply wandered all the way out here? The whole thing seemed off, but there was not much the Uzumaki could do now, so he simply watched Den from where he stood, twenty meters from the two figures: Den and the no doubt soon to be corpse of Minorin. Naturally Shinji did not drop his defenses as he still monitored the area around him with his chakra senses and was ready to react if need be. The Uzumaki almost went to comfort Den as he heard the last hacking cough come from Minorin, but thought better of it. After all, what could he do? Often, at times such as this one, words were simply meaningless and could end up sounding empty. As such Shinji decided to give Den time to grieve. In fact, nature itself seemed to mourn the passing of Minorin: as her heart beat its last beat a sigh-like breeze blew across the barren landscape from behind Shinji that ruffled the former kage's traveling cloak and perhaps also ushered the small girl's soul onward to the afterlife. Coincidentally, or perhaps fittingly, this breeze blew towards the ruins of Kirigakure where both Den and Minorin once called home.
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Minorin's Plea Empty Re: Minorin's Plea

Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:04 pm
The breeze that blew towards Kirigakure was strong, causing Minorin's hair to flow about. The wind carried forth specks of ash, flowing ominously towards the water. Shinji's superior senses would detect nothing else for miles around in this area. It would seem that this girl had escaped for a time, before collapsing from exhaustion and perishing from her wounds. A blood trail lead on
into the distance, if followed it would seem to come from the same direction that the ash was blowing. 

Now a spike of chakra would become prominent, one that both ninja would detect immediately that came from deep within the girl. For a moment their senses would seem to be overwhelmed, but then the energy itself would begin to visibly glow around the dead girl. Moments later a beam of pure energy would shoot into the sky, a feeling of power being unleashed as the collumn poured out of Minorin. 

Around Minorin's body, a hot steamy mist cloud began to surround her person. This steam slowly began flowing outwards around her body that would continue to expand until a fifty meter radius around her had been reached. Moments later, the energy collumn would come to take shape, the five tailed demon forming out of the expelled energy and standing over the ex-jinchuriki's lifeless corpse. It had finally been freed into this world, and with a mighty roar, the cloud of steam began to expand more and more, ominously creeping outwards as a thick fog. A regular human eye might only be able to see the silhouette of the massive beast inside the soupy mist, but those with dojutusu or other heightened senses would likely be able to discern more. 

[Speaking of heightened senses, your MS is approved.

Here is the list of jutsu I am using for the five tails:

Bear in mind that these numbers have been adjusted significantly and that basically any numbers 
you see as stat points or in any of the techs have been buffed quite a bit. The mechanics of the 
tech however have not changed. 

I plan on making this fight much more strategically oriented that stat based however, so I won't 
really be relying on numbers. For reference, each stat field you see on that link is on average maybe 5x higher, but know that I don't have exact figures in my head. This will be a test of your RP skill to fight, not your ability to hit four figures. Good luck. ]
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

Minorin's Plea Empty Re: Minorin's Plea

Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:51 pm
(inb4 I Genji myself)

A spike of energy would force Den back into reality, the Gobi was about to be released. Iron sand poured out of the pockets in his gear and surrounded his body, creating a sphere that would hopefully defend him from an attack. Using the sand to lift him off the ground, Den’s body flew away from Minorins corpse at 205 speed. As he reached about 40 meters from Minorin, a beam of energy shot forth into the air. Fortunately Den was far enough away to not be caught in the beam, he was unsure as to whether or not he would have survived being caught in the blast. While he was unable to see the beam do to his vision being obscured by his sand, he could sense the vast power emanating from it easily enough.

Wanting a height advantage, Den began to manipulate the sphere upwards, already 50 meters into the air by the time the mist had begun to pour out of Minorin’s body. His sphere opened up once he reached this point, becoming a platform that he was standing on about 3 meters in diameter with 6 spheres of iron sand 1 meter in diameter floating around his person.

Den’s Mangekyou Sharingan pierced the steam mist well enough for Den to make out the shape of the 5 tails as it formed, whose silhouette Den had only seen before when Minorin had accessed it’s power. Looking at it now, he realized that his friend had only been able to access a fraction of the beasts power. While he had been able to take on Minorin when she used the Version 2 of her cloak, looking at the massive power before him he was unsure as to whether or not he could defeat this creature.
As he finished his analysis of the creature, it let out a great roar, and Den noticed the steam began to expand even further.

Having been about 64 meters away from Minorins corpse, Den had been far enough away to not be worried about the steam when it initially formed, but now it began to slowly move towards him. Unsure as to how far the bijuus mist could travel, Den ascended higher into the air, while also moving away from the beast, traveling another 20 meters back and 30 meters upward (80 meters in the air, 60 meters away from Minorin horizontally, and I think a total of 100 meters away from Minorin’s location).

As he did this, one of the iron sand balls broke apart, creating a number of musket ball sized balls to his left. One of them then took a shape similar to a senbon, and flew towards the 5 tails. It was aimed at the front left knee of the beast. Den didn’t expect to actually defeat the beats with this attack, he merely wanted to test the power of the steam that was slowly moving towards him, and the durability of the Gobi should the steam not prove powerful enough to destroy his projectile.

Assuming the speed of the steam did not increase, by the time Den completed his actions and the iron bullet reached the Gobi the mist of steam would not have even yet reached the location he had been in before the Gobi had expanded it beyond 50 meters.

WC: 544

Iron manip speed (platform, spheres, bullet): 228
Iron Bullet Health: 228
Iron Bullet Sharpness: 342
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