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Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

A vacation or something like that... Empty A vacation or something like that...

Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:02 pm
This was no normal day. Had it been normal Shinji would have been in bed. Instead he now stood in the misty morning right inside the gates of Tengakure looking out into the vast plains that stretched out before him. He did not wear his normal clothes as he did not wish to be recognized as the Tenkage as he traveled, yes traveled, Shinji was going on a trip. It had always been a dream of his to see the sight of the ninja world and now one unruly Yuki clan member had given him that chance. The second Tenkage wore his Maelstrom armor along with his power bracers. Over these he wore his lightweight jounin pants and if one listened carefully one could hear his chakra resonator steadily ticking away the time that hung on his waist. His hands were adorned by his sealed gloves. In the right glove was Makaze and in the left was a kunai. He had sealed them earlier that morning in preparation for this trip. Then, over all these clothes, the Uzumaki wore a long ragged brown travel cloak that stretched down to just above the man's ankles. On his back was a brown backpack that lacked the modern touch much of Tengakure had. In essence, Shinji was ready for his trip. All that remained was for was his fellow traveler to arrive.
Daemon Yuki
Daemon Yuki
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A vacation or something like that... Empty Re: A vacation or something like that...

Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:10 pm
Daemon arrived shortly after Shinji he stood wearing his normal clothes, nothing else really as he was rather poor for not having done any missions lately, with a travel cloak on top of it, he had his senbon in his pouch but his hand never reached for them. "Hello Shinji." Daemon said while looking down hardly able to show his face to the man he tried to kill not long ago. "Ive heard of a ring maker out side of this village who is good with Fuin seals....i think it might be safe to head there and by ring that would keep my in check...only problem is i have ten ryo at the moment...." he continued as he looked up slightly at the man not wanting to ask to borrow more money from the him he hoped the stop in his sentence would be question enough and would understand if he refused to help him.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

A vacation or something like that... Empty Re: A vacation or something like that...

Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:40 pm
A slight squealing alerted Shinji to Daemon's presence, the Tenkage had not been paying too much attention, but his sanctuary dragon, Luna, who was stowed in the backpack Shinji wore noticed him. Luckily Luna was still small, so it was an easy task keeping the dragon in said backpack for now anyway, but that was beside the point. Shinji merely nodded at Daemon's greeting and turned, so he could see him. Naturally the Tenkage listened to Daemon and saw nothing wrong with the boy's request. Reaching into a pocket in his backpack Shinji pulled out 90 ryo and handed it to Daemon. The Uzumaki then spoke in a sleepy voice, "Here is all I can spare for right now. We can pick up the ring on our way up. I was thinking of heading north first to visit the village of Yukigakure. How does that sound?" Granted there was little the Yuki could say that would change Shinji's mind, but the kage liked to keep the kid in the loop too an extent. Assuming that the boy took the ryo Shinji would take the first steps out of Tengakure and onwards, hopefully with Daemon in tow. The was the start of what would hopefully be a momentous journey, if nothing else it would be a fun sight seeing trip for Shinji.

{Exit, -90 ryo from Shinji, 1825 left over}
Daemon Yuki
Daemon Yuki
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A vacation or something like that... Empty Re: A vacation or something like that...

Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:42 pm
Deamon took the money with a slight smile it seemed as though Shinji did not hate him after all. "Yuki sounds good to me." he said in reply as he followed Shinji out of the village.

[Exit, +90 ryo giving me 100]
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