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Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Empty Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sun May 19, 2013 1:04 am
Ashie wakes up and stretches looking at her passed out brother with the equally passed out raptalian on his chest. Ashie would tilt her head and giggle standing and leaning over to plant a kiss on her big brother's forehead. "Wish me luck big brother." She would whisper tenderly earning a cute squirm and a smirk in his sleep. She smiles all through getting in her plain red shorts and custom priestess top. Pulling her long black hair into a pony tail her bangs would slip out next to her face. Ashie then went downstairs to make a light breakfast of a piece of toast with grape jam and a glass of cold milk. Feeling full and confident she strode her way to the Academy where she sat in the hall waiting for a proctor to show up to give her the exam.
Samuru Uchiha
Samuru Uchiha
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Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Empty Re: Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sun May 19, 2013 1:08 am
It is but a normal day in the academy, a single proctor is working with the students and is running the exam for today. With a smile and a tone filled with joy he beckons for the next student to enter the classroom for their exam. Should the girl come in, the man smiles softly at her, not knowing her lineage but is nice due to being in such a good mood.
"I take it your here for the exam?" the man inquires, should she agree he continues. "Very well, preform both the clone technique, and the transformation technique to pass, best of luck to you hunny." With his words the man makes his way around his desk, sitting behind it and watching the girl, a line of headbands on his desk to his right.

[800 words to pass doing the aforementioned jutsu, good luck.]
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Empty Re: Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sun May 19, 2013 1:48 am
Ashie would be deep in thought. She had gotten to do a lot of things since her father had brought her and her twin into this world from Asgard. Ashie had gotten to spar alongside her twin Otsune against her brother Samuru. Upon that fight both of them had gotten to activate and complete training with their first tomoe in their Masutaii. Ashie has also made her first friend along with his familiar Mr. Tibbers, and how he had gotten her a stuffed bear that looked just like Mr. Tibbers as a sign of their friendship. He had also paid for her lunch too! Ashie had gotten to spend a lot of time in this new world. Hopefully Ashie will get to do more things with her brother and sister, like lots of missions! Ashie desperately needed to make money! Everyone, even her brother, had treated her out to a meal! Now it was Ashie's turn to pay all of them back and it would have to start with Ashie passing her Genin exams and getting a shiny, new head band with her villages symbol proudly engraved on the front. Ashie could see it now, her Father patting her head telling her she was a good girl and her brother and sister hugging her tight. But something was missing and it almost discouraged Ashie a little bit. Her Mother, who was still stuck in Asgard, would miss the whole thing. At the thought Ashie would sniffle, but she couldn't do that she had to buck up and do it for Ashie!

Hearing her proctor clear his throat and speak to her Ashie would gulp feeling nervous, but then remember's she's Viper's daughter and a strong hybrid of both Uchiha and Hyuuga. Ashie keeps her happy but serious facial expression. Standing tall with her hair pulled back and her bangs hanging on the sides of her face. If it weren't for the fact that she was a girl she would be the spinning image of Itachi Uchiha. Ashie out of no where got this surge of confidence! She knew exactly what to do, she had seen Hatsuka do it to her brother so many times around the house in order to confuse him! Giggling she would fold her hands together with her fore finger and middle finger pointing up and pressed together she would channel chakra though out her body. Giving a soft chuckle she would press her chakra out making a 'Poof!' and smoke would cover her entire body as she grew another couple inches and as soon as the smoke clears what is to be revealed? Long straight black hair and a familiar cloak covers this boys body as the smoke shows a familiar, evil smirk. His childish voice would sound through the echoey room, "Iiiiiiii'm Baaaaaack!" A resounding laughter of her brother would shake the entire room and send an aura of doom for the poor remodeled academy. Hopefully startling her proctor knowing very well that her brother was well known for being a mini-terrorist Ashie would pretend her threatening walk towards him. Leaning forward she would take a deep breath before bursting out into her girly laughter pulling away from her proctor's form, "I was just joking Sir!" There's another 'Poof!' before the smoke clears again to reveal the small girl that stood there at the beginning, "I figured that one would give you a little scare! I apologize!"

Ashie Looking towards her proctor so that she may continue with her exam she would take another deep breath. 'Just one more jutsu!' Ashie would think excitedly, she knew that she was so close to getting one of those shiny headbands sitting on the table. She wanted to make her family proud by getting her head band. She was so tired of being a little girl, she wanted to join her sibblings on their missions. Taking another deep breath resuming the stance she had taking before she would once again concentrate deeply and even out her chakra. To help with forming her jutsu, she would picture a reflection of herself in front of her. Upon opening her eyes would be her most recent aquired Masutaii, one tomoe would circle around her pupil slowly. Just like before a 'Poof!' would sound through out the room as she preformed her jutsu. Ashie had to smirk seeing at the corner of her eye her perfect reflection standing right next to her signalling that she had performed the jutsu correctly. The clone would be standing in the same concentration stance that all students were taught coming into the acedemy, feet parted atleast a foot away from each other with hands folded and its Masutaai spinning in the exact same position and speed as Ashie's is spinning. Ashie hoped that the Masutaii was a nice touch to her reflection standing next to her. Making it go away with a loud 'Poof!' the room would sound quieter than usual. Ashe would stand proud with her arms by her side waiting nervously for her proctor's approval. With arms shaking with fear the silence of the room making her oh so scared that she could possibly fail, 'No...' she thought, 'I am my Father's daughter, I cannot fail!'

[Word count 879 words....!]
Samuru Uchiha
Samuru Uchiha
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Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Empty Re: Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sun May 19, 2013 2:16 am
The proctor looks upon the girl, a smile soon destined to fade as smoke envelops her, the sound and form of the anti-christ himself being seen, this proctor particular being the one that passed Samuru for his exam.
The mans face begins to look horrified, his eyes wide at the form of the body, his tone striking to his very core.
After seeing the girl complete the last jutsu, with a shaking right hand caused by horror stories of the boy he grabs a headband and extends his hands towards her. "Where ever did you see that boy?" he questions with a shaky tone.

[Pass, congrats on getting Genin]
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Empty Re: Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sun May 19, 2013 12:09 pm
The small girl would smile big before taking the head band and thinking of where to place it. Thinking of many possibilities she ties the headband around her neck. Looking at her proctor to answer his question, "Where? He's my big brother!" She smiles big before bowing and turning to leave the Academy with the biggest smile on her face.

[Exit, Thank you!]
Samuru Uchiha
Samuru Uchiha
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Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Empty Re: Ashie's Genin EXAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sun May 19, 2013 5:50 pm
The man has begun to calm himself, every slightly with each passing second, this however changes when the girl says that he is her brother, holding it back until she leaves the room he screams, "There are more of them?!"
With this he begins writing a letter to the Hokage, alerting him of such.

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