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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:02 pm
Haru walked down the path of Tenkagure's plains, back to the spot he'd last seen his team. He hadn't gotten any word about doing a mission any time soon, so he figured he'd might as well be ready for it, when the time finally came. Knowing that, the training towers would be the natural choice, but Haru wanted something different. He found the sewer entrance, shuddered slightly as he remembered his last trip here, then followed the river to the great mound of trees that Rin had made for their training area. Still fresh as it was the day it was grown.
"Huh. So the trees don't just die out." He muttered, as he dropped his bag and put on his equipment. He slipped his hidden blade bracer over his arm as he made his way to one of the training dummies Rin had made from the trees. He punched it softly, and felt that it was indeed very solidly built. he punched it slightly harder, and saw it start to give way a little bit. Finally, he punched it as hard as he could, and his hand broke through the wood.
"Aaah!" Shouted Haru, pulling his arm out and rubbing his knuckles. That was not very smart. He pulled a splinter of wood out of his finger as he walked around, observing the rest of the area. Rin was very talented, and Haru felt like he was a long ways from becoming as good as this. Came a time, he might have gone down this road, if he'd stayed with his Ninjutsu. He would have been able to preform amazing feats like this... But no, he much preferred Tiajutsu. He sat down, folding his legs, in the shade by the entrance, closing his eyes, and meditating. He needed to work on his chakra control, for he was starting to completely forsake ninjutsu, which was not a good idea at all. He breathed slowly, focusing his chakra flow.

(WC: 335)
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

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Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:50 pm
Yuri had been lazy throughout the recent period to the extent of letting the recent attack on the village passed like as though nothing happened. She would think that she can't do anything about it anyway since she remains a Genin as of now. Due to her lack of activity, she decided to take a walk out of her lodging. She would usually settle herself at the training tower early in the morning, but that changed after the enforced rule. She should have been more hardworking before that was implemented but there is no point thinking about that now.

Making her way onto the streets she could see it as be unaffected by the recent attack as everyone was still smiling and talking about their everyday lives. Thinking of smaller issues, she had not seen new replacement of a teammate herself. But again, its not like a dire issue to her, her leader could always find time for such matters if need be. Thinking about her leader, making a training ground out of a meeting is just simply beyond her abilities. However, to had taken the decision out for a walk made herself feel lucky, for all she knows, maybe there would be something pleasant today. Good things does happen in a row many times.

But the walk towards the destination took her about 10-20 minutes, not her best but considering her fitness this is a tip of an iceberg. Towards reaching the end, she started her warm-up by a few forward rolls as her last roll met the nearest standing training equipment. Trying to enjoy the wind for a moment, she sat down lying her back onto a standing dummy.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:30 pm
As he felt his chakra surging inside him, Haru was left almost oblivious to everything around him. This was likely why he didn't notice the new arrival sooner, though apparently, she didn't notice him, either. He continued meditating, focusing his chakra flow, until he finally gave in to a a nagging feeling inside his chest. He felt like he was missing something, so he stopped and listened for a moment.
Haru's eyes shot open as he heard someone moving in the training area. He activated the Byakugan, the veins in his eyes becoming visible, as he checked the identity of the visitor. It was Yuri, sitting against one of the training dummies. He should have guessed. Furozan was no longer on their team, and Rin was probably busy filling out paperwork for a new member. That left her. He stood up and walked towards her.
"Yuri? What's up?" He asked, waving at her. He hadn't seen her since their team's first meeting. He looked at her for a moment, before saying "How about a spar? We haven't really seen each other's fighting styles yet, so it would be a great chance to see what we're made of." He would say. If she agreed, he would take a few steps away from her, taking up his gentle fist stance. "Whenever you're ready." He would say, waiting for her to begin.

(WC: 238 TWC: 590)
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

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Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:03 pm
Yuri waved back to Haru realizing the fact that Haru seems to be earlier than her. To what Haru just said, she would think that considering his family name, his approach will be to get his opponent in close range. She stood up, grabbed hold of her sword and did a somersault backwards. Escaping probably takes better skills out of her since he has proven to be able to see through obstacles. Like a genius appearing in front of a failure, she would not take the Haru's combat stance lightly.

Here i come, i haven't do something like this for a long time. Yuri said with a smile that followed with a changing of color at her eye lashes as she pull out her sword and charged straight at him with the hilt facing the front (+50 speed). She had no form of styles unlike him. On her way closing into Haru, she purposely extended the length of her blade by a meter more and maintained holding it parallel to the ground with the tip of the blade pointing towards backwards. She would not go to a distance where fist fights are good to go but rather, she intend to stop at about 4 feet away from Haru and do a horizontal slash that aimed for his left hand from her right. Regardless of whether it will connect, her next step is to try flank her.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training (P,NK) Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:07 am
It seemed Haru's family name had betrayed him, as Yuri seemed to see right through his fighting style. There was a very sudden change in her chakra flow, as she charged at him with a burst of speed, aiming to slash his hand.
She's fast. Haru thought. What exactly made her so fast? Back when they first met, she seemed to have trouble keeping up with the team, but this was unbelievable. Had she been hiding this the whole time? She lunged towards him, Far faster then he was capable of moving... unless...
He would stop what he was doing, standing motionless, closing his eyes. The sword was very likely to slash at his hand, he doubted his ability to dodge her anyways, but that would not likely interrupt his focus. He knew he was tough enough to take it, so he would breathe in and out slowly, preparing himself. He hadn't had the chance to try this technique out on a genuine ninja, so he was a little nervous about using it, but he thought Yuri could handle it.

(WC: 182 TWC: 772)

Last edited by Renfer112 on Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:00 am; edited 2 times in total
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Training (P,NK) Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:31 pm
Her first attempt seems to be successful since Haru seems to be stuck in motion even when Yuri's sword finally executed the attack. Due to the activity being a training, Yuri must not use force that renders Haru's hands out of use like how she usually did in assigned missions. She would not hold the sword very tightly as she opens up her right gripping palm a little for the sword to have room for to be knocked back a little so that not all the impact would be sent to his hand. She would only use the force on her last finger and her thumb to make sure that her sword remains in her hands.

However, even if her sword felt something right, her ninja instinct tells her that there is more to come given the way Haru held his cool. She continued her plan to find out by extending her sword by another meter. Even if it the weight of the sword is still good, this gave a her a drawback that she would not be able stab her sword straight on the ground if she liked since her height prevents her to do so. In return, she was able to extend her distance by 5 feet more and gave her a better safety margin which immediately took effect. This time , she would circle around her with the new distance and aim to slash her right leg.

Unfortunately, Haru's seems to be changing form to one that offers less visibility than the one just moments ago, her solid form and her faint casted shadow on the ground turned into something that would come out forming a kettle boiling water. This prompts for a change in Yuri's plans. As ready as Haru to make such changes, Yuri is ready for him as she continued circling Haru after switching hands for holding her sword.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training (P,NK) Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:42 am
As her sword made contact with his hand, which was knocked back, Haru did not retaliate. He noticed she was holding back. He was thankful for that, for his hands were not rendered useless quite yet. That was very good, for he felt his power surge as his power activated.
"Fury of the Storm..." He would mutter(X2 Speed, +20 strength and Stamina for four posts), as his grey eyes became red and bloodshot, appearing to be void of all emotion. His body took on an ethereal appearance, he seemed to be a ghost. Yuri was still pretty close to him, within range of his next move. He would begin to rotate, spinning and moving his hands in all directions, opening his chakra points.
"Eight Trigrams; Palms Revolving Heaven!" He would say he spun, forming a dome of chakra around him, knocking her sword out of her hand if she didn't manage to hold on. (Yuri is about 8.2 feet way from Haru, I believe, and the range of this attack is 2 meters in all directions. 1 meter is about 3.28 feet, so 2 meters is 6.56 feet. This means the sword is knocked form your hand, but Yuri is still safe) If he was successful in disarming Yuri, he would dash towards her, closing the distance, and begin his Gentle fist barrage (Adding an additional +10 speed until the technique is finished or blocked).
"Eight Trigrams, Sixty four palms!" He would shout, striking at the tenkutsu on her neck, right shoulder, and right hip respectively. Each strike would block out a little bit of her chakra flow, he was hoping to stop her from using whatever technique that was making her so fast, or at least weaken her. (Each strike -5 chakra)

(WC: 255 TWC: 1027)

Stats with Fury of the storm:

Speed: 71+15 Byakugan= 86x2=172
Strength: 51+20=71
Stamina: 15+20=35

Fury Of the Storm
Eight Trigrams: Palms Revolving Heaven
Eight Trigrams: Sixty Four palms

Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Training (P,NK) Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:38 pm
A fine practitioner of his own bloodline, Yuri saw the technique that offers unique defense that only a member of the Hyuuga clan would perform. A dome made up of chakra was formed in front of her eyes that nearly made contact with her, this made Haru even more invisible. Yuri could only see what she guessed is his eyes now as they looked like there were bloodshot. This made her wonder the reason of that color of his eyes, it definitely wasn't what a normal Hyuuga would do. With this in mind, she noticed that her sword was knocked leftwards and her left arm felt the impact. Not willing to give up her sword, her arm got pushed back enough for her to break her movement in a perfect circle. She still had her right hand.

Fortunately, Yuri had been expecting something as Haru's next move caught her partially off guard even she had her guard. She would see the eyes slightly clearer and bigger, soon the entire body got slightly clearer again. Realizing the fact Haru had adjusted his movement to be even quicker than her current form and is moving straight to her, she had to go into being defensive. Her direction of movement had to change due to the impact still having an effect on her. By this point of time she had already enough strength to force the tip of the blade to root it to the ground along with the impact. This gave her the needed element to help her in the new direction she is moving to. However, things did not go smoothly as she did not react as fast as his attack would. At the instant that she was stationary due to turning to her left, her neck would take the hit of the incoming blow that she felt was made up of fingers. She could only block the next hit with her right hand. If it wasn''t for the sword that helped to cushion the strength that the technique was executed with, she would have been sent backwards with both legs off the ground instead of only her left leg. Fortunately, the third hit narrowly missed her as she was just in time to dodge by using all her strength on her left hand to regain balance with both legs on the ground and moved left to dodge his next strike of the technique. It was good to have the advantage of a extended sword back again.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training (P,NK) Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:39 pm
Haru felt a little disappointed as all but one of his strikes missed Yuri, even with his newfound speed. No matter, he'd just have to try harder. She was trying to get out of his striking range, to gain the use of her sword again. He would keep pressing her, and as she dodged to her left, he would rebound himself, trying to keep himself in point blank range. He needed to inflict as much damage as possible during the short duration of the Fury. He would attempt to sweep Yuri's leg out from under using his right leg, before spinning on his back from the ground to kick her in the chest with his left leg, ending her into the air, away from her grounded sword. Since the sword was still in the ground, he doubted her ability to keep a firm grip on it once she was knocked into the air. If he was successful in knocking her into the air, Haru would jump up after her, letting the chakra flow into his hands once more. Time for another barrage, while he still had the energy left to preform it.
"Eight Trigrams: One Hundred Twenty Eight Palms!" (-10 chakra per strike) He would shout, preforming the move on a helpless, airborne Yuri. He knew from experience that it was very difficult to dodge an attack in midair... With the aid of the Byakugan, he found her tenkutsu, and struck. First he would target the side of her neck he hadn't struck before, then her left hip, left and right shoulder, and chest. He would stop if all those strikes managed to make contact. If he went too far with this technique, Yuri could get hurt. This would be just enough to disable her Ninjutsu techniques, and maybe even stop her from using whatever was making her move so fast... He knew from experience that it was very difficult to dodge an attack in midair...

(WC: 325 TWC: 1352)

Eight Trigrams: 128 palms

Stats after technique:
Speed: 71+15 Byakugan +20 gentle fist= 106x2=212 (Made a miscalculation with the last move, forgot to double the 64 palms, but oh well)
Strength: 51+20=71
Stamina: 15+20=35

Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Training (P,NK) Empty Re: Training (P,NK)

Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:34 am
[Taking it as 212 then]

Yuri could feel the tide turning to Haru's favor, she needs to keep up somehow. She does not know how long will she be in defense. The only good thing is that she is not required to force her hand yet. She had just escaped the Haru's first attempt of crippling strikes at her partially and it left him at somewhere that she need to turn around to get a vision of him. There was no time to look anywhere anyway, she was easily thrown off balance with a leg sweep that ended her extending of distance that she just got started with a foot. This was careless of her,facing the sky and losing advantage of the ground could be bad to her.

To further worsen her situation, she was forced into blocking the next attack with her right hand again with by turning to her back forcefully as her left hand was still busy freeing her sword. It was a relief but also a disaster as she found herself gaining height from the ground given the impact Haru just brought to her. It was fortunate that she could still see Haru after handling the kick by going along with the kick's force. Now what? Asking herself as she went up in midair preparing for his next attack. Thankfully, her sword wasn't the only weapon, she was ready to use the same technique again. She quickly drew her a Kunai with her right hand and giving it a 3 meters extension.

The instant Haru lifted himself up into the air, he shouted his striking technique again. Simplicity at its best thanks to her gift, this prompted her to use the highest variant of the technique immediately(Abandoning +50 Speed boost to using +90 Speed boost). Here he comes Yuri felt more prepared this time as she could gauge Haru's attack a little better. However, She would not allow another hit to get to her this time. With Haru jumping up giving a small bonus to her, she needed to gain more more height to get away from him. This was when she realized that her sword still had its advantage with the kunai extension  completed.

She aimed her thrust at her disarmed sword's hilt immediately. Since it is rooted to the ground, it is strong enough for her to gain more height with it. Losing the kunai will reduce the chance of her going away. But right now, she would see Haru's technique hitting the airs with his blurry fingers. She does not have much time as the Kunai is still within his reach and she would inevitably return to the ground unless.....

Her left hand had to grab another kunai right away. What more? Muttering to herself as she pulled her legs nearer to her shoulder than it used to be in air, preparing for more while both of them are in midair on their way touching the ground.
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