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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Team One's First Mission [Private] Empty Team One's First Mission [Private]

Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:22 pm

It was a bright sunny morning. The Sun shun across the village hidden in the sand illuminating it and also adding a sparkle to the golden sand surround it. Xuro Bakuton, Jounin of Sunagakure made his way towards the mission boards. He intended to take his team on a mission. He scanned through the mission board looking for a good yet easy mission they can do as a team to get them started. Something that payed good as well. "Aha! These one looks nice. A simple escort." Xuro took down the details and then scheduled his team to meet up with him by the village gates to set off on their mission.

Xuro headed for the village gates and would position himself leaning against the one gate awaiting his team members' arrivals. He was dressed in his usual lightweight jounin attire covered by his Brotherhood of Light cloak. His head positioned across his forehead slanted across his left eye and not to mention he was fully equipped with all his weapons. His eartanic blade now stuck into the ground and was leaning on it with his right forearm. He whistled softly as he waited for his team...
Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Team One's First Mission [Private] Empty Re: Team One's First Mission [Private]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:26 am
Kaori would spend her days learning. Being in a Genin team provided her with a unique opportunity and she was not going to let it go to waste. That day however, fate decided, was to be spend otherwise - their team leader Xuro would send them a message informing them of a team mission and calling them to the village gates at the specified time. Naturally, the young medical ninja did not want to leave her studies, but she also realized the need of the mission as her funds were running dry and she could certainly enjoy some more income. After gearing up, she would make her way to the described location, where she would find Xuro waiting for them and... whistling. Apparently she was the first to arrive. Not interested in engaging in a small talk with their team captain, the girl would keep from approaching him and lean on a wall at a distance. She would wait for Gilgamesh and that other kid, who cared about him?, to arrive... Hopefully not too much of a wait, this will prove to be.

183 w.
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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Team One's First Mission [Private] Empty Re: Team One's First Mission [Private]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:27 am
Gilgamesh stood in a cave; it was beautiful scenery in there and that was why he had claimed it as his home. A small body of water, a few open spots on the ceiling to allow the sunlight to pierce it. Truly magnificent. However, it seemed that Gilgamesh was now supposed to embark on a mission. He cared not on the contents of the mission but he started walking towards the desginated area wearing a tight black shirt and a pair of jeans, his headband tucked into his back pocket as he cared little for it. Upon reaching the area he noticed Kaori and the team leader. Where was the other kid? Surely he'd be here soon. Simply walking in between the two he spun around, two holders either side of his hips held an eskrima stick. "The gods seek fit to barrage us with sun as always. What a glorious day for hard labour!"
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Team One's First Mission [Private] Empty Re: Team One's First Mission [Private]

Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:07 pm
blaze was spending his day doing hid normal routine of sitting in his room and doing wjat he felt like  but today he had to go on a misson  he really did not want to but he had to  he walked out the door noticing how nice out it was he went to make his way to where he was supposed to go he noticed he was the last one to get there he looked at every one then he stood there
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Team One's First Mission [Private] Empty Re: Team One's First Mission [Private]

Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:51 pm
Xuro remained in his same position till all 3 members- Kaori, Gilgamesh & Blaze had finally arrived. He would then stand up straight and look at all 3 of them. "Alright since now we have gathered at last, I feel its about time we go on a mission. This is a specific mission I have chosen myself for various reasons. 1) Obviously because it pays good Ryo which come on we all could use a good lump sum of $$$ 2)Its an A rank mission which I think we can use to get to know each other a little bit more and also to work as a team. The best way to get to know your comrade is out on the field and that's just what we going to do and 3) because it ain't soo difficult and its not so dangerous so I thinnk we can handle it.

Now then the mission is an escort mission. Precious very important cargo is arriving soon at The Borders. We have to rendezvous with the cargo and escort it safely into Sunagakure. This cargo is very important. It can't get stolen or damaged. Thieves might try to ambush us that's why we gotta work together to protect the cargo, ourselves and our team mates. So what say? You guys up for the challenge??"
Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Team One's First Mission [Private] Empty Re: Team One's First Mission [Private]

Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:33 am
Kaori just stood there, her mind buried in her own problems, waiting for the other team mates. Soon Gilgamesh would arrive, dropping a remark which was very like him, except there was no complaint in it, unless she did not understand it. Kaori would greet him mentally (if the connection was established previously) and then wait for Blaze who would be there in a moment. As their whole team was there, the captain would address them and explain their mission, after explaining his reasons for choosing it, which was the wrong order in Kaori's opinion. Not to mention that she did not care for at least half of this stuff. Listening to it, with a bored expression she would wait and once it had been over, without saying a word she would start walking past the gates and into the direction of the Borders, where the cargo now was. If everyone followed her, or just came along or with her - whatever suited them, she would start to sprint, not exactly taking the lead, but not following either. Hopefully there will be blood...

183 (366) w.
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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Team One's First Mission [Private] Empty Re: Team One's First Mission [Private]

Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:35 am
Listening to what the details of the mission were, Gilgamesh nodded his head solemnly before setting off to the destination. Naturally, he was not one to follow as that was undermining of a leader, so he simply started to run ahead. Due to his superior speed to most of the team chances are he'd only be behind Xuro if he was to try and lead, a slight irking to him but it could be brushed over if so needed. Regardless, he soon came skidding to the borders before looking around only to see a rather small and humble looking man leading a donkey and a cart, with what he would assume was the cargo, in the cart. He allowed his hands to move upwards to provide him a brief shadow to allow good vision on the area in case something should arise.
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Team One's First Mission [Private] Empty Re: Team One's First Mission [Private]

Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:13 pm
he would litsen to what the misson was about thinking in his ming how it would turn out  he would then  follow everyone else as he was quite exited he walked along following every one else
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Team One's First Mission [Private] Empty Re: Team One's First Mission [Private]

Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:47 am
Xuro had explained the whole mission, he had hoped they all understood and were ready. He also hoped there weren't so much of threat awaiting but if there was any, he would allow for the genin squad to defend themselves and fight off the bandits or whoever might attack them. But if any slight chance his team would get injured, he would be there to protect them.

Xuro then sprinted out of the desert going at only half his speed since he was sure he was way faster than all of them and didn't want any of them to get lost or fall behind. Upon reaching the destination, he seen an old man with cart. He would approach the man and greet him, "Hey there, I'm Xuro Bakuton of Sunagakure. My team and I will be escorting you safely to the village of Suna." The man nodded and then from behind a bush came 2 more carts led by donkeys and driven by another two elderly men. They both had hats on covering over there head protecting against the harsh Sunagakure sun.

He the two men lined up their carts behind the man who seemed to be the leader. He then put on his hat over his head and nodded to Xuro saying, "Right then, Away..."

Xuro nodded and he then looked at his team, "Right Guys! Let's move out! We must deliver this cargo back to Sunagakure safely! I want you guys to position yourselves. Gilgamesh I want you to lead the caravan. Make an illusion in the front to hide all of us and the cargo behind it. That's if you can make a that illusion thing while moving. And if anything might head your way like weapons of something you can use your portals to stop it. Blaze use your byakugan and I want you to stand on the right hand side of the cargo. Keep on a watch out and report anything suspicious to me. Even if the bush moves tell me. And Kaori, I must still see your skills and what you are capable of, what kekkei genkai you possess, but for now you guard the left hand side." Xuro then, after they took their positions, he would go to the back of the 3 carts and would stay alert watching everything around him. When they were all ready, the caravan would move out...
Oren Illium
Oren Illium
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Team One's First Mission [Private] Empty Re: Team One's First Mission [Private]

Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:43 am
The rest of the team soon caught up to her. Gilgamesh took the lead, which was not surprising, and Xuro came beside her, the Blaze kid fell behind slightly, but who the hell cares. After dashing through the desert for some time, they soon found their objective - a cart pulled by a donkey and guided by a single old man. Kaori was not surprised bandits would take interest, man it was like free loot - if she was not on a missions, she'd be interested to see what they transporting herself and their pleading would probably not stop her if she were to find the cargo valuable to her. Regardless, today her mission was to protect the old.... farts, that's right - out of the blue there appeared two more of them each with their own donkey and a cart. Well, hopefully the bandits will not notice their arrival and attack anyway. That way she might enjoy some slaughter. The girl did not pay much attention to what their captain said to the old man, but she did notice when he started giving out command. Apparently he knew more about Gilgamesh than the girl did, this was the first time she heard anything about illusions or portals, both sounding so unlike Uzumaki. The Byakugan thingy was no shocker to her, although it did catch her attention. After all the kid was a Hyuuga - oh what treasure trove this team was! And finally, it was revealed that the captain knew almost nothing about her, although it was implied that she possessed a Kekkei Genkai, which only sparked a smile on her face. The girl would take her position as ordered and observe the other teammates, she wanted to see Byakugan activate and what this illusion deal was about. Maybe even what abilities and Kekkei Genkai the captain possessed, after all he was naming bloodlines so casually and without that envy the clanless would normally have, the girl was almost certain he had one was well, only question was which one.

341 (707) w.
[Blaze, you need to post more words, you're falling behind drastically and you will keep us back from finishing the mission until you finish your 750 words]
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